Overall pretty great episode. I thought the writing suffered a bit during Ygritte and Jon's scene (felt like the "you know nothing Jon Snow" thing was kind of fan fluff that was unneeded...and the "I don't want this night in the cave to end" thing was pretty damned cheesy), but other than that it was good.
For a while I've had a hard time really hating Joffrey. I mean, I do, but I've channeled my hatred more to Cersei than him, because she created him. He was the product of Robert and her, and he couldn't really end up any other way. That scene with Tywin sort of had me feel bad for Cersei now. Especially when she said "not again," I felt really bad for her. She's just the product of his shit, too. It's all just a shitty downward spiral for the Lannisters. It's karma biting them all in the ass for being so obsessed with power. It's pretty insane the show managed to get me to feel bad for her at all for even just that second, because she's a right cunt. But she believably turned into a little girl for just that moment, and I did.
It's also an odd scene because even though the Lannisters are scheming, you almost feel happy Sansa gets with Tyrion, because at least he's a decent dude.