Can someone explain to me who's torturing Theon? His own people? What do they want?
I am also a bit confused by the geography of his escape.
He's gone around in a circle?
Can someone explain to me who's torturing Theon? His own people? What do they want?
I am also a bit confused by the geography of his escape.
He's gone around in a circle?
obviously. It's kinda weird that he didn't notice, but he seemed to be quite disorientated
obviously. It's kinda weird that he didn't notice, but he seemed to be quite disorientated
No it was 4 and 5, but that seems a bit irrelevant in this thread.
Oh and a small warning. Do not enter the other thread! Some open big spoilers.
Stay safe No-book GAF!
Yeah, you're right that's why I deleted my post. I went to wikipedia to doublecheck my data and was surprised that book 3 was published 13 years ago. Explaining my foggy timeline recollection.
I don't know how any non reader can follow this season with any kind of depth of comprehension. It feels like most of the storylines had the barest thread of exposition.
Yeah I find it easy to follow the show. Season 1 was pretty hard without explanation, but that was mostly the backstory stuff.
This ones funny: The word for chain is belmon. Peterson laughed. (Linguist humor!) Thats clearly a shout-out to [the video game Castlevania II:] Simons Quest. (Clearly!)
just got caught up, lemme try a summarize..
about the 8000 number, wasnt that JUST the fully trained ones? wouldnt the partially trained ones add to that number. and if so, was that number addressed?
So if say 1 unsullied = 4 normal soldiers, she has an effective 32000 force. then if the half trained ones then for arguments sake would equal 2 soldiers and say the have 4000 of them giving her another 8000 effective force for a total equivalent 40000 army correct? That plus 3 small dragons still may or not equal the 100K+ forces currently in play, but it does seem more formidable and that last scene sure looked like more than just 8000 men...
ETA: Epi 3 states that there are 8000 unsullied + the half trained. though I didnt hear a number on the half trained
It's honestly not that much people in the grand scheme of things.
pretty much. unless we want to try and break down how many men a small dragon equals(I'll go grab my D&D books!)...
a good sized unit of decent archers would/could turn those dragons into pin cushions!
So I really dont see her heading straight to attack the kingdom unless shes nucking futz! and as we just saw, shes anything but.
Article on the Dothraki and Valyrian languages used for the show. I have no idea if there are any spoilers in there, and I don't want to read and find out the hard way, but I thought some of you guys might find this tidbit interesting:
Article on the Dothraki and Valyrian languages used for the show. I have no idea if there are any spoilers in there, and I don't want to read and find out the hard way, but I thought some of you guys might find this tidbit interesting:
Random question, shouldn't Sir Barristan Selmy also be able to understand Valyrian because of his ties with the Targaryens during Aerys's reign?
The problem is, if you remember Missandei said they trained from dusk till dawn with a few weapons ie. Spear, Short sword etc.
They are basically highly regimented infantry. They are too limited in their power projection and number to challenge anyone save for Robb probably.
I think basically they are suited for overrunning cities or brute force pushes. But they'd get picked apart by trained archers, catapults, things that can fire from a distance. She does have hee dragons though, but they said it'll be years before they could do any damage.
I wish she'd hurry up and land somewhere on Westeros already. It would be amazing to see the Targaeryan banner/sigil be seen somewhere. I think Robb's best chance would be if Daenarys focused on Stannis or the Lannisters first.
Can someone explain to me who's torturing Theon? His own people? What do they want?
The problem is, if you remember Missandei said they trained from dusk till dawn with a few weapons ie. Spear, Short sword etc.
They are basically highly regimented infantry. They are too limited in their power projection and number to challenge anyone save for Robb probably.
I think basically they are suited for overrunning cities or brute force pushes. But they'd get picked apart by trained archers, catapults, things that can fire from a distance. She does have hee dragons though, but they said it'll be years before they could do any damage.
I wish she'd hurry up and land somewhere on Westeros already. It would be amazing to see the Targaeryan banner/sigil be seen somewhere. I think Robb's best chance would be if Daenarys focused on Stannis or the Lannisters first.
bah, dragons went extinct before, they can't be that scary
I'm also betting on his father, but the scene you are describing was when Theon were lead to believe they were getting inside his sister's castle or some sort of fort... The guy was just playing him, and probably avoided been seen because their comrades didn't know what he was up to and would probably capture theon before he had any chance to spill whatever info the guy was trying to get.I'm gonna guess his father.
Theon said something like "Those are my sisters men, they wont hurt us"
and that guy replied "not all of them are your sisters men"
And that started the whole "my real father had his head chopped off in kings landing" bit.
I've grown to the idea that Theon's father is just punishing him for his act of stupidity.
What happened to Melisandre's "baby shadow" ?
It killed Renly and then it disappeared.
What happened to Melisandre's "baby shadow" ?
It killed Renly and then it disappeared.
Tell that to the original Lord of Harrenhal, didn't Tywin say that him and his sons burned to death inside that castle when Aegon and his sisters attacked?
