Did the High Sparrow?die
Did the High Sparrow?die
Just noticed at the beginning of ep 6 Bran sees the wildfire blowing up under the cathedral in the visions. So I guess he can see the future too.
With Brienne training him, Pod is going to come out beast mode in Season 7
What was Jon's birth scene telegraphing? I thought it meant he wasn't a bastard..
The more I think about it, the more it doesn't seem impossible, but he has to be able to prove that he is Robbert's son in the first place. Otherwise, which houses will get behind him?
Cersei is the best and I love her.
I thought it was amusing that they started the "Margaery is playing the High Sparrow" thread but ended up going nowhere with it. I suppose that was just a red herring.
Dany and especially Jon Snow are so boring to me though.
Needs to have "BAIL OUT!" flash across it before he jumps
The thing that really makes this is the sound work. No music but the faint sound of screams from the carnage.
In the first season I thought Jon Snow was boring and everything with his story was too. Then when be was a wildling prisoner I was interested. Then his relationship with Ygrett made me like him. Then he came back to he. Ame back to castle black and started running shit mad me really like him.
I think it really cool he went from one of my least favorite characters to top 3.
Jaime is my number 1. In my opinion, his character was great from the beginning and gets better every season.
Perfect ending would be Jaime and Cersei ruling Kings Landing as King and Queen.
Man. What an episode.
What a season!
What a show!
Hah! Good one.King's Landing.
He's the only big character in the sept where they actually showed his death! He was completely obliterated. Everyone in the sept is likely dead.
If someone actually survived that I'd be surprised.
So, what explains Cerise's sort of cold reaction to the death of her son? He was her last remaining child, right?
Also, she gains nothing by being queen that she didn't have before. I thought she did this for family, and her family is pretty much gone aside from Jamie. She should've also jumped from a window or something.
Yea. You can also hear Tommen strumming the crown too. Its faint but it made me think at the time "Sounds like hes trying to decide something."You can also head the sound of him setting metal down on stone when he takes off his crown.
The show finally pulls you in to team Cersei and then next season they are probably gonna off her.
Yup, the sister clearly said "Robert" and the nly character tha tI know who name was Robert was the last Robert Baratheon. Cersei previous husband.
I mean
We saw in the vision, Kings Landing is fucking wrecked by the time Danny is in the throne room.
My guess is Cersei goes Mad King and actually blows up the city.
Now if we didn't see Kings Landing in ash (or snow), I would say that in cruel irony, Jamie would be forced to kill his sister to prevent her from blowing up the city during the invasion.
Probably Arya's first top after dealing with Walder Frey. She's got to resupply her stock of Direwolf bread.So guys, where does this all leave Hotpie?
Rewatch it...Yup, the sister clearly said "Robert" and the nly character tha tI know who name was Robert was the last Robert Baratheon. Cersei previous husband.
Probably Arya's first top after dealing with Walder Frey. She's got to resupply her stock of Direwolf bread.
Come to think of it, Brienne failed to deliver Hotpie's new and improved version when she met Arya didn't she? Pod probably ate it.
which vision has dany on the throne?
We've been shown two visions of the throne room and one of King's Landing.
Bran had a vision where he saw a dragon's shadow flying over King's Landing.
In the same vision he also saw the Red Keep destroyed with snow falling on the Throne.
Dany also had the same vision of the Throne.
We've been shown two visions of the throne room and one of King's Landing.
Bran had a vision where he saw a dragon's shadow flying over King's Landing.
In the same vision he also saw the Red Keep destroyed with snow falling on the Throne.
Dany also had the same vision of the Throne.
So what I believe this means is that when Dany lands and attacks King's Landing, it will mostly be intact, aside from what Cersei did but her attack could possibly destroy the Red Keep. At some point after this, The White Walkers will come and with them they will bring the Long Night, completely enveloping King's Landing in darkness and snow.
A lot of people seem to think that Sansa will backstab Jon due to Littlefinger but from the episode I took away that she knows Littlefinger is not to be trusted, she knows he's going to be an issue and they have to be wary of him. She's the only one who knows what his ultimate goal is which to every one else is probably unthinkable.
Wow wow wow KING OF THE NORTH!!!!!!
What a GOD DAMN amazing moment.
Fuck you Frey, Starks tearing shit up! My god I was jumping up and down through the entire episode. Amazing finale, incredible Season. Probably the best, or up there with Season 3.
I felt like him committing suicide was also a factor in her reaction being different to Joffery and Myrcella who were forcibly taken from her. Him deciding to end his own life could be seen as a betrayal to her as well.A lot of people seem to think that Sansa will backstab Jon due to Littlefinger but from the episode I took away that she knows Littlefinger is not to be trusted, she knows he's going to be an issue and they have to be wary of him. She's the only one who knows what his ultimate goal is which to every one else is probably unthinkable.
Cersei probably wasn't too broken up about Tommen because she was absolutely betrayed by him, twice. First he didn't save her from imprisonment and the walk of shame which turned her into a joke in the eyes of so many and you know that had to burn at her core. Then when he promises to never let let anything like it happen again what does he do? Shacks up with Margery even more and unites the Church and Crown to be BFF with the High Sparrow etc. These are the people that caused her so much misery, even worse he removes the one way she could have saved herself from the impending trial that everyone knew would lead to a death sentence, ie: Trial by combat. He could have made sure that stayed an option, he didn't.
In the end he betrayed her every bit as much as everyone else in her eyes and it's true, he really did. Plus you have the prophecy of all the children dying and hey she did try to save him by having the Mountain keep him confined to his room. At this point you really get the feeling she doesn't give a single damn any more and everyone who laughed and caused her pain is about to be on the receiving end of her fury for those perceived transgressions.
What if the end game is that everyone fucking loses? The Night King wins.
Yup, the sister clearly said "Robert" and the nly character tha tI know who name was Robert was the last Robert Baratheon. Cersei previous husband.
That would be the most amazing and just thing to ever happen on a TV drama.
0% chance of happening.
That would be the most amazing and just thing to ever happen in a TV drama.
0% chance of happening.
I felt like him committing suicide was also a factor in her reaction being different to Joffery and Myrcella who were forcibly taken from her. Him deciding to end his own life could be seen as a betrayal to her as well.
He's my favorite too and has been for a while but he hasn't been done shit for like 3 seasons, so I'm excited for him to be back in the spotlight which he seems to finally be next season.In the first season I thought Jon Snow was boring and everything with his story was too. Then when be was a wildling prisoner I was interested. Then his relationship with Ygrett made me like him. Then he came back to he. Ame back to castle black and started running shit mad me really like him.
I think it really cool he went from one of my least favorite characters to top 3.
Jaime is my number 1. In my opinion, his character was great from the beginning and gets better every season.
Perfect ending would be Jaime and Cersei ruling Kings Landing as King and Queen.
Man. What an episode.
What a season!
What a show!
Too edgy for me. I guess they can go that direction if they want but it's almost the narrative equivalent to "and then he woke up - it was all a dream."
It basically says "none of this story matters, just messing with you."
Too edgy for me. I guess they can go that direction if they want but it's almost the narrative equivalent to "and then he woke up - it was all a dream."
It basically says "none of this story matters, just messing with you."