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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Perhaps next week's show progresses a few weeks from this week's episode, as Lady Olenna will be there as well. Highgarden isn't exactly next door to KL and she is old. Or she has teleportation powers as well.


Junior Member
In the very first episode of the show they say how long they were on the road (king's landing to winterfell) but I can't remember how long that was. haha

I want to say it was two months, but I cannot say for sure. But that was a huge caravan with carriages and tons of people. A few people on horses could do it much more quickly. But to be honest, I doubt they are really thinking about the logistics of it all that much when writing the episodes.
I want to say it was two months, but I cannot say for sure. But that was a huge caravan with carriages and tons of people. A few people on horses could do it much more quickly. But to be honest, I doubt they are really thinking about the logistics of it all that much when writing the episodes.

It was 1 month, not 2. But yes, a few men on horses could do it much more quickly than that. And yes, logistics are what matter here. And it's also easy to justify on account of the fact that not every scene shown on screen need by in precise chronological order.


What time is it?
Solid episode.

Reek is definitely going to have a big moment this season. It's now just a question of what he's going to do.

Jorah is fucking toast

Seems like Theon has re-awoken this episode. I figure he'll murder Ramsey, help Sansa escape or both.


Junior Member
Yeah, I'm starting to buy into that for sure. They've never explained why Lyanna was kidnapped

The other option is Rhaegar targaryan who kidnapped Lyanna stark, starting Robert's uprising

I actually meant Rhaegar and not the mad king. way to many names to keep up with.
I'm guessing Jorah would have to touch Tyrion specifically with the infected part of his skin in order to infect him.

Obviously you couldn't touch any of the stone men dudes because well, every part of them was infected.

Yeah, that makes sense. I wonder how quickly it spreads/will spread.

It was 1 month, not 2. But yes, a few men on horses could do it much more quickly than that. And yes, logistics are what matter here. And it's also easy to justify on account of the fact that not every scene shown on screen need by in precise chronological order.

Little finger rides by Carriage though so while it would be faster than a whole caravan of people, it can't be that fast. But overall I think you're right about the chronological order, I also assume that the events we see, even in a single episode could be taking place 2-4 weeks apart.


The Bolton storyline is honestly really interesting.

Roose, regardless of what he says, probably wants Ramsey out of the way once he gets confirmation he's having a boy. Ramsey will want to stop the pregnancy at all costs. And then you've got Reek/Theon who seems to be finding some of his old self with Sansa back.


So if Jorah so much as touches Tyrion, he's fucked as well isn't he?

I assume that Jorah would have to make a touch attack, and then Tyrion would have to make a fort save.

But the rules on Greyscale are very unclear. I mean, Shireen certainly isn't contagious, and she's got lots of affected skin. Maybe they only transmit the disease after they go feral? Many questions.
The Bolton storyline is honestly really interesting.

Roose, regardless of what he says, probably wants Ramsey out of the way once he gets confirmation he's having a boy. Ramsey will want to stop the pregnancy at all costs. And then you've got Reek/Theon who seems to be finding some of his old self with Sansa back.

Yeah, really digging that story line as well.

And Roose might be a piece of shit, but at least he's got table manners. While Ramsay is being an immature idiot trying to offend everyone, Roose slams him down with a couple words, so we're having a baby.

Maybe they only transmit the disease after they go feral? Many questions.

That's probably more like it, otherwise Selyse would have been infected when giving birth or just carrying.


It was 1 month, not 2. But yes, a few men on horses could do it much more quickly than that. And yes, logistics are what matter here. And it's also easy to justify on account of the fact that not every scene shown on screen need by in precise chronological order.
And don't forget you have to allow for a stop at the Crossroads Inn. Everybody makes a stop at the Crossroads Inn. Littlefinger can get some of their famous direwolf bread. :)


That's probably more like it, otherwise Selyse would have been infected when giving birth or just carrying.

Stannis's papa story made it sound like Shireen was infected from the toy they bought from that traveling merchant. But if that is the case, it just raises further questions.


I assume that Jorah would have to make a touch attack, and then Tyrion would have to make a fort save.

But the rules on Greyscale are very unclear. I mean, Shireen certainly isn't contagious, and she's got lots of affected skin. Maybe they only transmit the disease after they go feral? Many questions.

