Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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cause u realize he's actually a hella noble dude, especially hearing why he did what he did in the past, and what he did to save that girl

Well, let's see how he reacts to the news that his pop had the Starks, including the woman who set him free, slaughtered at a wedding. Something tells me he won't give two fucks after all is said and done.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Is it just me or was Jon Snow so damn whiny? "I have to hooooome *cries*". Ugh, that was an awful performance.

Liked the episode overall though, but I kinda laughed at that and cheered when Ygritte put an arrow through his arse.
Okay several things guys:

3. Hell yeah! I'm not a book reader but I was lucky enough to guess Yara and the Iron born would save Theon based on seeing them in the preview! I totally called it and I can't believe it because most of my predictions were wrong. I thought there was no way Robv and Catt and the arny would die and then the unexpected happened last week!

Ramsey Snow you're about to get fucked by 50 of the coldest Iron born killers and a vengeful Theon you sick fuck you! I love Yara and good for her for standing up to her father! Fuck Balon though! That's your son asshole!

I thought Yara said 50 men and a fast ship. Can fifty men take the Dreadfort and all of Ramsey's men? Seems like very little to take Bolton's stronghold. Ramsey could hold Theon at knifepoint and Bolton has men there, right?

Do you really believe you're going to get the vengeance you want for Theon? Expect no rightful justice, that's what I've learned.

I fully expect Yara to either be killed when trying to rescue Theon... Or this new demented version of Theon to kill his own sister. YAY GRRM
Is it just me or was Jon Snow so damn whiny? "I have to hooooome *cries*". Ugh, that was an awful performance.

Liked the episode overall though, but I kinda laughed at that and cheered when Ygritte put an arrow through his arse.

I thought it was fine. If he wasn't whiny he wouldn't be Jon Snow :p. And it makes it more believable that he's sad he had to leave her. If he wasn't whiny I'm not sure the "I love you" bit would be as believable. Love tends to do that to people, I've seen...


Then they some slow ass directors/writers... then How come some 2 hour + movies only take as few as 30 days to film I mean damn I would say at best Dany had like 2hours or less of screen time that shouldn't have taken a month for her stuff unless they write the episodes sloow as fuck... or by a month to month bases... They should have 5 or more units then if thats the case. Its not like this show doesn't make money...also George needs to hurry the FUCK up and WRITE

Are you high right now?


I feel really bad for Tyrion right now too. The first scene with him and Sansa was actually kind of nice and it was great to see them find some common ground (of course he can't win with his "lover" right behind them) and all of those improvements in the relationship just went out the window when Sansa found out. I don't even know how I could look at Sansa knowing what she must be feeling and thinking of ANY Lannister yet she's trapped there and he's trapped just as much.

I would find it very awesome if he listened to Tywin's nonstop talks about making sure the family is strong and how he basically isn't the same as the rest of them and then decides it's time for HIS family to live on and become strong so he takes Sansa out of King's Landing to rebuild her family and start one of his own. Not saying a perfect relationship between the two of them obviously, but he could see the benefit of fixing his family's image and maybe bringing some true dignity to the Lannister name by doing what he thinks is best for a change.

I know I'm dreaming a lot on the last one, but most of us think there is SOME redemption for Tyrion in the future and I'd love to see him be the one that succeeds against all odds.

On another note, seeing Joffrey get served again was extremely satisfying. Not only did that scene make us hate the douchebag even more for what he planned on doing to Sansa, but it also made us respect Tyrion AND Tywin more for not putting up with the shit. You can see Tyrion is on the verge of smacking the kid each and every time they're in a scene together, but you want him to speak up just to see Joffrey's reaction. As much as some of us might hate Tywin, his character is absolutely amazing and takes shit from no one.

That's the best thing about this show. No matter what you think about characters in this show, you have to love the characters themselves from a writing perspective whether you hate them or love them. You can hate Tywin but then you also say, "Damn he's a fucking boss!" right after that...
Is it just me, or was that setup for Jon Snow becoming lord commander of the nights watch?

lol i feel like they've been setting that up forever. didn't they explicitly say he was being groomed for the position, and that's why he became mormont's little assistant?

which makes me realize . . . if stannis actually does go to the wall, i wonder how weird the interactions between jon snow and him will be. it's just something i never even thought happening before, they didn't seem like two characters that would ever meet. then again, i guess i didn't expect sam to run into bran either.

