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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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was Lyanna married? to who?

She was betrothed to Robert, but Rhaegar (who was already married at that time to Elia Martel, the Red Viper's sister) supposedly kidnapped her. Whether they had a consensual affair or not has not been made clear, but she was in the tower protected by Kingsguard because Rhaegar was the crown prince and he ordered them to protect the tower.

The entire war Robert and Ned started to overthrow Aerys was partly instigated because of the kidnapping. Robert wanted his bride back, and Ned wanted his sister back.


Is the implication that Rhaegar was not as villainous as made out to by Robert (given Barristan's and Littlefinger's stories about him) and that he and Lynna were actually in love? Was she actually taken against her will? If not, then why the war?


Why follow Bran? Why not just let Bran go south of the wall? That's what they need if the mark is truly what will negate the magic.

I suppose, although they seemed perfectly content with trying to kill him north of the wall when he was initially branded. I can see if the NK knew attacking the weirwood would force Bran south of the wall, but they seemed to be aiming to kill.

I think he just knew Bran was at the Three-Eyed Raven's lair, and once he marked Bran he knew he could enter the cave, so they went there. I don't think they have a GPS lock on him at all times.

I guess maybe I just read too much into it, but we'll see! Season 7 feels so far away...


I suppose, although they seemed perfectly content with trying to kill him north of the wall when he was initially branded. I can see if the NK knew attacking the weirwood would force Bran south of the wall, but they seemed to be aiming to kill.

That's a good point. Then I don't know haha. We'll see next season I suppose.


Is the implication that Rhaegar was not as villainous as made out to by Robert (given Barristan's and Littlefinger's stories about him) and that he and Lynna were actually in love? Was she actually taken against her will? If not, then why the war?

If the affair was consensual, few knew about it - and Rhaegar's action would've reasonably been construed as kidnapping by most.


Is the implication that Rhaegar was not as villainous as made out to by Robert (given Barristan's and Littlefinger's stories about him) and that he and Lynna were actually in love? Was she actually taken against her will? If not, then why the war?
Does Robert seem like a reasonable person to you? And Mad King murdered Ned's father and brother after they went to King's Landing to ask about Lyanna
This episode was fucking outstanding. Probably the best episode of the show. Its director needs to come back next season. As well as its composer. The music was haunting.

Where was Brienne?

Yeah, last we saw her was after she failed Sansa and the blackfish got killed. Maybe she's drowning her sorrow in a bar somewhere, lol. Or maybe she met Gendry while rowing, haha.


Cersei's S7 arc in a nutshell

Hahahaha, so true!


Cersei with the play of the game hahaha

Fucking amazing.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, has there been any mention of Gendry at all since he started rowing?


Does Robert seem like a reasonable person to you? And Mad King murdered Ned's father and brother after they went to King's Landing to ask about Lyanna

Not Robert, however the Starks (Ned given what we know of him) yes. But as said before, if the love affair was all hush hush then I guess no would no about it and the war would be caused by a big misunderstanding.


It could also be that Robert convinced himself that she was taken against her will.
History is written by the winners and what not.


It could also be that Robert convinced himself that she was taken against her will.
History is written by the winners and what not.

Sure, Robert would be that sort of person, but Ned? It does seem odd that there's so little information about what happened back then. If she wasn't kidnapped, why wouldn't she have left a message for her family? Why wouldn't her brother know?


Man, now that Arya is back at westeros i hope she finds time to find Hotpie.. I want that reunion just as bad as her finding Jon, Bran and Sansa.

You think she baked the Frey Pie alone? She probably already got the entire band together. Gendry will be in the first episode of season 7. Believe!


Sure, Robert would be that sort of person, but Ned? It does seem odd that there's so little information about what happened back then. If she wasn't kidnapped, why wouldn't she have left a message for her family? Why wouldn't her brother know?
Yeah this is what I'm wondering. Even if at the time Ned didn't know but what about after the fact? His whole perspective on the war must have shifted.

Or maybe Lynna really was kidnapped against her will.


It seemed pretty obvious to me by both Littlefingers discussion with Sansa and Three Eye'd Ravens comments to Bran in the flashback that Rhaegar and Lyanna had a consensual affair and were most likely in love. Not that different than what Robb did (even though she wasn't betrothed to someone else) in that he fell in love with someone he "wasn't" supposed to.

At least that's my thinking.


Sansa vs. Little Finger next season will be great, especially if she marries her cousin Robin and they fight for the Vale.

Now which of the big families will still survive till the end of the show?
-The Baratheons are gone
-The Arryn, Tully and Tyrell only have 1 member alive and that's it
-The Starks, Lannisters and Martel have 3

Daenery's dream of destroying the Wheel might happen because there will be no more big families to support it.


