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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Nose Master

Even Joffrey isn't a villain. He goes around idolizing his "father" who was never really there for him probably. When did we ever see a single scene with Robert and Joffrey sharing a good father and son moment? So, wielded with power, he acts out because he's the king dam it, and Robert wasn't a good king to begin with. Also Joffrey has been hinted as having psychological issues which are byproducts of incest relations.

After the beheading of Ned Stark, he's a pretty black and white villain. Having daddy issues doesn't make you a gray character, it just gives the character motivations to be a twat.

Being manipulated by tittyprincess doesn't salvage him, either. Just makes him look even more weak and shitty.


I increased the brightness to make it more clear.


Dat HBO macroblocking.

Thanks, here's a better grab brightened a bit:

Funky Papa

After the beheading of Ned Stark, he's a pretty black and white villain. Having daddy issues doesn't make you a gray character, it just gives the character motivations to be a twat.

Being manipulated by tittyprincess doesn't salvage him, either. Just makes him look even more weak and shitty.

I'd let myself to be manipulated by tittyprincess.

Melisandre, too.

Probably even Ros.


The argument falls flat because his other siblings aren't like it. Joffrey is like a serial killer from a small age. How is Cersei a horrible parent? From what I've seen, she is the exact opposite of Tywin when it comes to kids. She's given her love to them and cares for them.

What nonsense did Cersei whisper? That he's a king and he should be strong and fierce?

Joffrey is cruel, he takes delight in the pain of others, he doesn't feel remorse for his actions. He was going to kill Arya with a sword, he beheaded Ned Stark, he had Sansa beat in front of everyone, he didn't care if she was raped, he ordered his kingsguard to kill all the citizens because they flung dung at him etc.

No grey area for Joffrey, he's a monster, not a victim.
Look how he made those those prostitutes abuse each other while he watched. Just sickening.

Cersei has been whispering that when he's king, everyone will need to do how he says. The rest of the kids weren't being groomed to be the King so they didn't get that sort of poisonous thoughts from Cersei. And in the backstory (which I won't go here, though it has no plot relevance) there were opportunities to fix his behaviour as his faults surfaced, but no one stepped up.

Sure enough, he's a monster now. But he wouldn't have needed to be.


Killing people just because he's the king? Check
Sending knights to their deaths for his own amusement? Check
Beating the shit out of prostitutes because he's a little wet dropping? Check
Relishing in the gruesome deaths of the former kings of Westeros? Check

King Joffrey is the worst.

They are definitely trying to paint him as a villain who is corrupt to the core. I don't know if his character will grow over time (we may be getting hints of that from Margaery), but he seems to be the only "bad guy" who hasn't had any redeeming or humanizing moments so far.


After the beheading of Ned Stark, he's a pretty black and white villain. Having daddy issues doesn't make you a gray character, it just gives the character motivations to be a twat.

Being manipulated by tittyprincess doesn't salvage him, either. Just makes him look even more weak and shitty.

I agree. His cruelty sets him apart from any other "villain" in this show. The way he treated Sansa and the scene with the two prostitutes was on a whole different level. I can sympathize with Theon and Jamie to a point but not Joffrey. They may try to make him sympathetic later on but they have not done that yet.
Lol at person berating others for not "getting the point" of the series while at the same time can't grasp the simple fact that Joffrey is, indeed, a villain.


Holy shit calling Jeoffery more or less naive rather than a psycho so far?

Um no, He's a straight up cunt.

You really don't like book readers do you? What does him being a tv only viewer have to do with it?

Don't know why book readers can't stay out of the tv only thread except for their own selfish amusement at the expense of no bookers

allow me to guide you back to the book thread where your sister awaits to rescue you



You really don't like book readers do you? What does him being a tv only viewer have to do with it?

I'm fine with book readers but they have their own thread. And what is productive or even acceptable about someone with 100% knowledge coming in and lecturing about how you should view certain characters?

A tv only viewer has a lot to do with it considering this is a no book spoiler thread.


Popping in here for just a sec...

I'm gonna make a suggestion to whoever is running this thread to change the thread title once and for all to "NO BOOK READERS ALLOWED" or something like that. As a book reading voyeur, and someone who just caught up and read them the past few months I empathize with the show watchers who wish to remain spoiler free. Like clockwork after each episode airs people stumble in here posting in the wrong thread. And book readers continue to join in the discussion in this thread, even though there are already designated members in OP who can be pm'd to for questions that may be spoilerish. Just ban book readers once and for all from posting in this thread, no matter how innocent or innocuous a post may be. Just searching post history of several posters reveals who book readers are in this thread as they're also posting in the book discussion threads. There really is no point for book readers joining into these discussions here. Even if the tv viewers are speculating wrong about something leave them be, let them have their own fun.

Posts like this below are like seriously, wtf. Oooooh, you read the books, we're so honored you finally got to watch your FAVORITE SCENE EVER OMGZ.

Ladies and Gentlemen of GAF, you've just seen my absolute favorite scene of the entire series so far.

