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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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What is Arya kills Meli, takes her face and goes up to winterfell. because she thinks she is still wanted and thinks she could get safe passage into the north this way. Only to be hanged by her brother as a murrderrerrrrr. As she dies her face falls off and jon sees he just killed his sister.

I don't see how people don't know about King Robert's hatred towards Targs.

If Ned said Jon was a Targ he would have died. And I'm not sure about all white babies but Jon's hair when he was born was platinum blonde like other Targs. It is kid of crazy that his hair is so jet black now.

Jon has one of the best character story. Bastard of a noble lord, forced to live as an outcast but in reality he is the true King of the realm based on his bloodline--bastard or not.

He would be a humble King; one that would walk with his people and perhaps sing as well.

Took his father's name, not his mother's.

That sounds absurd for a "bastard." Even if it is believed that he is Ned's son wouldn't he take the surname of the land that his mother is assumed to be from?


Neo Member
With all these complaints about the little time skips, I fear the showrunners will extend the supposedly 7 hours of content next season with 3 hours of people traveling through Westeros...

qcf x2

Tommen gives new meaning to King's Landing, amirite?

Too soon, even if that outcome was inevitable from the beginning of his reign. He was the best ruler to sit on the throne since the series began, even being woefully unprepared.

As much as I have enjoyed this series, the now-inevitable Daenerys victory will lessen its value a little.


One thing that bothered me is that sansa and arya dont really look like sisters.
Am I allowed to ask if they look alike in the books?


Robb, Sansa are depicted in the Books as looking more like their mother (Tully), with red hair and such.

Jon and Arya for example, are said to share a resemblance...
It's also told that Arya looks like young Lyanna as well if I recall correctly.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
She killed all their leaders making her the new leader and also she walked out of a burning fire alive and unharmed so they probably think she's a god or something.

Seriously, I don't get how people don't understand this. They keep bringing up how the Dothraki are all just rapists (which is incorrect), and that they're set in their ways. The Wildlings were rapists and murderers and Jon has changed them. The Dothraki never followed women, and they changed to follow Dany. This is a girl who walked out of flames unburnt and has 3 dragons. Why wouldn't they obey her command not to rape? On top of that what regions are they actually raping and pillaging? Dorne? Nope. The Reach? Nope. The Stormlands is probably going to be a peaceful takeover due to there being no real army controlling it. In the end I doubt Dany and Jon will fight.


Why didn't Ned at least tell Cat that Jon wasn't his? She could have kept the secret I think

She wasn't thrilled about Jon living with them to begin with, if she knew he wasn't his real child who knows how she would of reacted. Also that brings up weird questions as why he'd want to shack up some random child.
Why didn't Ned at least tell Cat that Jon wasn't his? She could have kept the secret I think

Ned is a man of honor. He took zero risks of it getting out who the parentage was. Maybe Cat would have kept it secret, but then again maybe she wouldn't. It was safer for him for as few people as possible to know of it.
Ned is a man of honor. He took zero risks of it getting out who the parentage was. Maybe Cat would have kept it secret, but then again maybe she wouldn't. It was safer for him for as few people as possible to know of it.
Wasn't she also mocked because of Jon Snow's existence and her husband fucking a random woman?

Fox Mulder

With all these complaints about the little time skips, I fear the showrunners will extend the supposedly 7 hours of content next season with 3 hours of people traveling through Westeros...

Why do people even care about travel time. It's an annoying thing that gets in the way of faster pace story telling. I don't need a half season wasted showing people going places.


dragon flyby shot #24523452345254 Kappa



a fine finale...
soo jon's sister uhhmm who is his father then?


Ned is a man of honor. He took zero risks of it getting out who the parentage was. Maybe Cat would have kept it secret, but then again maybe she wouldn't. It was safer for him for as few people as possible to know of it.

This. Also Ned and Cat barely knew each other when he rode off to join Robert. It would have been years before he trusted her with a secret that big and by then why burden her with it?


What's really interesting to me is that Ned knew Jon was a possible heir to the throne and yet allowed Jon to take the black, thus forfeiting the birthright he didn't know he had.

I know Ned was trying to protect Jon, but it's still kinda fucked up.


Really liked the music, especially the beginning. Really could tell it was building to something. Also liked that wicked outfit cerseit was wearing. Little lady whatshername continues to be a badass

hell yeah best ive heard from the series in awhile
Possible, but there was some foreshadowing with Maester Aemon at castle black about the Targaryens and then Jon showing up right as he finishes his monologue about it.

Yeah, I wish i wasn't so familiar with tropes, it was pretty obvious, went something like "A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing" *camera's focal point switches to Jon Snow* Extremely obvious forshadowing.

Unfortunately this season was guilty as well, they mentioned the wildfire under the sept too many times for it to be unimportant.
What's really interesting to me is that Ned knew Jon was a possible heir to the throne and yet allowed Jon to take the black, this forfeiting the birthright he didn't know he had.

I know Ned was trying to protect Jon, but it's still kinda fucked up.

Well keep in mind his best friend was on the throne at the time and would have killed Jon if it got out. Robert hated the Targs with every fiber of his being. He even on the show talks about how he dreamed every night of him going and killing Rhaegar. I don't think Ned wanted to see his best friend kill his nephew.

Ned had to keep this entire thing an absolute secret if he was going to fulfill his promise to his sister. He took the negative consequences upon himself.

Ned was just an absolute great man. Sure maybe he wasn't a "smart player of the game" but he was an incredible man
What's really interesting to me is that Ned knew Jon was a possible heir to the throne and yet allowed Jon to take the black, thus forfeiting the birthright he didn't know he had.

I know Ned was trying to protect Jon, but it's still kinda fucked up.

