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Game of Thrones Season 8 |OT| A Song of Icy and Fiery Fandom



Not what I've said.

In the books perhaps, but not in the show. When the season begins they show you how many troops etc are camping outside. Winterfell is first and foremost a castle, not a medieval City with walls. The idea that they could cram everyone and the horses in there, is a non-starter.


Again not what I said.

OK, then feel free to write out a detailed outline as to how you'd have structured the episode and the tactics, but still ended up with the same beats taking place. Do a good job and I'll gift you a months Gold membership.

Please, he 99% of his posts are just endlessly arguing in the Politics subforum with the usual suspects in a circle jerk. A subforum that was created so the rest of us don't have to put up with Gaming or OT being subjected to endless Reee threads. If an autoduelist falls down in a forest and nobody (Important) is in earshot does anyone in Gaming or OT care? :unsure:

Please, beyond the initial breach the Dragon mainly took out the supply wagons and the archers. The Dothraki were getting over the shield wall regardless. Certainly, the Dragon helped out, but to lay the victory purely at its feet rather than the Dothrakis prowess for kicking ass is just plain wrong.

Sure they had a plan, and so did the Night King, and but for Arya Stark, his would have prevailed.

It's exactly what you've said. "The episode had to go like this to have these narrative beats", I disagree.

It should still be able to fit atleast a few thousand men inside, they didn't even man the walls. Seriously the entire battle could have used some archers, the wights don't have shields arrows would obliterate them.

Yes instead you have a bunch of people reeing about console wars in gaming, either way that doesn't mean you can dismiss someone because "they dont have an avatar", it's just dumb reasoning.

The lannisters were severely outnumbered, had just gotten back from another fight, and were completely scattered, they had to try and organize themselves as the dothraki were charging, if you think that was an organized defense idk what to tell you. That's the whole point, that's why dany attacked, so she could catch them off guard.

My point is that they had a shit plan, not that it didn't work, again I wanted them have a good plan and still lose, this would raise the stakes, the bad guy succeeds because of overwhelming strength, not because our protagonists are incompetent.

Assuming I keep about the same characters alive and end up the story similarly here is my rough outline:

-Start off with better fortifications, maybe have them discuss it in the previous episode. You have a huge trench built to the sides of the castle, you want to funnel the wights to the middle so you can create a sort of a deathbox. (And it's easier to film if the attack only comes from one side, at least now there's a reason why the castle isn't totally surrounded.)
-You have bonfires around the battlefield so the soldiers can see wtf is going on (Also so the viewer can see whats going on)
-You have scouts so you know when they're approaching, you can use the dragons, the dothraki, or the bran9000 to do this.
-The dothraki are held off to the side for now, you can still have the whole melissandre lighting their sword and stuff for the visual.
-The unsullied are the ones on the frontline, they're the better trained and better equipped, it makes sense, meanwhile the notherners/wildlings sit back and man the walls with bows and manning the catapults.
-Danny and Jon stay up there.
-Bran9000, jon or a dothraki scout to warn them they're coming.
-You hear the initial charge, kinda like you did with the dothraki in s7
-As the wights charge grey worm orders to raise a trap similar to the one he used in the episode, this stops the initial momentum of the charge.
-The dothraki charge from the side, managing to flank them, you get a similar overview shot of the flames disappearing as they get overwhelmed. Jorah dies here. Giving actual tension to the battle.
-Danny seeing this takes off on her dragon on to the battlefield and Jon follows her.
-Eventually the wights do make it trough facing off against the unsullied. (Grey worm is also not in the frontlines, he's supposed to be their leader makes no sense to be at the front, actually all the generals are off to the back, this prevents the miraculous plot armor that plagued the entire episode)
-All the while you have a rain of arrows, (despite fire arrows being literally impossible in real life) you have fire arrows for a cool visual anyway and the catapults being fired at the wights
-As jon and danny are blazing the field the storm comes limiting visibility, as they fly around the NK attacks them.
-The unsullied start to break and GreyWorm call a general retreat
-You can still have Jamie save Brienne as they're retreating, but make the scene a bit less ridiculous and she gets injured. Sam can still get saved and get Ed killed.
-Melissandre comes to light the trench, but this time she walks a bit faster since people are fucking dying around her.

