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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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To me I see Dany as a person who wishes to change the "old ways". In my opinion that includes what the Dothraki stand for (including the raping and pillaging). As for their motivations, they've always been about following the strongest leader. For someone like Dany to show up that has dragons and takes control of slavers bay... she's done what other Dothraki can only dream of accomplishing. That's why I imagine they're following her.

OK, following the strongest seems like a good explanation. Still, she's a woman, and unlike them. They seem to be spooked by magic too, yet have no issue with a fireproof woman.

They just feel completely faceless to me. I can understand this from the Unsullied because that is who they are.

But the Dothraki are seemingly more complex. There are different tribes, they are patriarchal, they live a successful life in the East, they are horse people.

It just seems unbelievable how such a mass number choose to follow Dany's cause without problem.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Guys, his name is Miguel Sapochnik. Remember his name because he's directed three of the best episodes the last two seasons (including last season's best, Hardhorne).

I know what his name is. Rian Johnson came out Breaking Bad directing some of its best episodes like Ozymandias and landed the job of Star Wars Episode 8.


Are people saying Sansa might betray Jon only because of the look between her and littlefinger? If it's because of that just rewatch the episode because you misinterpreted that scene.
I'm reading it as her being more aware of what's happening than before. She's not as naive as she used to be.


I disagree. I don't see Sansa being in a place of mind to worry about power politics just yet. She's finally reunited with a friendly, familiar face who she can actually trust without playing games. She's not thinking about burning that bridge because she suddenly is power hungry. I mean, it could happen but I would say it makes no sense at all and would be hands down the stupidest twist in the entire series.

I mean, we've already seen Sansa feeling under-appreciated to the point that she withholds important information from Jon. It's not something that's just a stupid twist coming out of nowhere. You may not like it, but it's not just some random thing. Littlefinger is prodding at feelings Sansa is already having herself. He's gonna try to manipulate her to undermine Jon. Sansa is smarter now though, and knows that Littlefinger can't be trusted, but we'll have to see if rational logic can override emotional logic. She's at the very least considering and reflecting on what Littlefinger has said when she looks at him at the King in the North scene.
Are people saying Sansa might betray Jon only because of the look between her and littlefinger? If it's because of that just rewatch the episode because you misinterpreted that scene.

It's very clear that they love each other. At best, Sansa hurts Jon's feelings and some bullshit happens, or LF does some scheming. But in no way is Sansa power hungry or wanting to rule the people and sees Jon as an opponent.

Why are people thinking so little of Sansa's character?


Awesome all of you. Thank you.

And just to clarify, Jon Stark's mother giving birth to Jon mean he is a Targaryen (sp)?

That was the going speculation for a while and is pretty much all but confirmed at this point. If Lyanna saying something to the effect of "Robert will kill him if he finds out" didn't sell it, then the shot of the baby cutting immediately to Jon Snow sure as hell did.

And final question, Margaery isn't dead right? It was all a dream?

We can only hope.



Nope, Season 5 is the only season of the show where I felt like it overall meandered too much & was just really drab. Outside of Hardhomme, wasn't much to love from last year's stories. If anything, this season did a great job of quickly pivoting the characters away from their Season 5 story arcs & into new territory. Also Season 4 is one of my favorites personally.
Perhaps that's it. Maybe I'm just an inherently patient person, but generally the slower pacing of the show doesn't bother me. Season 5's pacing had different issues, though, more so than it simply being slow at times.

2 is probably a lot better now that we know so much more about what happens and the world. When I was watching it the first time, I remember being very frustrated that it wasn't giving me the information I wanted, esp. with Dany, which at the same time felt like total wheel-spinning (compared to Mereen, though, season 2 Dany is the Flash of plotting).


So BenJen couldn't go past the wall because like the White Walkers he is dead too? I didn't really understand why he couldn't go.
Where were they anyway? Even further north or already heading south near the wall and that's why he's bailing?


IMO Jon is too dumb to be the King.. he has the same flaws as Ned and already died once. Gotta go with team Danaerys + Tyrion
Lol. Fine. But no way are the Dothraki redeemable. They are rapists. They will fuck over innocent people, which feels like a betrayal of Dany's rule over the cities of esteros

Yes, but again, Dany herself betrays that vision when her first impulse is always to kill everyone who isn't on her side at that moment.


