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Game of Thrones *Tagged Book Spoilers, Please Read OP* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO

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I'm asking because I'm still trying to see why they couldn't show the Night's Watch battle.
There's supposed to be a battle in Season 4 that will be better than Blackwater. Where is the budget going this season? Someone might say towards dragons and direwolves CGI, but won't there be dragons and direwolves CGI in season 4 too?

*ASOS spoilers* + *S3 Trailer spoilers*
It's hard to say but there are some shots from the trailers that hint at some expensive scenes. There's the Wildlings' initial scaling of The Wall, Daenerys' attacks on Yunkai (not sure how they'll portray it but I'm guessing that'll be one of the most expensive scenes of the season), and there's even some footage that looks like a battle in the Riverlands (perhaps a version of Edmure's Battle of the Fords?).

The lack of a battle at the Fist of the First Men is still sad though. It might even wind up being my biggest disappointment with the series in terms of cut scenes. I was really looking forward to that zombie bear. ;(


A prediction on a change I think the writers will make next season (Asos):
"Run, let my guards in. This red haired whore's murdered my lady wife."

I don't know whether that will make the purists happy or sad.
It might even wind up being my biggest disappointment with the series in terms of cut scenes. I was really looking forward to that zombie bear. ;(

Yes! [ASoS]
All of the undead, wight animals sounded so cool. I was happy that they had the one Other riding the nasty looking horse last year and was hoping that might mean they'd have the bear this season.

Really does seem like they dropped the ball by completely skipping out on the battle at the Fist of the First Men. Would have been cool to see at least some of that. Even if they left it like the prologue and had the POV of guys on the Fist as they saw the wights and others approaching then the next time you see them its them on the run and flashback to little bits of the battle or something.


Yes! [ASoS]
All of the undead, wight animals sounded so cool. I was happy that they had the one Other riding the nasty looking horse last year and was hoping that might mean they'd have the bear this season.

Really does seem like they dropped the ball by completely skipping out on the battle at the Fist of the First Men. Would have been cool to see at least some of that. Even if they left it like the prologue and had the POV of guys on the Fist as they saw the wights and others approaching then the next time you see them its them on the run and flashback to little bits of the battle or something.

It's really disconcerting if you watch the two episodes back to back. They were irresponsible in promising that for the forthcoming season last year and then not making good on it, even in some small capacity. Instead of a black screen with some cheesy sound effects, they could have just shown Sam running desperately in thick, heavy fog/snowstorm with the same sound effects, and maybe some faint fire arrows whizzing past behind him.

They've done a cheap, cop-out fade-to-black instead of showing a battle once each season now. It was an understandable excuse in the first season since there was a lack of budget, but now it's lazy execution. They could have thought of something more elegant in the off-season break.


The lack of a battle at the Fist of the First Men is still sad though. It might even wind up being my biggest disappointment with the series in terms of cut scenes. I was really looking forward to that zombie bear. ;(

I totally don't remember a zombie bear. That's in the attack on the Wall?

I totally don't remember a zombie bear. That's in the attack on the Wall?

from the first Samwell chapter in the book where he's remembering the attack on the fist of the first men. Also at the very beginning of the book a couple of nights watch guys are trying to track a bear but the dogs are too terrified to follow the scent

His garron screamed and reared and almost threw him as the bear came staggering through the snow. Sam pissed himself all over again. I didn’t think I had any more left inside me. The bear was dead, pale and rotting, its fur and skin all sloughed off and half its right arm burned to bone, yet still it came on. Only its eyes lived. Bright blue, just as Jon said. They shone like frozen stars. Thoren Smallwood charged, his longsword shining all orange and red from the light of the fire. His swing near took the bear’s head off. And then the bear took his.


copy and pasting my post from my own thread so I can get an answer in case no one reads it.

what is the purpose in ned reading through that book about the baratheon family? everyone has black hair, until geoffrey with golden hair. what's the point? geoffrey not gonna be king or something?

maybe I should just read the books before I watch anymore.

edit: also, goddamn at the golden crown scene.

some dragon.
copy and pasting my post from my own thread so I can get an answer in case no one reads it.

Every Baratheon listed in the book had black hair. So did Robert's bastard who Ned talked to at the blacksmiths shop. But Joffrey doesn't. Also, his mother bangs her twin brother on the reg, and they're both blonde


Kills Photobucket
copy and pasting my post from my own thread so I can get an answer in case no one reads it.

Pretty much just that. Some of the highborn families in GoT have strong genetic traits that carry down the line. In the case of the Baratheons's, the black hair was a dominate genetic trait. Perhaps if it was just one of Cercsei's children with golden hair there never would have been a question raise, but all three made it pretty obvious to anyone who studied such things.


Every Baratheon listed in the book had black hair. So did Robert's bastard who Ned talked to at the blacksmiths shop. But Joffrey doesn't. Also, his mother bangs her twin brother on the reg, and they're both blonde

Pretty much just that. Some of the highborn families in GoT have strong genetic traits that carry down the line. In the case of the Baratheons's, the black hair was a dominate genetic trait. Perhaps if it was just one of Cercsei's children with golden hair there never would have been a question raise, but all three made it pretty obvious to anyone who studied such things.

alright cool. that's the conclusion I arrived to almost as soon as I started the next episode. thanks for clarifying.
I really hope that Bran will meet that Liddle on the way to the Wall. I love that chapter of the book. It gave you the sense that not all hope is lost for the Starks.