There you have like the first third of the episode, obviously this isn't complete, and I might have changed the order of a few of the scenes, but you get my point, I want them to put a fight and still lose, I want actual tension instead of cheap thrills you get with the fake out deaths, the lack of plot armor means the viewer actually believes the characters are in danger. And I want them to lose because the enemy is simply stronger than they are, not because they're incompetent.

I might have changed some of the plot elements, but even if were following their exact script I think it could have been executed better.
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Pack it up guys, we're not allowed to discuss the shows direction or lack thereof anymore. Malakhov ruined it.
Haha, took it a bit personal i see. Hey if the hat fits.

Yeah keep discussing the 'lack' of the shows direction lol

Ill just be enjoying this damn great show and see who wins the game of throne in the last 3 episodes, no more time for the night king, Arya took good care of it anyhow.
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Rodent Whores
Why aren't we getting a whole season of winter? It's the second coming of the long night. I want to see King's Landing covered in snow, and everyone freezing to death. I want to see an ice bridge open up to Pyke. I want to see Dorne losing their shit because it's actually cold there for once.

Old Nan said:
Oh, my sweet summer child. What do you know about fear? Fear is for the winter when the snows fall a hundred feet deep. Fear is for the the long nights when the sun hides for years, and children are born and live and die, all in darkness. That is the time for fear, my little lord; when the white walkers move through the woods. Thousands of years ago there came a night that lasted a generation. Kings froze to death in their castles, same as the shepherds in their huts, and women smothered their babies rather than see them starve, and wept and felt their tears freeze on their cheeks. So is this the sort of story that you like? [watches as Bran nods] In that darkness the white walkers came for the first time. They swept through cities and kingdoms, riding their dead horses, hunting with their packs of pale spiders big as hounds...


Then you should go back to those seasons because by now you had 3 seasons to get accustomated to the new style.

I still enjoy the show for what it is, despite it's shit writing. And your horse shit excuse of ''oh by now you should be accustomed to this shit storytelling style so why are you still criticizing it?'' is pathetic.

Even without the books, they can still put a lot more effort into the scripts than they have been. And if they themselves can't, hire better writers.
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So, episode 4 is almost upon us. We need Daenerys to slowly transition into that mad queen (now that Jorah is dead) & Jon to voice opposition against attacking King's Landing just for the sake of her personal ambition. Now that the White Walkers are destroyed, Dany has no excuses: she can't justify the means (slaughter) because the end (winning the throne) means diddly-f-squat to Westeros considering its recent history. She's just another wouldbe tyrant.


So, episode 4 is almost upon us. We need Daenerys to slowly transition into that mad queen (now that Jorah is dead) & Jon to voice opposition against attacking King's Landing just for the sake of her personal ambition. Now that the White Walkers are destroyed, Dany has no excuses: she can't justify the means (slaughter) because the end (winning the throne) means diddly-f-squat to Westeros considering its recent history. She's just another wouldbe tyrant.

I even like this plot, I just don't see it being executed properly in 3 episodes.

Melon Husk

I suppose people subconsciously expected an Infinity War. End the first half of the battle with our heroes in dire situation :messenger_fearful:. A cliffhanger ending is the oldest trick in the book because it works. Cut the last 5 minutes and suddenly the episode doesn't feel too convenient.

I don't think this shorter season is working very well. Human conflicts are more interesting than zombie terminator versus Westeros, but I don't hold high expectations.
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I even like this plot, I just don't see it being executed properly in 3 episodes.

