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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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"Hey guys stop staring at my hot aunt."


Are people saying Sansa might betray Jon only because of the look between her and littlefinger? If it's because of that just rewatch the episode because you misinterpreted that scene.

To me Sansa came to the realization that there's this massive threat to both the New House Stark and her brother, a Wolf in Wolves clothing, which is there because of her and it falls to her to deal with it. Jon has many talents but scheming with someone like Littlefinger couldn't be further from one of them, and he already proved to be stubborn & bullheaded when she tried to warn him about Ramsay. Plus, once again, a supremely dangerous man has his sights set on her, and like she said last episode no else one can protect her.

No doubt Baelish will continue whispering Sith nothings in Sansa's ear and try to sow dissent in as many places as possible, waiting for the perfect time to make his move or manipulate Sansa into making it for him. Whether or not he succeeds in getting what he wants is why they tell the story.


Sucks at poetry
Littlefinger definitely overplayed his hand. Especially with his parting statement about how no one would rally around a bastard. He was proven wrong, and that now weakens his position since she knows that he will be trying to work against that. It'll be interesting to see if Darth Sansa can outplay him next season.

True, but Sansa, along with house Stark, now owe him one, and are indebted to him. And I'm guessing he'll use that to his advantage somehow. Unless his aid in the battle of the bastards was him making square of what wrongdoing he brought Sansa in selling her off to the Boltons.


Jaime killing Cersei is perhaps the only thing left in the show I have 100% faith will happen. He will kill her as she loses power and sanity and tries to take everyone with her. Just like the Mad King.

I love Lyanna Mormont. It's going to be strange when she's a foot taller next season.

I feel like Jaime killing Cersei is a given. The show is becoming one of full circles, no? Cersei has somewhat gone a little mad. Jaime is the King Slayer. Now he can be the Queen Slayer. It only makes sense.


Jaime killing Cersei is perhaps the only thing left in the show I have 100% faith will happen. He will kill her as she loses power and sanity and tries to take everyone with her. Just like the Mad King.

I love Lyanna Mormont. It's going to be strange when she's a foot taller next season.

Might be a mercy killing, in that, the war with Dany/North is lost, kill me because I can't do it myself and the alternative to being captured by my enemies who despise me is so much worse...or Tyrion could do it.

It's been foretold.

Murder / Suicide next season, calling it.

Yeap, could see this happening, definitely.


No way Jaime kills Cersei ... he loves her and he gains nothing from it in the end other than no children and no family left (other than Tyrion who he hates now anyway).

Jaimie also thought that Cersei loves her kids more than anything but as it turns out she killed the last remaining son - the bond between her and Jaimie - by traumatizing him to gain more power. Power is everything to her; she even used fucking wildfire to blow up the Great Septa and the parts surrounding it - the kind of weapon that led Jaimie to kill the Mad King

Cersei is losing it and the very last scene in King's Landing - where they both look at each other - to me shows that Jaimie finally opened his eyes; Cersei only cares for Cersei

And while I'm not sure if it will be Jaimie who will kill her, I bet that he will have no positive feelings towards her the next season


Jaime killing Cersei is perhaps the only thing left in the show I have 100% faith will happen. He will kill her as she loses power and sanity and tries to take everyone with her. Just like the Mad King.

I love Lyanna Mormont. It's going to be strange when she's a foot taller next season.

Weren't there caches of Wildfire hidden under the entire city, not just the Sept? I could imagine a Queenslayer-esque scenario with Cersei wanting to blow the city as Dany begins her siege, leading to Jaime stabbing her in the back.

It rhymes!

Edit: Clearly I'm not the only one thinking this.


Dany arrives at King's Landing and is about to break through the gates
Cercei sits at the throne while screaming "burn them all!"
Jaime stabs her in the back


Why is everyone saying Jon is going to fight with the Lannisters? Winter is here. The wall is going to come down. There will be two very different wars next season.


Littlefinger definitely overplayed his hand. Especially with his parting statement about how no one would rally around a bastard. He was proven wrong, and that now weakens his position since she knows that he will be trying to work against that. It'll be interesting to see if Darth Sansa can outplay him next season.
It all depends if Sansa wants to play with Baelish's feelings.
I don't think Jaime killing Cercei will go as planned. The Mountain will probably take him down as he's drawing his sword, and he'll be the one who dies.

Melon Husk



I wonder how Dany feels about incest.

If only the Dothraki had access to Arya's speedboat... Just one would have shipped them already, one horse and rider at a time.

And hey Littlefinger, discreet and subtle worked out well for you. Jon's plot armor is thicker than ever, you're not in a good place to start disputes.


Jaimie also thought that Cersei loves her kids more than anything but as it turns out she killed the last remaining son - the bond between her and Jaimie - by traumatizing him to gain more power. Power is everything to her; she even used fucking wildfire to blow up the Great Septa and the parts surrounding it - the kind of weapon that led Jaimie to kill the Mad King

Cersei is losing it and the very last scene in King's Landing - where they both look at each other - to me shows that Jaimie finally opened his eyes; Cersei only cares for Cersei

And while I'm not sure if it will be Jaimie who will kill her, I bet that he will have no positive feelings towards her the next season

Yeah, he definitely has changed his feelings toward her, but I don't see him going through with it, he still loves her...I am guessing he didn't love the mad king.


