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Game of Thrones - Season 2 - George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire - Sundays on HBO

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Regarding Shae...The fact that she ended up in Tywin's bed (for me) was more than just a whore doing a whore's job. It opened the possibility that she was also working for him the whole time...true or not, this is what I thought as he found her in his father's bed...was I the only one that thought that? Am I way off?

Absolutely not. Tywin was dead serious about not wanting Shae anywhere near Tyrion because to be seen cavorting with whores is an embarrassment to the family. That there are rumors that Tywin hasn't taken another woman to bed since his wife died but he's apparently boning whores is testament to how seriously he takes this.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Regarding Shae...The fact that she ended up in Tywin's bed (for me) was more than just a whore doing a whore's job. It opened the possibility that she was also working for him the whole time...true or not, this is what I thought as he found her in his father's bed...was I the only one that thought that? Am I way off?
I thought of that also but dismissed it because it seemed really creepy.


Fuck yeah at the casting list.

Thank R'hllor they have Edmure and the Reeds in there. I was getting a bit worried. I can't wait for next season.

Meera/Asha/Brienne are three of my favorite women in any fictional series ever and they already cast Asha with someone who couldn't fight her way out of a paper bag so I'd be sad if Meera got cut. Also I found Bran's crush on Meera adorable until the internet grossed it up as usual.


I'm guessing Red Viper is pushed off to S4 which makes sense. Only person I'm concerned about that hasn't been confirmed yet is Strong Belwas. Other than him we're looking pretty good. Would also like some confirmation on...

It partially makes sense, but
I don't like the implications that has for where they will end season 3, IMO they need to have it end on Joffrey's wedding in order for the season not to be a total downer. Which means they would need to introduce the Viper a couple of episodes before the end to build up his interactions with Tyrion a bit.

just my opinion of course, but they would risk alienating a huge percentage of the non book reading audience if they do it the way that would suggest.

I definitely want to see strong belwas as well, It's not like you need the greatest most high profile actor, you just need a physical presence. Not very many lines and not much emotional complexity in that role, but he is such a fun character it'd be a shame to leave him out. Plus I think he is needed as a contrast to Arstan.


Alright so now that we have a bunch of characters confirmed for S3. Lets start with the casting predictions!!!

I'm starting with the Blackfish.

I nominate John Lynch.


He was in Black Death alongside Sean Bean and the actor who played the singer who got his tongue cut off in S1. He's got the perfect look imo, can do the accent, and his schedule seems pretty open.



It partially makes sense, but
I don't like the implications that has for where they will end season 3, IMO they need to have it end on Joffrey's wedding in order for the season not to be a total downer. Which means they would need to introduce the Viper a couple of episodes before the end to build up his interactions with Tyrion a bit.

just my opinion of course, but they would risk alienating a huge percentage of the non book reading audience if they do it the way that would suggest.

A two episode combo of Red Wedding and Joffrey lol party would be great for the end of the season. Then you could fade out on :smugmellisandre:


A two episode combo of Red Wedding and Joffrey lol party would be great for the end of the season. Then you could fade out on :smugmellisandre:

Is there any way <series>
they could switch the order of those events? It seems like Joffrey's death could soften the blow.


It partially makes sense, but
I don't like the implications that has for where they will end season 3, IMO they need to have it end on Joffrey's wedding in order for the season not to be a total downer. Which means they would need to introduce the Viper a couple of episodes before the end to build up his interactions with Tyrion a bit.

just my opinion of course, but they would risk alienating a huge percentage of the non book reading audience if they do it the way that would suggest.

I still think they end S3 with Joffrey's Wedding. Mainly because it appears based on what we know that the Red Wedding is going to happen in Ep8. That leaves 1 episode to soak in the aftermath and then Joffrey's Wedding ends the season in Ep10.

You don't *need* to have The Red Viper present. They can simply rework things a bit and give him a reason to show up after the fact in S4. Same thing with Mace Tyrell. They can delay both of their arrivals at Kings Landing till S4 if they wanted to pretty easily.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Is it confirmed that ASoS is going to be split into two seasons? Personally, I don't like the idea.
GRRM talking about S3: "Like the first two seasons, it will be ten episodes long. This one will cover (roughly) the first half or thereabouts of A STORM OF SWORDS, the third novel in the series.&#8221;


There are way too many things that happen in ASoS for it to only take place in 10 episodes. Even 20 seems like it will be bursting.


For the show, they need to <series>
frame the events of the red wedding and Joffrey's death in such a way that it ties off the original Stark storyline. The Catelyn coming back from the dead bit is a little much for TV, but I guess they could try it.
Is it confirmed that ASoS is going to be split into two seasons? Personally, I don't like the idea.

Yes and thank god. All of ASOS in one season would be about the worst thing ever. Assuming they'd stick to 10 episodes. I'd say theoretically it could be done in 15 but I'm not sure are show runners are up to the challenge. Two seasons of 10 episodes should be fine. All of it in 10 would be terrible. Although it would be entertaining on a train wreck kind of way.


I think you're pretty close there, Wray. As you mentioned, Strong Belwas is the only omission so far that stood out for me, though they do say that there are a few more on the way that haven't been mentioned yet.

I kind of took that quote PersonaX's post as a hint at Belwas.

Little birds have told us that Ramsay Snow, Lord Bolton’s bastard, is also being cast, and a leaked audition revealed that the sellsword Vargo Hoat was also casting. We’ve ever heard whispers of some other characters in the East that Daenerys shall be meeting, besides Daario Naharis.

