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Game of Thrones - Season 2 - George RR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire - Sundays on HBO

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Plywood, we will definitely need a gif of Dolorous Edd blowing a raspberry.

Wait a sec...........Is Gendry on his way to the Wall to become one of the Nights Watch? If so then would that prevent him from being king? (Assuming he really is one of the rightful heirs) Also does Jon Snow still not know of his fathers death or did he already receive this news and I just missed it? (I never read the books and all this may be completely inaccurate)

Remember Aemon, the old man at the Night's Watch last season? He could have been king twice and both times denied it. (not a spoiler, was in the last season). He was forced by his vows to sit back while everyone in his family was killed, so he thought. But he kept his vows.
They are very mysterious.

One important distinction to make is that there are wights and white walkers. White Walkers I believe have sentience, while wights work for the white walkers, and are basically undead humans (think of the night watch guy who came back to life in season 1). I always assumed they were synonyms but they aren't.

The Others are tall, slim humanoids with cold blue eyes and chalk white skin. They usually only appear at night and in times of tremendous cold. They wear reflective armour and wield thin, crystal swords. These swords can freeze and shatter any object they touch, including the steel blades favoured by the Night's Watch. The Others appear to be superior swordsmen.

Via the Wiki.

So basically, completely different from the show version. I imagine the armor and crystal swords would have been difficult.

But they also have not really committed themselves to anything, because we have only got flashing glimpses. What we have seens looks more Barbarian than anything, but obviously they can retcon or change that to provide more details if it ever becomes necessary.

Wait, don't they have claims after true born children and siblings?

They only have claims if the King legitimized them. Edit- King only. Which did not happen here. Gendry has no claim.


- During the Littlefinger/Ros thing did anyone think Littlefinger was referring to a character that appears later in the books?

Are you talking about (series)

She's not Charlize Theron but she's cute. I think the make up people made her look awful on purpose. :p

Btw, I got a kick of Balon referring to his son as a whore. lol More Balon trolling please...

She does look somewhat cute in those headshots you posted, but she looks about 10 pounds heavier on the show.
I vaguely remember when theon is describing Esgred, he describes her as not necessarily attractive, but her personality is what wins him over so I am confused as to why so many pictured her as this attractive girl. As a matter of fact when I saw Gemma Whalen's headshots when she was announced, I actually thought she looked to cute to play the role, but after seeing her on screen, they nailed it in my opinion. I might have to reread that chapter, but I am pretty certain that Theon definitely describes her as not ugly but not attractive.

Also why didn't that girl stop her brother from molesting her??!!

bit of a clash spoiler but
She uses it to mess with him later on
I managed to get my parents in to GoT over the past two days, watched every single episode with them (Super awkward at times) up to S2 E2.
I'm currently up to AFFC in the books so my memory is a littly foggy in places, especially the end of episode 2. I have no memory of Craster taking that baby boy out in the middle of the night to be given to what looked like a White Walker.

Did this happen in the books?

It's never explicitly shown in the books, but is strongly hinted at (if not confirmed) like it was in yesterday's episode.


Thread needs more Hot Pie:

I'll give you some Hot Pie! Really want them to [ACOK spoiler]
show as much of Harrenhal as possible. I just want to see Hot Pie and Arya hanging out. The problem with adapting this show is that everything needs to go so quickly that you don't really get to soak in the world as you do in the books.


While reading the books I looked up a lot of fan art and even official art and I thought it all looked like crap, genuinely without exception. Trite fantasy cliches, cosplay-looking characters, booby ladies. I'm glad the showrunners took no inspiration from that shit.


People are complaining that she is not ugly enough. I've seen these sorts of comments a few times in this and other threads. All they need to do is look at some of the leaked pictures, she looks just fine for the role. How she acts is another matter, I'll have to wait and see.
I'm not really complaining, but yes, she isn't "ugly enough." If we're going to be inane about characters that are supposed to be on the level of ZOMG THE MOST BEAUTIFUL IN THE WORLD not being such in the actual show (even if they ARE beautiful), then shouldn't we also complain when a character who is supposed to be so fugly that NO MAN would ever want to fuck her. The Brienne we've seen in the promo shots is not THAT ugly, she's not even ugly, just a bit boring & plain looking. I mean, even the girl Theon was fucking was uglier than Brienne.

