Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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None of them were groomed to be the future king that would be free to do whatever they wanted. Joffrey was both a vessel for Cersei and Robert. Cersei placed all her longing for power and freedom into him. She was trapped in her marriage and he was her "fuck you" to that. Then, as far as a role model of how to play king you had Robert, the guy who would go out drinking and hunting and fucking whoever and didn't give a shit about his mother. How do you think he's going to turn out with his ear filled with "You can do whatever you want when you're king. You'll be the greatest" and his eyes filled with Robert's actions.

None of her other children display the sheer sadism that Joffrey does. Casual conversations with him can change into life threatening confrontations on a whim while violence seems to sexually arouse him. He just seems really unstable and I feel like he's more a product of the incest than he is of bad parenting.
Damn Arya, right in the feels.

My lady. How old is Gendric supposed to be?

The Hound look right terrified by the flaming sword, so awesome

The hound being afraid of fire makes sense since it carries over from the Blackwater incident. When he got freaked by the fire in that episode and and quit in that episode, the memory of his pyrophobia wasn't triggered for me or many others. At least he dealt with it and overcame it to kill a man.

Ok, Jaime is worthy of my sympathy now. Losing his hand was nothing, his explanation of his situation in the bath warmed me up to him incredibly.


Tywin really is a BOSS. There must have been quite a good amount in all those letters we was reading and responding to.


Axel Hertz
For a while I've had a hard time really hating Joffrey. I mean, I do, but I've channeled my hatred more to Cersei than him, because she created him. He was the product of Robert and her, and he couldn't really end up any other way.

That's nto the rumour around town...


None of her other children display the sheer sadism that Joffrey does. Casual conversations with him can change into life threatening confrontations on a whim while violence seems to sexually arouse him. He just seems really unstable and I feel like he's more a product of the incest than he is of bad parenting.

None of her other children were brought up like Joffrey. Joffrey was to be the next king. The rest of them were just children. They were children Cersei loved, yeah, but just regular children. Joffrey, though, was more. He was going to be king after Robert, and he knew it and Cersei knew it.

Remember some of the scenes in the first season, where she's asking him a few questions and then tells him he can do whatever he wants. If he wants to "fuck painted whores" he could do that. The world was his to do whatever. That's where this shit came from. It came from a mom building him up to be all powerful and beholden to no one, because she certainly was trapped in life and he was her escape. It also came from a father who nearly was all powerful and beholden to no one. He was a drunken fool with no respect for his wife.

The other children saw some of these things, sure, but they weren't brought up to be these things like he was.

Basically he's literally and literarily the product of all the sins of Cersei and Robert.


None of her other children were brought up like Joffrey. Joffrey was to be the next king. The rest of them were just children. They were children Cersei loved, yeah, but just regular children. Joffrey, though, was more. He was going to be king after Robert, and he knew it and Cersei knew it.

Remember some of the scenes in the first season, where she's asking him a few questions and then tells him he can do whatever he wants. If he wants to "fuck painted whores" he could do that. The world was his to do whatever. That's where this shit came from. It came from a mom building him up to be all powerful and beholden to no one, because she certainly was trapped in life and he was her escape. It also came from a father who nearly was all powerful and beholden to no one. He was a drunken fool with no respect for his wife.

The other children saw some of these things, sure, but they weren't brought up to be these things like he was.

Basically he's literally and literarily the product of all the sins of Cersei and Robert.

Yeah I see what you mean now. He was the Chosen One in his own eyes and was bult up by a mother who spoiled him rotten. But as Cersei said, the Targaryens were known for producing crazy heirs or brilliant ones and to me Joffrey has a lot common with Dany's brother Viserys.


Finally sexy Jon Snow scene, I was very happy with this episode

Feeling bad for Arya :( But the "You won't be my family, you'd be my m'lady" CAN THIS HAPPEN PLS

And GOD I hate Tywin but it was so great to see Cersei's smirk disappear so quick <3
I don't think he meant it like that. I think he meant that because she's a high born and he's a lowly bastard with no parents or prospects, she can say she's his family all she wants, but she'll be his 'lady' in the sense that they aren't equals. Like he'll serve her. Which is true. Even if she took him to Riverrun, no one knows he's the bastard son of Robert Baratheon there. They'd think he's some poor smith who helped her, give him some gold and keep him around as a servant.