I watched S1 but didn't continue; I've heard the other seasons are much better. The biggest problem to me was that the characters are almost completely unlikable; not in the sense of being assholes, but in the sense of being boring and not compelling. Nucky just doesn't do anything for me, partly due to the actor as I said. I liked Capone and the sniper but everyone else felt generic. I think people expected a strong lead and an ensemble cast, and were disappointed.Alec as Nucky would have been fucking amazing.
Scorsese helped develop the show and directed the pilot, so HBO advertised the shit out of Scorsese.
Yeah it's a bit funny that HBO (With Winter running the show and Scorsese being involved in developing and directing the pilot) that Boardwalk was going to be their next great and super popular drama like The Sopranos, while they kind of backed into Game of Thrones and had really be sold on the series. Now Game of Thrones is the one that's their biggest series (ever according to GRRM).
A couple updates, though we're rapidly digressing from the topic of the thread.... Aaron Paul bowed out of The Missionary last year and they replaced him with Ben Walker. Jesse Plemons in on that, too. As far as I know, they're just gearing up for the pilot one of these days. The next thing we'll see from HBO is most likely True Detective (Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson) since that already has a short series order and they're filming it right now. I should put up a thread for that at some point. Since they haven't announced it for the Fall, I'm guessing they might air it Winter 2014 in Luck's old slot(?) The rest of their dramas are a long ways off last I checked.I'm not shitting on the show, it's just not compelling television to me. And I definitely wonder what HBO's long term plans are for it. They have a CIA show coming up with Aaron Paul that sounds like their next big move, for instance. I'd imagine BE is profitable and it gets good reviews, so I doubt it's in danger of cancellation. But HBO has so much stuff in the wings right now that something probably has to go.
If the 100k armies are really what the other factions have at their disposal, then she's going to have to gather more strength before challenging the big players directly. Options seem to be stopping somewhere else before Westeros to pick up more armies, joining forces with somebody who is already vying for the throne, or trying to land and hope that local forces will rally to their "rightful queen" (lol).
lolAragorn held their oaths fulfilled.
A couple updates, though we're rapidly digressing from the topic of the thread.... Aaron Paul bowed out of The Missionary last year and they replaced him with Ben Walker. Jesse Plemons in on that, too. As far as I know, they're just gearing up for the pilot one of these days. The next thing we'll see from HBO is most likely True Detective (Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson) since that already has a short series order and they're filming it right now. I should put up a thread for that at some point. Since they haven't announced it for the Fall, I'm guessing they might air it Winter 2014 in Luck's old slot(?) The rest of their dramas are a long ways off last I checked.
FWIW, I'll stand by Boardwalk Empire as very good television that's great at times each season, though admittedly (based on general & GAF response) it isn't for everyone.
I forget, does Dany know everyone called her father(?) the mad king?
I remember early on, Varys and perhaps the guy who gave her the eggs said everyone in Westeros is waiting for their true king to return, but that was just brainwashing.
Varys has never met Dany. Did you mean Viserys?
Also, I think Jorah mentioned how Targaryen's are like flipping a coin: extremely bright or insane.
Yes I meant Viserys, I'm not sure why I typed Varys. Wasn't it somebody else that said the gods flip a coin every time a Targaryen is born?
I'm just wondering if Dany expects the Westeros people welcome her back and turn on their Kings.
Pretty sure it was Cercei when she was talking to Tyrion.
Yea, I assumed they were referencing incest, in the lannister ancestry.
I've decided to finally give Game of Thrones a chance. I've avoided it until now simply because I found A Song of Ice and Fire to be an extremely boring read and could never really make it past the first book. I figure I might have better luck with the show or at least the first few episodes.
Does anyone know how much bandwidth the first season can use up? The HD version? Or just how big an episode could be? I'd likely be getting the episodes from's Video Service. At least to start as I'm not ready to put down $50 on a blu-ray copy.
I'm just wondering if Dany expects the Westeros people welcome her back and turn on their Kings.
I've decided to finally give Game of Thrones a chance. I've avoided it until now simply because I found A Song of Ice and Fire to be an extremely boring read and could never really make it past the first book. I figure I might have better luck with the show or at least the first few episodes.
Does anyone know how much bandwidth the first season can use up? The HD version? Or just how big an episode could be? I'd likely be getting the episodes from's Video Service. At least to start as I'm not ready to jump put down $50 on a blu-ray copy.
Wasn't she told in the first season that the people don't care about "the game of thrones" so they aren't sitting around waiting for her to return?
I think she's moved away from the mindset that the people expect and want her.
[Book reader here] No spoilers. Just talks about the creation of the languages and the use of it in 3.04. (which means seasons 1 and 2 are fair game, obviously)
I skimmed the contents, nothing bad there that I saw, but I would probably avoid those just in case.
The only thing that could possibly be maybe thought about being a possible 'spoiler' just talks about the George RR Martin occasionally emailing asking about the language. But he does that for a lot of people, especially those who run the fan sites and the A Song of Ice and Fire and Game Of Thrones Wiki's to make sure he keeps the story straight.
Just wanted to pop in and let you guys know. It's actually an interesting, albeit small article.