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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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upon rewatching that scene, how does Bran even know that is Jon Snow? they don't name the baby there or anything

Even ignoring his special powers, he surely knows enough about his family's history and the "official" separate stories of Lyanna and Jon to be able to piece it together.


Apparently there are more hints in the books and little nods that point to Ned having a secret he kept from everyone.

In the show itself there are some scenes here and there that point to Jon being more than he seems but not enough where if you just saw the show, you'd have come to that conclusion, at least I don't think.
It probably started with book readers and leaked into the show thread, but I could see someone coming up with that theory just from the show. We know from the very first season there's some significance to Jon's mother. The most likely way it would have a real impact and be a shocking revelation is if it's some character from the show we already knew about. Once you get to that point it's not hard to imagine someone guessing Lyanna.

Never got there myself though. I was certain for a while that Jon's mom would turn out to be Melisandre.


No. They are asking how ice creatures are going to defeat the magical spells in and around the wall of ice.

Surely that's obvious , the foreshadowing we saw from Benjin in that last episode was even clumsier than the stuff they did for KL burning all this season
I don't mind the condensing of time, but I really do wish that there was a Dany, Martell, Tyrell meet up scene. I'd like to see her meet and speak with her Westeros allies since this is what we have been waiting for for six seasons. Rather than being fed all this information through Tyrion. I hope we get a slight flashback at the beginning of next season where Dany and Tyrion get briefed on the fucked up shit that Cersei did in King's Landing.


Lovely episode. Have only done a cursory reading of this thread but I still have no clue where the info of Ned's sister falling in love with a Targaryen is coming from. Need to rewatch the older seasons, again.

Lady Mormont is adorable. Please don't die next season.

Tyrion telling Dany that he has never believed in anything but he believes in her had me raising my eyebrows the most. Sure, she had burned down buildings, people, and ships with her dragons in front on him but Tyrion is an intellectual. What is it about her that he is finding worth believing in? Unless he too is simply falling in love with her and that was his way of expressing those sentiments. Made me wonder.
God, I love this show so much.
That last scene was exactly how I was picturing the ending in my mind, epic stuff.

Holy shit at Arya, when she took off the mask I was grinning like an idiot.

Kneel to the king of the mutherfucking north biotches!!!
I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

So sad for Marge, that one really stings.
Tommen's suicide though, I actually said wtf out loud.

The pieces are in place, great things await us.

Edit: music was fantastic!


Lovely episode. Have only done a cursory reading of this thread but I still have no clue where the info of Ned's sister falling in love with a Targaryen is coming from. Need to rewatch the older seasons, again.
Check out this video for a refresher of the hints that have been there all along.

The gist of it is that the story has always been Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna, raped her and murdered her, but we've now seen firsthand how the told history doesn't always align with reality via Bran's visions. History is written by the winners, essentially.

qcf x2

I agree with the costumes on Cercei and Sansa but fuck Dany could use something new.

Could say that about her entire arc and "character development." It kind of fits, if you think of it that way. Clothes don't change, she don't change.

Jaime is still slayin', whether it's with Valyrian steel or Lannister wood.


So is the mountain going to repeatedly rape that atone woman? I didn't get that scene.

Rape, turture, mental break... All manner of violation is on the table. Cersei even hinted that the torture would not just be physical, but that the Septa would come to denounce the seven gods and come to think of the mountain as God. Truly twisted shit.


That was impossible. Battle of Bastards was probably the best episode till then but this one, I can't believe it was that good. So many times I though it ended yet it kept giving.

Oh and by the way, "what a waste Arya is, her story goes nowhere, lololol she went all the way only to cme back, blah blah, blah", in your face haters. One of the best moments form, stood up and started screaming "Arya, Arya, Arya".

Her story arc was still terrible.


Neo Member
Well, if Bran goes through the wall, the walkers might too. He is marked.