I'll duck out since this is the "No Book" thread, but I just wanted to share that with you because it is awesome. That was pretty much identical to the book and was no less chill-inducing. They really handled it well, I've been waiting for that scene all season.

Seriously, this is one of those bits that makes ASoIaF so popular. Fuck yeah and such, carry on as you were, non-book folk!

If you are a book reader (myself included) GTFO of this thread. Lurking is fine, I love to do it for voyeuristic reactionary fap material. But there is no reason to join in any of the discussion here, you have TWO other threads for that. And to reiterate, they have designated posters to answer their questions in the OP.


Popping in here for just a sec...

I'm gonna make a suggestion to whoever is running this thread to change the thread title once and for all to "NO BOOK READERS ALLOWED" or something like that. As a book reading voyeur, and someone who just caught up and read them the past few months I emphasize with the show watchers who wish to remain spoiler free. Like clockwork after each episode airs people stumble in here posting in the wrong thread. And book readers continue to join in the discussion in this thread, even though there are already designated members in OP who can be pm'd to for questions that may be spoilerish. Just ban book readers once and for all from posting in this thread, no matter how innocent or innocuous a post may be. Just searching post history of several posters reveals who book readers are in this thread as they're also posting in the book discussion threads. There really is no point for book readers joining into these discussions here. Even if the tv viewers are speculating wrong about something leave them be, let them have their own fun.

Posts like this below are like seriously, wtf. Oooooh, you read the books, we're so honored you finally got to watch your FAVORITE SCENE EVER OMGZ.

If you are a book reader (myself included) GTFO of this thread. Lurking is fine, I love to do it for voyeuristic reactionary fap material. But there is no reason to join in any of the discussion here, you have TWO other threads for that. And to reiterate, they have designated posters to answer their questions in the OP.

Yeah, every time I read someone mentioning they're a book reader,
that person in my mind already sounds like a pompous a-hole for even being in this thread...


Charles Dance really kills every scene he's in. Doesn't hurt that I love his character archetype (the cold, calculating mastermind).

Cold, calculating, and skinning a stag with seemingly butcher-like precision. The scene introduces Tywin perfectly and speaks volumes about him while still housing brevity in the dialog.


Wouldn't that be just a brilliant way to strengthen the McCarthy witch hunts already shitting up this thread.

Not really a witch hunt when you can search members post history and see they're clearly book readers posting in the book threads (yourself included). You may have remained spoiler free, but still you have no point posting in this thread. But I digress, as I shouldn't even be posting in here at all as well, last post promise!


Man, I feel that the stories are sort of going all over the place where as we get some small exposure with a certain set of characters then we don't see any more. Not that this is making the show not enjoyable to watch, just kind of off on how things move from characters and plot developments. Other than that, Greyjoy... :( Poor guy can't catch a break. And they could have Tywin an entire episode belittling people that come to talk with him an entire episode, and I'd enjoy every minute of it.


Not really a witch hunt when you can search members post history and see they're clearly book readers posting in the book threads (yourself included). You may have remained spoiler free, but still you have no point posting in this thread. But I digress, as I shouldn't even be posting in here at all as well, last post promise!

thank you.

yes reading this thread and LYAO at us naïve bastards is one thing but really, people only need to resist the temptation to hit REPLY and say something that should stay in their heads or go in other thread where they can all have a good chuckle at our expense.

it's really not that hard


Charles Dance really kills every scene he's in. Doesn't hurt that I love his character archetype (the cold, calculating mastermind).

Tywin's scenes consistently have some of the best dialogue in the show, in my opinion. The deer skinning scene with Jaime, the conversations between him and Arya, and even when he's just writing a letter and talking to Tyrion or Cersei. The writing by itself is great but Charles Dance gives it a sense of gravitas that just takes it to another level.


Ya'll are deluded, No book spoilers doesnt mean No Book Readers Allowed!!

read all you want! but why can't they just NOT POST because even in their vague context, they are giving hints whether they care to admit it or not

a little self control is all that is required


If there doing that it's a spoiler, it's not an off-handed comment about how XYZ are lovely or fantastic

Most book readers here are not the type to lead you on or imply things are coming, they will go out of their way not to do that.

Funky Papa

I just rewatched Sansa's scene with Marg. Shophie Turner nailed that mix of naive and hope-at-last. Her eyes simply lit up when Marg suggested that she could marry Loras.

Emmy award right there.


You may have remained spoiler free, but still you have no point posting in this thread.

Neogaf is full of cynical assholes. Myself, and obvious you included. This creates mental fatigue reading through the site at times. The book reader threads have a more cankerous following. People here are more reasonable to discuss the series with as they have a greater appreciation for it. Please stop trying to censor conversation or mute my enjoyment because of a few other assholes. It comes off as an idiotic cobra solution.

read all you want! but why can't they just NOT POST because even in their vague context, they are giving hints whether they care to admit it or not

a little self control is all that is required

Myopic reasoning. Just post about things that have happened in the show. This isn't a difficult concept. I'm not sure how my post "Tywin is awesome XOXO" really spoils much of anything.


