Calling it: [ASOS]
the Ramsay = Bastard of Bolton revelation will be signified on the show with Ramsay being present with Roose at the Red Wedding.
Damn, it never crossed my mind that the castles could be so confusing for some.
It's pretty clearly stated as Harrenhal.
Boardwalk Empire is the best series I've seen this decade. My favorite show on TV by a long mile.
"Never hold" (teaching Arya archery)
*Melisandre approaches
*holds bow string taut
Good. Then we can be friends lol
I still need to watch S3. But damn if 2 wasn't my favorite thing I've seen in forever.
Calling it: [ASOS]the Ramsay = Bastard of Bolton revelation will be signified on the show with Ramsay being present with Roose at the Red Wedding.
Calling it: [ASOS]the Ramsay = Bastard of Bolton revelation will be signified on the show with Ramsay being present with Roose at the Red Wedding.
Good. Then we can be friends lol
I still need to watch S3. But damn if 2 wasn't my favorite thing I've seen in forever.
Question about fate of Season 1 character:Back in the day, Joffrey had a tongueless dude working for him. This guy was ordered to cut the tongue out of a bard who sung a song offensive to Joff. Is he still an active part of the story up until this point? Is he dead?
Question about fate of Season 1 character:Back in the day, Joffrey had a tongueless dude working for him. This guy was ordered to cut the tongue out of a bard who sung a song offensive to Joff. Is he still an active part of the story up until this point? Is he dead?
Question about fate of Season 1 character:Back in the day, Joffrey had a tongueless dude working for him. This guy was ordered to cut the tongue out of a bard who sung a song offensive to Joff. Is he still an active part of the story up until this point? Is he dead?
The guy who plays Ilyn Payne died of cancer.
The guy who plays Ilyn Payne has cancer.
Question about fate of Season 1 character:Back in the day, Joffrey had a tongueless dude working for him. This guy was ordered to cut the tongue out of a bard who sung a song offensive to Joff. Is he still an active part of the story up until this point? Is he dead?
Damn that sucks.
He's decided to not get treatment either. He is playing farewell gigs instead.
Most people probably don't know he was lead guitarist for British Band Dr. Feelgood.
I don't think the reveal is that important. It's just so that people really get to know the character. It gives those scenes something to do besides being increasingly and pointlessly cruel. And it's just started to get physical.
Besides,come on. It's obvious already. From one season to the other we have House Bolton everywhere. Roose suddenly gets screentime, Locke chops off Jaime's hand, we see the damn flayed man everywhere, and now that we have someone on a cross, being flayed AND we know they're on the North... and people still don't figure it out? The non-readers I watch it with have already pointed out how House Bolton suddenly seems to be everywhere and had no problems to understand who was doing the torture.
Have they also realized thatit means that it was Bolton's men who put Winterfell to the torch?
I liked what they did with Gendry this episode.
Minor ASOS spoiler.I don't even remember the name of that other bastard of Robert's that Melisandre wanted to burn in the book. Since Gendry wasn't even in the book after Arya leaves the brotherhood, this will give him more screen time, and avoid the confusion of introducing yet another character.
Who was complaining that they could see Winterfell in this view facing South from The Wall? I can't see it..
Perhaps they thought that isolated group of trees (?) in the middle was Winterfell?
Calling it: [ASOS]the Ramsay = Bastard of Bolton revelation will be signified on the show with Ramsay being present with Roose at the Red Wedding.
Hey now, be fair, he's in sheer pain and probably not thinking straight.also
series spoiler i guess
hmm I'm being skinned in the north, where am I?
I know, house Umber! no Karstark!
someone didn't listen during the maesters history and houses lessons
I don't know what people are expecting with Theon.
ASOS/ADWDHow would you all prefer to handle it. You can't just have the actor disappear for several seasons. You can't just have him there and dance around what is happening to him there. If you find the Theon scenes disturbing, it's because they're meant to be. Everything about his storyline at this point is unsettling, and I don't see a good way you can avoid confronting it.
