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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Amazing episode. Every segment was interesting. The North is the best part of Season 5. Also, I hope Stannis fucks up the Boltons and they both burn screaming.

I hope Arya makes it back to Westeros and Jon makes it back south in time to see that. Would be a nice bonding moment for Jon, Arya and Sansa. Somehow I think Jon would refrain from the ol' arrow trick this time.


semen stains the mountaintops
I must echo all the praise this episode is getting.

Best one of the season so far. Sucks that Barristan died, though. I was hoping he'd survive.
Jorah Spoiler


They're almost getting too obvious with the Jon Snow plot hints.

Amazing episode. Can't believe I feel bad for Theon but something tells me he'll have his redemption.


I must echo all the praise this episode is getting.

Best one of the season so far. Sucks that Barristan died, though. I was hoping he'd survive.

I'm surprised Greyworm is still alive. I feel like his story could end at any point but his relationship with Missandei has to mean something, right?


I just realised why Theon struggled to apologise to Sansa. He desperately wanted to say 'You're brothers are alive, I didn't kill them,' but couldn't. But he'll get that info out at some point, surely. Perhaps another wild goose chase for Brienne, if Sansa lights her candle and gives her orders? Or perhaps Sansa sends word north to Jon, who will go searching for them north of the wall. Do we even know where Osha took Rickon? It was north of the wall, right? Or just somewhere in the north?


Good episode. Some random thoughts...

- I don't get it. Danny's dragons are chained up as if standing beyond the leash would keep people safe, yet they clearly have range with their fire breath. They're supposed to be unwieldy too.
- Danny giving her dragon's the taste of human meat. Totally won't backfire. >.>
- Why doesn't Danny open up the fighting pits FIRST. See how that goes. THEN marry the former slaver only if she needs to, to further her popularity with the people? Seems foolish regardless.
- Wouldn't the older Stark lady Sansa-supporter know about the facts of who killed her brothers and mother? Also, Sansa's reaction to Theon's lie was rather subsided. I guess she's holding in all emotion.
- That awkward table talk with the Boltons. lol
- The wildlings only bow to Mance. Alrighty then. Good luck trying to convince them after being an accessory in his death. My theory is that there will be blood, but then they will be forced to cooperate because the white walkers will begin to encroach; chasing them all the way south, past the wall and into the Stannis-Roose conflict.
- Stannis is clearly going to need that backup after he heads to the Boltons without more support. Will be interesting to see how that goes down.
- Why did the blind night's watch maester Aemon say to kill the boy?
- I don't really like how the white walkers can only (supposedly) be defeated with dragon's stone. Sounds like a shitty RPG quest.
- Prediction: Jorah finally meets up with Danny. By this time he's badly infected but it's still hidden. He redeems himself somehow. Danny opens arms to embrace him with the love he always wanted. He declines because he has the stone STD; later dies alone.


I just realised why Theon struggled to apologise to Sansa. He desperately wanted to say 'You're brothers are alive, I didn't kill them,' but couldn't. But he'll get that info out at some point, surely. Perhaps another wild goose chase for Brienne, if Sansa lights her candle and gives her orders? Or perhaps Sansa sends word north to Jon, who will go searching for them north of the wall. Do we even know where Osha took Rickon? It was north of the wall, right? Or just somewhere in the north?

She took them to Greatjon Umbers I believe. Don't know if they ever got there since that was the last we saw or heard them mentioned. He is the dude that Robb's wolf bit the fingers off


- Prediction: Jorah finally meets up with Danny. By this time he's badly infected but it's still hidden. He redeems himself somehow. Danny opens arms to embrace him with the love he always wanted. He declines because he has the stone STD; later dies alone.
Amazing. Forever a-stone.


Fail out bailed
This is what I'm worried about, that this whole season is basically just going to be a big buildup for episode 9.

Personally I am happy to just watch the politics and world building. I don't really need a big "event" or twit that often. Honestly, last season was the only one I remember having a bunch of big "moment" episodes.


- Wouldn't the older Stark lady Sansa-supporter know about the facts of who killed her brothers and mother? Also, Sansa's reaction to Theon's lie was rather subsided. I guess she's holding in all emotion.

What inidicated she doesn't? Sansa also knows. Presumably she knows Theon "killed" Bran and Rickon too. She spent her entire time in King's Landing hiding her emotions

- Why did the blind night's watch maester Aemon say to kill the boy?