Shireen is cured somehow though, all she has is the scars. But she got it from hugging a doll which means it should be able to spread through just touch. Its probably just the infected area which is contagious. Who knows how long it will take to spread to Jorah's hands and stuff.

Ploid 3.0

Stannis's papa story made it sound like Shireen was infected from the toy they bought from that traveling merchant. But if that is the case, it just raises further questions.

What if the toy was set up to infect her. Like some kind of infection delivery method.
Stannis's papa story made it sound like Shireen was infected from the toy they bought from that traveling merchant. But if that is the case, it just raises further questions.

If that's the case then it can't be just the infected area, how else would she get it from the doll.
Stannis's papa story made it sound like Shireen was infected from the toy they bought from that traveling merchant. But if that is the case, it just raises further questions.

Pretty sure that's what happened.

It's not a genetic disorder, it's a pathogen. The doll was infected with it.


Junior Member
The Bolton storyline is honestly really interesting.

Roose, regardless of what he says, probably wants Ramsey out of the way once he gets confirmation he's having a boy. Ramsey will want to stop the pregnancy at all costs. And then you've got Reek/Theon who seems to be finding some of his old self with Sansa back.

Yeah learning more about Roose in particular was interesting. Despite some of the horrible things we have seen him do, that story he told really put it in perspective. It is strange that the Starks ever allied with him. I guess their sigil alone should have given away how demented they are.
Shireen is cured somehow though, all she has is the scars. But she got it from hugging a doll which means it should be able to spread through just touch. Its probably just the infected area which is contagious. Who knows how long it will take to spread to Jorah's hands and stuff.
Stannis mentioned that he had to bring maesters from all over westeros in order to cure his daughter. I'd imagine that being a lengthy, time-consuming affair. But I wanna know how Jorah is going to seek cure, or if he will. Will amputating the hand work?


We need Qyburn to get to the bottom of this Greyscale mystery. Figure out what's really the case.

Unless..... (speculation)
that's how he's curing the mountain????


I like Stannis a bit more now. Despite his hard-ass demeanor he has a soft spot for family and tradition and friends. He would make a good king. Which means he'll die a gruesome death.


Stannis mentioned that he had to bring maesters from all over westeros in order to cure his daughter. I'd imagine that being a lengthy, time-consuming affair. But I wanna know how Jorah is going to seek cure, or if he will. Will amputating the hand work?

I'd say its worth a shot, but clearly he has no intention of dealing with it since he didn't even tell Tyrion


And don't forget you have to allow for a stop at the Crossroads Inn. Everybody makes a stop at the Crossroads Inn. Littlefinger can get some of their famous direwolf bread. :)

Speaking of... did we ever learn what happened to that? Obviously Brienne did not give it to Arya



Yeah learning more about Roose in particular was interesting. Despite some of the horrible things we have seen him do, that story he told really put it in perspective. It is strange that the Starks ever allied with him. I guess their sigil alone should have given away how demented they are.

There was no allying, the Starks were the Boltons liege lords so they called everyone in the North. Why he decided to give Roose critical positions for the war effort is an example of bad writing though.


Why doesn't Jorah just cut off his arm to stop the infection

He can tell Dany he did it 4 her and then she'll luv him 5ever


There was no allying, the Starks were the Boltons liege lords so they called everyone in the North. Why he decided to give Roose critical positions for the war effort is an example of bad writing though.

I think it was because Greatjon Umber had to go fight somewhere else? He argued with Roose from the start over flaying (apparently banned by Ned), torturting, killing the wounded soldiers, etc


If that's the case then it can't be just the infected area, how else would she get it from the doll.

We don't know how it works at all, but they could have just rubbed the doll on an infected person then handed it over Shireen. It probably also spreads through bodily fluids like most other diseases. But they've made a big fuss over not even being touched by one. The question is whether that means being touched by someone who has the disease AT ALL, or touched by someone who is infected with it, by an area that has the disease spreading on it.

I doubt if Jorah right now touched Tyrion with his finger Tyrion would develop greyscale. But who knows.

