I always saw the Dornish as Sicilians. Their lord is practically the Godfather
I always sort of thought they were the South America of Westeros.
I always thought of North Africa, e.g. Morocco.
AFFCDorne is gonna be a bitch to establish for the writers. I would not enjoy having that task.
I always viewed Dorne as a Moorish Spain/Al-Andalus expy.
AFfC is much better for tv adaption than ADwD because of ADwDof Mereen. I hope they cut a ton of characters and rename the others. No one will be able to remember the dozens of obscure, hard to pronounce names.
The SeriesDorne and Iron islands storyline will work well for tv. Mereen worries me.
I would also be happy withYou guys are crazy, [AFFC][/wish]when they cast Morena Baccarin as Arianne Martell and we see her in her sex scenes with Oakheart everyone will fall in love with her and be happy.
Just finally watched the episode.
Holy shit at the audio for the fight scene at the beginning. If you have a competent sound system or a beastly one like me the sound in that scene was fucking crazy.
Ygritte was hot. Are people fucking blind here?
Jaime's scene with Brienne in the bath was great. I'm glad they had him explain why he killed the Mad King.
WTF at the Greyscale on Shireen's face. I thought it was supposed to be only partially over her face, not nearly half of her face.
Loras isn't gay, he's a Renlysexual. I maintain that book Loras is celibate after Renly's death.
lololol at Tywin yelling at Cersei at the end.
Abso-friggin-lutely. Everytime Beric's flaming sword came near the camera my subwoofer was roaring in approval. Awesome scene - can't wait for the Master Audio rip on the blu.
Except SERIESMereen has the greatest moment in the entire series. Jumping on the back of Drogon and flying away amid spears and everything? Holy shit.
I wonder how they are going to stretch out Dany's ark. ASOSShe has only two cities to free and a whole season and a half to do that.
ADwDLots and lots and lots of lesbian sex with Missandei, and a decent amount of sex with Daario.
I would also be happy withEmanuelle Chriqui
Ygritte was hot. Are people fucking blind here?
I can't believe this season is half-way over already. My boyfriend is getting mad that we can't just start a new episode right after one ends (we watched the first two seasons on Blu-Ray as they came out)
Wtf, people didn't think so? smh at sharpkneegaf.
Speaking of ASOSDany and her love life, I wonder when or if they'll include Jorah and her making out. Maybe they're building to it, like Jorah's increasing obsession with ensuring Dany sees him above Barristan drives him into kissing her.
You should fix that tag.
You should fix that tag.
You should go through each of the threads. It was bad.
Winner, winner chicken dinner!It's easy, just skip it. Book 4 should be compress to 6-7 episodes.
I wonder how they are going to stretch out Dany's ark. ASOSShe has only two cities to free and a whole season and a half to do that.
I don't think anyone is saying that she didn't look appropriate for the scene...she looks perfect in the show. But don't come in here saying her body actually looks GOOD; she looks like she hasn't eaten for two weeks.
She does though.
Debut seasons:
Most recent seasons:
Just finished AFFC and I'm a little confused. Maybe someone can explain to me (AFFC).What is Pate's significance? I thought he died in the prologue? Was it a resurrection or was he replaced by the "alchemist" (who may be a faceless man?)
More AFFCGotta say after hearing so much about people disliking the book, I actually really enjoyed it. I feel like so much happens in ASOS that we really did need an entire book to deal with the aftermath and I'm glad GRRM took his time establishing the new characters. I understand that the AFFC/ADWD split must have been frustrating after waiting so long after ASOS, but reading books 3 and 4 in a short time after another helped me appreciate it more I think.
Just finished AFFC and I'm a little confused. Maybe someone can explain to me (AFFC).What is Pate's significance? I thought he died in the prologue? Was it a resurrection or was he replaced by the "alchemist" (who may be a faceless man?)
More AFFCGotta say after hearing so much about people disliking the book, I actually really enjoyed it. I feel like so much happens in ASOS that we really did need an entire book to deal with the aftermath and I'm glad GRRM took his time establishing the new characters. I understand that the AFFC/ADWD split must have been frustrating after waiting so long after ASOS, but reading books 3 and 4 in a short time after another helped me appreciate it more I think.