I have no idea what that means so I'm not sure why that relates to the show "failing production wise". I haven't argued with you at all and the circles are because you won't or can't articulate what you mean by "failing production wise".
Also JoJoShabadoo is a bad troll. Need to step your game up man.
A torture scene ripped off from 2 Fast 2 Furious... Which did it better! We're just going in circles here, I don't need to say anything.
I'm sure I am, but what is failing production wise?
He already wrote like 2 or 3 lengthy posts detailing what he's not enjoying about the show. You can go back a few pages and read them if you want to know. Some were production related, some were book-to-show diversions.
I find the show enjoyable every week but I feel like my standards were set a bit high compared to the final product.
Because while I was reading the books (and fully aware that HBO was making a series) I was expecting Rome in a fantasy setting. The books read like Rome: TV series. With the multiple characters and political intrigue.
Hell, Bronn is Titus Pullo reborn and less awesome pretty much. What I got doesn't live up to Rome season 2 even. But still, considering this is from the people who brought us Troy this could have been a lot worse. There's room for improvement if they are willing to maybe switch up the writers.
Oh yes. Even the much-simplified show version of SoIaF is far more like actual history than anything in Rome. That show was basically an homage to popular culture's Hollywood-shaped idea of Rome, pushed by the writers to a ridiculous degree (e.g. Titus Pullo is integral to every important event in Roman history).Second, Rome never had to contend with adapting anything. The whole or Roman history has been rewritten and recontextualized in such a romantic fashion that pretty much any story was fair game.
Rome was perhaps a better-made show. But I couldn't enjoy it because it was so glossed-up, romanticized, and stupid. As I said, even in its weaksauce TV version I think Game of Thrones is more accurate to human experience.Rome was a much better show than Game of Thrones as it currently is. I was hoping GoT would match it, but I don't think it will.
Anyone else depressed with the thought that aDwddue to how they will split up the later books. They won't be able to just ignore characters for a season. I shutter at the though of every episode having a token scene for 2 plus years.there will likely be 3 seasons of Dany at Meereen?
Welcome to Game of Thrones: Season 2.So I need to get something out in the conversation that's bugged me since episode 4-ish.
When Cat returns to Robb's camp with Brienne, why the hell isn't the whole "Hey son, we saw some crazy shadow thing manifest out of thin air and murder Renly!" brought up? As it lays, I have to assume it happened off-camera, which is not acceptable. Just doesn't seem like she would go to try and negotiate with Renly on Robb's behalf and not let him know what went down immediately. Regardless...
Shouldn't she still be shaken by that? I can't remember how it played out with Catelyn in the books, but strictly speaking as a person digesting scenes from one episode to the next and seeing where/when Catelyn shows up, it should still be on her mind. It should still have some lingering, stirring emotions. Instead, she strolls into Robb's camp and does her motherly cockblock.
I didn't see anyone mention this but I can't be the only one bothered by the neglected acknowledgement, aside from Davos and Stannis vaguely discussing the 'birth' (which is NOT the same thing). Unless I missed it...?
Welcome to Game of Thrones: Season 2.
As if your post looked any less absurd in context. Also, there was no straw man and I got a chuckle out of you, Smuggy McSmuggington (there's the straw man), accusing me of being smug. Definitely vague, though. I've participated in these conversations enough over the last few days that I've now earned the luxury of speaking more abstractly and avoiding redundancy.if you're going to quote that post by itself, without the post it was in response to, the one that used the vague, smug language and weak strawman in the first place -- well -- stay classy.
thank you.
This fucking thread blows.
So I need to get something out in the conversation that's bugged me since episode 4-ish.
When Cat returns to Robb's camp with Brienne, why the hell isn't the whole "Hey son, we saw some crazy shadow thing manifest out of thin air and murder Renly!" brought up? As it lays, I have to assume it happened off-camera, which is not acceptable. Just doesn't seem like she would go to try and negotiate with Renly on Robb's behalf and not let him know what went down immediately. Regardless...
Shouldn't she still be shaken by that? I can't remember how it played out with Catelyn in the books, but strictly speaking as a person digesting scenes from one episode to the next and seeing where/when Catelyn shows up, it should still be on her mind. It should still have some lingering, stirring emotions. Instead, she strolls into Robb's camp and does her motherly cockblock.
I didn't see anyone mention this but I can't be the only one bothered by the neglected acknowledgement, aside from Davos and Stannis vaguely discussing the 'birth' (which is NOT the same thing). Unless I missed it...?
You're wrong, it sucks. Let's fight about it for pages on end.This fucking thread blows.