Note again, I'm not complaining, I'm not really one that bitches about characters' looks, more interested in how well they act the part. She'll probably be a fine Brienne. Just pointing out how ridiculous certain people's standards are. Brienne = ~average. She's not beautiful but neither is she a hideous monster either who turns men gay with her ugliness. She's kinda big so she's not the most feminine creature on earth, but she's not an eyesore at all.
Remember Aemon, the old man at the Night's Watch last season? He could have been king twice and both times denied it. (not a spoiler, was in the last season). He was forced by his vows to sit back while everyone in his family was killed, so he thought. But he kept his vows.
Yes but I didnt hear him say "yo kid your dad is dead" it was more like "your entire family is at war to rescue your dad" He never said his dad has been killed. And John Snowreaction was more of "I need to save my dad", not a "my life sucks my dad is dead."

Also (excluding the books) since when do bastards have no claim to the thrown? And if this is correct then why the hell kill them??
Has this thread seriously devolved into a thread complaining about the fact that people might complain about the fact that a character that hasn't been introduced yet might not be ugly enough to satisfy people based on their perception of how ugly she should be because GRRM insists on telling them how ugly she is very often?

Yes, that was intentional. Now shut the fuck up about it and come bitching next week or the week after, and then you others can bitch about the bitching.


I didn't picture Asha/Yara as a busty RPG character with a bare midriff, but the third pic from the top left looks about right. She just needs to be leaner and edgier. I can't picture this actress hitting a target with a throwing axe at all.


Also (excluding the books) since when do bastards have no claim to the thrown? And if this is correct then why the hell kill them??
Well, they have a better claim than Joff. Also I think in the books part of the reason is that Cersei wants to destroy the 'evidence' that all of Robert's children look exactly like him.


The point is that all of Robert's bastards have dark hair, while Joffrey, Tommen, et al have shiny blonde hair.
Well, they have a better claim than Joff.
Agreed. Now my original question was is Gendry going to the Wall to become a Nights Watch? If so wouldnt his oath revoke him from becoming king??

*And like I said before:
Remember Aemon, the old man at the Night's Watch last season? He could have been king twice and both times denied it. (not a spoiler, was in the last season). He was forced by his vows to sit back while everyone in his family was killed, so he thought. But he kept his vows.
Yes but I didnt hear him say "yo kid your dad is dead" it was more like "your entire family is at war to rescue your dad" He never said his dad has been killed. And John Snowreaction was more of "I need to save my dad", not a "my life sucks my dad is dead."
Well, they have a better claim than Joff. Also I think in the books part of the reason is that Cersei want to destroy the 'evidence' that all of Robert's children look exactly like him.
I edited my post to cover this but it was a little bit more than that. The secret that Jon Arryn and Ned uncovered is that the Baratheon bloodline is marked by having black hair. Neither of them could find an instance where one was born to a mother with different colored hair and the children got that color instead even by going back through the Baratheon histories which would have been a big red flag for all of Cercei's blond haired children.
Well, they have a better claim than Joff. Also I think in the books part of the reason is that Cersei want to destroy the 'evidence' that all of Robert's children look exactly like him.

I guess it is important to emphasize that genetics obviously work differently in this world. In real life, we would be like, uh, so what?

This explanation makes more sense in a real world, familiar context. Plus we haven't got any explanation of how succession works with bastards, or things like the Blackfyre Rebellion. It is a common sense explanation that satisfies show viewers only- remove rivals.

Agreed. Now my original question was is Gendry going to the Wall to become a Nights Watch? If so wouldnt his oath revoke him from becoming king??

Removing the context of books, and assuming he ever had a claim, then yes.


I watched through season 1 just recently, loved it.