I just have a very hard time imagining we'll endure three episodes leading to Dany's coronation as supreme leader. Game of Thrones has always been very harsh on ambitious, entitled, arrogant "I'm destined to rule" sorts of people. If Daenerys was a man, this wouldn't even be a contentious issue. Invading Westeros with foreign armies in a ruthless pursuit of power based upon nothing more than a birthright (which Jon now supersedes anyway) goes against the central moral themes espoused by the writer of the books.

"Bend the knee"

How about nope? Dany is hardly any better than Cersei. She has a real temper & emotional control problem as well, i.e. something I hope to see in coming episodes. Here's what would destroy this series forever:


The lore they created cannot accommodate this sort of Disney-style fairy-tale ending because the people who inhabit the world are either killers or cripples, bastards & broken things. It's the ONE show in recent memory which absolutely needs a brutal, bittersweet finale in order to preserve the integrity of the world building achieved since the first book was released. That's just my opinion as a fan.

Melon Husk

I thought it was a given that she'll find her iron throne in the midst of ashen ruins. She'll become queen, and she'll pay a high price for it. The open question is whether she dies or flees from Westeros shortly thereafter. edit: Based on her character arc it's weird if she never gets to that point, and it's weird if she holds the throne in the end. If she stays nice, there's no conflict left for the Starks.
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I just have a very hard time imagining we'll endure three episodes leading to Dany's coronation as supreme leader. Game of Thrones has always been very harsh on ambitious, entitled, arrogant "I'm destined to rule" sorts of people. If Daenerys was a man, this wouldn't even be a contentious issue. Invading Westeros with foreign armies in a ruthless pursuit of power based upon nothing more than a birthright (which Jon now supersedes anyway) goes against the central moral themes espoused by the writer of the books.

"Bend the knee"

How about nope? Dany is hardly any better than Cersei. She has a real temper & emotional control problem as well, i.e. something I hope to see in coming episodes. Here's what would destroy this series forever:


The lore they created cannot accommodate this sort of Disney-style fairy-tale ending because the people who inhabit the world are either killers or cripples, bastards & broken things. It's the ONE show in recent memory which absolutely needs a brutal, bittersweet finale in order to preserve the integrity of the world building achieved since the first book was released. That's just my opinion as a fan.

Oh I absolutely agree that she isn't getting a disney ending, I just don't think it will be executed properly, her "romance" with Jon was extremely forced and I feel like this will feel the same way.


I thought it was a given that she'll find her iron throne in the midst of ashen ruins. She'll become queen, and she'll pay a high price for it. The open question is whether she dies or flees from Westeros shortly thereafter.

The question is more a case of whether Dany allows her darker tendencies to blind her & she becomes a villain in the eyes of Westeros. The trailer for Episode 4 already shows a highly motivated Daenerys hellbent on winning the throne. If I was a survivor at Winterfell, I'd tell her to f-off. They just won the war for human survival & now this person wants them to fight & die so she can fulfil her "birthright"?

Oh I absolutely agree that she isn't getting a disney ending, I just don't think it will be executed properly, her "romance" with Jon was extremely forced and I feel like this will feel the same way.

Stannis was one-upon-a-time driven by the same sort of messianic complex as Daenerys. He literally jumped from "ruthless... yet somewhat honourable leader" to total "daughter burning psycho" over five minutes. So IMO three (very long) episodes would be enough to send Dany on a similar path because the clues (such as Dany burning Sam's brother, not just his father) are already there.


It's exactly what you've said. "The episode had to go like this to have these narrative beats", I disagree.


You're honestly doubling down to trying to tell me what I said? I know exactly what I said and it sure as hell wasn't "The episode had to go like this to have these narrative beats". Stop trying to put words in my mouth, it's a cunt approach to discourse. My issue isn't with criticising the execution of the episode, it's with the abject failure of all the armchair generals chiming in, trying to win a battle that from the perspective of the storyline needs to end up with The NK facing Bran in the Godswood and for him to die at the hands of Arya Stark.

