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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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Lady Mormont has a fantastic kid actor. Seems like a natural talent.






Theory from last year that Sansa could be the one who sits on the throne. Interesting theory. To me, anything is more interesting than Danny or Jon sitting on the throne though, even moreso both of them at the same time :\

I could totally see Sansa being Queen in the North after Jon sacrifices himself to fight the White Walkers.

He is literally a dead man walking. I will be shocked if he makes it out of the series alive.


Maybe she is wrong.

But if she is sterile what does she even want with the Iron Throne?

She can't have kids, all my Targaryen friends are dead, to whom would she leave the kingdom?

After her death the other houses would just fight each other for the Iron Throne again.

Thats whats so interesting about her story, she wants to restore her house, but her house ends with her.

Akin to Alexander the Great, conqueror who died to leave his empire in turmoil and without a ruler.
Ehmm, Jon and his could-barely-defeat-Ramsay Bolton army would get annihilated by Dany's armies and dragons.
Pretty short sighted. Except Jon only had couple hundered Wildlings and about 2000 soldiers from other Northern houses which was half of what Bolton's had + House Karstark and House Umber. The other remaining houses stayed out of the fight, now he has the entire Northern Kingdom under him.

And who knows, Bran can return and start warging Dany's dragons to turn it against her army. So many shits can happen in plot devices that may cause Dany to lose half of her army in next season.


Maybe she is wrong.

But if she is sterile what does she even want with the Iron Throne?

She can't have kids, all my Targaryen friends are dead, to whom would she leave the kingdom?

After her death the other houses would just fight each other for the Iron Throne again.

She could presumably name her own heir if she was in charge.
Lady Mormont has a fantastic kid actor. Seems like a natural talent.


Everyone who keeps complaining about "fast travel" doesn't really know what they're asking for.

First - the show is shot asynchronously. It's giving us flashes of time that tell the story narratively. This isn't 24.

If you had the show that actually reflected the real time passing Dani would still be in Essos for 3 more seasons at least waiting on Tyrion to still show up.

I'll take a better paced show over "nerf fast travel" any day.


Maybe she is wrong.

But if she is sterile what does she even want with the Iron Throne?

She can't have kids, all my Targaryen friends are dead, to whom would she leave the kingdom?

After her death the other houses would just fight each other for the Iron Throne again.

That witch basically told her that she would never have children after the events of the blood ritual. Her dragons are the closest thing to kids she can expect.

And I dont think she wants to sit on the Iron Throne - I believe she wants to destroy it. She told Tyrion she wants to "break the wheel" and end the endless cycle of wars and successions in Westeros.


So, Dany's army and Jon's united Northern Kingdoms are destined to fight, since North wants to remain independent from the Westeros kingdom and Dany wants to unite them under her rule.

Yeah, this is gonna be epic.

Danny don't want White Walkers as much as any Northerner. Dragons convinced the Starks once before and Tyrion by definition will sway their encounter toward diplomacy. Besides, the North can still have their King, if that King marries the mother of dragons...


Did we watch a different episode?

I just didn't like it very much. The entire thing felt like it was on fast-forward. A montage of conclusions for three season's worth of plot developments, many of which had no real impact on larger events and which needed to be wrapped up quickly so the central stalled narrative can finally progress beyond the events of the Red Wedding. I thought last week's episode was sucky for similar reasons.


So aside from a few choice scenes (Lady Mormont is a particular highlight) this last episode seems, to me, like a pretty bland ending to a pretty go-nowhere season. Too much fast travel, too many contrivances to wrap up all the dangling loose ends and too little time spent unpacking the fallout from any of the recent set pieces.


go-nowhere season?


Dont Targaryeans have the habit of going crazy? edit: im asking because i remember Cersei talking about incest and children and how it must have been for the Targaryeans.

I know they have a history of... madness, but I'm not sure that would shake Sansa's faith in Jon who has only demonstrated absolute trustworthiness and reliability.


Not sure if it has been discussed in this thread but does anyone think Arya reuniting with Jon and Sansa is likely next season? I think it is inevitable.


I actually felt relieved for him. The kid was naive and not meant to be in the cruel world of Westeros, let alone the king.

I'd like to believe there's an unlimited supply of Tommens just jumping out of windows and piling up on the street.

Don't worry Tommen. Mama will see one of them and kiss it better.
Danny don't want White Walkers as much as any Northerner. Dragons convinced the Starks once before and Tyrion by definition will sway their encounter toward diplomacy. Besides, the North can still have their King, if that King marries the mother of dragons...
That wouldn't be epic compared to Dany's army vs Northern kingdom. The wild card here are Cersei's army and Euron's navy that may further complicate Dany's impending invasion.


I just didn't like it very much. The entire thing felt like it was on fast-forward. A montage of conclusions for three season's worth of plot developments, many of which had no impact on the larger narrative and which needed to be wrapped up quickly so the larger stalled narrative can finally progress beyond the events of the Red Wedding. I thought last week's episode was sucky for similar reasons.
Every pay off this episode had significant ramifications towards the larger narrative.


So aside from a few choice scenes (Lady Mormont is a particular highlight) this last episode seems, to me, like a pretty bland ending to a pretty go-nowhere season.


The pace is much faster than it has ever been before on the show.

Pieces being moved to the endgame at light speed.


She wasn't so hard to stray from Jon's path just recently. Little finger doesn't need to get her on his side. He just needs to make her doubt Jon. Jon will only keep rising and when Danny comes around with her dragons Jon will look a whole lot different. Especially if his secret is illuminated to Sansa. It will inevitably make Jon look more Targ and little less Stark.