We know Barristan is returning, but as this seems to be purely about casting it must be something else. Or is it simply about someone like Grey Worm? One way or another, there is definitely more to come in term of Essos. A lot of new characters are introduced in the first half of her storyline (I somehow thought she takes Astapor much later into the book) so some must be chosen, but I hope Strong Belwas is among them as his introduction cannot really be conveniently pushed back to Season 4
Yeah, people were disappointed that they weren't included, but held out hope that they could be written in afterwards. Thankfully that's the case.

BenjaminBirdie has gotten into the juice again, I think.


Oh no you compared me to Buster! I've been shamed into never getting excited about anything ever again!!

Cynicism wins! I lose!



(Wait, is Buster a retard? I guess his emotional growth has been, literally, "retarded," but that's probably not the accurate descriptor. "Manchild" is probably more accurate.)


I like the idea of Dany's story, and she's hot, but this season it has gone nowhere. Pretty much nothing of value has happened and every dialogue with her consists of "I AM THE MOTHER OF DRAGONS GIVE ME WHAT I WANT" and "WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS?". They've run that into the ground, hard.

series spoiler
So hasn't the books, LOL


Wow. That was fantastic, easily the best episode in the series. I can't think of a single thing I didn't love. For starters, it was Lena Headey's best performance bar none, and I thought she knocked it out of the park. Between her antagonizing of Sansa and her maternal instincts, she was wonderful to watch. The battle felt real and epic in scope, just as it should have. The wild fire scene was an impressive display of what would be one hell of a sight to behold. The decision to focus the episode entirely on King's Landing was an extremely wise one that paid major dividends. Just a supremely tight, highly engaging and thoroughly entertaining piece of television from start to finish.


Wow. That was fantastic, easily the best episode in the series. I can't think of a single thing I didn't love. For starters, it was Lena Headey's best performance bar none, and I thought she knocked it out of the park. Between her antagonizing of Sansa and her maternal instincts, she was wonderful to watch. The battle felt real and epic in scope, just as it should have. The wild fire scene was an impressive display of what would be one hell of a sight to behold. The decision to focus the episode entirely on King's Landing was an extremely wise one that paid major dividends. Just a supremely tight, highly engaging and thoroughly entertaining piece of television from start to finish.


First Avengers, now Blackwater. How much further can our bro-dom take us?


To the very ends of the earth!

Also, this episode was gore-central. My god. The Hound was straight up cutting dudes in half, rocks were crushing skulls, there were decapitations, etc :lol
To the very ends of the earth!

Also, this episode was gore-central. My god. The Hound was straight up cutting dudes in half, rocks were crushing skulls, there were decapitations, etc :lol

I also thought they did Tyrion's damage perfectly. You're like "Oh, was that -- OH, SHIT."


A lot of ASOIAF fans hate Dany in the TV show. I don't think a lot hate her in the books. She's one of my favorite 3 characters in the books. I can't stand her in the show.

I've read the books and I hate her, especially after
a dance with dragons


has anyone noticed how well shaved the ladies of westeros is in the goodies department? I would think in their world..they wouldn't care


Should they get a new beric. Or does the first guy look good?

This guy needs a role STAT. Any role.

They should cast Sean Harris who plays Micheletto on the Borgias.

also, regarding the casting list

where is Harwin? Is he and the rest of the minor BWB to little to name or are they apart of the and others mentioned? They already fucked around with too much of Arya in Harrenhall they better not ruin the Harwin scene.
I cannot wait for some scenes of Tywin putting Joffery in his place. The jump from intelligent conversations with Arya to talking to Joffery should be hilarious


It's so sad that the seasons only contains 10 episodes each. I think they should have at least 3 more to help develop the characters (like for instance Jon's weird behaviour with Ygritte is pretty sudden for his "honorful and dutiful" character type), and get all the foreshadowing. As it is right now there aren't that many questions that needs answering. Like, for instance, in the book Stannis had to take Storm's End first before meeting Renly, and they did this with magic too. But we, as readers, had no clue on how he actually managed to do it so easily, and then Renly died and everyone went like "aha!". These kinds of moments are too rare in the show, something I think is quite sad.

I'm not dumb though. I know that stuff costs lots of money and HBO probably doesn't have the budget for it. So I imply everyone to read the books to fully get the whole story!
It's so sad that the seasons only contains 10 episodes each. I think they should have at least 3 more to help develop the characters (like for instance Jon's weird behaviour with Ygritte is pretty sudden for his "honorful and dutiful" character type), and get all the foreshadowing. As it is right now there aren't that many questions that needs answering. Like, for instance, in the book Stannis had to take Storm's End first before meeting Renly, and they did this with magic too. But we, as readers, had no clue on how he actually managed to do it so easily, and then Renly died and everyone went like "aha!". These kinds of moments are too rare in the show, something I think is quite sad.

I'm not dumb though. I know that stuff costs lots of money and HBO probably doesn't have the budget for it. So I imply everyone to read the books to fully get the whole story!

You mean being aroused and infatuated with the first woman that has come on to him since he was in Winterfell (we don't even know how long it was since he was "with" Ros)? How is that wierd? What guy wouldn't be turned on by a girl rubbing her ass against them? He is a confused child. You don't need 2 extra episodes to get that across. I agree that he appears stupider here than in the book, but looking at it as if he is to abrubtly taken with Ygritte is a bit of a stretch... it fits with his arc in the show current.


You mean being aroused and infatuated with the first woman that has come on to him since he was in Winterfell (we don't even know how long it was since he was "with" Ros)? How is that wierd? What guy wouldn't be turned on by a girl rubbing her ass against them? He is a confused child. You don't need 2 extra episodes to get that across. I agree that he appears stupider here than in the book, but looking at it as if he is to abrubtly taken with Ygritte is a bit of a stretch... it fits with his arc in the show current.

Jon hasn't been with anyone.
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