Most underappreciated moment from last night.

What Olenna said in less than 30 seconds is what most people have been thinking since the Sand Snakes were first introduced. Felt more like a fan service than originally intended dialogue, lol.

Olenna, Owlsey and Lady Mormont series. PLEASE

i got that Rhaegar raped Liana.

Lies and slander.

Is the implication that Rhaegar was not as villainous as made out to by Robert (given Barristan's and Littlefinger's stories about him) and that he and Lynna were actually in love? Was she actually taken against her will? If not, then why the war?

Pretty much. ALso remember that targariens are much into bigamy/poligamy. The fact that Lyanna was being protected by 2 kings guard tells much.

Walder Frey was reminded of a simple truth


Never ask what the sausages pie is made of?


It seemed pretty obvious to me by both Littlefingers discussion with Sansa and Three Eye'd Ravens comments to Bran in the flashback that Rhaegar and Lyanna had a consensual affair and were most likely in love. Not that different than what Robb did (even though she wasn't betrothed to someone else) in that he fell in love with someone he "wasn't" supposed to.

At least that's my thinking.

I agree. Given all the information we have, it seems the most likely scenario.


If she wasn't kidnapped, why wouldn't she have left a message for her family? Why wouldn't her brother know?

Because she was young and in love and foolish and knew Robert would be pissed and that her honorable brother Ned would be disappointed she ran off even though she was betrothed to another man.


Sure, Robert would be that sort of person, but Ned? It does seem odd that there's so little information about what happened back then. If she wasn't kidnapped, why wouldn't she have left a message for her family? Why wouldn't her brother know?

It's pretty in character for Ned, I think. He clearly disapprove of killing children regardless of the context and consequences, considering he was against sending an assassin to eliminate Dany when she was still with child. Him hiding Jon to protect him from Robert, who would undoubtedly have him killed, is something I'd expect of him. Adding to that, he's incredibly faithful and loyal to his friends and family, probably to a fault (as almost all the Starks are; honor is everything to them). Even if the entire rebellion was initiated by a misunderstanding, Robert is still Ned's very close friend, and Aerys was still a crazy motherfucker.
Yeah this is what I'm wondering. Even if at the time Ned didn't know but what about after the fact? His whole perspective on the war must have shifted.

Or maybe Lynna really was kidnapped against her will.

I think it absolutely did shift.

But Ned was bound by his promise to his sister to protect Jon, and the knowledge Robert would have Jon killed. So he claimed Jon as his own, and fucked back off to Winterfell and didn't have much to do with Robert for a long time. I think it made a huge rift in their relationship.
or at least leave the horse. Meera doesn't even have the sled she was dragging him around with before.


There was something about him placing Bran on the ground and then dragging him to the tree I found funny. Little guy still can't get around.

Bran keeps mentioning that he has to be ready. Ready to do what? It doesn't feel like we ever get a clear picture of what the 3 eyed raven's goals were.

I assuming he gets dragged to castle black, they put him on a sled and he rides to Winterfell. I also assume eventually he wargs a dragon because seriously, what other specific thing so we want to see him do?

Other than that, I don't know.


So did Ned have that midwife killed?

Right, so there are possibly 2 other people besides Ned who knew of what transpired in the Tower of Joy.

It's possible that Little Finger does know... I also got the impression that he knew something was up when he was talking to Sansa about Lyanna.

I am already starting to feel the anxiety of GoT being completely over.

What will ever be this good?

We still got 2 (potentially) great years of television left, and who knows what we'll be watching at that time.

Deku Tree

Wow I just realized that there is a Cersei prophesy from the show, and then there is an extra part of Cersei's prophesy that was only found in the books. Not specifically talking about either one, but some really poorly written articles on the front page of google news are talking about the whole prophesy from the books and the show together without pointing out that they are doing so or even mentioning the books at all. So it's easy to be unintentionally spoiled like I was... eh not a huge spoiler to me. I don't want to talk about the books, and I haven't read them, but I did want to warn people to be careful if they are trying to avoid book spoilers like I am.
Sure, Robert would be that sort of person, but Ned? It does seem odd that there's so little information about what happened back then. If she wasn't kidnapped, why wouldn't she have left a message for her family? Why wouldn't her brother know?

Her family betrothed her to Robert. She knows more than anyone that she is expected to do her duty and marry Robert as far as her father and brothers see it. Also young people in love also don't make the brightest decisions. So there being no communication makes sense.


We still got 2 (potentially) great years of television left, and who knows what we'll be watching at that time.

I know but I just can't think of anything this good.

Is there any other fantasy stuff I should look into? What books are currently being made into a show?
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