It still doesn't make sense that the Sparrows blocked the doors, like why hold people there against their wills? Not very Godly.Maergery candidate for dumbest character, in a sudden twist.
It still doesn't make sense that the Sparrows blocked the doors, like why hold people there against their wills? Not very Godly.Maergery candidate for dumbest character, in a sudden twist.
True, but just by the fact that show watchers used the same name ("R + L = J") for the theory shows that it likely came from book readers.
Yeah, how did she not see coming that Cersei would destroy the Sept of Baelor with wildfire that nobody knew about?Maergery candidate for dumbest character, in a sudden twist.
Considering the size of the explosion it wouldn't have mattered anyway.It still doesn't make sense that the Sparrows blocked the doors, like why hold people there against their wills? Not very Godly.
Why was Jon was even named King of the North? Like, it made lots of sense when Robb was rallied behind, but Jon?
Isn't this kind of unprecedented for bastards? Wouldn't there be an expectation that he'd honor his oath and not abandon the Night's Watch? I mean, I highly doubt most people accept he died and came back to life lol. Plus, the battle against the Boltons was lost until the Lords of the Vale showed up. It wasn't some incredible victory; they weren't even outnumbered in the end. Even if that isn't known to most, it doesn't seem like the kind of battle that should inspire another rebellion lol. Oh, and most of the Northerners still don't even believe in the White Walkers, right? I can't imagine they've suddenly gotten over their hatred of the Wildlings either.
It feels weirdly forced.
How do we know what Lyanna said to Ned? I was underwhelmed by the "reveal". Is it actually confirmed that R+L=J?
Why was Jon was even named King of the North? Like, it made lots of sense when Robb was rallied behind, but Jon?
Isn't this kind of unprecedented for bastards? Wouldn't there be an expectation that he'd honor his oath and not abandon the Night's Watch? I mean, I highly doubt most people accept he died and came back to life lol. Plus, the battle against the Boltons was lost until the Lords of the Vale showed up. It wasn't some incredible victory; they weren't even outnumbered in the end. Even if that isn't known to most, it doesn't seem like the kind of battle that should inspire another rebellion lol. Oh, and most of the Northerners still don't even believe in the White Walkers, right? I can't imagine they've suddenly gotten over their hatred of the Wildlings either.
It feels weirdly forced.
I really wish Margaery had been able to slip out and survive. Her death made a lot of things that have happened before seem a little pointless almost. Though I guess if she survived Tommen wouldn't have jumped out a window and then Cersei wouldn't have the throne, so it needed to happen. But still, Margaery's character arc feels so incomplete to me.The downside of Margaery going out like that to me is that, it seemed like she had a plan, when she send her grandmother away with that note. Too bad.
Glad to have that storyline over with though, I never enjoyed it too much.
Reaction videos where people know they are being filmed are cringey 99.9% of the time. Burlington Bar have some good ones but there's usually a few people closest to the camera that have their "reaction face" on all the time.These reaction videos are cringeworthy bad. The Burlington Bar ones and some of the group ones are ok but the single viewer reaction videos... eek
From Littlefinger's perspective of realizing the 'image in his head' though, what purpose would it serve to have Sansa fight Jon over control of the North? Wouldn't it be better if Jon ruled Winterfell as an actual ALLY of Sansa, who would be free to go with littlefiner and conquer King's Landing?And then the stare from LF "told you so", basically implying that he is still trying to push her to go dark and turn against Jon (which he may already have started her on the path of). Then Sansa looks back, in a stare of "Oh shit LF is up to something" or "Oh crap maybe he was right and I'm going to have to fight my brother if I want Winterfell and the North for myself".
I really really hope it's option 1 and not #2...
Why? She was the only one that realized something was gonna happen.
Yeah, how did she not see coming that Cersei would destroy the Sept of Baelor with wildfire that nobody knew about?
Considering the size of the explosion it wouldn't have mattered anyway.
I think they said they were going to do a twist with the whole Tower of Joy thing. Maybe Rhaegar really isn't the father? Seems like it would be too obvious now, but who else's baby could it be? And why would Bob Baratheon want to kill it? Aerys' son?She appeared to say the baby's name, and that Robert would kill it if he found out. Which would directly imply it's the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar, Robert's sworn enemy (whom Robert had just killed in battle shortly before this).
True, but just by the fact that show watchers used the same name ("R + L = J") for the theory shows that it likely came from book readers.
