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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Since Karstark wasn't at the sit down, I assume that he died at the battle. It's kind of weird that they gave Umber so much screentime and then have Karstark die off screen.
Yep. The travel times in the show make no sense whatsoever. Like, how did Arya get all the way to the Twins? There's pretty much no indication of how much time has passed in the show, but characters jumping all over the map are confusing and immersion breaking in my view.
Now the Arya thing makes more sense. We don't know when the Baavos storyline took place compared to the Westeros storyline. It could be a Bourne Legacy thing where part of the movie is taking place during the events of Ultimatum
Now the Arya thing makes more sense. We don't know when the Baavos storyline took place compared to the Westeros storyline. It could be a Bourne Legacy thing where part of the movie is taking place during the events of Ultimatum
That's exactly what is happening. These varying plotlines, though contained in the same episode or season, are taking place at varying lengths of time. Only when characters actually share screen time together do we see merging of timelines.

Some say "teleporter" but it's just them being clever with being contained to a ten episode season.


I think before finales there's always the fear that the hype/expectation won't match the actual episode. This definitely did, particularly the opening focus on the Lannisters. The music added so much to that scene and the slow realisation that Cersei was up to something was fantastic, and genuinely shocking. As was Tommen's death.

I also feel that we're in a really good place now with the show as the houses are moving towards a single place (King's Landing). Obviously the White Walkers are going to mess things up severely and it'll be interesting see how they manage who dies, survives and, ultimately wins.


So many gorgeously shot moments in this episode. But I loved the inauguration most of all. It felt like a funeral rather than a celebration.

And Cersei's costume was absolutely divine. Dark, dramatic, armoured as if ready for a battle... the perfect complement to what she has become. A malevolent force with nothing to lose, who is bent only on revenge.
Yeah, the cinematography in this episode is second only to Hannibal. Like, this is one of the best looking episodes of television ever. Its better framed and shot than many movies. Damn.

Also, Cersie's outfit tells me that she planned out, and facilitated, Tommen's suicide. She knew she was being crowned queen from the start of this episode and it wasn't a coincidence that he was trapped in a room with a perfect view to the Sept + a Tommen-sized open window. She wanted his death to look like he died with those in the Sept.

She mourned him throughout the season, this episode she did not mourn: only fulfill her prophecy.
I think before finales there's always the fear that the hype/expectation won't match the actual episode. This definitely did
I've learned to not build up expectations too much for Game of Thrones finale's. Typically they save the big stuff for episode 8/9 and then the finale is more about tying up loose ends and setting things up for the direction of the next season. So a finale like last nights goes above and beyond my expectations. It's nice to just let whatever happens happen without getting wrapped up in hype.


Game of Thrones is already the most complicated show on TV. Like, no other show even holds a candle to it.

If they tried to actually sync timelines, it'd either be nonsensical or dull.


Realized why the servant was eying Jamie so intensely
He is next



Amazing episode, outside of character teleportions.

While the fleet looked great, I didn't see anywhere the dragons could land to rest. Are we to assume that they can fly for weeks/months?

We're also left to assume the unsullied are just standing on the decks of the ships at attention and in formation for weeks based on the first shot of that scene. I laughed and then tried not to think about it too much.


I hated Margaery until this season. Seeing her get killed like this made me angry. Wtf?
Lady Olenna shutting it down tho, #badpu$$y was shook.
That shot of Tommen walking out the window, gif worthy lol
The ep should have ended with Cersei sitting on the throne, I'm tired of Daenerys always closing the finales.


Game of Thrones is already the most complicated show on TV. Like, no other show even holds a candle to it.

If they tried to actually sync timelines, it'd either be nonsensical or dull.

What? There's no reason to give it a pass on this. Portraying the passage of time is a very basic director skill. The show has done a really shit job with it.


What? There's no reason to give it a pass on this. Portraying the passage of time is a very basic director skill. The show has done a really shit job with it.

Showing the passage of time in a linear timeline is a "basic directorial skill".