Neo Member
Lol. Fine. But no way are the Dothraki redeemable. They are rapists. They will fuck over innocent people, which feels like a betrayal of Dany's rule over the cities of esteros

I disagree. I think they are redeemable. I don't believe their desire to pillage and rape is stronger than following the will of their leader. She turned the unsullied from faceless soldiers into an army with free will, she's turned slavers bay around, she's tamed dragons, and following that she's trying to turn the Dothraki into a more disciplined group of fighters that follow rules. Additionally I don't think Dany has actually written off the whole pillaging and raping thing. She may allow them some freedom. Hard to say.

qcf x2

Great finale, this has been a strong comeback season imo. However, two things...

1. I'm mad that Cersei always wins, she's had hero plot armor from season 1.
2. Speaking of plot armor, now Daenerys has an army 1,000,000x more powerful than anybody else, so... who is she planning to steamroll with it? Since steamrolling seems to be her style, weak as she is at diplomacy and charisma and all that. Just seems like she's been the rich getting richer for as long as Cersei has had plot armor. Pretty boring, despite the cool visuals. Though if I'm answering my own question, it looks like the showdown next season will be Cersei vs Daenerys. I would expect it to be interesting, except mutant mountain and wildfire isn't going to do a solitary thing against dragons.

Sucks Margery had to go, she was smart and would've made a good ruler.

Edit: bold prediction!
Jaimie kills Cersei and becomes the first ever double kingslayer. Now that she's got what she always wanted, she's going to be even crazier and probably do exactly what the mad king did.


Sansa's story in the finale:

Littlefinger - Hey, I want the Iron Throne, and you by my side.

Sansa - lol, no

Littlefinger - Come on, you're a true Stark. You won the battle. You're more deserving than a bastard.

Sansa - Nah, I'm out.

*Jon is proclaimed King in the North*

Sansa - Damn, this is awesome! The North is united again!

Littlefinger uses Knowing Stare. It's super effective.

Sansa - Oh wait, is this awesome? They're doing exactly what Littlefinger said, praising Jon and ignoring me. Littlefinger's a shithead, but was he right? At the very least he's gonna be a problem going forward that I'll have to deal with. Dammit, now I have conflicted feelings.
Yes, but again, Dany herself betrays that vision when her first impulse is always to kill everyone who isn't on her side at that moment.

Tyrion though seems to be a really good influence on her and she seems to be maturing and becoming a better leader. For a long time I was anti Dany just because she seemed overly ruthless and frankly like she could become some sort of messed up Queen like her father. But her relationship with Tyrion has changed that for me and I think he's had a very positive help in her growth



First off, I'm not sure if the people mentioned watched this video before saying that about Sansa.

Secondly, I don't think Sansa has the kind of mistrust that would lead her to betray Jon; I think they rather mean that she mistrusts Jon in terms of being a leader since he's still very naive and not capable of leading the North on his own.

Of all people Sansa knows this which is why I expect her to pull the strings in the background ensuring the safety of her family and her home while Jon is more or less the face of the Starks and the muscle.

A betrayal by Sansa would make no sense at all; Littlefinger is the next man she has to work against after Joffrey and Ramsay

Edit: Also, I wouldn't take a featurette as indication for anything tbh, they could be talking shit for talking shit's sake
Great finale, this has been a strong comeback season imo. However, two things...

1. I'm mad that Cersei always wins, she's had hero plot armor from season 1.

Sucks Margery had to go, she was smart and would've made a good ruler.

Cersei had and entire season of absolute rock bottom, she certainly does not always win. She thought she was being clever with bringing in the High Septon and that bit her in the ass. She lost all her kids now, and essentially had lost all her power this whole season since the Shame walk. She was playing the game pretty well, and as much as we can all hate her her "plot armor" is actually grounded and logical versus the plot armor of some other characters.

What a power move this episode though. Just as we lost a great villian in Ramsay, we get the resurgence of Cersei back as queen bee.