I think they said they were going to do a twist with the whole Tower of Joy thing. Maybe Rhaegar really isn't the father? Seems like it would be too obvious now, but who else's baby could it be? And why would Bob Baratheon want to kill it? Aerys' son?
With the magic of editing.How did Varys get back to Moreen so quickly for that travel on the boat?
How did Varys get back to Moreen so quickly for that travel on the boat?
Could be wrong, but there's reason to believe that scene occurs months later. Time in this show is so weird.How did Varys get back to Moreen so quickly for that travel on the boat?
How did Varys get back to Moreen so quickly for that travel on the boat?
How did Varys get back to Moreen so quickly for that travel on the boat?
How did Varys get back to Moreen so quickly for that travel on the boat?
I don't understand why he loved Lyanna so much. Wasn't it a political marriage to align Baratheon and Stark?He'd want to kill Jon because he loved Lyanna and having her Targaryen son around is not only a reminder that she didn't actually love him but the true heir to The Iron Throne is there is bad news for him.
They'll probably meet his fleet along the way, and then begin a battle which will encompass all of season 7 and half of season 8.Is the Iron Island guy still sailing for Mereen, only to find it empty? Or maybe he's still building his thousand ships, lol.
Is the Iron Island guy still sailing for Mereen, only to find it empty? Or maybe he's still building his thousand ships, lol.
Is the Iron Island guy still sailing for Mereen, only to find it empty? Or maybe he's still building his thousand ships, lol.
With the magic of editing.
The scenes are separated by more time than it seems
Could be wrong, but there's reason to believe that scene occurs months later. Time in this show is so weird.
Months passed.
Not every event happens at the same time. Weeks and such can pass between events.
there were also Dorne ships among the fleet.
Being that there were Tyrell and Dorne ships with them I imagine they passed by and picked him up along with the other armies. We don't know how much time passed.
They'll probably meet his fleet along the way, and then begin a battle which will encompass all of season 7 and half of season 8.
Did they actually show her blowing up? It would be kind of goofy but if they can bring back the Hound...I really wish Margaery had been able to slip out and survive. Her death made a lot of things that have happened before seem a little pointless almost. Though I guess if she survived Tommen wouldn't have jumped out a window and then Cersei wouldn't have the throne, so it needed to happen. But still, Margaery's character arc feels so incomplete to me.
I mean, so was Dany and Drogo or Cat and Ned, sometimes people end up loving each other even if it was all political. Robert ended up going to war just because he loved her so much but she didn't feel the same way about him.I don't understand why he loved Lyanna so much. Wasn't it a political marriage to align Baratheon and Stark?
Did they actually show her blowing up? It would be kind of goofy but if they can bring back the Hound...
I think it was also about what Aerys did to his father and brother though, not just Lyanna.I mean, so was Dany and Drogo or Cat and Ned, sometimes people end up loving each other even if it was all political. Robert ended up going to war just because he loved her so much but she didn't feel the same way about him.
You have wonder, though, did Ned not realize her sister didn't love Robert? Did he go to war under some false pretences and when he saw his sister asking him to promise to protect Jon, did he realize sending his sister off to Robert would actually be a huge disservice to her?
They did a poor job of showing the passage of time in this specific case. They generally make a point of doing so and when it doesn't happen it's confusing.I dont get people that get stuck on the time variances.
Unless character cross paths, they're not nessesarily showing you concurrent events. It's just that simple.
Danys story is her journey to Westeros, not Jon's or Cersi's.
Ollena in Dorn is obviously months after Cersi being crowned, regardless if we're shown the ceremony after.
It still doesn't make sense that the Sparrows blocked the doors, like why hold people there against their wills? Not very Godly.
I think it was also about what Aerys did to his father and brother though, not just Lyanna.
For her beauty only. Lyanna knew he would never be faithful.Didn't Robert have a thing for Lyanna since they were kids?
Question for long time fans,
How did the R+L=J theory come about? With so much information in the books/show how did this crazy theory became what it is?
So......Jon and Dany are going to get married, right?
Wincest incoming?
I don't understand why he loved Lyanna so much. Wasn't it a political marriage to align Baratheon and Stark?
So......Jon and Dany are going to get married, right?
Wincest incoming?
I wanna see Dany's face when she realizes she isn't the true heir of shit.
The dragon Queen is going marry the King slayer, isn't she?
When cersei doesn't turn up to the trial.