It should still be able to fit at least a few thousand men inside, they didn't even man the walls. Seriously the entire battle could have used some archers, the wights don't have shields arrows would obliterate them.

They had men on the walls, They had archers on the walls. They did shoot the wights, They still lost.

The lannisters were severely outnumbered, had just gotten back from another fight, and were completely scattered, they had to try and organize themselves as the dothraki were charging, if you think that was an organized defense idk what to tell you. That's the whole point, that's why dany attacked, so she could catch them off guard.

So you're now saying that a shield wall with spearmen behind isn't an organised defence? Go tell the Spartans.

Assuming I keep about the same characters alive and end up the story similarly here is my rough outline:
*Snip for Brevity*

How is having Jorah die in a cavalry charge in keeping with the narrative beats of the episode? His death in Danys arms having defended her to the last is one of the episodes most moving and poignant moments. He's been loyal to her since episode 1 of the first season despite many hardships and trials and you're going to have him fall in the midst of a melee miles from his beloved Khalessi? I thought Edd's death in the episode was bad, but just serving Jorah like that


How is cutting more fire trenches going to matter given the Night King already demonstrated how to neutralise them with impunity? Also given the Night King can quite clearly see what's in front of him, why do you think he'd funnel his forces into a death box versus just move around and come in from the side? Also if these fire trenches are to the side, how are the Dothraki held in reserve going to attack from the side? How are the Unsullied going to attack from the side and flank them? Also given once the dragons are in play the Night king would use an ice storm to obscure the battlefield, how are any of these messages being replayed to the different parties? Whatsapp? Whats the cell coverage like at Winterfell? Do they have 4G or 5G?

My point is that they had a shit plan, not that it didn't work, again I wanted them have a good plan and still lose, this would raise the stakes, the bad guy succeeds because of overwhelming strength, not because our protagonists are incompetent.

The Night King didn't beat them purely on overwhelming odds, he beat them because he was more tactically astute, and they faltered when their first move floundered. Firstly he attacked at night when Winterfell was at the disadvantage in terms of what they could see whereas he and his army were not. Secondly, he kept his White Walkers back so that they wouldn't be killed and that way he wouldn't lose vast swathes of their created wights. Thirdly when Dany and Jon revealed themselves and their respective Dragons he deployed the ice storm to obscure matters rendering both of them less effective and even drawing them away from the battle lines with Viserion. Fourthly (but not finally), he neutralised the fire trench and scaled the walls in a way that was beyond the comprehension of the defenders.

The inherent problem with your outline is you're playing the Night King for a chump. You're playing him as blithely marching his forces into a deathbox as if he is oblivious to the fact that his opponents are going to be prepared or have two full-grown fire breathing dragons at their disposal. Sure he has overwhelming odds, but that doesn't mean he's going to needlessly waste his forces like Xerxes from 300. You're criticising the Dothraki for charging into a fool's errand in hindsight, but you're basically proposing the Night King do the same, but without any sense of payoff aside from budget blowing spectacle. Like it or not tactically, the Dothraki getting swallowed up by the night is an important story beat in how it impacts the mood of the defenders, from Dany, all the way up to Sansa & Arya stood upon the walls and it informs how they all act accordingly. Sure it sucks major ass that the Dothraki forces got decimated, but to be honest, given how well we've seen them fight, I dare say that having Danys forces being left significantly diminished is an important point for the later episodes.

