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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Great finale, this has been a strong comeback season imo. However, two things...

1. I'm mad that Cersei always wins, she's had hero plot armor from season 1.
2. Speaking of plot armor, now Daenerys has an army 1,000,000x more powerful than anybody else, so... who is she planning to steamroll with it? Since steamrolling seems to be her style, weak as she is at diplomacy and charisma and all that. Just seems like she's been the rich getting richer for as long as Cersei has had plot armor. Pretty boring, despite the cool visuals. Though if I'm answering my own question, it looks like the showdown next season will be Cersei vs Daenerys. I would expect it to be interesting, except mutant mountain and wildfire isn't going to do a solitary thing against dragons.

Sucks Margery had to go, she was smart and would've made a good ruler.

Edit: bold prediction!
Jaimie kills Cersei and becomes the first ever double kingslayer. Now that she's got what she always wanted, she's going to be even crazier and probably do exactly what the mad king did.

Cersei is queen to a terribly weakened kingdom. She got what she wanted, at a grave cost. Her position is tenuous.

Dany has a huge army, that would steamroll through the Seven Kingdoms at full strength. Guess what else in this story has a huge army that would steamroll through the Seven Kingdoms at full strength?


Thoughts on the big battle for next year? Maybe Cersei/Euron vs. Dany/Tyrells/Martells?

Seems like they should give Jon and the north the year off from another major siege. I imagine the 'great war' with the White Walkers will be coming in S8.
Keep in mind Kings Landing is certainly weakened but they still have a huge army. It's not like there are no soldiers. Jamie just returned with a huge chunk of forces. Now we will see what goes on with him and Cersei as I am in no way convinced he is still willing to fight for her but there is a legitimate army still


Sansa's story in the finale:

Littlefinger - Hey, I want the Iron Throne, and you by my side.

Sansa - lol, no

Littlefinger - Come on, you're a true Stark. You won the battle. You're more deserving than a bastard.

Sansa - Nah, I'm out.

*Jon is proclaimed King in the North*

Sansa - Damn, this is awesome! The North is united again!

Littlefinger uses Knowing Stare. It's super effective.

Sansa - Oh wait, is this awesome? They're doing exactly what Littlefinger said, praising Jon and ignoring me. Littlefinger's a shithead, but was he right? At the very least he's gonna be a problem going forward that I'll have to deal with. Dammit, now I have conflicted feelings.

I'll pay this. This is a great interpretation of all the story lines and character development that has occurred to date.

Even if the end point is semi-predictable, it's still masterful story telling if all of it is woven together in a logical and emotionally satisfying manner.


Does Arya even know who he is?

she's educated and knows all the houses. I think she knows her Mom's house (Tully).

as for LF being pissed....couldn't this be good for him? with the North and the Vale, they could eventually take KL, with Jon ruling the north and LF/Sansa ruling all of westeros?
Jon would rather just be the hand of the king/queen instead of being the King. You can see it in his facial expressions.

He literally doesn't want a position of power anymore, even though he is always put in it. He just wants to do what's right. To protect people's lives from the greatest threat, White Walkers.

I'm so interested in what Little Finger is planning. I wonder how Cersie will take the news of little finger's betrayal to her; helping jon snow and sansa stark retake the north.

Is this a play to lure out cersie and the Lannister army north because she Is mad and wants to kill anyone who put any shade toward her?

Now, what is sam going to learn? Some magic spells to reinforce the wall? Didn't we see a wright at castle black? So there is some weakness at the wall already. So many small details man. LOVE IT.


For show watchers who were never that deep into the Jon Snow lineage speculation, here is a wonderfully edited YouTube video that features ALL of the scenes hinting and explaining it in the first five seasons of the show.


Even if you did know, it's worth a watch because it's wonderfully done.
Thanks. I absolutely love the scene when Aemon is talking to Sam about being alone in the world as the last Targaryen and the cut to John Snow. Fucking epic in retrospect.

EDIT: Here it is timestamped.



Just showing you how some people might misinterpret it, or that you might be misinterpreting it.

I personally am not sure, I don't think she will betray Jon, but I don't see it as simple as her being proud of him and worried about LF. There's more to it.

No worries, man, i wasn't actually answering you but just commenting on the video because i myself was surprised by what they are saying =)
Keep in mind Kings Landing is certainly weakened but they still have a huge army. It's not like there are no soldiers. Jamie just returned with a huge chunk of forces. Now we will see what goes on with him and Cersei as I am in no way convinced he is still willing to fight for her but there is a legitimate army still

They have no defense against dragons.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
I honestly looked at Little Finger's face when Jon was being declared King of the North as a worried smile. What does Little Finger want? The Iron Throne, and now a new very dangerous adversary has been born. Going to throw this out there, what if he knows Jon is a Targarian? What if he knows Jon has a blood right to the throne? Then this Targarian being called "King" would be trouble. And Sansa's smile turning is her realizing Little Finger won't just let this go.
she's educated and knows all the houses. I think she knows her Mom's house (Tully).

as for LF being pissed....couldn't this be good for him? with the North and the Vale, they could eventually take KL, with Jon ruling the north and LF/Sansa ruling all of westeros?