He was telling Jon to grow up

- I don't really like how the white walkers can only (supposedly) be defeated with dragon's stone. Sounds like a shitty RPG quest.
Presumably, they can be killed by actual dragons too
There was no allying, the Starks were the Boltons liege lords so they called everyone in the North. Why he decided to give Roose critical positions for the war effort is an example of bad writing though.
No it isn't. They are the biggest house after the Starks.

Griss said:
I hope Arya makes it back to Westeros and Jon makes it back south in time to see that. Would be a nice bonding moment for Jon, Arya and Sansa. Somehow I think Jon would refrain from the ol' arrow trick this time.
What arrow trick?
Fewer > Less

Sansa has to be the person that kills Ramsey. I don't think Theon is up for it and his comeuppance may be on the way too.

Stonemen are scary. Look like a unsuspecting object until their awakened and decide to attack.

Good episode.


Fail out bailed
Good episode. Some random thoughts...

- I don't get it. Danny's dragons are chained up as if standing beyond the leash would keep people safe, yet they clearly have range with their fire breath. They're supposed to be unwieldy too.
Seems like Dany knows the range of dragons breath. I found it easy to handwave. The alternative is having the guy shoved further or escorted by guys who run away. Which would have looked dorkier in how it'd have to be covered camera-wise.

- Why doesn't Danny open up the fighting pits FIRST. See how that goes. THEN marry the former slaver only if she needs to, to further her popularity with the people? Seems foolish regardless.
Because she needs to re-assure the poor AND the rich that she is on their side. I'm pretty sure that the former slaves saw the pits as their only chance to rise above their station. For the rich, it's petty entertainment. I don't think you could win back the love of the American south with something so simple for example. Their status was "taken" from them. Dany needs to show them that she respects the famalies that play by the rules and considers them lords.

- Wouldn't the older Stark lady Sansa-supporter know about the facts of who killed her brothers and mother?
That message was from Brienne not Theon. Not sure I understand.

- Stannis is clearly going to need that backup after he heads to the Boltons without more support. Will be interesting to see how that goes down.
I imagine, from the way it was shot that the Red Lady has something up her wizard's sleeve.

- Why did the blind night's watch maester Aemon say to kill the boy?
He was telling John to stop asking for permission and start being a man.

- I don't really like how the white walkers can only (supposedly) be defeated with dragon's stone. Sounds like a shitty RPG quest.
I THINK we've seen them also killed by fire and (maybe?) beheading right? I can barely rememeber.

I think your theory sounds pretty good. I can subscribe to that.


semen stains the mountaintops
I loved the scene with Tyrion seeing a dragon for the first time. It was awesome finally seeing someone from the Westeros storyline seeing a dragon.


What inidicated she doesn't? Sansa also knows. Presumably she knows Theon "killed" Bran and Rickon too. She spent her entire time in King's Landing hiding her emotions
I'm shaky on remembering who knows what. Forgot that Sansa already knew instead of finding out her brothers "deaths" for the first time. I assumed she thought they were just missing until then.


Awesome episode. This season keeps getting better an better. Regarding White Walkers. The only way they can be killed othet than Dragonstone is fire. Even if you stab it, it'll come for you and make you a white walker. Would've thought by now the White Walkers history and origin would be explained. I hope they go into further detail later in thr season. Also whatever happened to Robert Baratheons illegitimate child?? Last we saw him he escaped via boat somewhere. Hope they bring him back too. The way I see it, they got 2 more season left of Game of Thrones aftet this season and will tie all loose ends and all characters will eventually meet. Can't wait for that epic battle.


Good episode. Some random thoughts...

- Danny giving her dragon's the taste of human meat. Totally won't backfire. >.>
- Why doesn't Danny open up the fighting pits FIRST. See how that goes. THEN marry the former slaver only if she needs to, to further her popularity with the people? Seems foolish regardless.

Hadn't thought about the first one... they'd probably naturally eat humans anyway, but yeah it's probably not a good thing to teach them. Another on the list of stupid decisions.

But it's the marriage one that's blowing my mind. Marriage is your greatest weapon in Westeros. If Dany was to go over there and say 'Who's got the biggest army? I'll marry one of your men if you ally with me and my dragons. What do you gain? You'll be part of the ruling family... and safe from fucking dragons.' It would be the quickest way to gain support and extra troops. Robb was killed by misunderstanding the importance of marriage. The Tyrells have grown more and more powerful by ensuring that Margaery marry the king or potential king - three fucking times! Dany throwing away a trump card like that for so little gain (perhaps no gain!) is crazy to me, and again suggests that she has no idea what she's doing.