If I was in a position to change things, I have made Edds death a bit less sudden and a more meaningful sacrifice, and definitely had Sam head to the crypts so he could redeem himself somewhat by defending the women and children from the raised Stark Wights, along with Tyrion, Sansa and Gilly. I'd have rallied the remaining forces in Winterfell like Brienne, Jamie, Tormund etc to be fighting from a clear point of advantage above the wights versus within the courtyard floor itself because that way at least it would be easier to buy their continued survival once the castle walls were overrun. I'd have probably had Jorah defend and die for Dany within the grounds, perhaps with the others mentioned above around them. I'd have kept Jon getting cockblocked by Viserion on his way to the Night King, however, I wouldn't have had his scream at it, but perhaps actually kill it, just before Arya destroys the Night king himself, and certainly with that particular situation I'd have made it a bit more obvious where Arya was coming from in terms of position before she strikes. In fact you could have it that Jon could kill Viserion by driving Longclaw through his eye (probably his only real vulnerable point tbh) and his explosion onto ice could be the thing that distracts the Night King and the other White walkers so that Arya can get in close FTW. See the show isn't beyond criticism, but we are talking small l adjustments versus dramatic shifts.

Yes instead you have a bunch of people reeing about console wars in gaming, either way that doesn't mean you can dismiss someone because "they dont have an avatar", it's just dumb reasoning.

Ostensively this is a gaming forum, not a political one. The sub-forum was created as a containment zone because beforehand OT was with rife with reeing political threads, and most people coming to GAF just don't really care for it (the same way most people don't bother with the let's laugh at Resetera threads, most of us just don't give a shit). If some people want to waste hours of their life chasing the usual suspects around in a perpetual political game of 'Now I've got you, you son of a bitch' that's fine and dandy, but don't expect me to view them as some valuable member of the broader community, least of all when they don't even have the decency to present a recognisable face to said community.
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Dany gets stabed by Jon and crawls to the throne before dying.
Jon? You mean Arya. Also Arya kills Cersei, right after shadow stepping behind The Mountain and killing him, her blade still wet with Euron's blood.

On a serious note though, Arya surely can't have anymore big moments after she knocked off the Night King. Unless this is now just the Arya show, I'm curious to know how she'll be neutered. Of course one way would be to have her killed...


i'm in the kubrick house of if it can be thought it can be filmed, all this what is / if talk ain't helping me with my gains

the real bummer in this episode is the bitrate



i'm trying to re watch this shit and it's almost unacceptably bad, which fucking sucks because it's so beautiful


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Jon? You mean Arya. Also Arya kills Cersei, right after shadow stepping behind The Mountain and killing him, her blade still wet with Euron's blood.

On a serious note though, Arya surely can't have anymore big moments after she knocked off the Night King. Unless this is now just the Arya show, I'm curious to know how she'll be neutered. Of course one way would be to have her killed...

Both the Mountain and Cersei are still on her list, but somehow I don't think she's completing it. It's not even clear if the Mountain can be killed by conventional weapons, and that is perhaps where she will come a-cropper, which might drive a certain someone who has a bond with her into a truly murderous rage.


Both the Mountain and Cersei are still on her list, but somehow I don't think she's completing it. It's not even clear if the Mountain can be killed by conventional weapons, and that is perhaps where she will come a-cropper, which might drive a certain someone who has a bond with her into a truly murderous rage.

i hope the mountain gets shot with a rifle by the day king


with the legendary dragon glass rifle
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Both the Mountain and Cersei are still on her list, but somehow I don't think she's completing it. It's not even clear if the Mountain can be killed by conventional weapons, and that is perhaps where she will come a-cropper, which might drive a certain someone who has a bond with her into a truly murderous rage.
Man, at this point I have Arya fatigue. She needs to let other characters have their moment and sit the rest of this out. I wouldn't even mind if she just suddenly slips on a patch of ice and sprains her ankle. I can picture that scene in my head, it's hilarious.