I don't think LF sees Jon as good for him at all. Jon isn't super smart but people know he is a good man and is willing to fight for what he believes in and stay true to his word. That goes a long way and you can see his forces growing and growing. Jon is a natural leader in terms of people look up to him and are willing to follow him.

LF has to see that as a threat.

They have no defense against dragons.

I'm not saying they will win but there are people acting like there is nothing left in Kings Landing. That's simply not true. It will be a gigantic battle to take it. Dany isn't just waltzing in facing zero competition. It will be a huge battle


I honestly looked at Little Finger's face when Jon was being declared King of the North as a worried smile. What does Little Finger want? The Iron Throne, and now a new very dangerous adversary has been born. Going to throw this out there, what if he knows Jon is a Targarian? What if he knows Jon has a blood right to the throne? Then this Targarian being called "King" would be trouble. And Sansa's smile turning is her realizing Little Finger won't just let this go.

I think he does know. It was subtlety hinted at last season when he was talking to Sansa about Lyanna.

I think he tells Sansa the truth to stir up trouble.


Oh, also, what are you guys hoping for the end of the show?

This may be a little sadistic of me, but I really hope we get some sort of sad, bittersweet, or ironic ending. I know it's nice for some people to get their Lord of the Rings style closing segments, where everything has a pretty bow on it, but I kind of hate happy endings. Something kinda dark (but with purpose) would make me incredibly happy.

We will get an End of Evangelion ending.


I don't think LF sees Jon as good for him at all. Jon isn't super smart but people know he is a good man and is willing to fight for what he believes in and stay true to his word. That goes a long way and you can see his forces growing and growing. Jon is a natural leader in terms of people look up to him and are willing to follow him.

LF has to see that as a threat.
Maybe LF sees Jon as another Ned, too noble and naive for his own good.
Keep in mind Kings Landing is certainly weakened but they still have a huge army. It's not like there are no soldiers. Jamie just returned with a huge chunk of forces. Now we will see what goes on with him and Cersei as I am in no way convinced he is still willing to fight for her but there is a legitimate army still

True, but it's an army run by idiot generals (except Bronn now, I guess) that they will have trouble feeding and paying if they stay true to what they've established in the past. Which they might not do.

Tyrells + Martells + Unsullied + Dragons + the small Greyjoy navy Vs. the Lannister army + the larger Greyjoy navy--when the Lannisters are short of food and money--seems like an enormous mismatch on paper. Whether the writing stays true to that, we'll see. Being behind the KL walls would be a huge advantage, when you're not fighting dragons.

Just now realizing that Bronn is going to end up on the losing side of this. Legit sad.
I'm not sure if Cersei's win is exactly a win. The High Sparrow took her last son with him before getting lit up by the green flames. Now a lioness with all RIP'd cubs, I suppose she has even less to lose now.

While the trappings are all of triumph, Cersei's pretty much boned. There's not much likelihood of her holding power.

1) The North is pretty much independent again
2) The Reach and Dorne have just teamed up against her. Even if they were unable to overthrow her, they could easily declare independence.
3) The Riverlands are pretty much only still part of the kingdom under threat. The Freys command no respect, and they just lost a bunch of heirs and their leader.
4) Pyke is completely off the reservation already.

And that's all before you factor Dani coming in.

This is her last stand, not her moment of triumph. And she's managed to destroy the kingdom all for her selfish desires (starting with killing Robert, but proceeding to the most recent episode).


I'm not saying they will win but there are people acting like there is nothing left in Kings Landing. That's simply not true. It will be a gigantic battle to take it. Dany isn't just waltzing in facing zero competition. It will be a huge battle

I mean, it's quite literally them vs. the world. You have to wonder how long King's Landing could stand an attack from every corner of Westeros.




I mean, it's quite literally them vs. the world. You have to wonder how long King's Landing could stand an attack from every corner of Westeros.

Well I doubt they have to worry about the North...I think their efforts will focus on the white walkers....unless the Lannister's provoke them before Dany shows up. Maybe Euron acts as cannon fodder for Dany on the way to king's landing and the Lannister's move north in the meantime...North gets pinned between white walkers and Lannisters as Dany shows up.