Also RDreamer, cmon Joffrey fits the definition of a psychopath. That's not something that makes you a product of your environment. He actively takes pleasure in others pain, he actively wants to hurt people, to watch them suffer and die, it's almost turns him on in a way. You can use examples to excuse almost everyone. But where does the personal responsibility come into play? He's like a serial killer in training almost. He was going to kill Arya in the field at Winterfell, he ordered his kingsguard to slaughter all the citizens because they threw dung at his face etc. He's as much a mad king as Robert.


My lady. How old is Gendric supposed to be?

I don't care because it HAS to happen. >:'(

I don't think he meant it like that. I think he meant that because she's a high born and he's a lowly bastard with no parents or prospects, she can say she's his family all she wants, but she'll be his 'lady' in the sense that they aren't equals. Like he'll serve her. Which is true. Even if she took him to Riverrun, no one knows he's the bastard son of Robert Baratheon there. They'd think he's some poor smith who helped her, give him some gold and keep him around as a servant.

Can you sttoppppp :''''''''''(
I don't think he meant it like that. I think he meant that because she's a high born and he's a lowly bastard with no parents or prospects, she can say she's his family all she wants, but she'll be his 'lady' in the sense that they aren't equals. Like he'll serve her. Which is true. Even if she took him to Riverrun, no one knows he's the bastard son of Robert Baratheon there. They'd think he's some poor smith who helped her, give him some gold and keep him around as a servant.

Also RDreamer, that's a load of BS. Joffrey fits the definition of a psychopath. That's not something that makes you a product of your environment. He actively takes pleasure in others pain, he actively wants to hurt people, to watch them suffer and die, it's almost turns him on in a way. You can use examples to excuse almost everyone. But where does the personal responsibility come into play? He's like a serial killer in training almost. He was going to kill Arya in the field at Winterfell, he ordered his kingsguard to slaughter all the citizens because they threw dung at his face etc. He's as much a mad king as Robert.

You mean Aerys? Robert was a bad king, but he wasn't is mad man/psychopath.

Some of Joffery's madness may be due to incest, but I agree most of it is due to him being raised with no limitations, no rules, etc; maybe he could have been a decent person if..say Tywin had raised him, but instead he had an absent father and a poisonous mother.
Finally sexy Jon Snow scene, I was very happy with this episode

Feeling bad for Arya :( But the "You won't be my family, you'd be my m'lady" CAN THIS HAPPEN PLS

And GOD I hate Tywin but it was so great to see Cersei's smirk disappear so quick <3
I don't think that was a hint of a relationship, it was a throwback to season 2 when he found out she was a girl and kept calling her "m'lady"


I didn't think Gendry meant My Lady in that way.. He knows shes Arya Stark and noble women must be called "my lady".

Absolute sick episode. Hearing Jaimes story and showing just how much like his father Robb really is.

I hope what happens is that the North strike peace with Mance's army (obviously with struggle at first) and shit on those in the south.

I have feeling that Robb is going to give Walder Frey no choice in the matter. Robb will either accept his allegiance or go to war with him and theres no way a raven will reach Tywin with Robbs archers shooting them down.


You mean Aerys? Robert was a bad king, but he wasn't is mad man/psychopath.

Some of Joffery's madness may be due to incest, but I agree most of it is due to him being raised with no limitations, no rules, etc; maybe he could have been a decent person if..say Tywin had raised him, but instead he had an absent father and a poisonous mother.

Sorry misspoke. Meant Aerys. But yes, my point is, you can't say that because you'll never know. The point is, Joffrey is mad. You could argue, that just how sick he is, and the sociopathic tendencies he shows, would always have manifested in him, even with his family. He fits several criminal profiles, and it's not just the way he was raised. People raised worse than Joffrey aren't like that, people raised better than him may be like that.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Hah, desperately. Funny to watch.

Wait, what? I thought Jorah was banished for other reasons not associated with Dany and had no link to Dany prior to joining her crusade.

