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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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The Lannisters are a spent force. They have no allies. They have no money - their gold mines have run dry and the Iron Bank has no reason to keep funding them. King's Landing is about to starve since I'm sure the Tyrells have ceased supplying them. How can they even field an army?


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I wonder if the same director and DP were involved in the last two episodes. Because both were startling in their cinematography, noticeable improvements from the rest of the season. The audiovisuals of this last episode were spectacular with so many beautifully framed shots. It gave the show an identity complete unique from anything else on TV, which hasn't really been the case in the past.


I wonder if the same director and DP were involved in the last two episodes. Because both were startling in their cinematography, noticeable improvements from the rest of the season. The audiovisuals of this last episode were spectacular with so many beautifully framed shots. It gave the show an identity complete unique from anything else on TV, which hasn't really been the case in the past.

Same director.
Same that did the Hardhome battle as well.


The Lannisters are a spent force. They have no allies. They have no money - their gold mines have run dry and the Iron Bank has no reason to keep funding them. King's Landing is about to starve since I'm sure the Tyrells have ceased supplying them. How can they even field an army?

Cersei's reign will indeed be short-lived


It'll be interesting to see where they're going to take Jorah's story if anywhere at all.

I think Jorah is 100% coming back. We as viewers know there is a "cure" or at least something that stops the spreading because Shireen was given that by her father. Also the sequence with Daario this episode and how Daenerys said to Tyrion that she just wanted to get it over with made the moment she had with Jorah much more significant in hindsight. That affected her greatly.

There is no way he doesn't show up in future episodes.


So at a guess it's going to be Cersei/Euron (total guess but that fleet's gonna need a use) vs Dany/Dorne/Tyrells next season with the Starks figuring in somewhere, as the last conflict before the Walkers come.

I would guess there will be a bit of a time skip but from the way Varys was teleporting around the globe Dany should have reached Westeros in a couple of days, tops.


The Lannisters are a spent force. They have no allies. They have no money - their gold mines have run dry and the Iron Bank has no reason to keep funding them. King's Landing is about to starve since I'm sure the Tyrells have ceased supplying them. How can they even field an army?

Sounds like Highgarden needs some freedom.


I think Jorah is 100% coming back. We as viewers know there is a "cure" or at least something that stops the spreading because Shireen was given that by her father. Also the sequence with Daario this episode and how Daenerys said to Tyrion that she just wanted to get it over with made the moment she had with Jorah much more significant in hindsight. That affected her greatly.

There is no way he doesn't show up in future episodes.
Melisandre provided the cure for Shireen, right? Can't remember.


So is this the straw that breaks the camel's back for Jaime? I mean at some point he has to realise that Cersei is a really fucking bad person, she caused their son to commit suicide and immediately usurps his position as ruler.
I just realized how much the last 30 minutes or so of Loras Tyrell's life sucked. Public humiliation followed by torture followed by death via incineration.

From @JimmyDonofrio
So at a guess it's going to be Cersei/Euron (total guess but that fleet's gonna need a use) vs Dany/Dorne/Tyrells next season with the Starks figuring in somewhere, as the last conflict before the Walkers come.

I would guess there will be a bit of a time skip but from the way Varys was teleporting around the globe Dany should have reached Westeros in a couple of days, tops.

I guess Jon cares more about the white walkers than the kingdom and he might have some problems with the knights of the Vale...


King's Landing is about to starve since I'm sure the Tyrells have ceased supplying them.

That and the arrival of the worst winter in 1,000 years. People are going to starve. I've always agreed with the theory that GRRM writes such over-the-top descriptions of food and feasts in the early books to contrast with the famine that's coming... Don't know how much the show will be able to get into that in the short time they have.
The Lannisters are a spent force. They have no allies. They have no money - their gold mines have run dry and the Iron Bank has no reason to keep funding them. King's Landing is about to starve since I'm sure the Tyrells have ceased supplying them. How can they even field an army?

I'm guessing Cersei will last a few episodes and go out with a bang but ultimately be steam rolled. She has no regard for the peasants of King's Landing so I'm sure she will make sure the siege is as bloody as she can make it. This will also, likely lead to what everyone assumes, Jamie will be forced to kill her like he killed the Mad King.


Melisandre provided the cure for Shireen, right? Can't remember.

Not sure. I remember Stannis saying he brought every healer/maester he could find and they found a cure, could be that Mel was one of those healers but I don't remember it being stated clearly.


I can't wait for Jaime's inevitable title of 'Queenslayer' to come around. And I hope the events leading up to that title being earned are beautiful. Cersei really needs to be bought down a peg or ten. I think she knew Tommen would kill himself after losing his wife, and she just didn't care. Her eyes were, as they always have been, on the throne.
My interpretation of that exchange was Sansa realizing that Jon is now standing in Littlefinger's way, and that Jon is now in serious danger. Not that she is going to be in cahoots with him.

