SeriesI've been telling people I know to just read the books because there's no way they'd stay unspoiled for four or five plus years. There's always going to be that one asshole, like the guys that bought the last volume of Harry Potter early and then drove by every Barnes and Noble in town at midnight launches and screamed the conclusion to the series out their window.
The friends that I watch GoT with regularly are a mix but there's about 5 non-book readers and they love the show, and have remained unspoiled. They've been able to keep their experience in a vacuum... i.e. watching the show, some extras on the Blu-Ray and that's about it.
I had another friend that was a non-book reader, and the problem is that he got more into the show and started to look for stuff online to help him flesh out the backstory, and he got spoiled almost immediately. Once you start to do that, you can only avoid spoilers for so long (which is usually not long.)