Tommen was the worst Character ever...complete opposite of Joffrey but just as annoying.
Tommen was the worst Character ever...complete opposite of Joffrey but just as annoying.
I've shit talked Tommen so much this season and have wanted him to die but even I felt bad for the kid at the end there.
I felt like him committing suicide was also a factor in her reaction being different to Joffery and Myrcella who were forcibly taken from her. Him deciding to end his own life could be seen as a betrayal to her as well.
People who can entertain this theory seem to have no concept of character integrity.
Too edgy for me. I guess they can go that direction if they want but it's almost the narrative equivalent to "and then he woke up - it was all a dream."
It basically says "none of this story matters, just messing with you."
I wonder If Daenerys will make an alliance in the future with Jon seeing she'll probably need the North to protect Kings Landing?
I know it would technically mean throwing away her anger towards the Starks for allying with Robert against her father but I'm sure Tyrion will push her in that direction.
Or maybe it will get even weirder she did talk about marriage for alliances even though that would mean she would marry her nephew (Jon) technically if they went down that line, then again it is GOT and incest seems to be the thing in that world.
Let me clarify, I meant to Cersei it could seem like a betrayal.Not really. He knew it was his mother the one that did that. He was broken just to knew how far in her quest for power will go, to murder not just his wife and her family but all those innocents. Poor ineffective Tommen.
I wonder If Daenerys will make an alliance in the future with Jon seeing she'll probably need the North to protect Kings Landing?
ya I guess he is like 13...cant really fault him for being stupid
A few quick questions:
1. Will we ever see Sweet Robin again?
2. Is Daario done for good?
3. Potential Tyrion/Dany romance?
I don't agree. Westeros in chaos, wide scale horror. Massive fleet of survivors must fight to make a home in Essos where they are completely unwelcome.
Westeros is a lost continent - perhaps forever. Or perhaps heroes will one day rise to free the land of the horror.....
It would be a very daring finish to the story - and like I said, 0% chance - and much more interesting that what we will probably get.
1. Who?
2. I think so. Good riddance, they never did anything interesting with him.
3. Don't see it.
I think Robin is the ruler of the Vale but I don't see him doing much he'll be too busy throwing people out of the moon-door basically Littlefinger rules the Vale now.
Sansa will go all Margaery over him, then have him throw littlefinger out the moon door.
Tommen was a genuine good kid who was surrounded by everyone trying to use him for their own purposes. He had no spine in the end and it's why he was not a good king because he was so easily controlled by others.
1. Who?
I don't agree. Westeros in chaos, wide scale horror. Massive fleet of survivors must fight to make a home in Essos where they are completely unwelcome.
Westeros is a lost continent - perhaps forever. Or perhaps heroes will one day rise to free the land of the horror.....
It would be a very daring finish to the story - and like I said, 0% chance - and much more interesting that what we will probably get.
That would be the most amazing and just thing to ever happen in a TV drama.
0% chance of happening.
So this guy
3. Potential Tyrion/Dany romance?
Basically the ending of Hardhome but on a larger scale? That actually would've been an incredible way to finish the series.I don't agree. Westeros in chaos, wide scale horror. Massive fleet of survivors must fight to make a home in Essos where they are completely unwelcome.
Westeros is a lost continent - perhaps forever. Or perhaps heroes will one day rise to free the land of the horror.....
It would be a very daring finish to the story - and like I said, 0% chance - and much more interesting that what we will probably get.
They are gonna bone.
These Targaryen Dragon Lords aren't gonna birth themselves.
A lot of people seem to think that Sansa will backstab Jon due to Littlefinger but from the episode I took away that she knows Littlefinger is not to be trusted, she knows he's going to be an issue and they have to be wary of him. She's the only one who knows what his ultimate goal is which to every one else is probably unthinkable.
A lot of allegiances have to be made next season. Not all of them will be easy going alliances though. This is what gives Petyr his power. All these uneasy alliances appear like a canvas to Petyr who is the artist of political exploitation. Even between Sansa and Jon there is something Lityle Fucker can exploit if he ever came to find out... Sansa still believes the story that Rhaegar Targeryan raped her aunt. What would she think of Jon Snow then if she became aware of his parentage?...
How would that change her perception of Jon's character? It would change literally nothing about Jon's integrity. That's a decision that season 1 Sansa would make but season 6 Sansa definitely would not.
Lord Tit-sucking
In the show?
I don't know, is she?
According to her, yeah. She told that khal she would never have anyones children
How would that change her perception of Jon's character? It would change literally nothing about Jon's integrity. That's a decision that season 1 Sansa would make but season 6 Sansa definitely would not.
According to her, yeah. She told that khal she would never have anyones children
Did we watch a different episode?So aside from a few choice scenes (Lady Mormont is a particular highlight) this last episode seems, to me, like a pretty bland ending to a pretty go-nowhere season. Too much fast travel, too many contrivances to wrap up all the dangling loose ends and too little time spent unpacking the fallout from any of the recent set pieces.
According to her, yeah. She told that khal she would never have anyones children
Do we know how many seasons have been greenlit? I always thought that the moment Daenerys sets foot in Westeros, it is end game. So unless they are going to pull a Berserk on her storyline, season 7 could be a very strong final season.
There was nothing more shocking in this episode than the death of Margaery. She was setting up to play the long game this season and to end all that on an off-scene death was shitty. It makes me think they are going to bring her back in some stupid way and challenge Cersei for the throne.
Also Sansa continues to be the worst (Why the fuck is she partnering with Littlefinger again and lying to Jon?) and I'm baffled that we are still following Sam around. don't see how Margaery could possibly survive that explosion.
But then again, Indy survived a nuclear bomb in a refrigerator so I guess she could have climbed in a tomb or something.
So, Dany's army and Jon's North are destined to fight, since North wants to remain independent from the Westeros kingdom and Dany wants to unite them under her rule.
Yeah, this is gonna be epic.