Good edit, lol.
I subscribe to HBO Canada and I also get HBO On Demand so I can watch them anytime.
The shows usually run about 50+ minutes. I would assume the HD versions of the rentals from Amazon would be more bandwidth intensive, ie. I don't think you have anything to worry about...
I still think she has it in her head that people are waiting for her. That's all she said in Season 2, how her people are waiting for her, how she needs ships, how the war of Five kings is tearing Westeros apart. You have to remember, the people that probably took her to Essos, raised her and Viserys and told them how they are the rightful rulers, that the kingdoms are probably suffering under Robert the Usurper. Barristan Selmy showing up, probably emboldens her even more. I think she's moving away from the "hurry" she was in, and is becoming more calculating. She took the time to get this army etc. Next will be ships and supplies before she sails back to Westeros probably.
Just cuz
Seth McFarlane has probably cum inside of her.
Regarding the bolded:
That's only available to Rogers customers right?
Just cuz
Possibly but I'm on West Coast and so have Telus Optik tv. Only thing I hate is that they don't have season 1 for some reason. They had it when season 2 was running, but now it's only season 2 and season 3 to watch in HD, plus some extras like behind the scenes stuff.
Watched the episode this morning, one of the best things I've seen on TV in ages, that ending.......
Just watched the episode last night and it may just be my favorite of the series. Even though I had guessed what Dany might do, that ending was spectacular.
The last two episodes, IMO, have been two of some of the strongest of the entire series, imo. Gotta look to see who directed them...
Seth McFarlane has probably cum inside of her.
Seth McFarlane has probably cum inside of her.
She's been sullied.
Or maybe she had an allergy![]()
Just cuz
It always looks a bit off in the show to me since there is such a contrast between the brow and hair color (like in the elves from LotR).It's ridiculous how different she looks with het Dany-wig on. No less stunning, but different.
I like Family Guy so I can't hate... but I still hate that picture.
People who have done JACK this season:
Stannis' family
The season is almost halfway over and we haven't even seen Balon or Stannis' family. I know the book is cut in half, but you'd think they'd throw an introductory scene in there somewhere.
synopsis said:The Hound is judged by the gods; Jaime is judged by men. Jon proves himself; Robb is betrayed. Tyrion learns the cost of weddings.
What do you mean the book is cut in half? Which book? I haven't read them so I don't know what corresponds with which. Are we supposed to have met Balon or Stannis' family by now?
New Episode Tonight: Kissed by Fire
New Episode Tonight: Kissed by Fire
I don't know anything about the books, but here is the reason for that statement (no actual spoilers, but I'll put a spoiler tag just in case):
the third book in the series is supposedly so large and packed with action that it is being split into both the third and fourth seasons
That may be true but the official reason is to give time to the author to keep writing. I read somewhere that all books starting with book 3 were divided to 2 seasons. That way the author can finish the books without the tv show catching up.
Oh fuck. Damn, let's pretend the books don't exist at all in this thread. I don't need to know that this season will supposedly cut out details to fit next season since the book was so large or whatever.
Now I'm going to be watching the rest of the episodes wondering if they cut out parts or something.
Damnit Forkball, now I'm going to be wondering if Stannis' family is supposedly important to the storyline now.
Season 5 onward will adapt A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons, but apparently not in a strict X% of book per season. Instead they'll look at the content across both books and adapt the series in a way that best tells the story. The reason for this, as I've come to believe based on what I've been told as a non-book reader (context spoilers for AFFC and ADWD, but no actual plot/character spoilers):AFFC and ADWD take place almost entirely at the same time, covering different events from various POV characters. So really, to tell that bulk of story, there's two books worth of content covering a single time period, which is quite different from the linearity of the other books. ADWD's last third carries the story further. ADWD is also stupid huge, 300 - 400 pages longer than the 600 - 700 page other books.
What do you mean the book is cut in half? Which book? I haven't read them so I don't know what corresponds with which. Are we supposed to have met Balon or Stannis' family by now?
That is very much the case.
Season 5 onward will adapt A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons, but apparently not in a strict X% of book per season. Instead they'll look at the content across both books and adapt the series in a way that best tells the story. The reason for this, as I've come to believe based on what I've been told as a non-book reader (context spoilers for AFFC and ADWD, but no actual plot/character spoilers):AFFC and ADWD take place almost entirely at the same time, covering different events from various POV characters. So really, to tell that bulk of story, there's two books worth of content covering a single time period, which is quite different from the linearity of the other books. ADWD's last third carries the story further. ADWD is also stupid huge, 300 - 400 pages longer than the 600 - 700 page other books.
Damnit Forkball, now I'm going to be wondering if Stannis' family is supposedly important to the storyline now.
(context spoilers based on book size nothing else)My copy of ADWD is only slightly shorter than my copy of ASOS. In terms of size: ASOS -> ADWD -> AFFC ~= ACOK ~= AGOT. Combining AFFC and ADWD which they should do could fit into 2 seasons minimum, but could be 3 if they want.
But yeah spitting the source material was a great move. This season feels so much smoother and better directed because of it.
I don't think anyone ever thought ASOS was going to be one season. Physically it comes as too paperbacks which are the same size as a GOT & ACOK. As regards what you put in spoilers: -
Popular opinion on the book forum I lurk at is that AFFC & ADWD will get smooshed into 2 seasons max. In large part due to the fact that it's largely about getting people to where they need to be in the world. There will undoubtedly be a massive amount of rationalization of characters as well (in truth the later books are overburdened with lots of bit part players).