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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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So was there any extenuating circumstance why Bran has been written out of this season? Was it his schooling, or were they dissatisfied with his performance or something?
Whoa, didn't expect to see Bronn again. Seeing him puts a smile on my face. Love that character. Actor absolutely nailed it.

Oh Dany.....still green at ruling....clear difference when Ser Jorah isn't around.

I'm expecting Arya's training to be a very slowwwww process. Wonder how long they are gonna stretch this out.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of Her Name, Mhysa, Mother of Dragons, Queen of "I have no fucking idea what I'm doing and won't listen to any of the good advice I'm given".

Jorah Fedora is better off with sand.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I still don't have a clue on how Varys and Tyrion are going to find themselves in Dany's good graces. Selmy wouldn't have been around to see the good Tyrion did, and he can't be trusting of Varys. And she needs V&T badly. I'm pretty sure Brandon has more governing success under his belt during the time he was sitting in for Rob in Winterfell.

Brandon also had a bloody maestor train him since birth. I don't understand why people don't realise that comparing Dany to nobles who have been groomed from birth to rule and/or hold high office, is a bit disingenuous. She's fucking up because she's never been trained for this. To expect someone to go from where she started from to where she is now, and think that she should know exactly what she's doing, is a bit unrealistic. On top of that, her council is the shittiest any leader in the show has. Men who are fighters don't always make the best city administrators.
Brandon also had a bloody maestor train him since birth. I don't understand why people don't realise that comparing Dany to nobles who have been groomed from birth to rule and/or hold high office, is a bit disingenuous. She's fucking up because she's never been trained for this. To expect someone to go from where she started from to where she is now, and think that she should know exactly what she's doing, is a bit unrealistic. On top of that, her council is the shittiest any leader in the show has. Men who are fighters don't always make the best city administrators.

I think the idea is that she shouldn't be ruling until/unless she gets training. Right now she's a terrible leader, bar none. Whether or not she could eventually be reasonable doesn't take away from her current atrocities.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I think the idea is that she shouldn't be ruling until/unless she gets training. Right now she's a terrible leader, bar none. Whether or not she could eventually be reasonable doesn't take away from her current atrocities.
You are talking about a world where one dude uses black magic to kill his brother, cuts the fingers off of his friends hand, and burn people who don't agree with him to death. This same world also has people like the Freys, Boltons, and Lannisters who have systematically raped and pillaged most of a continent, and have caused untold suffering at a staggering scale.

Do you know what the punishment for slavery is in Westeros? Death. As evidenced by Sir Jorah running away to Essos. That's what the honourable Ned Stark would have administered as the "law" in his territory. Dany administers that same law on men whose crimes were a million times worse than Jorah's, and people bitch that Dany is some sort of villain.

Why wasn't there a trial for former slave guy? Because he publicly admitted to his guilt, and was quite proud of it. Why did she have to execute him publicly? Because he left his handiwork displayed in a very public manner.
You are talking about a world where one dude uses black magic to kill his brother, cuts the fingers off of his friends hand, and burn people who don't agree with him to death. This same world also has people like the Freys, Boltons, and Lannisters who have systematically raped and pillaged most of a continent, and have caused untold suffering at a staggering scale.

Do you know what the punishment for slavery is in Westeros? Death. As evidenced by Sir Jorah running away to Essos. That's what the honourable Ned Stark would have administered as the "law" in his territory. Dany administers that same law on men whose crimes were a million times worse than Jorah's, and people bitch that Dany is some sort of villain.

Why wasn't there a trail for former slave guy? Because he publicly admitted to his guilt, and was quite proud of it. Why did she have to execute him publicly? Because he left his handiwork displayed in a very public manner.

Stannis has harsh punishments but he's also an excellent ruler, so I feel like that's a moot point.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Stannis has harsh punishments but he's also an excellent ruler, so I feel like that's a moot point.

As the late Renly Baratheon so eloquently put it:

"The whole realm denies it from Dorne to the Wall. Old men deny it with their death rattle and unborn children deny it in their mothers' wombs. No one wants you for their king."

No one wants this shit head as their king. Dude is the Stephen Harper of Westeros.


Daenerys mean well, but her actions are almost purely emotional and don't listen to her advisers

Need to learn how to be more pragmatic
As the late Renly Baratheon so eloquently put it:

"The whole realm denies it from Dorne to the Wall. Old men deny it with their death rattle and unborn children deny it in their mothers' wombs. No one wants you for their king."

No one wants this shit head as their king. Dude is the Stephen Harper of Westeros.