Sam: "That's a nasty sprain I'm afraid, no killing for at least 2 weeks"
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i hope the mountain gets shot with a rifle by the day king


with the legendary dragon glass rifle

What's the one thing the Hound Fears more than anything? And what's the one thing that we know fucks up dead people, that's not Valerian Steel? Could there not perhaps be a narrative payoff there :unsure:
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What's the one thing the Hound Fears more than anything? And what's the one thing that we know fucks up dead people, that's not Valerian Steel?


real talk tho arya demanded hound burn in hell and beric confirmed it

thanks d&d

hound to save arya from fire battle with mountain



hound was always azor ahai
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What's the one thing the Hound Fears more than anything?
Large scale battles? He pussies out of the Battle of Blackwater and almost has a nervous breakdown at Winterfell.

...Damn, that moment you realise the franchise's titular badass is sort of a massive coward.


Considering the fact that for medieval style warfare, fire will pretty much always be used in any siege situation it pretty much comes to the same thing :messenger_grinning_squinting:

Being a warrior who's afraid of fire is a bit like being a mechanic who's afraid of oil.


Considering the fact that for medieval style warfare, fire will pretty much always be used in any siege situation it pretty much comes to the same thing :messenger_grinning_squinting:

Being a warrior who's afraid of fire is a bit like being a mechanic who's afraid of oil.





You're honestly doubling down to trying to tell me what I said? I know exactly what I said and it sure as hell wasn't "The episode had to go like this to have these narrative beats". Stop trying to put words in my mouth, it's a cunt approach to discourse. My issue isn't with criticising the execution of the episode, it's with the abject failure of all the armchair generals chiming in, trying to win a battle that from the perspective of the storyline needs to end up with The NK facing Bran in the Godswood and for him to die at the hands of Arya Stark.

And I've been criticizing the execution all along, and like I've said repeatedly just because the battle need to end up with them losing for NK to end up in the godswood doesn't mean they just employ moronic tactics. The characthers don't know that "they're meant to lose", they aren't supposed to just suicide like they read the script before hand and know what they do doesn't matters. Therefore they should put a fight instead of just acting like fodder.

They had men on the walls, They had archers on the walls. They did shoot the wights, They still lost.

They had a handful of men on the walls, they don't even start shooting until after the wights are already charging at them, don't bullshit me.
You know how hard it is to siege a well defended wall? It's nearly fucking impossible. And the wights aren't exactly the smartest foes, they just zerg rush.

So you're now saying that a shield wall with spearmen behind isn't an organised defence? Go tell the Spartans.

I'm saying that a shield wall that was put together while the enemy was incoming, that is 1 rank deep, completely surrounded and gets blasted with dragon fire before the cavalry even arrives isn't an organized defense. Their wall was broken trough before they even had contact with the enemy.

How is having Jorah die in a cavalry charge in keeping with the narrative beats of the episode? H
is death in Danys arms having defended her to the last is one of the episodes most moving and poignant moments. He's been loyal to her since episode 1 of the first season despite many hardships and trials and you're going to have him fall in the midst of a melee miles from his beloved Khalessi? I thought Edd's death in the episode was bad, but just serving Jorah like that

Jorahs arc is over, it's been over for a while, you don't need more touching moments with dany. And more importantly in my version dany isn't retarded and lands her dragon in the middle of a battlefield only to get overwhelmed by enemies, and Jorah doesn't just telepathically guess dany is going to be in danger and teleport next to her to save her.

If you really need the moment, have him retreat after the initial charge, Dany sees this and goes to his aid, he's badly injured, dany blasts the wights away, lands and Jorah dies in her arms.
You get a similar shot to the one in the episode, just earlier, you'd also raise the tension significantly.

How is cutting more fire trenches going to matter given the Night King already demonstrated how to neutralise them with impunity? Also given the Night King can quite clearly see what's in front of him, why do you think he'd funnel his forces into a death box versus just move around and come in from the side? Also if these fire trenches are to the side, how are the Dothraki held in reserve going to attack from the side? How are the Unsullied going to attack from the side and flank them? Also given once the dragons are in play the Night king would use an ice storm to obscure the battlefield, how are any of these messages being replayed to the different parties? Whatsup? Whats the cell coverage like at Winterfell? Do they have 4G or 5G?

