Hunky Nostradamus
Wasn't the scene at the end (ASOS)
with the Weirwood tree and all the ravens supposed to be where Coldhands is introduced? Where is Coldhands 
ASOS/ADWDI thought it was foreshadowing for the battle beyond The Wall, but it makes sense for the Battle of Winterfell too.
Also, I was sort of surprised that Sansa didn't get a wedding march. That scene felt really weird with no music.
So up to ADWD book question,does anything good happen to any of the Starks?
ASOS/ADWDFrom the spoilers I read, all I can tell is Robb/Jon/Eddard/Catalyn is dead, Bran is off on some spirit quest with no way of knowing how this will bring anything good, Rickon is off on some island for whatever reason, Sansa is married to someone different not doing anything, and most important of all, Arya hasn't killed anyone of importance
I don't know how I feel of 3 seasons of this.
I enjoyeed the episode.
Tyrion/Sansa's wedding was great
Dario was pretty cool although he's not like I pictured... Perhaps that's a good thing though.
Nice to see Davo's reintroduced again... So little on screen time this season for him. How did the blood thing play out in the books?I recall her not killing Edric but did she get blood somehow? Btw, did Stannis really put those curses on the other kings in the books?
Best scene by far was the ending. Loved the sounds that they played thoughout it. All the creaking and moans. The crows. Then the whitewalker appeared. Very creepy. Can't wait forCould hands to appear.
ADWDBran is about to become the most powerful person in the world.
So up to ADWD book question,does anything good happen to any of the Starks?
ASOS/ADWDFrom the spoilers I read, all I can tell is Robb/Jon/Eddard/Catalyn is dead, Bran is off on some spirit quest with no way of knowing how this will bring anything good, Rickon is off on some island for whatever reason, Sansa is married to someone different not doing anything, and most important of all, Arya hasn't killed anyone of importance
I don't know how I feel of 3 seasons of this (assuming 1 more season for Storm, 1 for Feast, and 1 for ADWD).
So up to ADWD book question,does anything good happen to any of the Starks?
ASOS/ADWDFrom the spoilers I read, all I can tell is Robb/Jon/Eddard/Catalyn is dead, Bran is off on some spirit quest with no way of knowing how this will bring anything good, Rickon is off on some island for whatever reason, Sansa is married to someone different not doing anything, and most important of all, Arya hasn't killed anyone of importance
I don't know how I feel of 3 seasons of this (assuming 1 more season for Storm, 1 for Feast, and 1 for ADWD).
What?!?! OK, I need to stop spoiling myself as the Wiki obviously isn't doing it justice as I light reading didn't capture that for me. What about the rest?
I don't believe Jon is dead at all. Or at least not staying dead. It would be really crappy storytelling to have his entire journey be for nothing. With Ned it was to set up the world. With Cat is was because she really wasn't much more than a pair of eyes to watch events. She wasn't very important.
only ifHe's becoming a greenseer in addition to his warging abilities. He'll be able to see the past, see the future, and inhabit creatures all over Westeros. With the return of Dragons to the world, all magic potency is increased, so he'll be much more powerful than those who are there now. Also, he's going to live for hundreds of years. Also, there are dragons to Warg into.
(speculation) By the end of book 7, Bran will decide who sits on the Iron throne.
What about Robb? There seems to be a lot done for shock factor / consequences of past events
Did Sam forget to pick up the dagger?
Robb was never a POV character in the books, and his death did not come as a surprise to me.
ASOS/ADWDWho are the POV characters still alive?
He's becoming a greenseer in addition to his warging abilities. He'll be able to see the past, see the future, and inhabit creatures all over Westeros. With the return of Dragons to the world, all magic potency is increased, so he'll be much more powerful than those who are there now. Also, he's going to live for hundreds of years. Also, there are dragons to Warg into.
(speculation) By the end of book 7, Bran will decide who sits on the Iron throne.
ASOS/ADWDWho are the POV characters still alive?
Oh, just when I thought I couldn't love The Hound more, I have to see his Arya scenes acted out.
Boyfriend looks over to me "You love The Hound now, don't you."
Me: "Boyfran, I've loved him for ages... you just understand why now."
There are a lot.
[series]Yeah really. None of the POV characters died yet except Ned, Catelyn, Arys Oakheart, Quentyn Martell and maybe Jon Snow (which I doubt)...
There are a lot.Tyrion, Arya, Sansa, Jon, Dany, Davos, Melisandre, Jaime, Cersei, Sam, Brienne and a bunch from AFFC who haven't even been in the show yet. I also probably forgot quite a few.
The Hound is one of my favorite characters too.I wonder if there's still more in store from him?
What?!?! OK, I need to stop spoiling myself as the Wiki obviously isn't doing it justice as I light reading didn't capture that for me. What about the rest?
[ASOS-AFFC theory]I'm hoping they'll lengthen the Arya/Hound storyline in the series... or at least "confirm" (I realize that the show doesn't mean confirmation for the books) a certain grave digger.
Episode 10 is my guess.Good ep tonight
Where is [ASOS]Coldhands? Reading episode descriptions I thought we were getting him tonight. Maybe next season?
With all these shows nowadays having a "spring" and "fall" seasons, I thought there was a chance.
I gotta say that the aging of the kid actors is something that doesn't bother me like it seems to bother other people, but I totally laughed when Sansa said she was 14.
I didn't like that line much. I greatly preferred the book line, "Never? Why... That's why the gods made whores for men like me." It did convey his sense of resignation in a similar way, but the reference to the Night's Watch is just strange. We know Tyrion isn't gonna go celibate, lol.
What was "The Titans Bastard" name he mentioned?
"____ fucked you once in a pleasure house Lys"
The tongue flicking was fucking weird
Now I'm just curious how this season will end..
ASOSThe minute I finished the Red Wedding chapter, my first immediate thought was "That's gotta be the cliffhanger for this season. Robb and Catelyn killed and cut to credits, what a shocking end to the season that would be.." but now it seems that will be episode 9, which makes me wonder what the send off will be here. I can't wait to see the reactions.
The actress is only 17. Most shows have overage actors playing kids. If only she wasn't so damn tall. Then again, my sister was taller than her when she was 14 (hell, my sister was taller when she was 11)
Now I'm just curious how this season will end..
ASOSThe minute I finished the Red Wedding chapter, my first immediate thought was "That's gotta be the cliffhanger for this season. Robb and Catelyn killed and cut to credits, what a shocking end to the season that would be.." but now it seems that will be episode 9, which makes me wonder what the send off will be here. I can't wait to see the reactions.
I gotta say that the aging of the kid actors is something that doesn't bother me like it seems to bother other people, but I totally laughed when Sansa said she was 14.
I cracked up when she said she was 14, because that makes Arya even younger, and she won't be able to pull off her age much longer.
Sam & Gilly: Best show couple, or BEST show couple? They're so dorky and adorable.
ASOSIt's Stoneheart. Guaranteed.
If they do that I hope it's after the credits just to fuck with people.ASOSIt's Stoneheart. Guaranteed.
One's fat and cowardly, the other is stupid and ugly. Together they'll raise a baby that would be dead in about 10 minutes in those temperatures.
You shut your mouth. Hannah Murray is adorable.
Yeah in the books Arya was like 10 and Sansa was like 12. I would have believed her had they said 16. Arya maybe could pass as 12, if only because she looks like a tomboy