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Game of Thrones - Season 2 - George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire - Sundays on HBO

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As ludicrious as it sounds, I swear there could be a third, middle-ground thread :lol

- One for non-book readers (already exists);
- One for book readers who care deeply about the books and how they are adapted (already exists - this thread);
- One for book readers who don't particularly care how faithful the show is or isn't to the books and don't spend time complaining about it (this would be the new thread)

I'm not suggesting we go to three threads, as that would be incredibly convoluted/silly, but I do share the sentiments of many in here who tire of the incessant comparisons/rants about the superiority of the books from the book lovers.

It also tends to drift attention away from my awesome Nick Fury jokes.


I would simply migrate to the non-book reader thread, but then thats no fun either as I've read the first three books :/

c'est la vie
If I'm not mistaken, that ominous music that plays when the white walkers show up is a slower, darker remix of the main theme, or at least its "beat"
They had that piece "Finale" that played when Dany birthed the dragons (MOTHER OF DRAGONS), but that main beat is totally the main theme. I like that
I wonder, if GRRM had learned the value of concision and therefore his books weren't 1000 pages each, would a show which can only film 10 hours worth of material a year be so criticised for excluding interesting story elements?


Not at all. What I am saying is that any and all criticisms of GoT as a television show are completely welcome and encouraged. Lord knows, its a country fucking mile from perfect (and a country mile away from HBO's top shows, for that matter).

But a good 75% of the complaints in this thread aren't criticisms of the show itself, but rather at it not following/changing/omitting stuff from the books, which is what many of us are tired beyond belief of hearing. Oh, they changed Asha's name to Yora? Fucking deal with it.

You are dead on Solo. What's worse is I have to wonder how those who are more about the 'faithful adaptation' haven't realized that almost never happens, particularly going from the two mediums used here. Particularly those who latch onto basically 'the book is better'...as though this too is some new revelation for many cases. It's just so odd.


I wonder, if GRRM had learned the value of concision and therefore his books weren't 1000 pages each, would a show which can only film 10 hours worth of material a year be so criticised for excluding interesting story elements?

What's particularly amusing about it is that GRRM has an extensive educational background in journalism (both B.S and M.S.). One of the main things they hammer to you there is economy of language.


I wouldn't be shocked if books 6 and 7 are a lot leaner and to the point due to his involvement in the TV show.
Half of this page is complaints about the complainers. it's a revolving door here.

I liked the scene in the HOTU with the Iron Throne covered in snow, but I didnt like the flames shooting from Dany's armpits at the end.


As ludicrious as it sounds, I swear there could be a third, middle-ground thread :lol

- One for non-book readers (already exists);
- One for book readers who care deeply about the books and how they are adapted (already exists - this thread);
- One for book readers who don't particularly care how faithful the show is or isn't to the books and don't spend time complaining about it (this would be the new thread)

I'm not suggesting we go to three threads, as that would be incredibly convoluted/silly, but I do share the sentiments of many in here who tire of the incessant comparisons/rants about the superiority of the books from the book lovers.
But those who get super anal about the colour of Dany's eyes are rightfully mocked silly in this thread anyway. Sectioning off conflicting opinions to other threads is just dumb and will make for posts of "SO GOOD" "DAT GREEN FIRE" and "WHERE'S DANY'S TITS AT?" endlessly.



So my wife pointed out something last night that seems kind of obvious in retrospect (and having looked around online, I've seen that others have made the same assumption).

Ros is [Series Spoilers]
probably the stand-in for Jeyne Poole. She'll be shipped off to Ramsay Snow by Littlefinger as Sansa Stark (though in the books, Jeyne was Arya). That would also explain why we saw Theon get with her in Season 1. Their stories will intertwine again. If Ros thinks she has it bad now...


Seriously, though.

If Ros becomes Dany's handmaiden I'll kill a baby dragon. I will rip it's baby head off and spit down it's slightly smoldering, but bursting with blood sauropod-like neck.
Content Roundup:


- EW.com
- WiC.net
- memles
- Televisionary
- Onion A|V Club
- OtakuASSEMBLE (youtube)
- Maureen Ryan
- Rolling Stone
- Alyssa Rosenberg @ Think Progress
- The Atlantic
- Variety
- Poniewozik/url]

Other content:
- [url=http://www.hbo.com/game-of-thrones#/game-of-thrones/episodes/2/20-valar-morghulis/video/inside-the-episode.html/]Inside the Episode feature for this week
(HBO video)
- EW.com with some news on the finale and S3 from D&D
- Episode Extras (behind the scenes vids, etc…) from Spoilertv. I think these are pulled from the HBO Go extra features.