Oh yes. Even the much-simplified show version of SoIaF is far more like actual history than anything in Rome. That show was basically an homage to popular culture's Hollywood-shaped idea of Rome, pushed by the writers to a ridiculous degree (e.g. Titus Pullo is integral to every important event in Roman history).
We haven't seen anyone poop either. People keep eating and eating but no poo? This show is a fucking joke, Benioff!
I think his point is they didn't simply get involved, they were often the very REASON events happened according to Rome.That was the entire point of the show, it's about two soldiers who somehow get involved in key events of roman history.
If people don't like the thread, maybe don't read it? You're contributing nothing with "this thread sucks". If you don't like it, don't click on it. There's other GoT threads you can post in if you don't want this kind of discussion.
I think his point is they didn't simply get involved, they were often the very REASON events happened according to Rome.For example, if it wasn't for some random, vengeful guard attacking Titus for murdering his friend, Antony would've been able to veto the motion against Caesar, effectively changing the entirety of the history of the civil war between Caesar and Pompey, and what transitioned Rome from a Republic to an Empire.
That's a bit much for any fan of history.
EDIT: Nevermind. Now I'm contributing to the derailment myself by taking notice and responding to those kind of posts. So I should stop.Petty bickering?
Because that's totally the same as ignoring a shadow monster that murdered Renly.
I'm a "fan of history" and I enjoyed all those moments in Rome. *shrug*
Is it? Do we really need to see every conversation despite how inconsequential it is?
"Hey Robb, saw a shadow monster stab Renly and now I've got a WNBA player doing my bidding."
"Okey dokey."
Is it? Do we really need to see every conversation despite how inconsequential it is?
"Hey Robb, saw a shadow monster stab Renly and now I've got a WNBA player doing my bidding."
"Okey dokey."
Oh to each his own no doubt, and I can understand doing this as a way of relating these larger than life moments to smaller characters the audience identifies with.I'm a "fan of history" and I enjoyed all those moments in Rome. *shrug*
Meh, I'd argue this, especially production values. I think GoT blows Rome out of the water. Far grander, more detailed and diverse, and more cohesive throughout.this man is right though, the first season of Rome and the sped up version of season two were far better than Game of Thrones thus far. Better cast, high production values, and most focused storyline.
Oh to each his own no doubt, and I can understand doing this as a way of relating these larger than life moments to smaller characters the audience identifies with.
However for me it takes away too much from these events, a sort of condescension of history for the sake of an audience, and I didn't care for it. IMO the appeal of Rome was the historical narrative, so I was rather disappointed to see it not as much at the forefront as I was expecting.
Far too much Atia and her over the top opportunistic personality and Niobe and the drawn out, especially in the first half of Season 1.baby drama
Meh, I'd argue this, especially production values. I think GoT blows Rome out of the water. Far grander, more detailed and diverse, and more cohesive throughout.
Series:Therefore it is fair to be upset about it at this point. Not because it's different from the way the books portray him, but because the way the books do it makes for a more compelling and complex character. That is a valid argument, it isn't just a whiny purist bitching about the writers changing x, y and z.But I'm not just talking about what happens to him later in the series. I'm talking about the person he is in the books even at the point of CoK. The Jaime in the books would not kill his cousin for no reason in such a brutal and cruel way and then be completely fine with it. We know this because of things that we find out about him later in the series, but it does not change the character as he is in CoK. Even before SoS, Jaime is not a monster who would kill anyone for no reason (which is how one of the writers described him in the behind the scenes feature for that episode).
That shouldn't be the last post on a page, it should be the first.Let's lighten the mood with a.... Tywin-Arya dance-off!
So.... when is Cornballer supposed to be back?
A couple of articles were posted on WiC yesterday.
Extras casting call provides more S3 clues (Remember to spoiler tag this stuff)
I don't see how it's inconsequential. A shadow monster, which is super unusual and scary, just killed one of the people fighting the war. Robb is another person fighting the war and he is not on Stannis' side. I don't see now Catelyn wouldn't be worried about her son.
The entire war situation would change if I knew there was a shadow monster around.
If Robb knew, I doubt it would just be like "okey dokey". Stannis having shadow monsters that can get passed guards unseen and murder people is a pretty big deal.
And noting Brienne isn't any less useful than anyone else noting Brienne. If it's inconsequential for Robb to mention it, then it was for Jaime to mention it too. The show is about conversations and character interactions. So I don't think it's useless and by not mentioning it at all, it feels missing.
Magic isn't a thing in this universe. Murderous shadow monsters are even less of a thing.
Poop is a thing all humans do. And if you really want to argue that they never showed it so it might not exist, well, Jaime talks about sitting in his own poo. So there. Poo is addressed.
This is not at all like choosing not to show poop.