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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Jamie is gonna be the one to kill cersi. He's going to pull a king slayer again

Doubt he pulls the trigger. By all accounts he cares about Cersei more than the people of KL. I think both of them will be executed after Dany takes the city. Tyrion will get his retribution against Cersei, and The Kingslayer will finally pay for killing Dany's father.


The Walker incursion isn't happening in Season 7.

The Night's King taking down the wall might be the kind of thing that they leave as a cliffhanger, but the war with the Walkers isn't going to take up two seasons. More like two episodes.

If I had to guess, the action in Season 7 will focus on Dany's invasion of Westeros. The North will be about fortifying their forces, political maneuvering, character revelations and Stark family reunions. When Dany has control of the South, we'll see some interaction between the Queen of the South and the King of the North.

I think, when his claim comes to light, Jon and Dany may marry to unite the South and the North for the final confrontation with the Walkers.

I feel Season 7 will be all about Dany's approach to Westeros, Cersei trying to get everything together, and the North preparing their defenses while removing left over threats like Littlefinger. This will probably all come to head in the climax of the season where Dany strikes King's Landing for real, and the Wall comes down in the North.

If that goes according to plan, Season 8 should be a full season of Band of Brothers or The Pacific, except in Fantasy Land with dragons, zombies, magic, wildfire bombs, and whatnot.
Doubt he pulls the trigger. By all accounts he cares about Cersei more than the people of KL. I think both of them will be executed after Dany takes the city. Tyrion will get his retribution against Cersei, and The Kingslayer will finally pay for killing Dany's father.

Tyrion wouldn't let Dany kill Jamie. He would object to it greatly and at this point it seems Dany trusts Tyrion more than anyone in the world.


Sucks at poetry
He might see it as them owing him a favor, but ultimately what would that mean? They have Winterfell back, they are northerners in the North, Littlefinger is an outsider. There's only so much he can push. What he was hoping for was mutual cooperation from Sansa, but if that's not going to work, he might be screwed. He's probably going to play some mind games and try and divide them, but I think in the end he'll find that Sansa's bond with her family is stronger than anything else, especially given how much she has lost.

Yeah I don't think Sansa's inclined to help him, she certainly doesn't trust him, but I think he has some footing to stand on. Even Jon himself said in the beginning of the episode that the battle was lost until the Knights of the Vale showed up and saved them. They only have Winterfell because of Littlefinger's intervention. Jon wouldn't even be alive, and I think at the very least he's honorable enough to return a favor, if asked of him. What that would mean though, I have no idea...


But then realistically who else could she marry that would make sense? It almost seems Jon is the only answer and it has to be someone considering the scenes last night. That was for sure laying the foundation for her marrying in Westeros


Targarian blood already has the north. The Iron Isles and Dornish south are pacified. All of the other major houses are finished.

Tyrion is the heir to House Lannister once Jamie and Cersi exit. It would make sense to united the last major house, or what's left of it after next season.
How is the wall going to come down? Only thing I can think of is the dragons melt it with their fire breath, but I don't really see why that would happen.


Sansas job next season will be protecting Jon and dealing with Littlefinger.
Sansa vs. Littlefinger will be the test for all she's learned to this point on playing the game. She'll have to use his ambition and love for her against him, make him believe he's still pulling the strings. She may actually succumb if he pushes the right buttons, he's a much more seasoned player and she can't seem to shake the connection they have, but I'm betting it'll be a situation where the viewers are left guessing what her role will ultimately be until the storyline is resolved.


Tyrion wouldn't let Dany kill Jamie. He would object to it greatly and at this point it seems Dany trusts Tyrion more than anyone in the world.


Tyrion sorta betrayed Jaime by killing Tywin. Now Myrcella and Tommen have died due to events he helped set in motion.


If that goes according to plan, Season 8 should be a full season of Band of Brothers or The Pacific, except in Fantasy Land with dragons, zombies, magic, wildfire bombs, and whatnot.

So how many Valyrian swords are they now in order to fight the WW? John, Brienne, Tommen, and Sam's? And who will use Tommen's and Sam's, considering you'd want real swordsmen wielding them in the future seasons?
The Wall is imbued with magic meant to keep the Walkers at bay. Benjen was saved by the Children the same way they created the Walkers, so apparently he must abide the same rules and the magic within the Wall keeps him from crossing. I wonder if Bran crossing over could potentially leave the Wall vulnerable, though.

Was wondering this as well. We still don't 'know' how the White Walkers will get south now due to the magic.

Targarian blood already has the north. The Iron Isles and Dornish south are pacified. All of the other major houses are finished.

Tyrion is the heir to House Lannister once Jamie and Cersi exit. It would make sense to united the last major house, or what's left of it after next season.

