HBO's so good about leaks and spoilers. How have the last two episodes had leaked images?
More than LF just knowing, he gave Dontos the hairnet with the poison beads to give to Sansa. LF was an active participant.
HBO's so good about leaks and spoilers. How have the last two episodes had leaked images?
HBO's so good about leaks and spoilers. How have the last two episodes had leaked images?
Tywin plans strategic unions for the Lannisters. Melisandre visits the Riverlands. Robb weighs a compromise to repair his alliance with House Frey. Roose Bolton decides what to do with Jaime Lannister. Jon, Ygritte and the Wildlings face a daunting climb.
Why shouldn't their opinions count?Of course vociferous book readers will likely view this as some kind of victory...and no doubt badger the shows writers/producers over other shit in the mistaken belief that their opinions somehow count.
[ADwD]SeriesI don't think he was necessarily castrated in the books. I don't think it was ever explicitly stated that he was.
That's a safe bet, but I think they already spelled it out pretty clearly. ASOS/SeriesFor book readers, at least. I have a bad feeling Theon is getting Varys'd this episode. I hope they don't make it too gruesome.
[show spoilers regarding the first leaked pic + ASoS spoilers]So Ros dies? Good riddance. I hate that it'd be all Joffrey being a sicko again, though. We had enough of that, and in S4 he'll mistreat Tyrion plenty for the viewers to hate him again by the time he croaks.
I'm wondering if it'll have something to do with Littlefinger learning she spied for Varys and punishing her. But that seems too gruesome and sick. Littlefinger isn't some sadistic monster, he's just a cold and pragmatic asshole.
ADWDI don't think there's anyway to avoid making it gruesome. Remember Ramsay's rule, he only takes skin, you have to beg him to chop off the rest.(((
I think with respect to the leaked picture [ASoS/Show Speculation]it could be that Littlefinger figures out Ros is doublecrossing him with Varys and maybe then he sends her out to "spy" on Joffrey knowing somehow that Joffrey might kill her. Or maybe he manipulates Joffrey in some way to make him want to kill her when she goes to Joffrey? That would be my guess since I don't know why Ros would be meeting up with Joffrey at this point if it wasn't at Littlefinger's behest.
I clicked the first spoiler pic, but not the rest. I hope I avoided most of the surprises, lol. How do those pics get leaked anyway? Weird.
[show spoilers regarding the first leaked pic + ASoS spoilers]So Ros dies? Good riddance. I hate that it'd be all Joffrey being a sicko again, though. We had enough of that, and in S4 he'll mistreat Tyrion plenty for the viewers to hate him again by the time he croaks.
I'm wondering if it'll have something to do with Littlefinger learning she spied for Varys and punishing her. But that seems too gruesome and sick. Littlefinger isn't some sadistic monster, he's just a cold and pragmatic asshole.
So what was the payoff to Ros? I mean we are totally speculating considering the episode is gonna air in a few hours but to create this character to just have her go off like that :/ and I was liking her.
I don't know. We'll get some good Jeoffrey insults when Tyrion's wedding happens. The only interactions the two really have after that is when Tyrion gives him the wedding gift (and that scene will be all about the reveal that Jeoffrey is the one who wanted Bran dead), then the Wedding Feast.
I can't imagine them waiting too long for Jeoffrey's wedding in S4, I expect it to hapen before the halfway mark.
[Show speculation from leaked picture]No idea. Don't mess with Littlefinger? I really thought they were going to take Ros down the Marillion route as far as plot role went. Maybe they just wanted to trim down the cast? No idea.
Oh my god that leaked pic. I kept checking people's spoiler tags as a hint of what it was about, but none of them prepared me.
If you haven't checked it out, do not do it! Even as a book reader you do not want to be spoiled.
Oh my god.
I concur. Wished I didn't click the link.
RE:Leaked pic
If word of Ros killing gets back to Margery and Lady Olenna it gives them further reason to make the purple wedding happen
Very good of the writers.
EDIT: And damnit I wished I hadn't clicked the link. :-/
Seriesis it confirmed the queen of thorns was the one that poisioned joef or was it a rumor.
Seriesis it confirmed the queen of thorns was the one that poisioned joef or was it a rumor.
Seriesis it confirmed the queen of thorns was the one that poisioned joef or was it a rumor.
Tywinn is seriously miscast but I'd totally watch this.
.....why the fuck at all ever?The leaks are from Russia, they get the episode one day earlier somehow
.....why the fuck at all ever?
seriesI thought it was pretty much agreed and/or confirmed that LF and Olenna plotted Joffrey's death? Margaery was no doubt part of it as well. Are there other theories?
Just got HBO GO (thanks mom). About what time does the new ep become available?
Once it starts airing on the east coast (9PM EST). Typically it takes a few minutes for it to pop up, but you shouldn't have to wait too long.
This post should repeat at the top of every page. If I had a dollar...
I'd make shadow babies with her any day.And Beyoncé as Melisandre
Halle looked so much better with long hair.Now that's a beauty.
And Beyoncé as Melisandre
This is how Putin stays in power.
[Series]That's pretty much it. I've seen a couple people who think Tywin had a strong motive to get rid of Joffrey, but I don't recall seeing any convincing evidence.
[Series]Tywin would never aid in a Lannister's death. Hiiiighly unlikely anyway.
[Series]Tywin would never aid in a Lannister's death. Hiiiighly unlikely anyway.
I don't think he had anything to do with the murder, but at the same time I think Tywin was glad to be rid of him. Tywin above all cares about the longevity of his family, and he knew Joffrey would make a terrible king. And as far as never aiding in a Lannister's death, he made no effort to help Tyrion prove his innocence, and I do not believe Tywin thought him to be guilty, and rather saw the events as a good way to get rid of the son he's ashamed off, and a grandson who would probably bring about the destruction of the Lannisters.
[series]But the main evidence that Littlefinger was behind it is also Littlefinger saying so, who had good reason to lie to Sansa. It's definitely the most likely possibility at the moment, but if Bran's assassination attempt is anything to go by, it wouldn't be all that surprising if some twist was revealed in the next book(s).