Think Hardhome for 6 straight episodes.
How is Varys at Dorne and on Dany's ships?
You can say whatever you want about weeks passing between scenes and whatnot, but getting from Westeros to Essos within 25 minutes in one episode is just poorly paced and confusing.
The Lannisters are a spent force. They have no allies. They have no money - their gold mines have run dry and the Iron Bank has no reason to keep funding them. King's Landing is about to starve since I'm sure the Tyrells have ceased supplying them. How can they even field an army?
How is Varys at Dorne and on Dany's ships?
How is Varys at Dorne and on Dany's ships?
You think sansa wont betray Jon?
it's a little bit heart wrenching with Tommen, sure he was a clueless little puppy dog with a shiny hat but he clearly and legitimately loved Margaery, so much so that he lemming'd himself right out that window. Poor little guy...
Incredible episode.
How is Varys at Dorne and on Dany's ships?
That whole opening scene can't be praised enough
Last year, I said Sicario's Juarez convoy scene was the most tense of 2015, how its cinematography and music perfectly coalesced to deliver moment after moment of growing tension and suspense
I'd think that whole opening Sept sequence might be 2016's. It was just wonderfully paced and edited, moving the pieces into place, the music building along with our gradual realization, as events descended into bloodshed and chaos before reaching the ultimate explosive crescendo and payoff for 2 seasons of Cersei/Sparrow maneuvering and 6 seasons of Cersei's ruthless rise
I love Hardhome but is that level of action going to be engaging for an entire season? I can only guess that Martin has something up his sleeve for that final arc. There has to be some political element we can't predict.
That's not going to happen.
If anything, they will have offscreen battles like in the previous years. I think some of the final battles will be seen and witnessed, but I have a feeling we're going to simply hear about houses falling to the Walkers as Jon and Co. are driven south to escape White Walkers.
Honestly, something like this should take at least a year (or me) of real world time to do, maybe more. Seeing months go by as winter gets worse and worse, jumping from castle to castle would be extremely interesting.
I think I saw Dorne ships in the fleet, not sure tho
The director of the the last two episodes....
Give this man a damn promotion
Based on all the movement of characters, this episode likely covered months of time.
He's going to be the next Rian Johnson. I just hope he doesnt waste his talents in Marvel movies.
Keep him away from Justice League as well. Zach Snyder has done irreparable damage to that franchise already.
Anyone want to take bets on how long they last?
I give it 3 episodes before one of the dozens of factions of people that want her dead seal the deal.
Yep. Im just so upset that Margaery is gone. She was too smart. It still makes me sick. Haven't felt this way in a long time since Red Wedding I think.
I'm not sure about what Varys is planning.
Did he just go to Dorn to get ships for Dany's army, since he wouldn't have been there when the Greyjoy outlaws showed up?
Or is he planning a double-cross?
That part was very vague to me. I couldn't read his intent and they were speaking in code about some general vengeance, most of which is obviously guided toward the Lannisters.
she's going to get nerfed so hard next seasons.
The 13 episode thing is just a guess (their word) D&D threw out there before the season but that sounds about rightBut next season is 7 episodes and the last season 6 right? I could be wrong. So I expect the next season to handle all the politics of Westeros and ending with the Wall breaking down. And the final season being the battle against the White Walkers with Bran probably doing a lot of time travel.
I'm not sure about what Varys is planning.
Did he just go to Dorn to get ships for Dany's army, since he wouldn't have been there when the Greyjoy outlaws showed up?
Or is he planning a double-cross?
That part was very vague to me. I couldn't read his intent and they were speaking in code about some general vengeance, most of which is obviously guided toward the Lannisters.
i dont get the play of the game stuffs
I'm not sure about what Varys is planning.
Did he just go to Dorn to get ships for Dany's army, since he wouldn't have been there when the Greyjoy outlaws showed up?
Or is he planning a double-cross?
That part was very vague to me. I couldn't read his intent and they were speaking in code about some general vengeance, most of which is obviously guided toward the Lannisters.
He got that Kage Bunshin no Jutsu down.How is Varys at Dorne and on Dany's ships?
That whole opening scene can't be praised enough
Last year, I said Sicario's Juarez convoy scene was the most tense of 2015, how its cinematography and music perfectly coalesced to deliver moment after moment of growing tension and suspense
I'd think that whole opening Sept sequence might be 2016's. It was just wonderfully paced and edited, moving the pieces into place, the music building along with our gradual realization, as events descended into bloodshed and chaos before reaching the ultimate explosive crescendo and payoff for 2 seasons of Cersei/Sparrow maneuvering and 6 seasons of Cersei's ruthless rise
I'm not sure about what Varys is planning.
Did he just go to Dorn to get ships for Dany's army, since he wouldn't have been there when the Greyjoy outlaws showed up?
Or is he planning a double-cross?
That part was very vague to me. I couldn't read his intent and they were speaking in code about some general vengeance, most of which is obviously guided toward the Lannisters.
Wow...that is one of the most perfectly nerdy things I have ever seen. So, so funny.
Re-watched the final scene with Snow and Sansa.
She's definitely not happy, which is why the final shot was her looking at LF with the "huh I guess my half brother who is technically a Snow is going to rule over the North and not me...." look.
From @JimmyDonofrio
So, no one has a problem with the Dothraki conveniently and blindly dropping their life to fight for Dany?
I also just realized that they'd make great fodder for the Others. They number 10s of thousands, dont they?
I'm not sure about what Varys is planning.
Did he just go to Dorn to get ships for Dany's army, since he wouldn't have been there when the Greyjoy outlaws showed up?
Or is he planning a double-cross?
That part was very vague to me. I couldn't read his intent and they were speaking in code about some general vengeance, most of which is obviously guided toward the Lannisters.
It's probably been mentioned already, but can I just state how fantastic that opening track was? The piano caught me off guard at first as I'm not used to hearing that be the featured instrument in Thrones, but what a perfect song to accompany the events unfolding on-screen, with a masterful, epic (and I don't use that word lightly) build-up. Really made you feel like something huge was about to happen.