I'm not sure if Cersei's win is exactly a win. The High Sparrow took her last son with him before getting lit up by the green flames. Now a lioness with all RIP'd cubs, I suppose she has even less to lose now.
I just realized how much the last 30 minutes or so of Loras Tyrell's life sucked. Public humiliation followed by torture followed by death via incineration.

I just realized how much the the last couple of years of Edmure Tully sucked.
Lots of his family-members get killed, he gets locked in a cell on his wedding day, never sees his son, is allowed to leave to play the door opener for the Lannisters and Freys, gets his uncle killed, gets put back into chains.
Sansa's story in the finale:

Littlefinger - Hey, I want the Iron Throne, and you by my side.

Sansa - lol, no

Littlefinger - Come on, you're a true Stark. You won the battle. You're more deserving than a bastard.

Sansa - Nah, I'm out.

*Jon is proclaimed King in the North*

Sansa - Damn, this is awesome! The North is united again!

Littlefinger uses Knowing Stare. It's super effective.

Sansa - Oh wait, is this awesome? They're doing exactly what Littlefinger said, praising Jon and ignoring me. Littlefinger's a shithead, but was he right? Dammit, now I have conflicted feelings.

Pretty much 100% sure you have the correct interpretation here. It's not that Sansa is thinking oh man I'm going to betray Jon. It's that Littlefinger is being the fantastic player of the game that he is and is sowing seeds of doubt in her. I don't think she will betray Jon though.


It's probably been mentioned already, but can I just state how fantastic that opening track was? The piano caught me off guard at first as I'm not used to hearing that be the featured instrument in Thrones, but what a perfect song to accompany the events unfolding on-screen, with a masterful, epic (and I don't use that word lightly) build-up. Really made you feel like something huge was about to happen.


4:20 on there's some serious The Flash CW show moments in there.. saying that as a good thing. Such an awesome composition.


I just realized how much the the last couple of years of Edmure Tully sucked.
Lots of his family-members get killed, he gets locked in a cell on his wedding day, never sees his son, is allowed to leave to play the door opener for the Lannisters and Freys, gets his uncle killed, gets put back into chains.
Arya might have freed him.
Pretty much 100% sure you have the correct interpretation here. It's not that Sansa is thinking oh man I'm going to betray Jon. It's that Littlefinger is being the fantastic player of the game that he is and is sowing seeds of doubt in her. I don't think she will betray Jon though.

That was my interpretation as well. Sansa needs to fear Littlefinger, that is the only way. The scene with Jon would've made zero sense if he(littlefinger) changed her mind that fast. Writers aren't stupid.


IMO Jon is too dumb to be the King.. he has the same flaws as Ned and already died once. Gotta go with team Danaerys + Tyrion
I get the feeling he doesn't really want to be king either, probably just using that as a way to gather people to fight the White Walkers. What happens afterwards he probably hasn't given much thought.


People who don't know what "plot armour" is should stop trying to talk about it. In fact people who do know what it is should too. It's a bothersome fly of a subject.
it was hard to get enough satisfaction from arya slicing walder frey even with her savouring it a little, maybe it's because the red wedding played out so gradually and was so vicious. Here arya just turned up with hotpies with a dash of frey

On the bright side seeing jon and Sansa talk about winter finally arriving and then him being hailed as the King in the north was immensely satisfying for me

Yeah, would have preferred if Frey saw his whole house being slaughtered before hitting dying, at least would then approach the level of the suffering he caused. He death was way too quick and painless.
Obviously Cersei is in a bad place in terms of the military and diplomacy--declaring war against an equally rich house (the Tyrells) and a famously difficult house (the Martells) while the North is in open rebellion (again) when her own army has to be running on fumes. But I think her footing is just as shaky with her own territory. During her coronation scene, the camera pans the faces of the crowd and they looked either resentful or stunned. As Tyrion once warned her, it's difficult to rule when all of your subjects want you dead.
They can say anything they want, there is nothing in those scenes that says she is somewhat envy or feeling a bit leftout, she wanted that to happen and she was clearly happy with him becoming the King in the North, what she knew there was that Littlefinger isn't happy at all and that's gonna be a huge problem.

Just showing you how some people might misinterpret it, or that you might be misinterpreting it.

I personally am not sure, I don't think she will betray Jon, but I don't see it as simple as her being proud of him and worried about LF. There's more to it.
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