Mercury Fred
Wow. An utterly atrocious ending to one of the most boring seasons of television ever created. The wasted potential with this show is so, so painful.
Can anyone tell me what Arya whispered when she was looking at the coin after she said that it was the first man she killed?
Wow. An utterly atrocious ending to one of the most boring seasons of television ever created. The wasted potential with this show is so, so painful.
Do you really believe you're going to get the vengeance you want for Theon? Expect no rightful justice, that's what I've learned.
I fully expect Yara to either be killed when trying to rescue Theon... Or this new demented version of Theon to kill his own sister. YAY GRRM
Yes, and 4 hours of pointless torture scenes.I know right, what the fuck with all these people talking with character development and shit. Bring on the motherfuckin' dubstep action sequences.
why would he want to be rescued... I'd kill myself first chance I got.
Yes, and 4 hours of pointless torture scenes.
Dany's story is mad corny. She really needs a loss or two.
I couldn't agree more. What was once the compelling bright spot in an ever more grim world is now just cheesy and repetitive. Season took a huge nosedive this yearDany's story is mad corny. She really needs a loss or two.
Valar Morghulis
I think I spilled it wrong. It's what Jaquen H'Gar taught her.
Dany's story is mad corny. She really needs a loss or two.
Dany's story is mad corny. She really needs a loss or two.
Why is everyone saying "first blood" about Arya, btw? What about that stableboy in S1?
I laughed hard when this fucker popped up.
How can you hate him!?
I fear Jorah will die...... D:
Wow. An utterly atrocious ending to one of the most boring seasons of television ever created. The wasted potential with this show is so, so painful.
Yeah with Fabio there now I fear for his life too. Althougg maybe Jorah will find a way to get rid of Fabio.
It's kind of weird with my friends that I watch the show with they all love Danny, and cheer when she comes on scene, but I find her horribly boring. I hope for an untimely death for her.
You have to admit the scene where she burns Astapor was awesome.I agree with Dany's storyline being lame this season. Actually it was last season too but I didn't expect much from her last season.
Why break down now? You know the show will end before the books, even with the 1 year waits.
Everything I hate about the Internet is in this post above.Wow. An utterly atrocious ending to one of the most boring seasons of television ever created. The wasted potential with this show is so, so painful.
I laughed hard when this fucker popped up.
How can you hate him!?
What did you mean by this? Will there be new books that continue the story after the show is over? That would suck. I want complete resolution of everything, a glorious final season that wraps it all up.
The books haven't been completed yet. It's entirely possible that the books and show end on similar, but different paths.
Dick in a box?
It's a dick in a box!
Yes, and 4 hours of pointless torture scenes.
I assume this means she will fail and die
lolol knew that shit would be gifed
I get the feeling that no one but Stannis is going to send men to help the night's watch defend the wall. I don't really see the Lannisters or Tyrells giving a shit (let alone believing) about the letters sent out.
It was pretty hodortastic when Sam & Gilly met up with Bran & friends. The few characters of purest spirit lending a helping hand to each other.
As a finale this felt weak and it would have felt (obviously) much stronger to end the season with the red wedding
Jons GO HOOOME and Dannys "we are the world" moment was cringe worthy
Tywin is one of my favorite characters and Im glad to see him deliver in this episode
I like how Ramsay has nothing better to do than tortue Theon all day. You think he'd have important stuff to do!
He's a sick bastard and I think he wants Theon to become dependent on him and be his "friend." So he sits around all day, probably talking to him, eating and drinking and probably fucking right where Theon can see. It's all a weird game to him. And he really doesn't have anything important to do. He's just some bastard, he can't inherit anything. His father's already taken care of getting them out of the war. So he just chills and messes with Theon.
I get the feeling that no one but Stannis is going to send men to help the night's watch defend the wall. I don't really see the Lannisters or Tyrells giving a shit (let alone believing) about the letters sent out.
It was pretty hodortastic when Sam & Gilly met up with Bran & friends. The few characters of purest spirit lending a helping hand to each other.
I thought Ramsay was the heir to the Dreadfort, there's no way he can inherit as a bastard? That's what the letter sounded like at least. He certainly acts that way.
A bastard can inherit their parent's legacy if they give permission.
That would be dumb. It would explain Dany's dream in season 2 where winter breached the iron throne but I still can't believe they would do this.
I laughed hard when this fucker popped up.
How can you hate him!?
Budget's not necessarily the problem. Filming in three different continents is the problem. They can't up the episode count.
The one change that would truly, deeply fuck this show in the ass is if they started filming 100% on backlots.
I laughed hard when this fucker popped up.
How can you hate him!?
I laughed hard when this fucker popped up.
How can you hate him!?
The only thing I didn't like about the finale was that we'll have to wait a year to see what will happen next.