Yes, in fact, they did. In those five minutes they explained why she thinks its wrong, why she opened it anyway, and why she needs to support the fighting pits further.
EDIT: I don't understand the bolded.
I think that her explanation addresses only that tactic. And she has a rationale for each tactic she tried. That's no surprise. But there is little demonstration of the repercussions of her poor decisions on the state of the City or her inner state.
I'll use Stannis after the Blackwater as my gold standard for demonstrating the repercussions of her actions. Desperate, despondent, open to human sacrifice and almost pleading with Melisandre.
Daenarys expected to rule that city, had two armies, dragons, and experienced advisors. She proved herself incompetent early and lost all of those things until the last episode. Did she demonstrate desperation or any hint that she was running out of tactics as you might expect?
No, the events happen but she stays the same. We got close to it with a Dario conversation and a Missandei conversation but they only scratched the surface. We must assume her increasing anxiety from the events, but what she does and how she acts is no more desperate than the start of the season. She showed more growth when she learned how to seduce Drogo in the second episode of the series and more desperation when he died. She showed imcreasing tact when she burnt the masters of the unsullied.
She's either stupid, insane, or they aren't including scenes that show her turmoil.
Ultimately, I'm not even sure why I care so much. I guess I see wasted potential, especially after the fantastic arcs of Arya and the Hound, and Brienne and Jaimie. It could be so much better!