All of Renly's bannermen except the Tyrells defected to Stannis when Renly was killed. I think Renly was full of it.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
All of Renly's bannermen except the Tyrells defected to Stannis when Renly was killed. I think Renly was full of it.


Nah, I'm pretty sure he wasn't. Wouldn't have had to go begging in Braavos like a cheap hooker if Stannis had other supporters outside his now mostly dead banner men.


Poor King Stannis. It seems no one wants to bend the knee to his rightful claim to the thrown. I feel his reputation is tarnished due to Melisandre's religious barbecues. I rather see Stannis on the Iron throne than Margery. She's basically a younger version of Cersei (and I love me some Cersei).
Nah, I'm pretty sure he wasn't. Wouldn't have had to go begging in Braavos like a cheap hooker if Stannis had other supporters outside his now mostly dead banner men.

The North is pretty good at being obstinate and pigheaded. This changes nothing! :p

Poor King Stannis. It seems no one wants to bend the knee to his rightful claim to the thrown. I feel his reputation is tarnished due to Melisandre's religious barbecues. I rather see Stannis on the Iron throne than Margery. She's basically a younger version of Cersei (and I love me some Cersei).

"Rightful" carries a lot less weight when your family's rule was only fifteen years long, to be fair. I don't think the throne is anyone's by right at this point, but I'm happy with Margaery's rule so I'll be happy to see her stay in power for as long as possible.


Varys and Tyrion will arrive at Mareen and find it burned to the ground. Then they wonder if they can hop back on a boat to Westeros and find Hot Pie instead.


Man the show has been dragging on and it's becoming very boring. I never felt this with past seasons.

Also I wish they would just replace Sophie Turner. She can't act for shit. She was terrible at playing a victim and she's a lot more terrible playing a serious littlefinger type.


The North is pretty good at being obstinate and pigheaded. This changes nothing! :p

"Rightful" carries a lot less weight when your family's rule was only fifteen years long, to be fair. I don't think the throne is anyone's by right at this point, but I'm happy with Margaery's rule so I'll be happy to see her stay in power for as long as possible.

He has the right bloodline claim to the throne. Ned Stark died for that claim. Ultimately it doesn't matter with winter coming, but it would be nice to see King Stannis sit upon the throne. I don't trust Daenerys (even though I have a major crush on Emilia Clarke, whom I met in person). ^_^

Man the show has been dragging on and it's becoming very boring. I never felt this with past seasons.

Also I wish they would just replace Sophie Turner. She can't act for shit. She was terrible at playing a victim and she's a lot more terrible playing a serious littlefinger type.

I admit this season has two build up episodes to start off the season, but I'm sure it will pay off. It always does with this show. I must respectfully disagree, Sophie Turner is PERFECT as Sansa Stark! I may be biased because I think she's one of the most gorgeous women ever, but she does an amazing job protraying Sansa.


Great episode. Lot of things moving forward. Jaimie + Bronn going to Dorne, Jon Commander of the Night's Watch, and my boy Jaqen is back!


People are really hard on Dany's character when she is clearly just inexperienced as a ruler. I think we forget sometimes that until relatively recently in her life she was essentially a prisoner of her brother. This is her first time actually trying to govern a "kingdom" of her own as well. Obviously there are going to be some growing pains, good rulers aren't just born over night (Robert Baratheon anyone?)

I know it's fiction and sometimes we expect to see our characters be amazing at everything right from the start, but it's far more believable for her to stumble a bit as she learns the ropes. This just means by the time she ends up in Westeros she'll be a much more able, competent ruler with this experience, and of course some tutelage from Varys and Tyrion.
Yeah, I'd be shocked if she didn't make it back to the throne, outside of a near series end gotcha. There would be no point otherwise having her character for 5 seasons now almost completely disconnected besides hints here and there of something more to come. She's learning, growing, developing. Once she settles this shit in Meereen, she'll be on the move.

With regard to boss dragon, I interpreted that as, "You ain't ready to check me yet, boo. I'll be back later to see if you've got a stiff back hand, how I like it."

Dorne was nice, and the prince was on point. But of course the hot headed widow is upset and won't listen to reason. Trial by combat. Completely volunteer. It's done. Now Jaime is going there though, shit is brewing.

Brienne stay losing. You've been turned down, and you got told about yourself.
Great episode. Lot of things moving forward. Jaimie + Bronn going to Bravos, Jon Commander of the Night's Watch, and my boy Jaqen is back!
I think you mean Dorne.

