I thought it was a very good finale that set things up nicely for next season.
I'm not one to tell one other people what to think, but here are some stray observations I've made about people who are complaining about the finale...
1 - You would think by now that people would realize that Episode 9 is what most other shows consider a Season Finale, and that Episode 10 sets things up for next year.
2 - People seem to be making too big of a deal of the last Dany scene. It wasn't my favorite scene, but so what? The scene was like 1 or 2 minutes compared to an episode that was over an hour long. I think people are just so conditioned to judge an episode based on the last scene. If this Dany scene had come in the second to last scene instead of the end, I feel like so many people wouldn't be complaining about it, and that's kind of annoying.
3 - Most obvious proof that Game of Thrones can't make everyone happy - People complain about the fact that there are only 10 episodes per year, but then whenever the show does anything that the audience deems "not absolutely essential to the plot!", the audience goes ape shit. God forbid we spent 12 minutes of screen time with Theon and Ramsay this year! The horror! Why are the showing us Bran? He's pointless! I don't care about Stannis! Why aren't Robb and Dany in King's Landing tearing down the walls already? All they do is talk! If they added more episodes to a season, there would be less plot progression per episode, and that would bring a whole new series of complaints.
I feel like this show just isn't for many people. Some people may not like it at all. I think there's a healthy chunk of people who like the show enough to watch it and enjoy some aspects of it and there's many of those people who watch the show (maybe even the majority). But it takes a different / more patient type of viewer to be able to truly love and appreciate the show and not to wish the show would move along at a warped pace.