So North n South will be Targayen lol
Yep, best looking woman that remained on the show. Don't even like the Dragon mother.
But there's still Tyene!
All two scenes of her this season. They'll have to work on that.
They can keep the rest of Dorne off-screen.
Has it ever been confirmed that Rhaegar got killed in the show? If so, who killed him?
Not a chance. Lena Headey and Jerome Flynn refuse to share scenes together and are kept apart as much as possible on set.
She has complete freedom and control of her life for the first time. She doesn't have to defer to her husband or father, or one of her sons and his wife.So, what explains Cerise's sort of cold reaction to the death of her son? He was her last remaining child, right?
Also, she gains nothing by being queen that she didn't have before. I thought she did this for family, and her family is pretty much gone aside from Jamie. She should've also jumped from a window or something.
what's the beef?
what's the beef?
Yeah, that's why i never liked the idea of Jon Snow being Ned's nephew, it makes Ned look bad. Anyway that's the reality now, so at least they could make Benjen know it as well so that he could testify the story in Ned's place.He could have always told her in the next 14 years but didn't. Not telling her hurt both of them but he still didn't tell Cat because he promised Lyanna.
There's this cool picture of Robert V Jon's Daddio that comes from an art book, I believe.
I don't know. Most People seem to agree Robert was a true badass back in the day. And I don't think Rhaegar was any kind of legendary warrior.Makes you wonder if things really went down the way Robert said... We now know Ned had help taking down that Targaryan knight. I'll bet Robert had something similar happen.
he put the crown on the table
When Jon grabbed the lantern to kill hte white and save the the night watch commander in S1 did he hurt his hand? Could he have dragon blood or is that only preserved via inbreeding?
Her rise as the new Sith Lord. Actually, I think the real explanation is not too far from that. I took her reaction as her shedding her last connection of humanity in order to become what she was truly meant to be. In case we had any doubt, the director has her don the badass dark outfit with the armored shoulders for her coronation. She's transformed into the dark queen. In the last shot you see her flanked by her dark maester and her dark knight. It was one of the best scenes in the episode.So, what explains Cerise's sort of cold reaction to the death of her son? He was her last remaining child, right?
I like women with short hair.
He could have always told her in the next 14 years but didn't. Not telling her hurt both of them but he still didn't tell Cat because he promised Lyanna.
I don't know. Most People seem to agree Robert was a true badass back in the day. And I don't think Rhaegar was any kind of legendary warrior.
Cat being pissed about it makes it more believable for appearances sake but I suppose she could have faked that. Maybe there's still more to the story.
So, what explains Cerise's sort of cold reaction to the death of her son? He was her last remaining child, right?
Also, she gains nothing by being queen that she didn't have before. I thought she did this for family, and her family is pretty much gone aside from Jamie. She should've also jumped from a window or something.
Most of my reactions to this episode has been said already, except: all of Cersei's outfits were incredible this episode.
That's my hope, but we don't know. I'm wondering how the world will react learning that Jon is Rhaegar's son. That's kind of a huge deal. I think that would elevate him on the royalty scale higher than everyone except maybe is the thinking that Lyanne wasn't kidnapped at all, but that she ran away with Rhaegar? So the whole war was fought on a lie?
That's my hope, but we don't know. I'm wondering how the world will react learning that Jon is Rhaegar's son. That's kind of a huge deal. I think that would elevate him on the royalty scale higher than everyone except maybe Daenerys.
That's my hope, but we don't know. I'm wondering how the world will react learning that Jon is Rhaegar's son. That's kind of a huge deal. I think that would elevate him on the royalty scale higher than everyone except maybe Daenerys.
1. she's a horrible human who had just finished joyfully admitting to being as such
2. he was collateral damage, a loss she was okay with accepting to get what she wanted, because...
3. She knew all her kids were going to die because some witch lady told her long ago.
She did it because she enjoys power tripping. She is THE ruler right now, no father to stand in her way, no son for others to sway, nothing stopping her from executing exactly what she wants to do with no objections tolerated.
She obviously wasn't that willing to part with him because she kept him from attending the trial. I think that finding out about his death just turned off all of her fucks and she's gonna ride the kingdom into the ground.
She obviously wasn't that willing to part with him because she kept him from attending the trial. I think that finding out about his death just turned off all of her fucks and she's gonna ride the kingdom into the ground.
I love how cold she was towards Tommen's death. She tried, kept him away from what she planned, but was totally unsurprised that he was dead because of that witch lady. Put her in a nice point-of-no-return. She probably figured the little guy would die some way or another, mine as well be now.
I'm still chuckling about the King's Landing jokes. Fabulous.
so is the thinking that Lyanne wasn't kidnapped at all, but that she ran away with Rhaegar? So the whole war was fought on a lie?
Higher, in fact, as he would be Rhaegar's firstborn son, while Dany is Rhaegar's sister. That makes the claim Dany is counting on belong to Jon
I think that actress works with or without it
1. she's a horrible human who had just finished joyfully admitting to being as such
2. he was collateral damage, a loss she was okay with accepting to get what she wanted, because...
3. She knew all her kids were going to die because some witch lady told her long ago.
She did it because she enjoys power tripping. She is THE ruler right now, no father to stand in her way, no son for others to sway, nothing stopping her from executing exactly what she wants to do with no objections tolerated.
So, what explains Cerise's sort of cold reaction to the death of her son? He was her last remaining child, right?
Also, she gains nothing by being queen that she didn't have before. I thought she did this for family, and her family is pretty much gone aside from Jamie. She should've also jumped from a window or something.
Yeah. He probably was very good, maybe even great. Just not on the same level as what Ned faced with The Sword of The Morning.I don't think he was on the level of Aerys' Seven but it sounds like he was a skilled enough warrior. He won Lord Whent's grand tourney at Harrenhal which is where everything started.
Agreed. Cersei is now incredibly dangerousShe obviously wasn't that willing to part with him because she kept him from attending the trial. I think that finding out about his death just turned off all of her fucks and she's gonna ride the kingdom into the ground.
Not firstborn (this doesn't really matter though) and still a bastard.Higher, in fact, as he would be Rhaegar's firstborn son, while Dany is Rhaegar's sister. That makes the claim Dany is counting on belong to Jon
Most of my reactions to this episode has been said already, except: all of Cersei's outfits were incredible this episode.
I thought Robert was accepted to be a fucking beast when he was younger, mainly due to sheer might rather than skill, sort of like the Mountain.
I think Rhaegar found himself in a bad spot in the water, but Robert just muscled his way through it.
I'm still hoping we get a flashback of Rhaegar V Robert. Though with the rumored reduction in episodes next season, they might not want to waste time on non essential scenes.