The exchange of looks between Sansa and Littlefinger in this episode seemed to indicate terror in Sansa's countenance. I don't think she trusts Littlefinger whatsoever so I'm not sure he's going to be terribly effective at besmirching Jon's good name.

That said, a lot can happen in several episodes, so you could be right.


Lady Mormont has a fantastic kid actor. Seems like a natural talent.

Was telling the wife during the episode, I hope Davos kind of takes to her as a Shireen surrogate and they all start calling her "Little Bear" since she's not only a Mormont but also more ferocious than anyone else in the North has been for a while.


At this point Euron Greyjoy is a hard to see as anything more than a small speed bump for Dany as she conquers all before her.

I don't think they did enough to set him up as a credible threat to anyone except maybe Theon and Yara.


Every pay off this episode had significant ramifications towards the larger narrative.

And it was all delivered at breakneck pace with convenient fast-travel mechanics so all the pieces can finally be in the right place for the start of Season 7. It was bullshit.


The pace is much faster than it has ever been before on the show.

Pieces being moved to the endgame at light speed.

That's the point. Looking back, we can see many of the events in Seasons 4, 5 an 6 were just treading water. And now the producers have decided they finally want to move things along everything is being concluded at light speed. I love the show but the pacing is a bit disappointing.


With Dorne and the Tyrell aiding Daenerys, and the north just not really caring about the south, I dont think Cersei stands any chance resisting Daenery's Army.

Dany will come, and conquer kings landing, then she will turn her eyes to the north.
Best season ending the show has had.

1. The Winds of Winter
2. The Children
3. Fire and Blood
4. Valar Morghulis
5. Mother's Mercy
6. Mhysa

Actually, The Winds of Winter might be one of the best GoT episodes ever.


Was telling the wife during the episode, I hope Davos kind of takes to her as a Shireen surrogate and they all start calling her "Little Bear" since she's not only a Mormont but also more ferocious than anyone else in the North has been for a while.

I want little Lady Mormont and Jorah Mormont to meet up at some point. Maybe forgive him and let come back to the Mormont household - or at least let him visit if he won't give up on his schoolboy crush on that Dragon lady.


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I pledge my allegiance to Lady Mormont. She is fantastic and we need more screen time with her in it.
That's disappointing. A final season with 10 episodes on the quality of the last two episodes would have been fantastic.

I think that's the point. They almost did one more season, but needed a few more episodes.

So they split it and get the same budget.

You'll get more quality episodes the next two seasons because of the smaller episode count.

I'm still banking on a theater premiere that starts the same time as the HBO stream and a 2 hour finale.


That's disappointing. A final season with 10 episodes on the quality of the last two episodes would have been fantastic.

They wouldn't be able to do 10 episodes at that level in a calendar year. There literally isn't enough time. That's why they want to do two shorter seasons. More budget and time per episode means they can go bigger in each individual episode.
I wonder how everyone will come to realize that Jon is in part Targaryen. Will Bran simply tell what he saw in his visions to everyone? Imho it would be cooler if something goes wrong between Jon and Dany and she orders the dragons to burn him but nothing happens to him.


Ehmm, Jon and his could-barely-defeat-Ramsay Bolton army would get annihilated by Dany's armies and dragons.

I don't think anyone in Westeros could stand up to the coalition Dany has put together even without the dragons (nor would it come to that because she is definitely marrying him). That said, I don't think Jon's army is so pathetic anymore.. He has reunited the north; the vale has declared for him, and I would guess the riverlands now that the Freys are dead. That's 3 of the 7 kingdoms compared to his rag tag crew of 2000 wildlings and a giant


Best season ending the show has had.

1. The Winds of Winter
2. The Children
3. Fire and Blood
4. Valar Morghulis
5. Mother's Mercy
6. Mhysa

Actually, The Winds of Winter might be one of the best GoT episodes ever.

Despite still being full of jubilation for the season finale, I still rank "The Children" above "The Winds of Winter". If nothing else, that scene between Tywin and Tyron at the end is one of the top three moments of the series.


I want little Lady Mormont and Jorah Mormont to meet up at some point. Maybe forgive him and let come back to the Mormont household - or at least let him visit if he won't give up on his schoolboy crush on that Dragon lady.

I hope we see Jorah, at least to give him an honorable goodbye. At least now he's not alone in Dany's Friend Zone closet now that she dumped Daario.

The exchange of looks between Sansa and Littlefinger in this episode seemed to indicate terror in Sansa's countenance. I don't think she trusts Littlefinger whatsoever so I'm not sure he's going to be terribly effective at besmirching Jon's good name.

That said, a lot can happen in several episodes, so you could be right.

EXACTLY: She knows he's dangerous when things don't go as he planned. As we saw last time when he sold Rose to jeoffrey as target practice.


Can we start calling Dany's disparate but dedicated forces the Daenarmies? Please?

I already know the answer. Just had to ask. :/


So aside from a few choice scenes (Lady Mormont is a particular highlight) this last episode seems, to me, like a pretty bland ending to a pretty go-nowhere season. Too much fast travel, too many contrivances to wrap up all the dangling loose ends and too little time spent unpacking the fallout from any of the recent set pieces.


I'm sorry what.
They wouldn't be able to do 10 episodes at that level in a calendar year. There literally isn't enough time. That's why they want to do two shorter seasons. More budget and time per episode means they can go bigger in each individual episode.
Good point. My main concern is that they are going to stretch it out but I guess there is no better solution for that then having less episodes.
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