Do you really believe you're going to get the vengeance you want for Theon? Expect no rightful justice, that's what I've learned.

I fully expect Yara to either be killed when trying to rescue Theon... Or this new demented version of Theon to kill his own sister. YAY GRRM

oh fuck mang, that would be so bad. and so exactly like this show. i really hope it doesn't go down like that. :(
I feel like Theon's new name is probably why they spent so much time on him this season...Even with all he went through, there are people saying "psh, he's going to go back to saying he's Theon as soon as his sister gets there." Imagine what if we hadn't seen just how disgusting this guy has been to him. It would be harder to believe that he was brought to the point where he said his name is reek. His scenes take on new meaning in hindsight now. Watching it, knowing he will eventually be forced to reject his own name is kind of depressing I'd imagine...


Sad to see the season end, but what a season it was. No way I can wait 42 weeks for the next episode though. GAF should have a reading/book club to work through the series together! Judging by this thread, it seems the interest would be there.

As for the show, when I realized what Arya was about to do to the Frey men, and then when The Hound joined her after she started the slaughter, I literally jumped out of my seat, fist-pumping and cheering all over the place. She needs to stick with him. I feel like he could be such a huge asset to her, for training, information, etc. He's still literally on her shit-list though, so I'm not hopeful.

And have to agree that ending on Dany again was a bit of a let down. I'm not sure what would have been preferable, but not her again. While I've really warmed to her this season, I'm still not getting this Great and Powerful Queen vide the show determinedly imbues her with.

The season has made it really hard for me to pick a single favorite character, but Arya and/or The Hound are definite front-runners.
Ugh. It's over. It was a decent episode, I wanted some more though.

Also what the fuck Ygritte...some fucking love, keep shooting him with arrows you idiot.

Arya first blood.

Tyrion is a boss.

Jaime returned...why am I hating him less.

Joffrey is a cunt.


Love is a powerful thing. Those were cupid's arrows.


A good, strong episode to end the season with. I really like Dany. Her scenes instill a bit of optimism into the story IMO.

You know....with the white walkers coming, and Dany amassing her army and support....I really wish......VERY MUCH....that she get's to meet her Uncle.... I have a feeling there's going to be a bittersweet moment or a very anxious moment between them where they JUST miss each other D:

EDIT: Damn it.. I hate posting at the end of the page....


You know....with the white walkers coming, and Dany amassing her army and support....I really wish......VERY MUCH....that she get's to meet her Uncle.... I have a feeling there's going to be a bittersweet moment or a very anxious moment between them where they JUST miss each other D:

uh, pretty sure all her relatives are dead


"you know nothing jon snow"

*sniff...eyes watering...tears rolling down her face*

*reminiscing about that exceptional cunnilingus*
ok ygritte time to lower the arrow and go give jon a hu-WHAT NO NO NO STAHP, STAHP FIRING AT HIM WHAT ARE YOU DOING


You know....with the white walkers coming, and Dany amassing her army and support....I really wish......VERY MUCH....that she get's to meet her Uncle.... I have a feeling there's going to be a bittersweet moment or a very anxious moment between them where they JUST miss each other D:

EDIT: Damn it.. I hate posting at the end of the page....

uh, pretty sure all her relatives are dead

Did you not watch season 1? Maester Aemon of the Night's Watch is Aemon Targaryen, brother uncle of the Mad King, Dany's father.

EDIT: Aemon is actually Aerys' uncle.


You know....with the white walkers coming, and Dany amassing her army and support....I really wish......VERY MUCH....that she get's to meet her Uncle.... I have a feeling there's going to be a bittersweet moment or a very anxious moment between them where they JUST miss each other D:

EDIT: Damn it.. I hate posting at the end of the page....

Whaaa? I don't see it happening.