Sick Fuck brings him back to Robb and Roose, apparently to meet the reaper.

No, he doesn't. He can't. Robb and Roose are more than a hundred miles away from wherever Theon is being held (seeing as how Theon is probably way up in the North and Roose and Robb are sitting in the middle of Westeros). Taking Theon to them would take weeks, maybe months. I think you're confusing Jaime for Theon.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Must say I really enjoyed this episode and this is how I originally imagined the series.

I still think certain plotlines are stupid though.


only issue I have with book readers are the ones who post things in a wink wink fashion. Where its clear they are using info given from something else and not from the show. But that hasn't really happened in awhile. Least from what I can tell. I'm sure someone will correct me.
I like this one better :p



Daenery's is the indisputable queen of thrones. Can't wait for her to return to Westeros and take her rightful place on the iron throne.

Jamie really is a cowardly cunt, Brianne was spot on. The only bearable Lannister is Tyrion imho, who's not just evil, evil, evil, maybe a smidge of good, as he's generally Chaotic Good. The rest of the lannisters range from Chaotic Evil (Joffrey), Lawful Evil (Tywin, Cercei), and Chaotic Neutral (Jamie).


Back in season 2 Stannis mentioned the siege of Storm's End (where they at rats, then cats, then dogs...). This week it was brought up again by the Queen of Thorns, who mentioned her son lead the attack.

This is just a minor rather insignificant detail but interesting nonetheless and fans of the series can read about it here (spoiler free for non-book readers).
Question: Is Little Finger being sent off to marry Aryn's widow, the breast feeding weirdo? Or is he going to marry Lady Stark's sister? What's the play there?
I was a bit confused about that as well.
For a second I thought he was planning to marry Sansa (wait, wasn't that what they were talking about?)

The old granny is spot on about how their house motto kinda sucks.
only issue I have with book readers are the ones who post things in a wink wink fashion. Where its clear they are using info given from something else and not from the show. But that hasn't really happened in awhile. Least from what I can tell. I'm sure someone will correct me.

You can't really call people out on it either. It's a bit annoying.

"I've got a feeling in episode 7, Hodor and Tywin are gonna have sexy man love"

"Get lost book reader!"

It's much better to not have any book readers post at all. It's much more fun that way.


I'm against Dany's claim on the basis that she would stop Robb from being the king in the North. No way she'd have that.

She can parade his head on a stick for all I care. No matter how good you think you are ifDany comes over and you don't swear loyalty your life is forfeit.

Funky Papa

I just realised that we have yet to see any of Dorne or its houses. What's up with them anyway? The only thing we know for sure is that they hate the Lannister's guts, but so far they've remained neutral and even sheltered (?) Myrcella.


only issue I have with book readers are the ones who post things in a wink wink fashion. Where its clear they are using info given from something else and not from the show. But that hasn't really happened in awhile. Least from what I can tell. I'm sure someone will correct me.
. Exactly. Some people say things that they think we won't decipher or infer from when in fact it becomes spoilerish
. Myopic opinion or no it appears selfish on the part of the book reader/poster

In fact I have an example on the last two pages alone that I have inferred something about the future plot of a character by a book reader just giving an opinion


Fuck you're right. So that's who he is going to marry? I get the plan to steal Sansa away and marry her to have a claim to the North, but I'm missing how he plans to get from point A to point B.

The Eyrie has a pretty large army and it's location makes it pretty much un-siegable (except by dragons I guess).

If he marries Cat's sister and has Sansa at his side, he would have the allegiance of the Tullys, Starks and the Arryns, which as Varys put it, is pretty scary.

If you recall Little Finger's finger bang monologue from S1 or 2 (I forget) he talks about growing up with no titles or honor and being the laughing stock of priveledged a-holes. When asked what he wants, he replied, "Everything!"

I think Varys is correct is his assessment that Little Finger would burn the Seven Kingdoms to the ground just so he could be king of the ashes. Varys doesn't ally with anyone in particular, but like the Brotherhood without Banners, doesn't want to see Westeros in ruins.


I'm fine with book readers but they have their own thread. And what is productive or even acceptable about someone with 100% knowledge coming in and lecturing about how you should view certain characters?

A tv only viewer has a lot to do with it considering this is a no book spoiler thread.

I understand your irritation, but what I meant was that his post wasn't about the books. It was a general comment about the characters and tone of the series, that, according to him, the strength of the show lies in the fact that the characters aren't black or white, but grey. It's a valid comment, whether you've read the books or not.
Again, I understand your concern, I just think you reacted a bit too strong. That's all.

Now lets drop this depressing reader/non-reader talk and talk about the show!
I'm kinda wondering when anyone in Westeros will get wind of the fact that there are DRAGONS about. I can't recall anyone mentioning them thus far, even though it's fairly obvious Dany has them. She's not keeping them a secret or anything. And peeps and King's Landing and Dragonstone know Dany is alive, so why don't they know about/seem worried that she has one or three?

Or maybe I missed something? I'm guessing if they don't know yet, they'll certainly find out soon...
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