Communicating that Jaime's storyline takes place over 2 weeks, where Jon's is 2 days - is not easy to sensibly do.


Elden Member
Re-watched the final scene with Snow and Sansa.

She's definitely not happy, which is why the final shot was her looking at LF with the "huh I guess my half brother who is technically a Snow is going to rule over the North and not me...." look.

You definitely misread that scene. She looks happy when Jon is being declared king of the north, its not until she looks at Little Finger and sees him unhappy, than connects the dots, that she suddenly appears worried. She realizes he has the power to manipulate the north and kill Jon easily, and she just insulted him not 2 scenes prior.


Davos is quickly becoming one of my favourite characters in the show. I've always liked him and I'm glad they've give him more screen time and some very memorable scenes.


Where are people getting the prophecies from? I just rewatched the fortuneteller scene and there's no mention of Cersei's children dying before her (even though she brings it up when her daughter dies) or her brother killing her. Was it expanded upon at some other time by someone other character?

Neither was Frey. Arya's in no fucks given mode.
Frey's mentioned several times by Arya when reciting her list I think.

You definitely misread that scene. She looks happy when Jon is being declared king of the north, its not until she looks at Little Finger and sees him unhappy, than connects the dots, that she suddenly appears worried. She realizes he has the power to manipulate the north and kill Jon easily, and she just insulted him not 2 scenes prior.

Yeah I don't see any conflict arising between Jon and Sansa. Don't why people are reading it so differently.
First 20 minutes was outstanding. The music and attention to Cersei's wardrobe was fantastic. I can't help feel a little bit cheated though. Cersei is not as smart as her opponents in King's Landing. She was clearly loosing and was about to face the music except for the fact that her Maester is her trump card who managed to: 1. Bring Ser Gregor back from the dead stronger than ever 2. Find the hidden stash of wildfire no one else knows about and 3. orchestrate blowing it up killing everyone inside the temple. Maester Qyburn should be wearing the crown instead of the pin.


First 20 minutes was outstanding. The music and attention to Cersei's wardrobe was fantastic. I can't help feel a little bit cheated though. Cersei is not as smart as her opponents in King's Landing. She was clearly loosing and was about to face the music except for the fact that her Maester is her trump card who managed to: 1. Bring Ser Gregor back from the dead stronger than ever 2. Find the hidden stash of wildfire no one else knows about and 3. orchestrate blowing it up killing everyone inside the temple.

Qyburn resurrecting The Mountain was a huge boon for her, clearly.

The rest was Cersei's plan. She knew about the Wild Fire through Jaime - who knew that secret caches of it were placed under-ground, under major thoroughfares, including the Sept of Baelor. She sent him to investigate it after she developed that plan.


It seems pretty clear one of the themes of the show is women coming into power. The show's always had strong female characters with some control in a behind the scenes kind of way, but now they're breaking through and gaining real power.

Daenerys is the most obvious example. She went from being treated as a piece of property to a world-conquering queen.

Cersei has always been more strong-willed but was really in a similar position to Dany. Tywin just used her as a tool to forge alliances and produce sons without any regard for what she wanted. Even with her husband and father out of the way she was relegated to being Queen Mother and expected to just fade into the background. Now she's queen of the seven kingdoms. Temporarily at least.

Yara Greyjoy has positioned herself to rule the Iron Islands if her uncle is defeated.

Ellaria Sand staged a successful coup and now rules Dorne.

Sansa was close to ruling the north but seems to have been superseded by Jon.

Arya was able to overcome her expectations as a Lady and gain her freedom.

And along the way we've been introduced to House Tyrell and Mormont, both ruled by strong women. Well, a woman and a girl.
Cersei getting herself into deeper water than she can swim in had been a theme for a long time. She has mishandled pretty much everything since Robert's death and she's only survived because of her smart, competent familly (Tyrion in S2, Tywin in 4) or being more evil and richer than her opponents (5 and 6, vs the Tyrells). And yes, Qyburn has carried her a lot of the way recently.