....I never thought about that one but it could work. That would be one hell of a twist Dany and Tyrion getting together. Not sure I like it though but he's almost the only option outside of Jon. I can't see Dany marrying LF or anyone like that
Regarding Littlefinger, at the moment his greatest asset is brat king of the Knights Vale. Worry of losing him, is losing them. Otherwise, isn't his influence limited? Or does he have power in KL? We haven't seen him there this season.


so basically we got 2 of 3 dragon riders now

The Hound is Definitely going to face off against the Mountain or go face in some way.

Arya I have a feeling is going to be the one who deals the blow to Cersi as Jaime can't do it out of love. So hes going to probably get Arya to do it. Cersi is on Arya's list......she has to confront her at some point.

The way Tyrion handled the dragons in the dungeon though.......I seriously think he might be our 3rd rider somehow. Something tells me we don't know everything about him yet.


"I will hurt you for this. I don't know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid." - Tyrion. (yes, from show)

Ashes = dragon fire.
Benjen also said last night that it has magic. It isn't just a physical wall. So there is probably way more to it.

The Bay of Ice freezes due to winter, and then the undead army just crosses the bay to go around the wall. Or there's going to be an anti wall magic McGuffin.


I know we are talking about Game of Thrones but Ned and Lyanna are brother and sister and he was there to rescue her...

Are you sure Jon isn't an incest baby? Maybe Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna to protect her from her rapist brother. That might explain why Ned was so violent and killed all the kingsguard to get to her. Even resorting to backstabbing someone. It could be he isn't as honorable as we thought!


I haven't done enough good in the world to deserve Game of Thrones. All of this undeserved joy is going to throw off human evolution for centuries.


Are you sure Jon isn't an incest baby? Maybe Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna to protect her from her rapist brother. That might explain why Ned was so violent and killed all the kingsguard to get to her. Even resorting to backstabbing someone. It could be he isn't as honorable as we thought!

I lolled now.
Bran is for some rude awakening next season.


Was wondering this as well. We still don't 'know' how the White Walkers will get south now due to the magic.

My guess is that whatever magic is there isnt enough to keep out an entire army of them or the Night King has a way of dispelling it. Otherwise, thered be no reason to fear them coming.


Bran. He has the mark.

The thing I'm somewhat confused about though is that, if Bran still has the mark, why haven't the Night King and his crew been following him this entire time? They basically teleported to the weirwood almost instantaneously when Bran was first branded, implying that the Night King knows exactly where he is, wherever he goes.

Unless it was explained at some point afterwards I totally missed it?


was Lyanna married? to who?

Lyanna was married to no one but was promised/engaged to Robert Baratheon. She was "kidnapped" by Rhaegar Targaryen, prince of the Seven Kingdoms (Brother to Daenerys). He was the first son of the Mad King.

Robert Baratheon was not happy with this and decided to start a war. He won the war and killed Rhaegar Targaryen. Ned went to Dorne to find Lyanna after they found out she was held at the Tower of Joy.

Enter the flashbacks you saw. Lyanna had two Kingsguard guarding her. (They protect the royal family). I think this is enough to join the dots.


The thing I'm somewhat confused about though is that, if Bran still has the mark, why haven't the Night King and his crew been following Bran this entire time? They basically teleported to the weirwood almost instantaneously when he was first branded, implying that the Night King knows exactly where Bran is, wherever he goes.

Unless it was explained at some point afterwards I totally missed it?

Why follow Bran? Why not just let Bran go south of the wall? That's what they need if the mark is truly what will negate the magic.


The thing I'm somewhat confused about though is that, if Bran still has the mark, why haven't the Night King and his crew been following him this entire time? They basically teleported to the weirwood almost instantaneously when Bran was first branded, implying that the Night King knows exactly where he is, wherever he goes.

Unless it was explained at some point afterwards I totally missed it?

I think he just knew Bran was at the Three-Eyed Raven's lair, and once he marked Bran he knew he could enter the cave, so they went there. I don't think they have a GPS lock on him at all times.


When I commented about Sansa fucking things up for Jon & Starks I did not mean that it would have to be exactly betrayal or anything like that, but considering Sansa's history it wouldn't be totally out of the blue for Littlefinger to be able to sow just enough seeds of discontent so that it plays to his advantage in some manner at a critical moment. The video on Youtube seems to hint along those lines but it may also well be a red herring to throw us off.

I agree, but the Lannister's could potentially move north when they find out what has happened and force the North's hand....if Dany shows up before the Lannister's can make their move north then I am pretty sure the North will focus their efforts on the white walkers.

Dunno, guess they've got other stuff on their mind right now. Jaime didn't seem particularily concerned about the prospect of Brianna getting the Tullys to ride north to help Jon against Boltons (who were also allies of the Lannisters.)
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