This has probably been said a hundred times, but I thought a good line for Joffrey when Margaery said "...and it has taken root deep inside me."

would be

"I too would like to take root deep inside you."

I would like to place my seed deep inside her flower bed.

But only with a bag on her head.


So my wife pointed out something last night that seems kind of obvious in retrospect (and having looked around online, I've seen that others have made the same assumption).

Ros is [Series Spoilers]
probably the stand-in for Jeyne Poole. She'll be shipped off to Ramsay Snow by Littlefinger as Sansa Stark (though in the books, Jeyne was Arya). That would also explain why we saw Theon get with her in Season 1. Their stories will intertwine again. If Ros thinks she has it bad now...

Hmm. Seems like a good theory.


I'm glad I have never read the books and I can enjoy this awesome show for what it is.

I wouldn't trade my book readings for anything...they have been amazing. I really think whatever format you experience this story in first is the one you will appreciate more. That's just how it goes.


Well, looking forward to the next season wasting 9 1/2 episodes just to see what happens next with the ice zombies...

And I really hated the little girl not going with Jaqen. That guy is the coolest character on TV! I would kill to just follow him around let alone be trained by him. She would have been unstoppable! Fuck her tooth pick of a sword, she should have been his pupil.

Anyone reading the books; do they mention Jaqen again? I REALLY want to see him again. Is mentioned further in the books? If yes, which ones so I can read them now!

A man has a path, a girl has a path. *shrugs*

But only with a bag on her head.

What? Her face is honestly her best feature. She has a nice body but her face is unique but still beautiful.


That could actually be acknowledging that the show is great if not for the books.

I'd argue that the show was great in season 1 but season 2 is only watchable if you read the books and look at this like a low budget fan project aka expectations lower than shit.


GIF idea:

Theon screaming about "finding that man and killing him".

Cut to a shot of a guy with a vuvuzela.

I wouldn't trade my book readings for anything...they have been amazing. I really think whatever format you experience this story in first is the one you will appreciate more. That's just how it goes.


I'm glad the way I did it. The books are so full of rich backstory and dense plots within plots within plots. When GRRM says "a man who reads lives a thousand lives", it's ironic because a man can live those thousands of lives in each one of George's books.


I really liked how the House of Undying was adapted. Sure we didn't get the prophecy explicitly spelled out as in the books, or any glimpses of Rhaegar, but without any context, those would've completely gone over the viewers' heads. Some people just need to realize that what works in the books, does not always translate to the screen. The imagery of the frozen iron throne transitioning to the Wall were not only beautifully-shot scenes, but is likely foreshadowing Dany's future path as well, in a way that even the most obtuse viewer could understand. I'm sure they went to GRRM to consult on this, as even we as readers don't know where the fuck her path is heading. Extra points for bringing back Khal Drogo for a cameo.

Overall, I actually thought they redeemed Dany's overall S2 arc with this finale. The only concern now is that it's clear her arc is heading in a completely different direction than the books. (series spoiler)
Which may not even be a bad thing considering how meandering her plotline is all the way through ADWD. With this ending, there's more forward momentum for her to sail to Westeros, especially after taking all of Xaro's wealth. She's also leaving Qarth leaderless so I wouldn't be surprised if the show simply replaces Meereen with Qarth, to keep locations at a minimum. Sadly, since we know they're casting Daario, that character isn't being cut. I was also looking forward to seeing Barristan in the finale like at the end of CoK

On the other end though, I hate what they did to Jon's arc this season. Pretty much zero emotional impact from Jon having to kill a brother of the NW, whereas in the books, Jon was extremely hesitant on landing a killing blow against Qhorin until he was urged to do so. A few of my non-reader friends I watch this with were even confused why the two were fighting.

The final cliffhanger shot of the wights/White Walkers was great, yet at the same time...(series spoiler)
such a tease knowing that they're still pretty much irrelevant and have yet to make any concerted attack on the Wall. I feel like viewers are going to have the wrong expectations for next season because of this.