That felt like a short ep :/ My heart can't take waiting another year.

Good finale though. Shout outs to Jon & Ygritte and Dany scenes for making me cry.

p.s. dany is a queen uuggghhhhh
Slightly underwhelming finale, but I think that was to be expected after last week. They should stop ending episodes with Dany all the time, it's diminishing the effect of the scenes IMO.


Slightly underwhelming finale, but I think that was to be expected after last week. They should stop ending episodes with Dany all the time, it's diminishing the effect of the scenes IMO.

Although I love it ending with her, I kinda agree. Once she came on screen I was like, "wait, it's over now?" :(

p.s. Mhysa! Mhysa! ;______________;
At the rate Dany is moving she might make it to westeros for the last episode of the series finale lol do we really need constant scenes of the slaves embracing her with open arms? I would rather have the season end with a view of the white walkers and the bell ringing in every city


At the rate Dany is moving she might make it to westeros for the last episode of the series finale lol do we really need constant scenes of the slaves embracing her with open arms? I would rather have the season end with a view of the white walkers and the bell ringing in every city

But that's how season 2 ended (without the bells).
Good episode. Not great, but good. It gave everyone the direction for next season. I thought Dany's piece was kind of lame and I hope I haven't gotten to the point where I don't give a shit what she is doing. I still don't know where she can go from here because it looks like she won't be going to Westoros soon : (

Jon falling off of the horse into the fucking arrows seems horrible.

I'm glad Arya seems to have decided on going to Bravos but I hope they do it quickly. The last thing I want is for her to finally leave or just get there at the end of next season.

More good stuff with Sansa, Tyrion and Shea.

Fucking Davos is the man! I did remember that I love The actor and the character of Stannis.
It's awesome that Stannis is going to rally to the Night's Watch but that scene felt rushed.
They have this plan for a long time and in about 20 seconds they just turn it all around.

Glad Jamie is back but I wanted to see him and Tywin talk.


Dat Hodor triple.

Satisfying ending. A decompression, probably closest to how season 1 ended. It wasn't the most overt reactionary episode for the surviving participants, but more along the lines of "well that happened, what is out next move now." I enjoyed the focus on different participants reactions to last weeks events at the wedding, and most interestingly, many of the characters completing their journey home or exiting a situation that they've been stuck in for the past season plus.


whatever they do with Dany next season, I hope it will mess with her character arc. The slave liberation thing is just getting really annoying
I figured they were gonna behead Robb because of that Simpson's gif, but to do it like that... fuck.

Hogwarts Janitor and Moosey need to be fed to the remaining DireWolves... then excreted from their DireButtholes... then, as DireShits, be burned to ash.

Then piss on the ashes for good measure!


Can someone help explain this dude that's torturing Theon?

he's the Bolton bastard and a psychopath. House Bolton are the Wardens of the North now and they want the Ironborn (Greyjoys) who were raiding the fisher villages along the northern coast during Robb's war gone, and Theon is their leverage


he's the Bolton bastard and a psychopath. House Bolton are the Wardens of the North now and they want the Ironborn (Greyjoys) who were raiding the fisher villages along the northern coast during Robb's war gone, and Theon is their leverage


Also what is Bran trying to do/go?
Can someone help explain this dude that's torturing Theon?

Roose Bolton explained to Walder Frey this episode that he is his bastard son, Ramsay Snow. Roose (with Robb's approval) had originally tasked him with retaking Winterfell midway through Season 2, so the Northern army could focus on their war in the south. Robb offered amnesty for the ironborn if they turned Theon over, they did at the end of season 2, but then Ramsay burned the city to the ground and tortured Theon for the lulz.

He mailed Theon's junk to his father as a warning to the Ironborn to abandon the North.

He's also the only person besides Sam and Theon that knows Bran and Rickon are alive.



I laughed hard when this fucker popped up.

How can you hate him!?

lol I LOVED it. Last time he was bitching to Tywin about not being at the council meetings and next thing you know, you see his cheery smile pop out of no where at this council meeting. I really couldn't stop laughing.
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