Slow down the enemy, he already funneled his forces in this episode, I'm just trying to give the show an excuse for it to be that way instead of the NK being a moron instead, the back of winterfell was completely open for an attack and he didn't do it, at least he has an excuse this way.
Dothraki are fucking cavalry, they can go around a trench, they'd be position far away so they could engage when necessary.
The unsulied aren't going to attack and flank them, never said they would, their job is to hold the fucking ground while the archers/catapults do most of the damage.
What messages? For the dothraki to engage? That happens before the storm so I don't see the issue. For the retreat? They managed fine during the episode relaying messages, you could always do real life thing and have a guy on horse relaying messages.

The Night King didn't beat them purely on overwhelming odds, he beat them because he was more tactically astute, and they faltered when their first move floundered. Firstly he attacked at night when Winterfell was at the disadvantage in terms of what they could see whereas he and his army were not. Secondly, he kept his White Walkers back so that they wouldn't be killed and that way he wouldn't lose vast swathes of their created wights. Thirdly when Dany and Jon revealed themselves and their respective Dragons he deployed the ice storm to obscure matters rendering both of them less effective and even drawing them away from the battle lines with Viserion. Fourthly (but not finally), he neutralised the fire trench and scaled the walls in a way that was beyond the comprehension of the defenders.

What exactly was astute about his tactics? The wights just bum rush the walls. and they're successful because for some reason nobody bothered defending them.
He kept the white walkers back, until he didn't and got himself killed, he's just as dumb as they are.
Him neutralizing the fire trench that way makes zero sense according the show in the first place, in previous seasons wights were fucking inflammable, one touch of fire and they lighted up, now you can just have them lay down and put out a massive fire? It's super inconsistent. Same for them being unable to get trough a wooden door, but somehow blast trough stone tombs.
They just scale the walls, not exactly sure what's incomprehensible about that.

The inherent problem with your outline is you're playing the Night King for a chump. You're playing him as blithely marching his forces into a deathbox as if he is oblivious to the fact that his opponents are going to be prepared or have two full-grown fire breathing dragons at their disposal. Sure he has overwhelming odds, but that doesn't mean he's going to needlessly waste his forces like Xerxes from 300. You're criticising the Dothraki for charging into a fool's errand in hindsight, but you're basically proposing the Night King do the same, but without any sense of payoff aside from budget blowing spectacle. Like it or not tactically, the Dothraki getting swallowed up by the night is an important story beat in how it impacts the mood of the defenders, from Dany, all the way up to Sansa & Arya stood upon the walls and it informs how they all act accordingly. Sure it sucks major ass that the Dothraki forces got decimated, but to be honest, given how well we've seen them fight, I dare say that having Danys forces being left significantly diminished is an important point for the later episodes.

Again he already did that, he only attacked winterfell from the front, if anything I'm making him seem less of a moron because atleast now he has somewhat of a reason not to have his army simply attack the other side of winterfell that's completely unprotected.
Also the NK very clearly doesn't care about the wights, while the dothraki dying actually has some meaning since they're alive.
Yeah and you'd get the exact same visuals, they'd just be attacking from the side instead of head on.
I'd rather have the unsullied alive for a siege than the dothraki, hell I'd rather have wildlings if I had to siege kings landing.
And you know, killing them off to make Dany weaker makes sense from our perceptive, it doesn't make sense from theirs, maybe Dany wants Cersei to have a fighting chance.