Predictions based on what happened tonight: (sorry wall of text, tonight's episode opened wide many of the arcs)

- Robb is stupid for going back to Frey. That dude was wicked the first time they aligned and now that Robb turned his back on them, I don't see old man Frey being kind in return. It's a shame Catelyn's sister refused to help. Robb should march there and force their allegiance, and fortify for a bit. Just as Stannis retreated, Robb should, too. The only hope I see for Robb is one of two things: Jon Snow (won't happen this season judging on how slow the free folk move, so hopefully Robb makes it to next season) or Theon come to his rescue with reinforcements. The other factors would be:

- The newly introduced Lord Bolton could help even the odds for Robb, but I foresee Jaime escaping this predicament by gaining favor of Bolton to side with Tywin. Bolton was too kind to Jaime in comparison to his men. Plus, Lord Bolton seems like a smart man and may want the power of the North now that Robb is running around the South trying to avenge his daddy.

- Tywin is smart to stay ahead of the Tyrells, but I think he is taking a bigger bite than he can chew. With combat against Stannis, Starks, and the forthcoming mind games of the Tyrells for the throne, Tywin is going to be spread thin. Baelish also has his own agenda, so I think the endgame of Tywin is going to be screwed up, but not anytime soon. He'll be on top for a bit and the show will continue paint him as the larger villain at play.

- I liked the Stannis stuff, but it was more backstory and giving the characters associated with him better lighting so we care about them. Perhaps Stannis will forgive the Onion Knight by the end of the season? The bigger question is when will the red priestess show up next. Stannis and Robb are like season 3's version of season 2's Dany.

- I don't truly understand the implications of the convo between Jorah and Barriston. Jorah is dedicated to Dany. Barriston is dedicated to the people. Barriston thinks the people won't accept Jorah, thus won't be around for long after Dany takes the throne. Is that it? The slave naming wasn't a big plot device right now, besides giving Dany more humanitarian values.

- Jon Snow sex scene was exactly that -- gives him something to do and it wasn't the typical "Jon Snow, you are a clueless Northerner" plot device. I'm ready for the wildlings to push South and complicate things for the War of Kings. I don't know where their alliance lies or what Mance's endgame is, but I'm excited to see them join the rest at the chess match. They'll have a more immediate effect to the wars than Dany will since she is probably another two seasons away from showing up at the Iron Throne.

- I don't have many predictions for the group of bandits that align to no banner. They're the wildcard. They think highly of Stark's, so perhaps they'll come to Robb's aid when he is at most need.

Questions that I have for this season of the show:
- So about those white walkers... what are they doing right now and should we expect to see them this season? Why aren't the Free folk encountering them? I hope to find out soon. Been 6 episodes since we last saw them (end of season 2).

- What are the Greyjoy's doing in this war? It seems like all they wanted to do was take over Winterfell and that's it. I was under the impression all 5 kings (Renly, Robb, Stannis, Balon, and Joffrey) were competing for the throne. With the Iron Islands right next to Casterly Rock, I'm a bit confused on why Balon and Tywin have yet to go to battle.

- Also, I hope Tywin pushes the pace on Stannis soon. Dragonstone is way too close to King's Landing to let Stannis sit idle and think of his next plan. Stannis needs something to do besides weep about his rightful place on the Throne. We probably won't see movement with Stannis until the red priestess returns and Stannis tries whatever plan she comes up with.

- Lastly, I'm secretly hoping for Jaqen H'ghar (or whatever his true name is) to show up and help out Arya again.


Super Sleuth
Wait, what? I thought Jorah was banished for other reasons not associated with Dany and had no link to Dany prior to joining her crusade.

Right, he was ousted for being a slaver.

But he fed info to Varys in the first season about Dany. It was in the fifth episode at a small council meeting. You never see Varys and Jorah talk, Varys tells Ned that Jorah was the source.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
Right, he was ousted for being a slaver.

But he fed info to Varys in the first season about Dany. It was in the fifth episode at a small council meeting. You never see Varys and Jorah talk, Varys tells Ned that Jorah was the source.

Ah! Thank for the clarification. I had thought it was implied that Jorah was one of the ousters of the Mad King.


Wait, what? I thought Jorah was banished for other reasons not associated with Dany and had no link to Dany prior to joining her crusade.

Yes but he was helping Varys with information on Dany so to regain his titles in Westeros.

