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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Can someone explain who Howland Reed is and what his significance in the story is? For the life of me I can't remember him at all from previous seasons

Howland Reed is Meera's father, Meera being the girl who is helping Bran. Howland Reed was at the Tower of Joy with Ned Stark. He's the one who stabbed the guy in the back to save Ned, making them the only two to survive the fight. If he's still alive today then he may be one of two people in the world, including Bran, who knows Jon's true lineage.


semen stains the mountaintops
Howland Reed is also also Meera and Jojen's father, the two people who helped Bran get North.

This is what Jojen had to say about his father and Ned's relationship.
"When I told my father about your father, for the first time in my life, I saw him cry."

This is a man who won't tell the world about Jon's father because of how much he loves Ned.


He is the other one guy in the vision of the past besides Ned that was not killed by Arthur Dayne

Do we know whether or not Howland Reed is still alive?

He was the guy with Ned Stark in Bran's visions. He has been mentioned a few times in conversations of different characters on the show in season 3 and now in season 6.

also the father of Bran's travelling companions Jojen (RIP) and Meera (only current companion)
So the question i'm asking myself after watching the High Sparrow do his thing for the past couple seasons until his end last night is... was he really a true believer through and through, a pure fanatic? Or was he just in it for power and using faith as a front, a tool to play the game of thrones? Or maybe a bit of both?

For me, it seemed like he was definitely more on the true believer end of the spectrum. The part that highlighted it for me was when he is so blinded by all of his religious nonsense and going on about "gods this and gods that" until he is told by Margaery to "forget the gods and listen to what i'm telling you!" If he really was most interested in playing the game and out-maneuvering people, aka survival... he really seemed to have dropped the ball in a major way there. Especially when he is being told point blank by Margaery and seeing her shed her calm, saintly demeanor as she clearly panics and fears for her and her families lives. There never really was a scene where the High Sparrow dropped the act, or acted any differently aside from a few glances you could read into which could just as easily be nothing.

I feel like the gaining of more and more power was just a happy side effect of his extreme fundamentalism and he took advantage of a perfect time in King's Landing to push his agenda. He might have enjoyed the power he amassed on some level, but only because it enabled him to bring more and more into the light of the seven and more swiftly than he could've otherwise.


Where can i find the music that played throughout the episode? Absolutely loved it

Yeah, the music this episode was really good. Much better than the previous episodes (I thought it was getting a bit "boring" most of the time).


I want a library like that!


I don't mourn for the Tyrells and count every second Cersei rules a blessing, but Mace's reaction to Loras being marked was heart breaking.

Olenna led her family into the slaughter. Cersei admitted she was wrong and asked for her help and Olenna took it as an opportunity to run her into the ground and boast about how screwed she was.


semen stains the mountaintops
I don't mourn for the Tyrells and count every second Cersei rules a blessing, but Mace's reaction to Loras being marked was heart breaking.

Great performance there.

Mace might have been a goofball and everyone kinda thought he was a joke but the man truly loved his family and he never did anything 'evil', he was too good for this world.
What's really interesting to me is that Ned knew Jon was a possible heir to the throne and yet allowed Jon to take the black, thus forfeiting the birthright he didn't know he had.

I know Ned was trying to protect Jon, but it's still kinda fucked up.

Rhaegar was already married. Pretty sure Jon is still a bastard. And even if he wasn't, Robert was still alive when Ned made that decision. A living Targ heir is not something he would have allowed, even living in his best friend's house. Too many people (especially the Dornish and Iron Islands) salty about the last two wars to allow a kid like that to be used as political motivation. Which is why Robert kept tabs on Dany and Viserys their entire young lives.

Edit: Ned also saw joining the night's watch as a totally honorable profession. His own brother was a member after all. Up until the week before Robert had his accident, he was under the impression that Joff/Tommen/Myrcella were the rightful heirs, and then Joff/Sansa's kids, etc, and that was that.


One thing that bothered me is that sansa and arya dont really look like sisters.
Am I allowed to ask if they look alike in the books?

To be fair my brothers and I all look very different from each other, so much that people have asked if we are adopted. Not too surprising that they do not look alike.
Yeah, the music this episode was really good. Much better than the previous episodes (I thought it was getting a bit "boring" most of the time).


I want a library like that!

Did anybody else get major Dark Souls 3 vibes from that library? It reminds me of Grand Archives.


I do want to hear where the Dornish stand on Rhaegar and Lyanna. To a lot them she's probably the treacherous slut who stole Elia's husband and started a war.


semen stains the mountaintops
Is it just me or was the library not knowing about Jon really fucking stupid?

The person who would've sent them that info is dead, it's not like they're getting ravens from across the world telling them info about The Night's Watch.


Just finished watching the episode, it was the best one I can remember. So many great moments and twists, many things moving forward and all the main players are finally set in a collision course. God tier music. Lady Mormont is my favorite character tied with Tyrion. BTW, it was great seeing Tyrion finally getting some recognition. Also, him kneeling before Danny and aknowledging her as someone worthy of following hyped her on a level no speech riding a dragon before an army had done before to me.

Hop John and Dany can reach an agreement and I fear what dirty trick Littlefinger will play on the Starks.

Awesome episode.

Edit: How could I forget, Arya was great, finally she did something! And it was very cool!


