- Also, I hope Tywin pushes the pace on Stannis soon. Dragonstone is way too close to King's Landing to let Stannis sit idle and think of his next plan. Stannis needs something to do besides weep about his rightful place on the Throne. We probably won't see movement with Stannis until the red priestess returns and Stannis tries whatever plan she comes up with.
Stannis is clearly breaking with the red priestess now, and I think he might repent and free Davos by the end of this season. That is, if he doesn't get killed before doing so - I sure hope not. His wife seems really unstable though, and might try to off him if she notices that he is losing his faith
I wonder what the relationship between Melisandre and the Brotherhood Without Banners is. 'Cause the Brotherhood is awesome and Melisandre can go die in a fire. I'll be very disappointed if it turns out they are followers of hers