Neo Member

I get that this episode was awesome and there's a lot to take in but I can't believe I haven't seen anyone mention this yet. How that dude got from Dorne back to Essos in like a day is beyond me.

Too many pages to go through so not sure of it has been mentioned yet. It would be an odd choice to show their first landing on Westeros off screen (not that anything has stopped them from showing big events off screen this season!) But... I spotted a couple of ships with the Martell sigils so it looks like they might have picked up the Martells from Dorne and are sailing towards King's Landing already!


Why is everyone saying Jon is going to fight with the Lannisters? Winter is here. The wall is going to come down. There will be two very different wars next season.

I agree, but the Lannister's could potentially move north when they find out what has happened and force the North's hand....if Dany shows up before the Lannister's can make their move north then I am pretty sure the North will focus their efforts on the white walkers.


Too many pages to go through so not sure of it has been mentioned yet. It would be an odd choice to show their first landing on Westeros off screen (not that anything has stopped them from showing big events off screen this season!) But... I spotted a couple of ships with the Martell sigils so it looks like they might have picked up the Martells from Dorne and are sailing towards King's Landing already!

It's been mildly accepted as somewhat of a flashback, the meeting in Dorne. Yeah, it's weak but it is what it is. Not a big deal tbh.

I get that this episode was awesome and there's a lot to take in but I can't believe I haven't seen anyone mention this yet. How that dude got from Dorne back to Essos in like a day is beyond me.

Martells and Tyrells were with them.

He, and they doubled back to pick up Dany and co.
I don't think Jaime killing Cercei will go as planned. The Mountain will probably take him down as he's drawing his sword, and he'll be the one who dies.

Maybe. I've also thought Cersei and Tyrion need to exchange some final words when he arrives with Dany. Tyrion is one of the people Cersei hates most in the world, since she thinks he poisoned Joffrey, which is part of why he's been on the run. Both brothers have good cause to kill Cersei, which fulfills that prophecy that so far is dead on. Whether it's Tyrion or Jaime, I guess we'll see!


Maybe. I've also thought Cersei and Tyrion need to exchange some final words when he arrives with Dany. Tyrion is one of the people Cersei hates most in the world, since she thinks he poisoned Joffrey.

Hopefully she finds out it was Olenna who did it before she dies...that would be wonderful.

Olenna <3


True, but Sansa, along with house Stark, now owe him one, and are indebted to him. And I'm guessing he'll use that to his advantage somehow. Unless his aid in the battle of the bastards was him making square of what wrongdoing he brought Sansa in selling her off to the Boltons.

He owed her, didn't he?

I just rewatched the scene. Littlefinger goes from amused that wildfolk are causing discord amoung the houses, to discontent when they all pledge allegiance.

Jon looks at Sansa as if; is this really happening? She smiles with approval. She then sees Littlefinger and her face is immediately soured with worry.

It's all there.

Sansas job next season will be protecting Jon and dealing with Littlefinger.
So who do you guys think they are setting up Danny to marry?

My gut instinct goes to Jon, but we can't dethrone an incest couple and then turn around and replace them with a new one could we!?


True, but Sansa, along with house Stark, now owe him one, and are indebted to him. And I'm guessing he'll use that to his advantage somehow. Unless his aid in the battle of the bastards was him making square of what wrongdoing he brought Sansa in selling her off to the Boltons.

He might see it as them owing him a favor, but ultimately what would that mean? They have Winterfell back, they are northerners in the North, Littlefinger is an outsider. There's only so much he can push. What he was hoping for was mutual cooperation from Sansa, but if that's not going to work, he might be screwed. He's probably going to play some mind games and try and divide them, but I think in the end he'll find that Sansa's bond with her family is stronger than anything else, especially given how much she has lost.

Jamie is gonna be the one to kill cersi. He's going to pull a king slayer again

From kingslayer to kinslayer. He's just dropping a g.


The Walker incursion isn't happening in Season 7.

The Night's King taking down the wall might be the kind of thing that they leave as a cliffhanger, but the war with the Walkers isn't going to take up two seasons. More like two episodes.

If I had to guess, the action in Season 7 will focus on Dany's invasion of Westeros. The North will be about fortifying their forces, political maneuvering, character revelations and Stark family reunions. When Dany has control of the South, we'll see some interaction between the Queen of the South and the King of the North.

I think, when his claim comes to light, Jon and Dany may marry to unite the South and the North for the final confrontation with the Walkers.
So who do you guys think they are setting up Danny to marry?

My gut instinct goes to Jon, but we can't dethrone an incest couple and then turn around and replace them with a new one could we!?

The Jon thing almost seems too obvious to me. I know people have been wanting that couple since the very beginning but it just seems so obvious if they go that way. I'm not against that as sometimes the obvious thing is the right call its just with the way the show loves to throw curve balls at you I'm inclined to think it won't be him.

But then realistically who else could she marry that would make sense? It almost seems Jon is the only answer and it has to be someone considering the scenes last night. That was for sure laying the foundation for her marrying in Westeros
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