So here is a list of almost all tracks that played during ep 10:

3. Light of the Seven (Opening Scene)
11. Maester (Sam arrives to the Citadel)
17. Winter Has Come (Jon and Sansa + King in the North)
18. Hear Me Roar (Cersei's Coronation)
23. The Tower (Tower of Joy flashback pt 2)
19. The Winds of Winter (Closing Scene+ Credits)
I wonder who ends up on Cersei's small council. Qyburn is guaranteed to be Master of Whispers, but everything else including Hand of the King is up in the air.


semen stains the mountaintops

But every single other person in the series somehow knows about it.

Those people are in the North, the happenings of the North are important to them. Old Town is way down South near Dorne, they only get their info from what other Maesters tell them and the one at The Wall died before he could tell them anything. How are they to know something if no one ever tells them?


Cersei in King's Landing, Ellaria down south, Dany and Yara coming from the east. Outlier is Jon in the north, but there might be the seeds for funny business planted with Sansa. We almost got a War of the Five Queens on our hands.


I wonder who ends up on Cersei's small council. Qyburn is guaranteed to be Master of Whispers, but everything else including Hand of the King is up in the air.

Qyburn is Hand of the Queen, he was wearing the pin during her coronation. I think she'll keep things small. Her,Qyburn, and Jaime. Maybe Bronn gets in on the war prep.


Did anybody else get major Dark Souls 3 vibes from that library? It reminds me of Grand Archives.

Same! I immediately had to think of the Grand Archives as well.

Also, those lamp thingies hanging there seem to be the same as those things from the intro:

Well not 100% I suppose. But it's a nice nod.

El Jaffe

One thing that bothered me is that sansa and arya dont really look like sisters.
Am I allowed to ask if they look alike in the books?
If I remember correctly Sansa looks a lot like her mother, or essentially looked like a Tully. Arya supposedly looks similar to Ned's sister Lyanna, so she has Stark features.


Just finished watching the episode, it was the best one I can remember. So many great moments and twists, many things moving forward and all the main players are finally set in a collision course. God tier music. Lady Mormont is my favorite character tied with Tyrion. BTW, it was great seeing Tyrion finally getting some recognition. Also, him kneeling before Danny and aknowledging her as someone worthy of following hyped her on a level no speech riding a dragon before an army had done before to me.

Hop John and Dany can reach an agreement and I fear what dirty trick Littlefinger will play on the Starks.

Awesome episode.

Edit: How could I forget, Arya was great, finally she did something! And it was very cool!

Season 6 was the season of the Starks aka, bad fortune ahead for them courtesy of little finger.

Cersei in King's Landing, Arianne down south, Dany and Yara coming from the east. Outlier is Jon in the north, but there might be the seeds for funny business planted with Sansa. We almost got a War of the Five Queens on our hands.

Euron still lurking, he may be minor in the scheme of things, but he's going to cause some problems.


Also, those lamp thingies hanging there seem to be the same as those things from the intro:

Way back when they came up with the opening credits, they envisioned that a mad monk was in a tower, keeping tabs on what was going on and building little automatons to bring it to life. Stands to reason that mad monk was a maester and the tower was the Citadel in Oldtown.

Eventually, Angus Wall at Elastic, the company that makes the titles, had, according to Spence, "a vision of a mad monk, in a tower somewhere," who was somehow keeping track of all this action, "and creating as he went. He would then fashion little automatons out of the materials that would be available in his world. They would be stone, or tin, or wood, and everything would feel very hand-crafted."

Another link on the credits:
I had initially thought, okay, the shape of this thing… imagine it’s in a medieval tower and monks are watching over it and it’s a living map and it’s shaped like a bowl that’s 30 feet in diameter and these guys watch over it, kind of like they would the Book of Kells or something… they’re the caretakers of this map.

I quickly realized we were still going to shoot off the map. So the next thought was, what happens when you put two bowls together? You have a sphere. Next question was “how is it lit?” And obviously, If you have a whole world inside a sphere, what would be in the middle of that sphere? The sun! Or whatever the light source of this world is.


Why isn't there a Star Wars RPG? And wouldn't James Bond make for a pretty good FPS?
I assume Littlefinger knows that the official story about Lyanna being kidnapped is bullshit but even he has no idea that Jon isn't actually Ned's son. The only people who know were those dead knights, the women in that room and possibly Howland Reed. Littlefinger is good about getting information but he's not that good.

He's smart enough to connect the dots though

He knows that:
- the kidnap story is bs
- that Ned was there at the tower of joy when Lyanna died
- that Ned came back with a baby after that
- that the 3 best kingsguards defended the princes mistress instead of fighting with their King/Prince
- and that Ned's honour would never allow him to cheat on his wife

I expect a guy of Littlefingers smarts to put two and two together given what he knows.

I mean he basically knew the same things the book readers knew, who had it figured out years ago.
Qyburn is Hand of the Queen, he was wearing the pin during her coronation. I think she'll keep things small. Her,Qyburn, and Jaime. Maybe Bronn gets in on the war prep.

Nice, didn't notice that.

I don't see Bronn getting into politics though, I'd rather he didn't anyway since anyone close to Cersei is liable to get killed these days.

Can't really tell what Jaime will do though, I'm looking forward to how he reacts to everything next season.


semen stains the mountaintops
I always forget Ellaria's name and when I try to think of it, the only thing that comes to mind is Lyanna.
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