This is what I assume is going to happen as well. However, it feels a little clunky 'cause what if Bran didn't fuck up and get marked? What was the Night King's plan if that never happened? They'd just stay north of the wall and be a non-threat forever?
Now that Dany has her army ready to invade she needs to start getting some Targaryen armor for them.



This is what I assume is going to happen as well. However, it feels a little clunky 'cause what if Bran didn't fuck up and get marked? What was the Night King's plan if that never happened? They'd just stay north of the wall and be a non-threat forever?
Plus, if that was the Night King's plan all along then Bran was never in any real danger and Hodor sacrificed himself for nothing. And why were the undead still trying to kill Bran when Benjen had to ride in and save him? I really don't like that theory at all.


Does Jon even want the Iron Throne? Aren't they just vying for independence and triumph over the White Walkers?

The Starks have been Kings for several thousands of years in the North. No need for the Iron throne, especially when it's sat on by their sworn enemy. The only reasons the Starks gave up kingship and agreed to join the other kingdoms was because Aegon the conqueror showed up with some goddamn Dragons and made them a reasonable deal that they could still be wardens of the North.

The idea now is that if the Lannisters want the North, they can come face the Starks. But the Starks give no shits about the iron throne. Especially in light of the white walkers... the iron throne is just a stupid chair made melted steel.


The downside of Margaery going out like that to me is that, it seemed like she had a plan, when she send her grandmother away with that note. Too bad.

Glad to have that storyline over with though, I never enjoyed it too much.
These reaction videos are cringeworthy bad. The Burlington Bar ones and some of the group ones are ok but the single viewer reaction videos... eek
So how come the kingdoms dont run themselves? How exactly does the iron throne in Kings landing benefit from kingdoms like dorne? What's the benefit of being the king over just the ruler of dorne or the north?

Wouldnt everyone want independence?

All the kingdoms were independent before the Targs showed up and forced them (via dragons) to be one country. After the dragons died off, it was conventional military might and political marriages that kept everyone in line and/or happy.

I was a bit confused by the moment. Sure Jon has been put through the ringer and he certainly deserves his moment, but his victory over the Boltons was not deserving of him being called King in the North.

Why did all of the Northern houses call him king?

Everyone in the north has served the Starks for at least 1000 years, and by and large they were very much loved as fair and balanced rulers. Robb's ascension after Ned's imprisonment basically meant they were no longer shackled to their southern neighbors. Robb's death by betrayal obviously left most of the loyal houses with animosity towards the Lannisters, Freys, and Boltons. Jon (and Sansa) tamed the Wildlings, killed the Boltons, and reclaimed Winterfell. The Lannisters are still in power at KL. Why would they not declare a new King? The alternative is serving Cersei, the same person who imprisoned Ned in the first place.


The downside of Margaery going out like that to me is that, it seemed like she had a plan, when she send her grandmother away with that note. Too bad.

Glad to have that storyline over with though, I never enjoyed it too much.

I think the plan was just to ride out the bullshit trial and pretend to have faith so that Loras would get his freedom. With her reaction after his mutilation obviously that part didn't go according to her plan.
I think the plan was just to ride out the bullshit trial and pretend to have faith so that Loras would get his freedom. With her reaction after his mutilation obviously that part didn't go according to her plan.

yeah, I think she saw that if she played along, she could possibly leave Kings Landing, with LLoris and also Cersie would be put in prison or worse, she saw it as a good plan.


It probably started with book readers and leaked into the show thread, but I could see someone coming up with that theory just from the show. We know from the very first season there's some significance to Jon's mother. The most likely way it would have a real impact and be a shocking revelation is if it's some character from the show we already knew about. Once you get to that point it's not hard to imagine someone guessing Lyanna.

Never got there myself though. I was certain for a while that Jon's mom would turn out to be Melisandre.
True, but just by the fact that show watchers used the same name ("R + L = J") for the theory shows that it likely came from book readers.
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