Anyway, overall I thought it was a good build up episode for things to come. I'm really curious to see what happens between Khaleesi and Tyrion.


Can you blame anyone for feeling this way? I don't even mind Stannis himself that much, but man does Melisandre have capital V villain writen on her forehead.

I know! There are a lot of folks who believe Melisandre is on the side of good. It's crazy.

Those were some powerful words.

But even Jon knew it was too good to be true.

agreed. that scene got me more emotional than I expected. I thought on how Jon was treated growing up with the label of "bastard".
I should be used to the casting change by now, but my brain continues to reject Eric Bana dude as Daario Naharis. He's just utterly generic, like they picked an extra to play a real character. I have to keep mentally reminding myself that he isn't some common guard that walked into frame.
I know! There are a lot of folks who believe Melisandre is on the side of good. It's crazy.

I can imagine her incidentally landing on the side of "good" in the sense that her lord of light powers might prove invaluable in fighting stuff like the White Walkers.

But that falls more in the camp of "hey someone horrible has exactly the weapon needed to destroy horrid nightmare creatures" than "oh this is an upstanding and moral person".

(kind of in the same way Littlefinger has managed to off one or two unsavory charactes, while simultaneously being on my list of characters I least trust with power.)
I can imagine her incidentally landing on the side of "good" in the sense that her lord of light powers might prove invaluable in fighting stuff like the White Walkers.

But that falls more in the camp of "hey someone horrible has exactly the weapon needed to destroy horrid nightmare creatures" than "oh this is an upstanding and moral person".

(kind of in the same way Littlefinger has managed to off one or two unsavory charactes, while simultaneously being on my list of characters I least trust with power.)

I don't get how you can admit that she has Lord of Light powers and call her evil in the same sentence unless you're a heathen.


Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of Her Name, Mhysa, Mother of Dragons, Queen of "I have no fucking idea what I'm doing and won't listen to any of the good advice I'm given".

Jorah Fedora is better off with sand.
Just because she didn't listen to the advice doesn't mean it was good advice. She was already viewed as a weak Queen by a lot of people. I'd fear the masters rebelling before I'd fear the slaves. Good to make an example that no one is above the law

I should be used to the casting change by now, but my brain continues to reject Eric Bana dude as Daario Naharis. He's just utterly generic, like they picked an extra to play a real character. I have to keep mentally reminding myself that he isn't some common guard that walked into frame.
Maybe you just had a mancrush on the first guy. This one is fine.
I don't get how you can admit that she has Lord of Light powers and call her evil in the same sentence unless you're a heathen.

Her powers are less impressive when random wildlings can control animals without having to burn hundreds of people at stakes.

She's essentially been playing on easy mode so far by picking fights with largely low-magic families and enemies. Call me back when the Lord of Light's actually won a fight against something worthwhile.


What a brilliant episode that was, they seemed to squeeze a lot more in compared to the first ep, and it didn't feel rushed at all. Still not getting those who are saying the show is slow, if you want instant gratification then watch something else. Mind you, I find every scene gratifying, so there's that.

Legitimately teared up when Jon became Lord Commander. Sam's speech about Janos was amazing too.

Those asking for Bran, he's confirmed to be completely absent from this season.


Ugh danny should never touch the iron throne, at this point little finger would be a better ruler than her.
Her powers are less impressive when random wildlings can control animals without having to burn hundreds of people at stakes.

She's essentially been playing on easy mode so far by picking fights with largely low-magic families and enemies. Call me back when the Lord of Light's actually won a fight against something worthwhile.

Is warging a first-men thing? It can't be just wildlings if Bran has it. I'm thinking it has to be a gift from another god if people besides Bran and those he told knew of his ability. Right now I follow the Lord of Light because I understand his purpose.

What a brilliant episode that was, they seemed to squeeze a lot more in compared to the first ep, and it didn't feel rushed at all. Still not getting those who are saying the show is slow, if you want instant gratification then watch something else. Mind you, I find every scene gratifying, so there's that.

Legitimately teared up when Jon became Lord Commander. Sam's speech about Janos was amazing too.

Agreed! Some of the overarching plots are moving a little more slowly than before, but the minutia is as interesting as ever, so it's not a problem.
Is warging a first-men thing? It can't be just wildlings if Bran has it. I'm thinking it has to be a gift from another god if people besides Bran and those he told knew of his ability. Right now I follow the Lord of Light because I understand his purpose.

I can't really judge the other gods yet, but the Lord of Light really fails to sell me on the whole burning infidels thing.
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