:'( ...
... :l ...
All I can say is... appropriate. Hehe.:'( ...... :l ...
:'( ...... :l ...
If it makes you feel better, that's the point where ASOS starts going crazy and every damn chapter (Except for Bran, obviously) becomes amazing.
She opened her eyes and stared up blind at the black that shrouded her, her dream already fading. So beautiful. She licked her lips, remembering. The bleating of the sheep, the terror in the shepherd’s eyes, the sound the dogs had made as she killed them one by one, the snarling of her pack. Game had become scarcer since the snows began to fall, but last night they had feasted. Lamb and dog and mutton and the flesh of man. Some of her little grey cousins were afraid of men, even dead men, but not her. Meat was meat, and men were prey. She was the night wolf. But only when she dreamed.
Why the gibbering fuck does the Viper have a Scots accent? I would have thought Spanish.
Perhaps it's time to admit something that's slightly disturbing. I love this series. Every episode so far in the entire run has been a joy to watch. However, as I've said all of this Season 3, the immense and immersive plot is hindering the pay-off. With the season almost over, I think we're in that strange gray area where liking all the episodes and loving a few of them doesn't add up to being blown away by the season. In fact, it's been a little disappointing in that way. Again, blame the heavy plot - part of the show's appeal, of course - for working against the dramatic payoff. It's also possible that I'm just spoiled and want more, more and more. Right now.
Why are they taking this week off?
Also willbe in the finale?Cold Hands
US holiday.
AndI'm personally expecting it next episode.
I see that being the season finale cliffhanger.
People said in one of the season 3 trailers Sam meets up with Bran and co, if that's the case Coldhands has to be ep9 and the Nightfort gate will be the finale.
In one of the season 3 trailers? What?
Maybe they are saving Cold Hands for season 4 and they all meet up at the same time?
People seem to think that cloak belongs to Sam at 1:12 in the No Mercy trailer, note that Rickon and Osha are not among them anymore. Sam has to meet with Coldhands before Bran so it makes sense that episode 9 will be Coldhands and 10 will be the Nightfort gate.
People seem to think that cloak belongs to Sam at 1:12 in the No Mercy trailer, note that Rickon and Osha are not among them anymore. Sam has to meet with Coldhands before Bran so it makes sense that episode 9 will be Coldhands and 10 will be the Nightfort gate.
[Trailer Spoilers].Interesting. My first thought was that the black mass looked like Jon Snow's hair, but it's hard to tell. It definitely could be the shoulder of Sam's cloak.
Yep, looks like it. ASOShttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=7gPqEaphylk#t=72s
People seem to think that cloak belongs to Sam at 1:12 in the No Mercy trailer, note that Rickon and Osha are not among them anymore. Sam has to meet with Coldhands before Bran so it makes sense that episode 9 will be Coldhands and 10 will be the Nightfort gate.
Ah interesting. Thanks. Yeah, that would make a lot more sense.
Really excited to see what Coldhands looks like. He'll probably be covered head to toe in cloaks though...
Ah interesting. Thanks. Yeah, that would make a lot more sense.
Really excited to see what Coldhands looks like. He'll probably be covered head to toe in cloaks though...
NO FUCKING WAY (ASOS)So after decor drink from the shock of the RW I decided to read on. It was pretty great, obviously. Then The royal wedding happened and I hated Joffrey some more, as is custom. Then he sits down to have some pie and the mothefucker dies?AHAHAHAH I don't believe it. This book man. This fucking book.
NO FUCKING WAY (ASOS)So after decor drink from the shock of the RW I decided to read on. It was pretty great, obviously. Then The royal wedding happened and I hated Joffrey some more, as is custom. Then he sits down to have some pie and the mothefucker dies?AHAHAHAH I don't believe it. This book man. This fucking book.
It's 3AM but I'm not stopping now. I just sat and laughed for a good 5 minutes.
From that "No Mercy" trailer, where is this scene?
It's 3AM but I'm not stopping now. I just sat and laughed for a good 5 minutes.
Finish it!
I am putting off reading since I am 50% through ADWD and don't want the fun to end![]()
That No Mercy trailer is all stuff we've seen before. I don't get why we're talking about it. Isn't that entirely composed of footage from previous episodes?
Finish it!
I am putting off reading since I am 50% through ADWD and don't want the fun to end![]()
NO FUCKING WAY (ASOS)So after decor drink from the shock of the RW I decided to read on. It was pretty great, obviously. Then The royal wedding happened and I hated Joffrey some more, as is custom. Then he sits down to have some pie and the mothefucker dies?AHAHAHAH I don't believe it. This book man. This fucking book.
Roy picks whatever voice comes to mind when he's reading. He holds no pre-conceived notion about what area of Westeros/Essos a person is from and where it's "supposed" to equate to on our Earth.
EDIT: I love this blend of TV series and Audiobook: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9Mp8MzAjAY
Love it. Glad nobody spoiled it for you.
Yep. Took me totally by surprise. ASOSOnce it sank in I was a little disappointed at the unceremonious nature of it all. I Wanted that motherfucker's head on a spike, Stannis' spike. And yet, thinking about it more the one line that really stuck in my head was Tyrion looking meeting his eyes and realising he was only 13. It was a really powerful moment in hindsight. Just fantastic.
Prediction for series 4 [ASOS]The Purple Wedding will take place in episode 1.
Really kick the newbies up the arse and don't let them go.
So I assume based on when they are going to end the season and the size of Yunkai that [ASOS/ADWD]?Yunkai is going to be the TV Show's Mereen
[Series]I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case. The map of Slaver's Bay from the opening almost entirely prevents Meereen from existing. Yunkai has been moved north, and the corner which once had Meereen now has mountains encroaching on it. Of course it's always possible that in Season 3 the map will simply be redrawn.
SeriesJust looked at a map in one of the books and Yunkai is exactly where it is in the book map, Meereen is at the top corner of the bay. I think it hasn't been drawn into the map yet because we haven't been near the city in the show yet. I fully expect Meeren to be in season 4.
SeriesJust looked at a map in one of the books and Yunkai is exactly where it is in the book map, Meereen is at the top corner of the bay. I think it hasn't been drawn into the map yet because we haven't been near the city in the show yet. I fully expect Meeren to be in season 4.