In the beginning of the series it was Varys and Littlefinger trying to out maneuver each other politically. Now both have fully revealed their teleportation powers.

Lady Mormont is the most badass character on the show.

Arya did learn something after all. Walder Frey got ethered by Jamie.

Uncle Benjen can't pass the wall but he could have at least taken his crippled nephew there. Did he just leave him in the middle of nowhere?

Sucks that Margaery died and we don't get to see what she was actually planning.
Really wish people would relax with this 'teleportation' business.


I was honestly surprised LF said he wanted to sit on the throne. I always took him as a 'control from behind the scenes' kind of guy.

That being said, if he knew Jon was a Targaryn, why wouldn't he have killed him lonnnnnnnnnnng ago? Clearly he knew he was in line for the throne and technically in his way.


Robert's rebellion (the war that made Robert Baratheon king and is the reason Dany is coming back to retake her true throne) started cause Rhagaer (Dany's much older brother) "kidnapped" Lyanna Stark (they fell in love). I'm sure you can piece it from here.

Jons father is a Targaryen. He is straight up related to Daenerys. (Thank god for spell check.) Robert, the King that died season 1 would have killed Snow if he had know he had Targaryen blood the same way he tried to have Daenerys killed, so to fulfill the promise to his sister, Ned Stark claimed Jon was HIS bastard and never told anyone.

Jons father is a Targaryen. He is straight up related to Daenerys. (Thank god for spell check.) Robert, the King that died season 1 would have killed Snow as an infant if he had known Jon had Targaryen blood the same way he tried to have Daenerys killed; so to fulfill the promise to his sister, Ned Stark claimed Jon was HIS bastard and never told anyone.

haha...I was just joking, but I appreciate the responses. It was asked a couple times per page the last few pages when i had asked.

That was some really dark shit with Arya man. Like I want the Freys to get some just desserts, but you don't come back from shit like that, and that smile. Jesus Arya, don't let it consume you girl.

Noo, she is perfect!


Does anyone have a proper picture when Gregor Clegane took of his helmet?

Bet the nun does.


I was honestly surprised LF said he wanted to sit on the throne. I always took him as a 'control from behind the scenes' kind of guy.

That being said, if he knew Jon was a Targaryn, why wouldn't he have killed him lonnnnnnnnnnng ago? Clearly he knew he was in line for the throne and technically in his way.

Varys tells us Littlefinger would be the King of ashes if he could, meaning that Littlefinger does ultimately lust for the throne. He just doesn't care how he gets it, or what's leftover, as long as he gets it.


They don't need to. Nor should they.

I disagree. Passage of time (and good pacing) is important to give events their meaning, give breathing room and time for reflection (for both the audience and the characters). The show was never good at and at this stage with everything ramping up for a finale I don't see them addressing this. It's also difficult since they have limited screen time to work with so it's understandable from a production perspective (but not ideal otherwise).


I did a map of Westeros. Blue is on the Fuck Cersei side, red is pro-Cersei, yellow undeclared (though with Walder Frey dead the Tully lands are easy pickings for the North). She'll be Queen of nothing.



Really wish people would relax with this 'teleportation' business.


I was honestly surprised LF said he wanted to sit on the throne. I always took him as a 'control from behind the scenes' kind of guy.

That being said, if he knew Jon was a Targaryn, why wouldn't he have killed him lonnnnnnnnnnng ago? Clearly he knew he was in line for the throne and technically in his way.

He doesn't know Jon is a Targaryen.
I just woke up. I had a horrible dream in which last night's episode was the last one of the season and I had to wait a full year for more game of thrones.

Can't wait for next Sunday's episode :)



This episode....
Kings Landing first half of the episode.

One of the best directed episodes I have ever seen. The wildfire explosion was magnificent. We all saw it was going to happen, the tension was real.

Even Tommen's death was painful.





Bravo, first original Game of Thrones episode I genuinely liked.
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