Wonder if the showrunners consider that leak thing as.fanservice for the book fans
Book spoilerbut if I recall correct... she wasn't even in the capital? She is a different character even? And I don't remember Joff killing anyone like that?
Ok *major spoilers be warned* here
Book spoilerbut if I recall correct... she wasn't even in the capital? She is a different character even? And I don't remember Joff killing anyone like that?
The rest of the leaked images are here. Obviously, full of spoilers.
Nothing else of interest, it looks like it'll be an interesting episode though.
picslol everyone could see that coming
[ASOS]I know I know. But in the books they really do kill Roberts other bastard don't they? Meaning they'll also kill Gendry?
Morgan Freeman is too much of a nice guy to be Tywin
I don't think she's in the books at all, unless my memory is shit. I think his point was that the book fans don't like her character as she doesn't serve much of a purpose, so by killing her off it's fan service to those book fans.
The rest of the leaked images are here. Obviously, full of spoilers.
Nothing else of interest, it looks like it'll be an interesting episode though.
Ok *major spoilers be warned* here
Oh wow, that is actually surprising.
[ASoS/Show speculation]I was actually kind of hoping they'd put Ros in Marillion's role at the Eyrie, with Littlefinger realizing she was double crossing him and as a way to get back at her pinning Lysa's death on her. Guess that's not happening!
Also kind of funny to see since somebody in this thread or maybe the non book reader thread was saying Joffrey hasn't been that evil this season. Heh.
Oh wow, that is actually surprising.
[ASoS/Show speculation]I was actually kind of hoping they'd put Ros in Marillion's role at the Eyrie, with Littlefinger realizing she was double crossing him and as a way to get back at her pinning Lysa's death on her. Guess that's not happening!
Although, I suppose Ros' fate could still be Littlefinger's doing. If he realized she was double crossing him and sent her to Joffrey, knowing what Joffrey does to people...
Also kind of funny to see since somebody in this thread or maybe the non book reader thread was saying Joffrey hasn't been that evil this season. Heh.
Regarding some of the other pictures, combined with some of the trailer footage from earlier, [ASoS/Show speculation]it looks like Mel takes Gendry back to Dragonstone maybe? And then you have the one shot from the one trailer with what looks like naked Gendry and naked Mel. I wonder if she tries to convince Gendry to make a shadow baby with him? If so, I could see it happening a couple different ways. Either they do and it goes off and kills Balon maybe? Since his death is somewhat ambiguous in the books. Or maybe Gendry refuses and Mel sets Gendry up as an Edric Storm type sacrifice only for Davos to maybe save Gendry, like he saves Edric in the book. And then maybe they just use the dead babies in place of the leeches?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM9kZI0smnwCan you link to the trailer you are talking about? I don't remember that at all.
Off topic, but I was thinking of the Tywin/Arya thing from Season 2 with a new light.
I was thinking that in his mind, Tywin was seeing the kind of grandchild he WISHED he had: subtly cunning, intelligent, willing to learn.
But by being a Lannister, he himself would not ALLOW himself to have such a grandchild.
Because to be a Lannister means a certain kind of arrogance, public awareness, and less subtle strength; he would rather his grandchild be more arrogant and strong than cunning and hidden.
It's a curse in a way - there's this girl who he wishes his children's children can be more like, but because of who he is, he created the monster and has to live with it.
I think there's some truth to this. I think pretty much everyone except for Cersei was happy Jeoffrey was killed. Even Jamie didn't seem to care that much.
So, judging on those pictures, tonight we get the full (series)??Ramsay reveal
Right, I wouldn't be surprised (all books)to find out Tywin was behind the plot at Joffrey's wedding - it seems like everyone already is anyway.
I do remember Jaime being torn about being torn up. He was like "well, I was never able to get close to this kid due to Cersei's orders, but he was still my son".
SeriesThat's a safe bet, but I think they already spelled it out pretty clearly. ASOS/SeriesFor book readers, at least. I have a bad feeling Theon is getting Varys'd this episode. I hope they don't make it too gruesome.
That's a safe bet, but I think they already spelled it out pretty clearly. ASOS/SeriesFor book readers, at least. I have a bad feeling Theon is getting Varys'd this episode. I hope they don't make it too gruesome.
That's a safe bet, but I think they already spelled it out pretty clearly. ASOS/SeriesFor book readers, at least. I have a bad feeling Theon is getting Varys'd this episode. I hope they don't make it too gruesome.
Said it earlier but no response...
[ASoS]Anyone think Gendry is going to replace Edric Storm?
Thats interesting, not sure about it though. I hope it doesn't mean.shadow babies
That's a safe bet, but I think they already spelled it out pretty clearly. ASOS/SeriesFor book readers, at least. I have a bad feeling Theon is getting Varys'd this episode. I hope they don't make it too gruesome.
SeriesI don't think he was necessarily castrated in the books. I don't think it was ever explicitly stated that he was.
Ok *major spoilers be warned* here
Yeah. [ASoS MAJOR spoilers/Show Speculation]I guess technically, you have 2 shadow babies in ACoK yet we only saw one in action. So maybe they'll make up for that by using another one this year? Eh. I just hope they don't play up the supernatural interference aspect from Mel and Stannis via either Shadow Babies or the burning of the leeches in the fates of Balon, Robb and Joffrey.
In the books I always saw the burning of the leeches and the fates of the other kings as kind of a coincidence but not any kind of divine or magical intervention. I guess its not entirely clear with Balon, but having it seem like Mel brought about the fates of the other kings might make it seem like she is grossly overpowered or something. Which some TV people already think with Beric being brought back via the power of R'hllor.
Some called it when the trailer I linked to on this page was first released before the season started.Called it.
[ASoS]ASOSYeah, I always saw the leeches more as coincidence than anything. The plans for the deaths of the kings were already in motion (I think) when the leeches were burned. The Red Wedding was being planned by the start of ASOS. Joffrey's fate was more than likely
sealed once Sansa said he was a monster, if not before then. And who knows how long Balon Greyjoy's death was planned, assuming Euron used a Faceless Man to do it.
ASOSJoffrey's fate was more than likely
sealed once Sansa said he was a monster, if not before then.
Yeah, this is why I think it's pretty obvious the Tyrells were responsible for Jeoffrey's death. Ollena likely got the poison from one of the beads on Sansa's hairpiece. And Margery likely knew about the plan, as she drank from Jeoffrey's cup before the poison was placed. Littlefinger pretty much knew what happened, and may have had a hand in it as well.
Right, I wouldn't be surprised (all books)to find out Tywin was behind the plot at Joffrey's wedding - it seems like everyone already is anyway.
I do remember Jaime being torn about being torn up. He was like "well, I was never able to get close to this kid due to Cersei's orders, but he was still my son".
The rest of the leaked images are here. Obviously, full of spoilers.
Nothing else of interest, it looks like it'll be an interesting episode though.