The change is minor and is a good way to make Danys story interesting.
The way they continue to use Theon as a horny little bastard is perfect, they way they 'tightened' his arch this episode was good and made sense. Osha was awesome.
I liked the episode a lot, everything in Kings Landing was well done. Jeoffery is a dumbass. Jon and Ygritte was perfect, great casting for her. she didn't say the line though I was waiting for it
Also, I'm pretty sure that littlefinger knew, why else would he leave the note?
The way they continue to use Theon as a horny little bastard is perfect, they way they 'tightened' his arch this episode was good and made sense. Osha was awesome.
I liked the episode a lot, everything in Kings Landing was well done. Jeoffery is a dumbass. Jon and Ygritte was perfect, great casting for her. she didn't say the line though I was waiting for it