Now the first 2 episodes of the new one...Hmm...

How should I put it... I'm afraid of the show might take a step to becoming self parody with all the sex scenes and "Cock/cunt/fuck delivered in every second sentence. I mean this shit is fresh and all in tv show but overused it loses all the raw power and impact. I reacted on episode 2 with smirks and rolleyes and those 2 ep are pretty much the weakest link in my GOT experience.

I wanted Drago to return as a devilish zombie. Meh. :(


One thing I can't stand is the Dothraki language. I don't know but I cringe everytime I hear Dany speak Dothraki. I can't stand fake languages on TV. Same with the elvish languages in LotR.


*And like I said before:
Yes but I didnt hear him say "yo kid your dad is dead" it was more like "your entire family is at war to rescue your dad" He never said his dad has been killed. And John Snowreaction was more of "I need to save my dad", not a "my life sucks my dad is dead."

Jon ends up finding out his father is dead (they don't show WHEN he finds out, but I assume they received a letter by raven), and was going to desert the Night's Watch because he wanted to join up with Robb.
*And like I said before:
Yes but I didnt hear him say "yo kid your dad is dead" it was more like "your entire family is at war to rescue your dad" He never said his dad has been killed. And John Snowreaction was more of "I need to save my dad", not a "my life sucks my dad is dead."

In episode 10 (Fire and Blood), they mention that his father is dead like he already knows it. So they don't show him finding out on-screen, but I always assumed he found out not long before he attempted to flee the Wall, as in he was torn about wanting to join Robb, but once he heard about his father's death, he went for it.
The Yara casting is fine. In fact, her looks fit the part more than the descriptions in the book. I would not want to fight her. I think I'd have a better chance of kicking her brother's ass.


I think Littlefinger had the best overall scene this week. It was perfectly shot, the music started at the right moment and the actor was ice cold. Loved it.


aka andydumi
Well, they have a better claim than Joff. Also I think in the books part of the reason is that Cersei want to destroy the 'evidence' that all of Robert's children look exactly like him.

Yep. And there is also allusion that the banners who liked the king and hate the Lannisters (for killing him) may turn from anyone who is not an heir and a Lannister (Joffrey and Tommen), to an heir like Gendry, despite being a bastard.


Thread needs more Hot Pie:


Best part of the episode. I'm serious.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Yea, their exchange was so genuine.

Hot Pie: I've seen lots of battles! I saw-
Arya: Liar!
Hot Pie: I saw a man kill another man just outside a tavern in Flea Bottom.

We need more Hot Pie/Arya/Gendry scenes. I'd watch a show just about them.


I seriously wonder about the criteria used by some here while judging a TV series.

These two new episodes not only retain the fantastic writing, acting and production values from the last two of the 1st season, they easily surpass them partly due to Taylor's direction being so consistently solid.

I think Littlefinger had the best overall scene this week. It was perfectly shot, the music started at the right moment and the actor was ice cold. Loved it.

Do we know if he's in this season? I seem to remember him being part of the Harrenhall crew. Or maybe that was in Storm. Can't remember.

(series and ASOS)
He's part of Vargo Hoats' crew so I don't think he showed up until Storm but I can't remember. I think people are assuming that there won't be changes to his character or the way it's introduced. The story Littlefinger told was pretty eerily familiar to what Qyburn does to his victims so I think it is foreshadowing him.
I thought talking about (series spoiler)
Ramsay Bolton.
(more book and series spoilers)
In the context of the books neither of them would have had the kind of money Littlefinger is talking about. Remember that Ramsay is broke until ASOS. I think it's more likely that they would be setting up Qyburn here between the two.


Advocate for the People
I think Littlefinger had the best overall scene this week. It was perfectly shot, the music started at the right moment and the actor was ice cold. Loved it.