Stannis mentioned that he had to bring maesters from all over westeros in order to cure his daughter. I'd imagine that being a lengthy, time-consuming affair. But I wanna know how Jorah is going to seek cure, or if he will. Will amputating the hand work?

Depends on how it spreads in the body i guess. Amputating could work if its isolated in that area. Fucking Jorah though. No arm, no reputation, and forever simping.


Perhaps next week's show progresses a few weeks from this week's episode, as Lady Olenna will be there as well. Highgarden isn't exactly next door to KL and she is old. Or she has teleportation powers as well.

I think Margaery went to High Garden, not the other way around but yeah


Yeah, considering they pointed out how they dressed the doll up for Stannis. I got the impression it was intentional. Though that doesn't make much sense, considering Stannis was outside the line of sucession

Wouldn't be surprising if Melisandre has been behind everything somehow for some reason with how this show is lol


This whole season has been lackluster for me. None of the episodes have been bad but I don't recall the show ever moving so slowly before.

Yeah it has been pretty slow. I mean its the typical GoT formula but this seems more slow than usual. I suspect toward the end something epic will happen but it pretty well sucks in the meantime. I mean, still enjoyable but this show needs the netflix format bad. Week to week is horrid.


The payoff is always worth it

Yeah it has been pretty slow. I mean its the typical GoT formula but this seems more slow than usual. I suspect toward the end something epic will happen but it pretty well sucks in the meantime. I mean, still enjoyable but this show needs the netflix format bad. Week to week is horrid.

This is what I'm worried about, that this whole season is basically just going to be a big buildup for episode 9.


Jorah's storyline is going to be fascinating from now on. I can see it going in two directions:

1: He realises that he has only a fixed time to live and goes HAM while he can. Enters the fighting pits and wins, subdues one of Dany's dragons with a net, runs into the church while Dany is getting married, bangs on the glass and gets her to leave with him instead, all that good shit
2: He hides it and becomes a Westerosi typhoid mary, and greyscale becomes Dany's newest issue with her people (and perhaps a way of subduing them if she finds a cure). But Jorah hiding the greyscale from Dany would be his greatest betrayal yet, and eventually he would have to pay.

Both ways the story could go sound fun as hell to me. Of course he could somehow give Dany greyscale, but I don't see that happening.

Also I agree with the guy who said that they keep mentioning things and then those thing becoming a big deal the very next episode or two episodes on. That's weaker world building than normal for this series. For example, in this episode, Sam and Gilly talk about books, and mention Oldtown (first time mentioned, iirc) and Sam's dream of being a Maester (first time mentioned, iirc). Then Stannis comes in and clearly appreciates Sam's research efforts, and wants him to continue, before mentioning to Davos that the men at the wall are all rapists and aren't safe around women.

In my mind I instantly go:
1: Sam will discover something in his books, but will have to go to the big library in Oldtown to confirm
2: There he will fulfil his dream of becoming a maester, or something equivalent
3: He will naively leave Gilly at the wall and she will be raped or killed by the men who suddenly have a new reason to really hate wildlings or anyone associated with Jon
4: This will haunt Sam, but his knowledge will aid Stannis and Jon in defeating the white walkers in the end
5: Sam will leave for Oldtown in the very next episode.

Am I being too cynical here? It all seems telegraphed to me at the moment.

Anyone notice when Aemon was talking to Sam about Dany being the last Targaryen when he dies? Then the camera slowly pans to Jon right after. Something is def going on in agreement with the theories being thrown around last week.

I thought the exact same. Was almost too obvious.

The Bolton storyline is honestly really interesting.

Roose, regardless of what he says, probably wants Ramsey out of the way once he gets confirmation he's having a boy. Ramsey will want to stop the pregnancy at all costs. And then you've got Reek/Theon who seems to be finding some of his old self with Sansa back.

Yeah. I believed Stannis's love for his child last week but not Roose this week. Roose saw the baby not as his 'son' but as an opportunity to gain a tool that could be useful in the future, no more no less. Now he wants that tool to destroy Stannis. Maybe Ramsey dies in the effort. If so, Roose should have another son on the way anyway, so no big deal - he still has an heir. If Ramsey lives with Stannis defeated and Roose has a legitimate son by his wife, then it's safe to have Ramsey taken out into a ditch and executed, as he's now too much of a wild card.