The gold wedding...someone has to replace Cersei and Jaime.


Are people saying Sansa might betray Jon only because of the look between her and littlefinger? If it's because of that just rewatch the episode because you misinterpreted that scene.


It's like they're forgetting the scene right before in the Winterfell garden where she states what she wanted as a young girl was wrong.

Sansas end gane IS Winterfell and family, in a evil, uncaring world.

Littlefinger laid his cards out to her, and she wasnt exactly receptive to him. I'd say the last thing she wants is to go back to Kings Landing with the man that sold her to Ramsey Bolton.

As far as Littlefinger goes, he committed a unforced error there. He let his love for Sansa cloud his judgment, thinking her bond to Jon was weak.
I mean, it's quite literally them vs. the world. You have to wonder how long King's Landing could stand an attack from every corner of Westeros.

Oh no doubt I'm not expecting them to win at all I'm just saying there will be a big fight as we know Kings Landing still has an army. Dany will win but she'll take some losses as well.


Littlefinger definitely overplayed his hand. Especially with his parting statement about how no one would rally around a bastard. He was proven wrong, and that now weakens his position since she knows that he will be trying to work against that. It'll be interesting to see if Darth Sansa can outplay him next season.


So Jaime is definitely going to kill Cersei.

Not only will it fulfill the last piece of Maggy the Frog’s prophecy - that her brother would kill her one day (though Cersei has always assumed it referred to Tyrion).

It will also bring him full circle as the Kingslayer, because Cersei has just done what he killed Aegon for attempting to do.

That seems plausible, Jaime looked like he didn't recognize Cersei. He's gotta be furious

Littlefinger definitely overplayed his hand. Especially with his parting statement about how no one would rally around a bastard. He was proven wrong, and that now weakens his position since she knows that he will be trying to work against that. It'll be interesting to see if Darth Sansa can outplay him next season.

Yeah I think littlefinger may have finally bit off more than he can chew, I guess he still has control over the Vale for now though


Sucks at poetry
I'm not sure if Cersei's win is exactly a win. The High Sparrow took her last son with him before getting lit up by the green flames. Now a lioness with all RIP'd cubs, I suppose she has even less to lose now.

I mean, she had already lost Tommen to religious fanatics and was about to be put on trial facing a possible death penalty. I personally believe she loved Joffrey more than any of her other children, so it seems with most of her emotions spent and only vengeance on her mind, she came out on top.
Someone needs to make a video now with all of the R+L=J scenes from the show with the final transition shot of Jon at the end from last night's episode. It would be incredible


No way Jaime kills Cersei ... he loves her and he gains nothing from it in the end other than no children and no family left (other than Tyrion who he hates now anyway).


That seems plausible, Jaime looked like he didn't recognize Cersei. He's gotta be furious

Considering she carried out the very thing Jaime had stopped years prior by killing the Mad King, and killed their last child as an indirect result... yeah, he's not fucking happy. The fact that she seems to give no fucks about it probably doesn't help, either.
Littlefinger definitely overplayed his hand. Especially with his parting statement about how no one would rally around a bastard. He was proven wrong, and that now weakens his position since she knows that he will be trying to work against that. It'll be interesting to see if Darth Sansa can outplay him next season.

Well, Littlefinger didn't account for the fucking ace, instant-win card in Jon's hand.



Someone needs to make a video now with all of the R+L=J scenes from the show with the final transition shot of Jon at the end from last night's episode. It would be incredible


For show watchers who were never that deep into the Jon Snow lineage speculation, here is a wonderfully edited YouTube video that features ALL of the scenes hinting and explaining it in the first five seasons of the show.


Even if you did know, it's worth a watch because it's wonderfully done.


Here's a moment timestamped from that video above. You can tell with his look at the end that he definitely knows.


Yup. You know what they say about history; the winner's write it.

But yeah, LF has another card to play.

Here's my thing about the iron throne though. Does it matter? Clearly Jon has a claim to the throne, maybe more so than Dany, but is it meaningless? I think the Iron Throne is just a pointless spectacle at this point with The Night King coming. Unless, next season is all about the claim to the throne and unification to fight The Night King. Unfortunately, I think that would mean another season where the arc of The Night King isn't the main focus. We believe the end game is not who is King/Queen of Westeros but more of the "Great War yet to come."
No way Jaime kills Cersei ... he loves her and he gains nothing from it in the end other than no children and no family left (other than Tyrion who he hates now anyway).

Jaime killing Cersei is perhaps the only thing left in the show I have 100% faith will happen. He will kill her as she loses power and sanity and tries to take everyone with her. Just like the Mad King.

I love Lyanna Mormont. It's going to be strange when she's a foot taller next season.
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