I'm shocked more people aren't as annoyed by this scene as I was. It was shot fine, but it's such a strange direction to take the character. From someone who's out for his own self interest but seems to have shades of grey (dark grey, of course) to someone who will sell a girl to be tortured, dismembered, and murdered. Varys sort of implied it in season one too, and it annoyed me then, but here it's way more explicit and makes him a far less compelling character. Hell, the fact that brothels have gone from being just one of his investments to his primary mode of income detracts a lot from the character.


Eh, I think that was the worst episode in the entire series, which is a shame because I loved this part of the book. It's probably because I enjoyed the slow pace of world building and setting everything up, and that's completely lost when rushed.


I'm shocked more people aren't as annoyed by this scene as I was. It was shot fine, but it's such a strange direction to take the character. From someone who's out for his own self interest but seems to have shades of grey (dark grey, of course) to someone who will sell a girl to be tortured, dismembered, and murdered. Varys sort of implied it in season one too, and it annoyed me then, but here it's way more explicit and makes him a far less compelling character. Hell, the fact that brothels have gone from being just one of his investments to his primary mode of income detracts a lot from the character.

Trusting him was the first thing you did wrong when you watched season 1.
I really don't get these "rushed episode" complaints. Both S1 and S2 feature lots of stories jumbled about. Sunday's ep had every main character (except Dany) get more than a few scenes/screen time.

The only scene that felt a bit rushed was the Tyrion one with Slynt. Very fast pace...but when compared to that horribly rushed first small council scene in S1, it was fine.
I'm shocked more people aren't as annoyed by this scene as I was. It was shot fine, but it's such a strange direction to take the character. From someone who's out for his own self interest but seems to have shades of grey (dark grey, of course) to someone who will sell a girl to be tortured, dismembered, and murdered. Varys sort of implied it in season one too, and it annoyed me then, but here it's way more explicit and makes him a far less compelling character. Hell, the fact that brothels have gone from being just one of his investments to his primary mode of income detracts a lot from the character.

No, I'm pretty annoyed by it too. I really like the series but it's seeming like there's going to be a lot of compression of the story elements going forward (which is understandable, they're huge books) and in the process a lot of the characters that were more shades of gray will end up being more extreme than their book personas. You can already see that developing since season one with the changes they made to a lot of the characters, aside from the obvious age differences.
More ratings details

UPDATE: Deadline reports that 1.1 million viewers watched the 11 PM encore, bringing the total viewer number to 4.9 million for the night. This is less than the 6.3 million total for the premiere, however there was a third airing last week. Hibberd also reports that the total audience for the premiere has climbed to 7.5 million and is on track to easily surpass last season’s per episode average of 9.3 million.

Impressive. Apparently the next two eps are very strong; the first two pretty much only set the table for things to come.
I seriously wonder about the criteria used by some here while judging a TV series.

These two new episodes not only retain the fantastic writing, acting and production values from the last two of the 1st season, they easily surpass them partly due to Taylor's direction being so consistently solid.

The problem I have is with the pacing of the two episodes. Even compared to season one [never mind the novels] they seem rushed. It might be simply because it's the start of the season, and they're rushing to set things up.

Theon's arc is promising, because we saw all scenes prior to him meeting his father and certain aspects of his character were established [the fact he expects a hero's welcome for example] before having that assumption turned on the viewer as much as him. The dramatic reveal, that his sister is his father favorite and he is seen as an outsider is well done.
Arya's arc, in the opening episodes, hasn't been done justice by comparison; we've had four [?] scenes with the characters in her group if you count the end of season one, all of them quickly paced. The dialogue is great, the acting is fine [not amazing, but good enough for what it needs to be], but there's so little time spent with the characters the reveal Gendry knows her 'secret' isn't a particularly dramatic moment. Obviously the style of the source material doesn't help, most of the interesting sections comprising of internal monologue, but I do believe had this been season one and they had less content to show we would have had a few scenes establishing the groups relationship instead of what amounted to 'humorous' dialogue before we got back to the 'important' sections at King's Landing.

The acting is better overall, as are the production values, but the episode moves around to quickly without giving the viewer time to breath or produce interesting drama, unlike most of season one.
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