Sad to see the season end, but what a season it was. No way I can wait 42 weeks for the next episode though. GAF should have a reading/book club to work through the series together! Judging by this thread, it seems the interest would be there.
As for the show, when I realized what Arya was about to do to the Frey men, and then when The Hound joined her after she started the slaughter, I literally jumped out of my seat, fist-pumping and cheering all over the place. She needs to stick with him. I feel like he could be such a huge asset to her, for training, information, etc. He's still literally on her shit-list though, so I'm not hopeful.
And have to agree that ending on Dany again was a bit of a let down. I'm not sure what would have been preferable, but not her again. While I've really warmed to her this season, I'm still not getting this Great and Powerful Queen vide the show determinedly imbues her with.
The season has made it really hard for me to pick a single favorite character, but Arya and/or The Hound are definite front-runners.