Blah Blah Blah. Good, don't watch. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Just as long as we don't need to read your whiny bitching the entire season. Seriously, everything in your post is nerd rage over the smallest, most nit picky crap. Jaime's reaction wasn't exactly to your liking? Really? The dragon doesn't face the direction you want him to face? The comet doesn't look right? The fact that you need to find inane stuff like this to bitch about proves they're doing something right. Just ditch the show and stick with the books. The fact that you come to such grandiose conclusions over the 1st ep, which primarily is introducing characters, is incredible. Grow up and trying to understand that this show wasn't made exclusively for lovers of the book, but to a wide audience, and the decisions are catered towards them. Personally, the books bore the fuck out of me with their endless exposition and slow pace, so I'm all for the writers taking every liberty they can to make a good show.