I disagree. "Everyone" as in readers or TV viewers? Sure. Everyone as in the characters of the fictional world? Nope. They see a little lord from a minor house who's no threat to anyone. That's why he gets away with all his schemes, and that's why he is trusted so easily by everyone, because no one has any reason to suspect him... except Tyrion.Littlefinger is ambitious. Everyone knows this.
Haha I noticed that too. But I think he was just trying to look threatening. Still, it was funny."Never hold" (teaching Arya archery)
*Melisandre approaches
*holds bow string taut
SeriesThey can't just keep going back and being like "I'm going to skin your other finger now! Weeeeee." They are just spooling out the reveal of his identity to give those scenes some element of plot as barebones as it is. The whole thing is silly since it isn't some big mystery and a lot of people will probably be like... you're who? It isn't like him torturing Theon reveals the Bolton treachery. At least with the random sex scenes we got some exposition. This is just torture porn to make us really really sure that Ramsey is a messed up dude. Which we already know pretty concretely.
Series up to ADWD spoilers and speculationFunny how the show is making it abundantly clear to Melisandre now that it's possible to bring someone back from the dead. HMMMMMMMMMM
loved the scene between Tyrion asking Cersei if it was her or Joffrey that tried to kill him.
ASOSAlso forshadowing when Tyrion says it would have been easier just to poison him? Wonder if Cersei will remember that and give her further evidence to accuse Tyrion of trying poison Joffrey
Gotta say I'm baffled at the Ros stuff. Glad she's dead obviously, but given how long they dragged her story on I figured the payoff would be bigger. I thought
ASOS spoiler:
She was going to go to the Eyrie with Littlefinger, replace the role of Marlillion and be blamed for Lysa's death.
Looking through the ASoS chapter summaries over the Tower of the Hand and I'm wondering how they're going to end the season.
Calling it: [ASOS]the Ramsay = Bastard of Bolton revelation will be signified on the show with Ramsay being present with Roose at the Red Wedding.
I think some of you are giving regular viewers too much credit, re: who is torturing Theon. I've read comments from a lot of people who have no idea what is going on. Then again these are also the same people who think Daenerys' name is actually Khaleesi.
I think some of you are giving regular viewers too much credit, re: who is torturing Theon. I've read comments from a lot of people who have no idea what is going on. Then again these are also the same people who think Daenerys' name is actually Khaleesi.
Calling it: [ASOS]the Ramsay = Bastard of Bolton revelation will be signified on the show with Ramsay being present with Roose at the Red Wedding.
Who was complaining that they could see Winterfell in this view facing South from The Wall? I can't see it..
I thought they were going to take it more sexual with Joff's fascination with wanting to impale someone with a bow. I know that would have been much much darker but that slight flash to joff with a bow then the cut to Ros was weird. I mean, that was the first time that Joff had killed someone right? I would assume it would have gotten more screentime.
Another great episode. Joffrey that sick fuck. [all books]But did the show spoil the books with Melissandres prophecy regarding Arya?? Green eyes, brown eyes, she will kill them all etc. ???
I am actually more surprised than anything else that they had Joff go through with the killing himself. Any other time he only threatens to do it himself, but never follows through, or has someone else do his dirty work. But I also guess it goes back to the scene with him an Margarey and the Crossbow where he asks if she thinks she could kill something.
- Loved the final shot of Jon and Ygritte on the top of the wall. I need a 1080p wallpaper of this.
- All of the Lannisters killing it
- Littlefinger's ladder speech
- 'The Lysa Arryn of chairs'. Hah! Brilliant.
She said "close" not "kill" - but it could be taken either way. Series/AFFC/ADWDI took it as kill.. because despite Arya's alter-egos, none of them have different coloured eyes.. her enemies, however, do.
So show spoiled book confirmed? I fucking hope not.
I couldn't get over the pretty bad cg.
It really wasn't that bad. I've seen much worse, and considering it's only a TV show, it was great imo.
I thought they were going to take it more sexual with Joff's fascination with wanting to impale someone with a bow. I know that would have been much much darker but that slight flash to joff with a bow then the cut to Ros was weird. I mean, that was the first time that Joff had killed someone right? I would assume it would have gotten more screentime.