Predictions based on what happened tonight: (sorry wall of text, tonight's episode opened wide many of the arcs)

- Robb is stupid for going back to Frey. That dude was wicked the first time they aligned and now that Robb turned his back on them, I don't see old man Frey being kind in return. It's a shame Catelyn's sister refused to help. Robb should march there and force their allegiance, and fortify for a bit. Just as Stannis retreated, Robb should, too. The only hope I see for Robb is one of two things: Jon Snow (won't happen this season judging on how slow the free folk move, so hopefully Robb makes it to next season) or Theon come to his rescue with reinforcements. The other factors would be:

Theon convincing his sister and coming to Robbs aid would be sick. Balon Greyjoy is old and a nutter. I think Yarah would see that, she seems quite smart.

- The newly introduced Lord Bolton could help even the odds for Robb, but I foresee Jaime escaping this predicament by gaining favor of Bolton to side with Tywin. Bolton was too kind to Jaime in comparison to his men. Plus, Lord Bolton seems like a smart man and may want the power of the North now that Robb is running around the South trying to avenge his daddy.

Yes it did seem like Bolton was keen with playing friendly with Jaime. I wonder how Boltons men would feel though.. They were obviously not a fan of Jaime, Tywin or any of the Lannisters.

- Tywin is smart to stay ahead of the Tyrells, but I think he is taking a bigger bite than he can chew. With combat against Stannis, Starks, and the forthcoming mind games of the Tyrells for the throne, Tywin is going to be spread thin. Baelish also has his own agenda, so I think the endgame of Tywin is going to be screwed up, but not anytime soon. He'll be on top for a bit and the show will continue paint him as the larger villain at play.

I don't think Tywin is playing the game at all. Neither is Cersei or Tyrion. They merely think they are playing the game while it is actually Varys and Baelish playing at the Game of Thrones. Sansa being given to Tyrion is a bit of a backfire in Baelish's plan but I assume he will have a plan to fix that mess up. If Baelish marries Lady Arryn, he commands her bannermen as well as Harrenhals bannermen. That force combined with Starks force should be enough to take down the Lannisters. Robb doesn't want to be King of Westeros, he wants to be King of the North so whos left? Your Grace Petyr Baelish.

That is a lot of predicting though haha. I'm just going off how Varys perceives Petry Baelish

- I don't truly understand the implications of the convo between Jorah and Barriston. Jorah is dedicated to Dany. Barriston is dedicated to the people. Barriston thinks the people won't accept Jorah, thus won't be around for long after Dany takes the throne. Is that it? The slave naming wasn't a big plot device right now, besides giving Dany more humanitarian values.

I think its simply a case of Barriston being completely new to this exile business. Hes been a man of honour all his life so what he sees right now must be so crazy to him. The people won't accept Jorah, they just won't care. Just like they don't care that the council includes a brothel owner and a eunuch from the free cities.

Questions that I have for this season of the show:
- So about those white walkers... what are they doing right now and should we expect to see them this season? Why aren't the Free folk encountering them? I hope to find out soon. Been 6 episodes since we last saw them (end of season 2).

I'm pretty sure the Nights Watch slayed all of them. It was the Fist of the First Men. Thats why they went with 300 men and had only 20(?) left over. It was implied I believe.

- What are the Greyjoy's doing in this war? It seems like all they wanted to do was take over Winterfell and that's it. I was under the impression all 5 kings (Renly, Robb, Stannis, Balon, and Joffrey) were competing for the throne. With the Iron Islands right next to Casterly Rock, I'm a bit confused on why Balon and Tywin have yet to go to battle.

Balon's war is not with the Iron Throne. Basically what happened is that the North took away Balon's crown (Ned Stark and Co.) and the only way he and the rest of the Iron Islanders believes he can win back the crown is to pay the Iron Price for it.


weaker then regular men eh?
i thought this was supposed to be an epic/elite fighting squad

puny girly men as conan/arnold would say

Well you 'cut' boys completely before they go through puberty and you risk several lifelong health problems. They'll lose almost their entire ability to produce testosterone, etc. They definitely won't have as much strength, hair, muscle, bone density, aggression etc. Basically would be Varys. But apparently, the Slaver turned them into an amazing fighting force of so you never know.


Wait, what.

All this Jorah talk above.

Is that not a spoiler? I've seen every episode so far. Was it definitely said by Varys that Jorah fed him the information?