Other thoughts:

- What happened to the 500 Northmen surrounding Winterfell? Who burnt it down? Why would they simply leave Winterfell in ashes? I forget the reason they gave in the books, cause I do recall that Bran/Rickon do emerge from the crypts at the end of COK to find the city burnt and deserted, but it seems like such a logical gap.

- What are the showrunners' trying to establish now with Ros and Varys? Was there a prominent prostitute in book 3 that I'm forgetting?


To the people complaining about the book readers complaining, the reason why some of us are complaining is not just because they changed things, this is T.V. and some things will HAVE to be changed for things to work, we know this. We're annoyed because some of the changes just don't make sense and make for worse T.V. Can anyone really say things like killing off the Tickler was done for the sake of good T.V.? Was pussyifying Jon and having more Ygritte and less Halfhand done for the sake of better T.V.? No. There's a reason why we're not complaining about all the changes, only the illogical ones.
Seriously, though.

If Ros becomes Dany's handmaiden I'll kill a baby dragon. I will rip it's baby head off and spit down it's slightly smoldering, but bursting with blood sauropod-like neck.

I'm actually hoping it happens at this point. Most of Danys characters suck anyway, let Ros pollute that already dirty pool.

You are dead on Solo. What's worse is I have to wonder how those who are more about the 'faithful adaptation' haven't realized that almost never happens, particularly going from the two mediums used here. Particularly those who latch onto basically 'the book is better'...as though this too is some new revelation for many cases. It's just so odd.

I think everyone realizes that changes are necessary, and in fact welcome, but when some of the changes they make are so questionable people have a right to complain.
I'd argue that the show was great in season 1 but season 2 is only watchable if you read the books and look at this like a low budget fan project aka expectations lower than shit.

I know it's anecdotal evidence, but some of my friends and coworkers who have only just begun to read the first book really liked this season and Larry liked it as well


Yes. It was the character that made the most sense for Arya to name at the time (in the TV show).
I guess I see your point, but the ramifications of that decision means that one of her best scenes in ASOS has to be significantly changed to work. It wouldn't have been hard to introduce another character for her to kill instead. I guess I'm still a little bitter about they done to Arya this year. :(


Well I liked the finale, I thought the season was probably better than the first season as a lot of character building had been done already. I'm a huge fan of the books so a bunch of things irked me but to say "I'm done with this series because they deviate from the books too much" is fucking childish and trivial. I hope they can manage to do all the books in TV form, why would you not want them to?

I really thought the acting was great overall. Some of the new cast was awesome, I hated Stannis in the books and he was great in the show, Davos was perfect, Ygritte was even better in the show.
The old cast got better, Cersei improved, Bronn and Tyrion together were great
A lot of difficult things were really well done, Blackwater was done better than I anticipated, the Others at the end was really well done.

My biggest beef is that some things were ham-fisted, there wasn't enough kinship building with Quorin and Jon, it worked but the event didn't have the same gravity. Arya's story is really broken, this is my only complaint really. I don't know how they're going to even fix it. Did she even get Needle back? She still seems meek and scared and yet in the book by the time they leave Harrenhal she's a lot more hardened and cold. They may still be able to fix her story but right now it's the biggest disappointment with this season.

I can't wait for Season 3.


The Jon Snow plot points were ruined this season. There was never a sense that Halfhand was doing the altruistic action by basically sacrificing himself for Snow. It's never clear why after killing one of the most well known Nights Watch Rangers that the Lord of Bones would just untie Jon Snow. Wouldn't he be considered more dangerous after that?

I absolutely think they've managed to bungle Jon Snow's storyline.


To the people complaining about the book readers complaining, the reason why some of us are complaining is not just because they changed things, this is T.V. and some things will HAVE to be changed for things to work, we know this. We're annoyed because some of the changes just don't make sense and make for worse T.V. Can anyone really say things like killing off the Tickler was done for the sake of good T.V.? Was pussyifying Jon and having more Ygritte and less Halfhand done for the sake of better T.V.? No. There's a reason why we're not complaining about all the changes, only the illogical ones.

I see what you are saying, but all of that is still rooted in the same complaint. Trying to make the leap that using the book version of events = 'better tv' demonstrates exactly the problem. There are way too many factors between that point A and point B that would dictate whether or not we got 'good tv'. What Suairyu brings up is a good example.


I'd argue that the show was great in season 1 but season 2 is only watchable if you read the books and look at this like a low budget fan project aka expectations lower than shit.

But the show was better in every single facet this season than in the first.
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