Of course, the fact that she has no idea what she's doing (as Missandei pointed out regarding her inability to follow counsel) is surely the point right now, or else the arrival of Jorah, Tyrion and Varys wouldn't be so urgent and important.

What arrow trick?

Last time Stannis burned someone alive, Jon sent an arrow out of nowhere to end it mercifully, remember?
WTF Dany feeding humans to her dragons. She's clearly following her father's footsteps. I'm starting to wonder wether they are intentionally make it seem like she's a poor ruler and becoming a Mad Queen herself or her story arch is just poorly written.
I've been complaining about this ever since she left Qarth. Not to mention the way she took Yunkai and Meereen is plain ridiculous.

Also, damn Stone men totally stole Drogon's moment.


The Dragons have been killing people since Season 2. That's what they're there for anyway

The marriage idea does seem incredibly stupid though. I hope it doesn't happen
Great episode! Really like what's going on in the North, and King Stannis is marching to Winterfell so I'm looking forward to how that unfolds. I wonder what the episode 9 dinger will be?!
I've been rewatching second season because that is the one I have worst memory of and I totally forgot Quyburn was resuced from Harrenhal after Mountain had tortured him. Makes me think the whole Frankenstein stuff is just as much Q getting back at him as it is following Cerseis orders.


Fail out bailed
I think the marriage thing seems smart. She can always dump him and leave him behind o ruke the place after shit has calmed down.

In Westros, I think she needs to be a single lad anyway. IF she wants all the shitty established lords to respect her right to lead. Westeros is a partiarchy.


Ramsey Bolton is becoming one of my favorite characters on the show! He is so psychotic, but funny! Sansa was stupid for actually walking alone in that dark kennel. Considering what almost happened to her in season 1 (where she got rescued by the Hound), I was shocked at her stupidity. Daenerys.....I'm telling ya'll, I don't trust her. Look at how she starred with orgasmic joy, at that potentially innocent man was burned, torn to pieces, and eaten by her dragons. That was fucked up.
Jorah's final stand will be as a petrified statue in Danny's bed chamber watching in silent anguish for eternity while Mr High Born and Dorito Najares pound his dragon queen till she squirts fire.
Fantastic episode.

All around interesting.

Jorah's final stand will be as a petrified statue in Danny's bed chamber watching in silent anguish for eternity while Mr High Born and Dorito Najares pound his dragon queen till she squirts fire.

lmao jesus man

and LOL at Mr High Born. Dude was in chains begging for his life now he gets to watch his sports and marry a superhot queen.


Jorah's final stand will be as a petrified statue in Danny's bed chamber watching in silent anguish for eternity while Mr High Born and Dorito Najares pound his dragon queen till she squirts fire.
Dude, I can't even.

As far as the episode goes, pretty good. Guessed correctly that Barristan would be dead, and Grey Worm alive. Ramsey's side girl can only be trouble. Roose is really calculating, and deceitful. Smart, but not to be trusted. Enjoyed dragon roast fest.

Dany's situation just got a bit more interesting. Possible marriage, Dario, and Jorah. I don't really imagine that turning out good. Something bad is going to happen, but hopefully won't end her reign. Jorah coming back with grey scale has all the recipe for disaster too.

Considering we have two more seasons (maybe three?), I guess they are trying to speed it along with the foreshadowing with Jon perhaps? Just feels like there aren't enough actors in play as everyone is getting murked.


I've been rewatching second season because that is the one I have worst memory of and I totally forgot Quyburn was resuced from Harrenhal after Mountain had tortured him. Makes me think the whole Frankenstein stuff is just as much Q getting back at him as it is following Cerseis orders.
That's a really good observation. I remembered Quyburn was at Harrenhal but I never made the connection with The Mountain.
Jorah's final stand will be as a petrified statue in Danny's bed chamber watching in silent anguish for eternity while Mr High Born and Dorito Najares pound his dragon queen till she squirts fire.

Damn son!

You're probably right :(

Hated to my one of my favorites receive a kiss of death in this episode.
Please, never let us see a threesome with Ramsey, Sansa and the crazy bitch.

This would be like seeing Hermione naked.

Good Episode, liked the butts and dialogue, the foreshadowing just for Jorrah's infection ?
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