But I could be wrong.
I've been reading a lot of pages and haven't fully caught up, but this is how I interpreted it as well. If that's the case, Sansa vs Littlefinger will be one of the matchups similar to the sister/brother Lannister match up for the first half of the final season. I'd like to think Sansa gets him, but my fear is that this season it's been all good guys getting Ws. You have to think the wheels will turn at some point next season when we get the WTF flips. I can also see Sansa getting slayed by Littlefinger. :\


He measures in centimeters
I'm guessing Cersei will last a few episodes and go out with a bang but ultimately be steam rolled. She has no regard for the peasants of King's Landing so I'm sure she will make sure the siege is as bloody as she can make it.

Yeah she'll be caught up in Hurricane Daenerys which will see her out of the game without too much delay (I'm guessing end of next season).


That and the arrival of the worst winter in 1,000 years. People are going to starve. I've always agreed with the theory that GRRM writes such over-the-top descriptions of food and feasts in the early books to contrast with the famine that's coming... Don't know how much the show will be able to get into that in the short time they have.

It's going to be weird seeing King's Landing dark and dreary. That all seems to be leading to the big battle between the dead and the living. Daenerys is heading over there expecting to take the throne which I imagine isn't going to be too difficult for her at that point.

That was a really good finale though, no crazy cliffhangers and they actually tied up most of the loose ends so we can have a nice tidy go at the last 2 seasons. If these last two keep of the quality I can see this being one of the best series of TV, especially with an 8 season run.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Re-watched the final scene with Snow and Sansa.

She's definitely not happy, which is why the final shot was her looking at LF with the "huh I guess my half brother who is technically a Snow is going to rule over the North and not me...." look.

Not to rag on you personally, but the Sansa being pissed at Jon for usurping her claim and the Dany will burn Jon theories are so weird. My problem with Sansa last episode was over her not informing Jon about the Knights of the Vale, not that she was in leagues with LF to harm her Jon. This episode addressed that. Why do people insist in ignoring evidence shown repeatedly on the show? Dany is not going to burn Jon, and neither is Sansa pissed about Jon being named King of the North.


Next season is going to be fucking nuts but the season after that... Does anyone else have very little interest in the zombie/apocalypse themes of the White Walker plot? I'm not sure how interesting a White Walker war can be.


Next season is going to be fucking nuts but the season after that... Does anyone else have very little interest in the zombie/apocalypse themes of the White Walker plot? I'm not sure how interesting a White Walker war can be.

Think Hardhome for 6 straight episodes.
Not to rag on you personally, but the Sansa being pissed at Jon for usurping her claim and the Dany will burn Jon theories are so weird. My problem with Sansa last episode was over her not informing Jon about the Knights of the Vale, not that she was in leagues with LF to harm her Jon. This episode addressed that. Why do people insist in ignoring evidence shown repeatedly on the show? Dany is not going to burn Jon, and neither is Sansa pissed about Jon being named King of the North.

I don't think she was in leagues with LF to fuck over Jon during BoB, that's silly.

But I do think that she is kinda miffed at basically being thrown to the side when if it wasn't for her none of this would have even been possible.

idk, she really didn't smile or anything, and some of the actors did basically hint that there might be some conflict between the two, which wouldn't be unreasonable considering Jon is a bastard and she has been working her ass off to never be in a position where she can be used as a pawn for someone else's gain.
Loved the episode but everything about Arya bothered me. The last time she used a face Jaqen warned her that using them if you aren't 'no one' is like poison and she went blind from it. She's clearly Arya now so how can she use a face without consequences? And presumably she stole it from the House as I'm sure they need some special magical preparation? It made for a cool moment but I wish all this stuff wasn't just glossed over.


I'm sad we didn't get more of the new red woman
She is obviously immensely powerful, seem to eclipse Melisandre by quite a bit
it's a little bit heart wrenching with Tommen, sure he was a clueless little puppy dog with a shiny hat but he clearly and legitimately loved Margaery, so much so that he lemming'd himself right out that window. Poor little guy...

Incredible episode.


Think Hardhome for 6 straight episodes.
I love Hardhome but is that level of action going to be engaging for an entire season? I can only guess that Martin has something up his sleeve for that final arc. There has to be some political element we can't predict.
Loved the episode but everything about Arya bothered me. The last time she used a face Jaqen warned her that using them if you aren't 'no one' is like poison and she went blind from it. She's clearly Arya now so how can she use a face without consequences? And presumably she stole it from the House as I'm sure they need some special magical preparation? It made for a cool moment but I wish all this stuff wasn't just glossed over.

I think it's pretty clear that she was never supposed to be no-one, and Jaqen knew that
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