I'm being very careful not to read any of the other posts in this thread, but I have a question for you guys...
(obviously I'll read any posts that are directly in response to this)
So far after watching each season I have read the corresponding books.
But I understand that Season 3 only covers the first half of the 3rd book.
I read all my books on my Kindle. Roughly what % of the 3rd book has the 3rd season covered so far?
Is there a "safe point" for which I won't be spoiled on any of the major events of Season 4? Or is everything all out of order and it's impossible to read any of the 3rd book without spoiling Season 4?
Roughly 57% (End of the 9th Arya Chapter). It won't be a 1:1 though it's close.
Biggest issue will be Jon's storyline since it's a bit further along in the book; at that point Jon had already escaped the Wildlings, who at that point know he had been spying for the watch all along, and he's racing back to Castle Black
My suggestion is to wait for the end of the season, and then read all the books before the start of the 4th season. You'll enjoy both the books AND the show more. Trust me.