So I'm glad they went with the widely accepted theory that Jon is the son of Rhaegar & Lyanna (I guess they didn't really specify if it was a consensual relationship though?) but what grinds my gears about the theory in the first place is why Ned couldn't even give Cate a heads up as to what was going on?
Not telling Robert? Sure, of course. Not telling Jon? Ok, it's probably safer that way. But not telling Catelyn? What a dick. Instead he feeds her the line about knocking up some broad and then the guy grows up with his "step mom" despising him? What was the harm in cluing her in to the fact that it was her nephew?
I know they weren't married for long before Ned took off but still, come on man. The dude already felt shunned enough with the Snow name, he didn't have to take shit from your wife too...