He probably figured it would be better for him.
- Away from cold mean stepmom
- Gives up any claims, so if he's outed a case could still be made to spare him.
What's really interesting to me is that Ned knew Jon was a possible heir to the throne and yet allowed Jon to take the black, thus forfeiting the birthright he didn't know he had.

I know Ned was trying to protect Jon, but it's still kinda fucked up.

I just really look forward to the moment when Jon realizes all of that.

Also, I agree with what Obliterator said about Ned.
What's really interesting to me is that Ned knew Jon was a possible heir to the throne and yet allowed Jon to take the black, thus forfeiting the birthright he didn't know he had.

I know Ned was trying to protect Jon, but it's still kinda fucked up.

He didn't have any rights seeing as the Baratheons is reigning royal family. I doubt Ned had the foresight to see how westeros went to shit after he died.


It's probably been mentioned already, but can I just state how fantastic that opening track was? The piano caught me off guard at first as I'm not used to hearing that be the featured instrument in Thrones, but what a perfect song to accompany the events unfolding on-screen, with a masterful, epic (and I don't use that word lightly) build-up. Really made you feel like something huge was about to happen.



oh shit cool didnt think it would be released already :O
He didn't have any rights seeing as the Baratheons is reigning royal family. I doubt Ned had the foresight to see how westeros went to shit after he died.

This is correct. Jon had no claim to the throne. At the time the Baratheons were on it.

Edit - I mean I guess you can claim he sorta does because his family ruled at one time but like we've seen on GoT no one is owed anything in this Universe. If you want the throne you fight for it and you either win or die.


Do you guys think when Arya finds out that Meli helped bring Jon back to life, she'll take her off the list?

She did say the Lord of Light wasn't done with her.
So is Varys being in Dorne and then immediately in Slavers Bay a result of cutting for time or are there multiple Varyses?

One thing that bothered me is that sansa and arya dont really look like sisters.
Am I allowed to ask if they look alike in the books?
Arya looks fine. It's Sansa that looks different from the books. She's supposed to be a spitting image of Catlyn (hence why Littlefinger is so taken with her).


Well keep in mind his best friend was on the throne at the time and would have killed Jon if it got out. Robert hated the Targs with every fiber of his being. He even on the show talks about how he dreamed every night of him going and killing Rhaegar.

Ned had to keep this entire thing an absolute secret if he was going to fulfill his promise to his sister. He took the negative consequences upon himself.

Ned was just an absolute great man. Sure maybe he wasn't a "smart player of the game" but he was an incredible man

Oh, I agree, but he didn't need Jon the take the black to keep the secret. He encouraged it though, as it made the problem "disappear". It's un-Ned like in that it's not really fair to Jon.

How would Jon have taken it if he and Ned had the conversation Ned promised?


Pace has reached terminal velocity. I don't mind but it sure is strange seeing people travel the narrow sea in a single episode.

The entire King's Landing scene, from the very start to its very finish, was fantastic. I hate Cersei and that may have been one of the best things to happen in the show. The music was perfect. Arya's brief scene was also great; I could've sworn something similar happened earlier in the show (feeding someone their people). Was this a throwback or am I imagining things? The rest of the scenes were varying levels of meh. I love Lady Tyrell and Varys so its tough seeing them mixed up with the shit that is Dorne.

Not sure if its been brought up, but I have no idea how the red priestesses of Mereen are going to tie into the story as a whole now. I had imagined them coming over with Daenerys and clashing with the Faith in King's Landing, but that's not happening anymore. Maybe it will just be glossed over?


Oh, I agree, but he didn't need Jon the take the black to keep the secret. He encouraged it though, as it made the problem "disappear". It's un-Ned like in that it's not really fair to Jon.

How would Jon have taken it if he and Ned had the conversation Ned promised?
It also keeps Jon safe. If it ever did come out Jon has already given up any claims of family and isn't a threat to Robert, like Amon
Oh, I agree, but he didn't need Jon the take the black to keep the secret. He encouraged it though, as it made the problem "disappear". It's un-Ned like in that it's not really fair to Jon.

How would Jon have taken it if he and Ned had the conversation Ned promised?

Like I said in the other post Jon isn't owed the throne anyways. The Baratheons have it. Ned I'm sure thought it would be a safer, better life for Jon to join the black then to stir up some sort of rebellion and have his nephew / adopted son waging some sort of war vs his best friend. He was just trying to give everyone a halfway decent life
Oh, I agree, but he didn't need Jon the take the black to keep the secret. He encouraged it though, as it made the problem "disappear". It's un-Ned like in that it's not really fair to Jon.

How would Jon have taken it if he and Ned had the conversation Ned promised?

He would sulk and pout like he usually does but eventually come to terms.
Why did that Little Bird lure....oh fuck I can't remember his name but hte Faith Militant down to the Wildfire? I can't work out a reason other than Cersei almost giving him a chance to save the High Sparrow etc.


Neo Member
Why didn't Ned at least tell Cat that Jon wasn't his? She could have kept the secret I think

If Ned had told her Jon wasn't his son, Cat would have questioned why he was taking care of him and who are the boys parents.

I doubt he could make him fostering a friend's son believable, so that's out of question.

And if Ned had told her only that Jon is Lyanna's son, Cat would have put 2 and 2 together and conclude who the father is. And well, the baby would have the blood of those who killed her bethroded so...

Yeah, Ned telling her this was the quickest and simplest way to get rid of questions.


Why did that Little Bird lure....oh fuck I can't remember his name but hte Faith Militant down to the Wildfire? I can't work out a reason other than Cersei almost giving him a chance to save the High Sparrow etc.

He wasn't lured, the kid made a mistake.

Even then it was pretty stupid plot device for this faith militant to get fucked by a random little kid. Oh well we needed the scene where he crawls and tries to extinguish the candles.
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