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Game of Thrones Season 8 |OT| A Song of Icy and Fiery Fandom


So am I but with deep trepidation, because we know it's going to get nasty.

Prepping to goth it out next Monday Morning already in prepartion : -

Where's this gif from?


Those first two episodes were Game of Throne Warmers; Bunch of people sitting around filling us in on exposition. Looks like shit is going to go down next episode, but these 2 first ones were really bad. Felt more like a fanfic moment of what this character would say to that once they finally met than anything else.

I also fear that the Night King's gonna get dispatched early and the rest of the season will be about anyone Vs. Cersei. Hope that isn't the case.

Also, if the Ironborn ship with Yara on was docked in King's Landing, how did Theon and his little raid team steal that ship without the others right next to it noticing and sail off with it? The ship with Yara on was Euron's main ship, afterall. And if the ship wasn't in King's Landing anymore, how did Theon know where it was?


At this point there are a bunch of characters who have completed their arch. They are on borrowed time.

The Big Woman, Jamie, The Hound, Theon... I all expect to die next episode.

I don't think Jamie and the Hound are completely done. A big part of Jamie's character has been slowly turning away from his sister, and that journey is not completely over yet. Same with Hound and his brother, you can't call their character arcs done with these last big items left unresolved.

In Jaime's case, I could see him dying trying to save Brienne at Winterfell as that kind of makes it clear his bond with his sister had been permanently severed, and then Arya taking his face and fulfilling the prophecy with Cersei in his place. But for the Hound, I don't think there's any end to his journey that doesn't come after a confrontation with the Mountain.


Has anyone else pointed out how much weight Gilly has put on between seasons? I guess there must be good eating at Winterfell.


the night king's balls = bran the builder

walls = balls

wall ball

jon was a wall ball champion in his youth


white ballers


the nk uses celtic sex magic to raise the dead







worst gaf post of ALL time, right there
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Was this posted?

He's not wrong. Female friends I've discussed these trends with have found it off-putting too. Most of it becomes prominent in Season 7, where Jon meekly bends the knee, Tyrion becomes a moron, and Jaime disgraces himself by getting back with Cersei.

Jon Neu

He's not wrong. Female friends I've discussed these trends with have found it off-putting too. Most of it becomes prominent in Season 7, where Jon meekly bends the knee, Tyrion becomes a moron, and Jaime disgraces himself by getting back with Cersei.

Ironically, they are making the "strong womyn" totally unlikeable, unbelievable and one dimensional, while the men are the ones who go through all kinds of emotions in a believable and relatable way.

They can't make certain things with the women characters or they are going to be accused of being sexist and what not. They are very constricted at what they can do with them.

Well, not like D&D had that much talent to write anyway.


Gold Member
Since we’re so close to the Battle of Winterfell and the Internet is rife with speculation, I’m going to do the opposite and post 5 fantastically impossible outcomes:

1. Dany awakens the Doom of Valyria, the King of Dragons from the Targaryen sigil; King Ghidorah..

2. John Snow nee Targaryen discovers he is the reborn Azor Ahai. He shouts the secret magic words to end the Night King once and for all.


3. The army of the living loses and Sansa is forced to tap into the Phoenix force to turn the tide.

4. The Night King beats the army of the living before moving on to the rest of world.

Satisfied with his victory over the heroes, he then retires to a life of vegetable farming.

5. Bran manages to commune with the souls of the dead Starks under the crypts and bargain with them to help the living.

An army of green spectres emerge from the crypts and the barrow lands to defeat the undead.


Since we’re so close to the Battle of Winterfell and the Internet is rife with speculation, I’m going to do the opposite and post 5 fantastically impossible outcomes:

1. Dany awakens the Doom of Valyria, the King of Dragons from the Targaryen sigil; King Ghidorah..

2. John Snow nee Targaryen discovers he is the reborn Azor Ahai. He shouts the secret magic words to end the Night King once and for all.


3. The army of the living loses and Sansa is forced to tap into the Phoenix force to turn the tide.

4. The Night King beats the army of the living before moving on to the rest of world.

Satisfied with his victory over the heroes, he then retires to a life of vegetable farming.

5. Bran manages to commune with the souls of the dead Starks under the crypts and bargain with them to help the living.

An army of green spectres emerge from the crypts and the barrow lands to defeat the undead.



Winter is here.
Got a bottle of vodka ready so that we can take a shot every time a character dies.

Long live the Night King!



With each new past my masters changed along with the words they made me speak. With each change, I changed too. My thoughts, personality, How I saw right and wrong. Time Can Kill!
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Darkness no more
Really didn't like that episode. It was dark and snowy so I couldn't see shit the whole time. Arya popping out of the shadows like that to end the story arc was just really stupid.


My disappointment is palpable. They really went summer blockbuster action film sequence at the end there with slo-mo Arya to wrap things up? So the Night King's only MO was really just to wipe man from history?

It's pretty difficult for this show to disappoint me - it's really got that "even when it's bad, it's good" pizza thing going on for me....and I actually enjoyed everything up until the very end, but come on, guys. I'm kinda sorta sulking on my couch right now.

The show just feels so safe now. Even the deaths are safe, and anyone who goes dies a hero...
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