^ no nudity
Team Dany need an intervention, the highlight of the episode, really? It was by far the worst part!
Angry Fork put it best, she's a shitty character who doesn't deserve the love she gets in-show or on here.
The love other characters show her in show wasn't earned? *rollseyes*
Most of the drothraki abandoned her after Drogo died.
Those who stayed behind were rewarded by seeing her survive getting burned alive and giving birth to 3 dragons, the greatest known sign of strength on the planet.
She's hot and is kindhearted so it was easy to
unintentionally get Jorah wrapped around her finger. A man who planned to kill her in order to be pardoned for crimes in Westeros.
Let's jump to season 3 because in season 2 she didn't have to go through any hardships that could earn respect of people outside of the show *rolls eyes again*
All of sudden a wild Sir Berister appears stripped of his position as head of the King's guard and pissed as hell. He joins Khaleesi moreso out of spite of the Lannister's than any great fealty to the Targaryan's. She didn't have to earn his love or respect. He just showed up to see what he could do to give his life the same purpose it had before, being the head of a Kingsguard.
The unsullied were brought and given the option to do whatever they want. Some random stranger freeing them from their slavery is a big deal. The icing to their most fortunate day is that they got to see that she commands dragons.
Lastly we have Daroos the mercenary. He's like Jorah in the sense that he is thinking with his cock but he actually sees her in a position of power commanding a large camp so she has earned his respect just for being in such a position which she earned through her own efforts.
Remember, in season one when The Watch asked for more men because the dead were coming to life everyone except Tyrion laughed it off.
Argh! *shakes head*