There isn't a single sympathetic bone in Roose's body. I don't believe for a second that he feels affection for Ramsey or anyone else.

EDIT: It just struck me what Sam will discover. While researching ways to beat the white walkers he'll stumble upon a cure for greyscale. He'll want to save his new friend Shireen, impress Stannis, and maybe get a raven that there has been a greyscale outbreak in Mereen (if that happens), or an outbreak among the Wildlings somehow. That's what will send him to Oldtown, and that will start tying some storylines together in interesting ways. (Sam, Jorah, Shireen) I like this idea, I hope I'm right.


Stannis mentioned that he had to bring maesters from all over westeros in order to cure his daughter. I'd imagine that being a lengthy, time-consuming affair. But I wanna know how Jorah is going to seek cure, or if he will. Will amputating the hand work?
I've always had the feeling it was Melisandre that actually cured her. It would explain how she gained Stannis' trust. I'm not sure why he would hide this from his daughter though. Maybe she had to do something very dark and unsavory to cure her.

Speaking of... did we ever learn what happened to that? Obviously Brienne did not give it to Arya
I've always imagined Podrick just ate it eventually.


This whole season has been lackluster for me. None of the episodes have been bad but I don't recall the show ever moving so slowly before.

I went back and watched the first 4 episodes of season 4 to compare and the difference in pacing is utterly astonishing.


I've always had the feeling it was Melisandre that actually cured her. It would explain how she gained Stannis' trust. I'm not sure why he would hide this from his daughter though. Maybe she had to do something very dark and unsavory to cure her.

I've always imagined Podrick just ate it eventually.

If she really was the one who gave it to her, that would be some Walter White shit. Infect Stannis' daughter with horrible disfiguring disease, then cure her to get on his good side.


I've always had the feeling it was Melisandre that actually cured her. It would explain how she gained Stannis' trust. I'm not sure why he would hide this from his daughter though. Maybe she had to do something very dark and unsavory to cure her.

that makes perfect sense now that you mention it


People who are complaining about the pace - did any of you watch the first three seasons as they aired, or did you binge watch? Does no one remember before season 4, the only season that wasn't slow paced until the last couple of episodes.
2He hides it and becomes a Westerosi typhoid mary, and greyscale becomes Dany's newest issue with her people (and perhaps a way of subduing them if she finds a cure). But Jorah hiding the greyscale from Dany would be his greatest betrayal yet, and eventually he would have to pay.

This is too perfect not to happen.

I went back and watched the first 4 episodes of season 4 to compare and the difference in pacing is utterly astonishing.

That's why I loved this episode, the pacing felt great. Yeah, the pacing this season has been mediocre, but the season itself has still been pretty good. Tonight's episode was great.

People who are complaining about the pace - did any of you watch the first three seasons as they aired, or did you binge watch? Does no one remember before season 4, the only season that wasn't slow paced until the last couple of episodes.

I've been watching when it airs since the first season and I think the pacing this season is the worst. Not as a whole season, episode to episode basis. But each episode as a standalone has felt off.


People who are complaining about the pace - did any of you watch the first three seasons as they aired, or did you binge watch? Does no one remember before season 4, the only season that wasn't slow paced until the last couple of episodes.

I've watched week by week from the very start. I was there day 1 at the first episode. I think the pacing has slowed tremendously both last season and this.

I've always had the feeling it was Melisandre that actually cured her. It would explain how she gained Stannis' trust. I'm not sure why he would hide this from his daughter though. Maybe she had to do something very dark and unsavory to cure her.

I've always imagined Podrick just ate it eventually.

Yeah, I think that would make perfect sense. Stannis would have been very vulnerable and Melly, though saving his child, would have had the opportunity to seduce him. Makes perfect sense.

Also, reading your comment I thought you meant Podrick ate the doll that infected Shireen, lol. Seems like a Pod thing to do.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Yeah it has been pretty slow. I mean its the typical GoT formula but this seems more slow than usual. I suspect toward the end something epic will happen but it pretty well sucks in the meantime. I mean, still enjoyable but this show needs the netflix format bad. Week to week is horrid.
At least they mentioned the white walkers a bunch this episode. Although with
bran not being in this season talk may be all we get.
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