My mind has just been blown that I've missed this crucial information.

Does anyone have a YouTube clip of the council scene with Varys that was mentioned?


Wait, what.

All this Jorah talk above.

Is that not a spoiler? I've seen every episode so far. Was it definitely said by Varys that Jorah fed him the information?

My mind has just been blown that I've missed this crucial information.

Does anyone have a YouTube clip of the council scene with Varys that was mentioned?
Yeah it was in the recap for today's episode as well.


Wait, what.

All this Jorah talk above.

Is that not a spoiler? I've seen every episode so far. Was it definitely said by Varys that Jorah fed him the information?

My mind has just been blown that I've missed this crucial information.

Does anyone have a YouTube clip of the council scene with Varys that was mentioned?

Yeah man remember Ned Stark was absolutely furious with Robert during the council? It was the ep where Ned gave up his position as hand and got attacked by Jaime.


Wait, what.

All this Jorah talk above.

Is that not a spoiler? I've seen every episode so far. Was it definitely said by Varys that Jorah fed him the information?

My mind has just been blown that I've missed this crucial information.

Does anyone have a YouTube clip of the council scene with Varys that was mentioned?

I don't have a clip, but the pardoning bit is in the same episode as the assassination attempt, season 1 episode 7. I think the original reveal was in episode 5.


- The newly introduced Lord Bolton could help even the odds for Robb, but I foresee Jaime escaping this predicament by gaining favor of Bolton to side with Tywin. Bolton was too kind to Jaime in comparison to his men. Plus, Lord Bolton seems like a smart man and may want the power of the North now that Robb is running around the South trying to avenge his daddy.

Dude. Lord Bolton has been Robb's bannerman since the beginning. He's present throughout Seasons 2&3.
I don't know why he's treating Jaime with respect. Maybe he's just respectful of all highborn POWs, and he understands the negotiation power of having Jaime Lannister. Or he's keeping him intact for Robb.


so, let's see:
I'm starting to warm up for the Lord of Light - shadow babies, necromancy, he's just all around super useful. It looks like his power can be used for both good and evil
Stannis is becoming likeable again, but his family is all kinds of messed up
The Lannisters/Sansa/Baelish story arch is finally getting interesting!
and I get the feeling the Tyrells are planning on buying the crown, seeing as how they run pretty much everything from behind the curtain
What's Stannis' daughter called? Man her locked up in that room got to me. Poor girl. :(

Awesome last scene. Tywin isn't making any friends.


it makes me sad to see that Ser Barriston and Jorah don't go along well :(

He just seems really unstable and I feel like he's more a product of the incest than he is of bad parenting.

come on, there's no such thing as a incest gene that turns people evil

So Jorah has been going behind Dany's back all along?

And to think I kept calling him the only nice guy on the show :(

what? did I miss something?


Robb is such a terrible politician. The apple truly does not fall far from the tree.

I was thinking the same, but then again Robb is just a boy, and I feel it's starting to go to his head. He's not been listening to anyone, not his mom, his advisors etc.

First he lets Theon go to Balon against everyone's judgment, Theon in turn invades Winterfell, slaughters the Stark men there, kills Ser Roderick and now the castle is burned. Then he marries the foreign girl and his mom said you can't betray a man like Walder Frey, and Lord Karstark even said a few episodes ago, that we lost this war the second you married her.

Now, he's just beheaded his closest bannerman and his kin under the guise of justice. He could have meted out justice after the war, wait until his plan to march on Casterly Rock etc. Now, he has less forces than the Tyrell's apparently supplied the Lannisters with. Everyone in Karhold will remember Robb Stark beheading their lord for two Lannisters. This will create tension in the north for a while.

Let's just say, this episode really made me doubt the King in the North and the supposed future king of Westeros I thought he was. At this point, he should bend the knee to Stannis, get some reinforcements and they should march on Casterly Rock together. Even Ned Stark pledged fealty to Stannis.

Edit: I've now watched this damn episode like 4 times. The scene with Sansa and Littlefinger, he told her that she was one of the worst liars in Kings Landing, and he's got this smirk on his face when she's telling him, maybe it's better to wait, too dangerous, worried about Littlefinger's so-called safety etc. He can read her like a book probably.
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