If I was in a position to change things, I have made Edds death a bit less sudden and a more meaningful sacrifice, and definitely had Sam head to the crypts so he could redeem himself somewhat by defending the women and children from the raised Stark Wights, along with Tyrion, Sansa and Gilly. I'd have rallied the remaining forces in Winterfell like Brienne, Jamie, Tormund etc to be fighting from a clear point of advantage above the wights versus within the courtyard floor itself because that way at least it would be easier to buy their continued survival once the castle walls were overrun. I'd have probably had Jorah defend and die for Dany within the grounds, perhaps with the others mentioned above around them. I'd have kept Jon getting cockblocked by Viserion on his way to the Night King, however, I wouldn't have had his scream at it, but perhaps actually kill it, just before Arya destroys the Night king himself, and certainly with that particular situation I'd have made it a bit more obvious where Arya was coming from in terms of position before she strikes. Small adjustments versus dramatic shifts.

I wouldn't have the the wights in the crypt threaten anyone, they'd come to life but they wouldn't be able to get out of their tombs(They cant get trough wood ffs), if anything have tyrion kill some wights there, he's a decent fighter, and it would have him not feeling useless down there. (Why is lyana mormont fighting a not tyrion?)
I liked the scene where Jon leaves sam behind to try and fulfill his duty so I'd consider leaving it in, probably try to make it a bit more meaningful though, again Jon letting sam die so he could try to save humanity would have been very impactful.
I agree that the plot armor needs to go, idk why they couldn't have extras with the named characters to make it all seem a bit less unbelievable.
I disagree with the Jorah thing as I have explained before. But again in my version dany wouldn't be there in the first place.
This would be a bigger departure from the episode, but why not have Jon trying to make his way to the godswood and the other white walkers preventing him, have him do something this episode, it's the end of his arc and he is completely useless.
Arya still gets to kill the NK, have her jump from the tree instead or something (which I disagree with as well, her plot never had anything to do white walkers, she hadn't even seem them before, and the whole "blue eyes, green eyes, brow eyes" thing was a huge retcon.)
The jon screeching at a dragon thing was just comedic relief that completely took me out of the moment.
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ghost is gonna have the last laugh when he animorphs into joffrey, worged by bran, worged by the tree man, worged by the children of the sand

fade to grrm eating thicc trump steak burger
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I'm convinced he's still alive since they never showed him dying. Why would they purposely not show his death? They show everyone's death. He is going to pop up out of nowhere. Just watch.

If we learned anything this episode is that if you cut the camera away before the character dies, he'll definitely survive.

Airbus Jr

I'm convinced he's still alive since they never showed him dying. Why would they purposely not show his death? They show everyone's death. He is going to pop up out of nowhere. Just watch.

Stannis Baratheon is confirmed dead by director

His body was actually flayed by Ramsay Bolton in the batle of bastard in S6
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Why aren't we getting a whole season of winter? It's the second coming of the long night. I want to see King's Landing covered in snow, and everyone freezing to death. I want to see an ice bridge open up to Pyke. I want to see Dorne losing their shit because it's actually cold there for once.

This is exactly what I expected.
Winter never came.


Maybe everyone will start fighting over the throne and the extreme winter will fully come. The end of the entire story will just be about how everyone fought so hard to control power that can never last and we'll just be treated to a scene of Cersei freezing to death alone in a room somewhere.


Rodent Whores
Maybe everyone will start fighting over the throne and the extreme winter will fully come. The end of the entire story will just be about how everyone fought so hard to control power that can never last and we'll just be treated to a scene of Cersei freezing to death alone in a room somewhere.
Maybe, but I was under the impression that the White Walkers are the reason The Long Night is much more dangerous than your usual winters.

Bill O'Rights

Seldom posts. Always delivers.
Staff Member
Morning folks

This thread has really exploded last few days huh? It's been an interesting read for us this side. Loving the passion and dissection between people but there's some hostility and a few barbed insults flying round as people let their passion overcome them. There's really no point threatening reply bans or bans here - the next episode airs tonight and there's no way we're going to remove genuinely engaged people with that in mind......would be a bit sadistic right? Especially as these topics and exchanges are borne of genuine interest and investment in the hottest TV show right now.

Just dial it back a little, because I don't want to come back in tomorrow and see some decent posters like this

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