They have serious fines in Westeros for not cleaning up after your horse.
get that book shit out of here
They have serious fines in Westeros for not cleaning up after your horse.
the hero we need AND deserve
By the way...
Who the hell just carries around a jar full of horse piss?!
Jaime gets no grain of pity out of me. He almost killed Bran.
I've always liked Jaime since season 1 when he was fighting Ned Stark and one of his douche bag guards stabbed Ned in the leg and Jaime knocked him the fuck out. I mean he's done some horrible shit, but he's not a total monster and this season is definitely showing that. He's still cocky and definitely got what was coming to him. Bran liked climbing and he made him a paraplegic. It's sweet ironic justice he loses the use of a part of his body he uses/covets the most.
I felt so bad for him this episode![]()
I definitely agree with this, I mean as much as I like Jaime he still had that shit coming to him, but I can't help but feel bad for him at the same time. Don't get me wrong, when Jaime pushed Brann out of the window I hated him, and I thought he was a monster. But as the show has progressed I've definitely started to shift my opinion of him, unlike Joffrey whom I've hated consistently throughout the show.He's still cocky and definitely got what was coming to him. Bran liked climbing and he made him a paraplegic. It's sweet ironic justice he loses the use of a part of his body he uses/covets the most.
Ya'll are deluded, 'No book spoilers' doesnt mean 'No Book Readers Allowed!!'
Eh, that didn't bother me at all. It's not much more of a plot contrivance than Dany knowing the slavers' language all along. I think it's one of those things that bothers someone who's read the books and is a bit more critical of the show.Though Varys just conveniently having that dude in the box for a dramatic reveal at a plot appropriate moment strained credulity. But hey, it is TV and coincidences for the sake of plot are the foundation of it all.
I would've killed that bastard just for creating more white walkers. Just by himself he bred 98 of them who in turn helped "enlist" more into their ranks over time.
How do we know they hate the Lannisters? I don't remember anything like that being shown.
I don't want to see anybody in this thread who's read a book PERIOD.
Why? Some of us readers are able to read the books but not bring any of that into this thread. If someone wants to know things related to the show and only the show and a book reader can provide that to them why "ban" them from the thread?
Granted, if they can't keep things separated, or want to be a dick and spoil things they shouldn't comment. I watch the show with a friend and my brother, one who has read the book and one who hasn't so the questions that come up while we are watching are often similar to the ones in this thread.
I don't even want anyone who knows how to read to post in this thread!
But what if I predict something thats actually true?
I'll use this thread to discuss the show on its own merits all I want, damnit. Can't stand comparison town sometimes.
Granny Tyrell and Varys' various scenes were all awesome.
Though Varys just conveniently having that dude in the box for a dramatic reveal at a plot appropriate moment strained credulity. But hey, it is TV and coincidences for the sake of plot are the foundation of it all.
In the first season, Ned Stark sent him on a mission to capture/kill the Mountain for raiding the Riverlands.
see... so if you have read the book then what you just implied is that we will not see anymore of Varys' captive as you point out that it was a simple plot device coincidence.
so as a tv watcher only we are led to believe now we will not see him again instead of hoping/wondering if it will turn up.
THAT is our point
As a book reader, I take note of speculation. If you are spot on, I will take more note of it, but it's fairly easy to tell if someone is speculating and sincere, and if someone is speculating and being a jerk.
Why? Some of us readers are able to read the books but not bring any of that into this thread.
Daenerys must be queen of Westeros
Damn that woman is awesome, sexy, smart and beautiful
Ah the true qualities of a leader. Awesome, sexy a d beautiful lol. I will say her smart quotient increased after this. I thought she was too naive and kept screwing up.
I still don't think she is qualified to lead though. King in the North for me still lol.
I'm still holding out for King Hot Pie at the end of all this.
Jaime gets no grain of pity out of me. He almost killed Bran.
Why do you think the brotherhood are loonies?
Jamie is murderous, sister fucking, back stabbing cunt with a daddy-complex.
He attempted to murder an innocent kid, and they even had a flashback scene for Bran to remind the viewers of this.
Sure, he's been acting a tiny bit nice towards Brianne, but that's because it serves him best to have this strong lady on his side.
Sure, he's been acting a tiny bit nice towards Brianne, but that's because it serves him best to have this strong lady on his side.
I think the people who worship the Lord of Light are loonies. All Melisandre has really shown us is that she is a crazy fanatic. Davos was right to try and kill her. She's burning people alive. The Brotherhood seemed cool until Beric proclaimed that he'd 'been reborn in the light of the one true god'. He has that same crazy look in his eye that Melisandre does.
Me too... What kind of God births shadow monsters to kill innocent people? Did Renly deserve such a death? Wouldn't he have made a far more compassionate and better king than Stannis?
That pirate said they are openly burning prisoners with Melisandre saying they've chosen the darkness. This is just like witch burning or a cult.
Hopefully they don't try and convert Arya or Gendry.
just WTF is that lord of light "god" anyway?
if it really exists then its opponents seem fucked
Does anyone else think that Margery might be able to tame Joffrey a bit?
I know he is pretty vile at the moment, but hes shown that he can be manipulated and she (and I'm assuming her Grandma too) seem to know what they are doing with him
Does anyone else think that Margery might be able to tame Joffrey a bit?
I know he is pretty vile at the moment, but hes shown that he can be manipulated and she (and I'm assuming her Grandma too) seem to know what they are doing with him
I expect some twist in the Joffrey/Margery relationship, probably after the marriage. I also wonder what kind of game the Tyrells are playing with Sansa, they can't possibly be all that kind and caring
There are definitely various magical beings, I'm guessing the lord of light is some sort of demon or equivalent. I don't know if the magical beings actually have agendas or if they're just into bargaining, like you give me five hundred horse penises and I'll throw a fireball at someone for you. This ep the eunuch talked about that sorcerer who was apparently using men's genitalia as part of a ritual or spell or some such thing, and then there is that guy who just got killed, who was giving all of his sons away as sacrifices to something or other. So this kind of setup might be the norm for spirits, demons, gods etc.
Me too... What kind of God births shadow monsters to kill innocent people?
The crate had a good number of holes near the bottom.