Episode 7
How the fuck do Melisandre and Gendry get together? WHY are they getting together? I don't remember this at all.


A prediction on a change I think the writers will make next season (Asos):
"Run, let my guards in. This red haired whore's murdered my lady wife."

I don't know whether that will make the purists happy or sad.

And Cheese Boy will rescue Sansa from the Purple Wedding.


There is still hope!


Actors obviously have that stuff written into their contracts, and if she's already done it before then she probably still will/can unless her contract has been redone or whatever.

This article talks about it with Kit Harington, and he sort of seems to refer to signing something a long while back that said he would do it:

I want Snow and Ygrritte to bare all. :p
Where's Needle?

EDIT: Did Arya lose it when they were captured and Yoren was killed?

Are we past the part where she gets it back in the books? Is there still hope of that happening in the show

It seems like the show writers have forgotten it, though
GRRM makes such a big deal about it that I feel it must have some significance and hope they haven't written themselves into a corner.

I'm asking because I'm still trying to see why they couldn't show the Night's Watch battle.
There's supposed to be a battle in Season 4 that will be better than Blackwater. Where is the budget going this season? Someone might say towards dragons and direwolves CGI, but won't there be dragons and direwolves CGI in season 4 too?
Yes! [ASoS]
All of the undead, wight animals sounded so cool. I was happy that they had the one Other riding the nasty looking horse last year and was hoping that might mean they'd have the bear this season.

Really does seem like they dropped the ball by completely skipping out on the battle at the Fist of the First Men. Would have been cool to see at least some of that. Even if they left it like the prologue and had the POV of guys on the Fist as they saw the wights and others approaching then the next time you see them its them on the run and flashback to little bits of the battle or something.
It's really disconcerting if you watch the two episodes back to back. They were irresponsible in promising that for the forthcoming season last year and then not making good on it, even in some small capacity. Instead of a black screen with some cheesy sound effects, they could have just shown Sam running desperately in thick, heavy fog/snowstorm with the same sound effects, and maybe some faint fire arrows whizzing past behind him.

They've done a cheap, cop-out fade-to-black instead of showing a battle once each season now. It was an understandable excuse in the first season since there was a lack of budget, but now it's lazy execution. They could have thought of something more elegant in the off-season break.

Most of that battle would have to be either CGI or lots of practical makeup. Even the "just have them in a fog/snowstorm" requires a lot of cost and effort. It's just not worth it, though I agree that they should have conveyed the battle somehow.


It seems like the show writers have forgotten it, though
GRRM makes such a big deal about it that I feel it must have some significance and hope they haven't written themselves into a corner.
Polliver has needle, and he never died in Season 2 so it's still possible Arya will run into him with the Hound and he will take the Tickler's spot.


It seems like the show writers have forgotten it, though
GRRM makes such a big deal about it that I feel it must have some significance and hope they haven't written themselves into a corner.

Most of that battle would have to be either CGI or lots of practical makeup. Even the "just have them in a fog/snowstorm" requires a lot of cost and effort. It's just not worth it, though I agree that they should have conveyed the battle somehow.

I think a battle between the Night's Watch and the Others is crucially important and worth every penny.
It's the only important battle of the season. I don't see why about 5-10 minutes of it couldn't be done considering there's no Blackwater style battle episode in this season. Unless I'm wrong about that and there IS a big battle this season. In that case though, still it should have been the NW vs Others.


Polliver has needle, and he never died in Season 2 so it's still possible Arya will run into him with the Hound and he will take the Tickler's spot.

Wasn't he the guy actually doing the questioning? So I don't really see why people would get all up in arms over the Tickler's death when the scene can be recreated perfectly with Polliver in his place.


I think a battle between the Night's Watch and the Others is crucially important and worth every penny.
It's the only important battle of the season. I don't see why about 5-10 minutes of it couldn't be done considering there's no Blackwater style battle episode in this season. Unless I'm wrong about that and there IS a big battle this season. In that case though, still it should have been the NW vs Others.

I have a feeling, based on some of the shots in the trailers that [ASoS]
Yunkai is going to made into a bigger battle than it is in the books. If I'm remembering right, in the book Yunkai pretty much surrenders without a fight after Dany flips the loyalty of the sellsword companies. That works in the book since it's right in the middle of Dany's plot, but in the show it's going to need to be made into more of a climax for the season's end. There are shots in the trailers of both Mormont and Daario fighting in what looks like a fairly large scale battle, so that's my guess for what the big battle scene of the season will be.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I don't mind it but I had no idea there's another thread.

There are three threads. The book threads (nothing marked at all), the show thread (which is a lot of discussion of book stuff vs. TV stuff and stuff that hasn't occurred in the show yet) and the show/no spoilers thread, which has no book talk at all and is mostly people who don't even read the books.


Kills Photobucket
And really annoying, if you've read the books!

I'm almost done with AFFC, so now I'm wondering. Why isn't there a full spoilers show thread for more open discussion? I can't imagine those of us who are in the middle of reading the books make up that big a segment of GoT viewers on GAF. Figure the no books, or all books crowd would have us beat by a considerable amount.


I'm almost done with AFFC, so now I'm wondering. Why isn't there a full spoilers show thread for more open discussion? I can't imagine those of us who are in the middle of reading the books make up that big a segment of GoT viewers on GAF. Figure the no books, or all books crowd would have us beat by a considerable amount.

Probably because then people who only read some of the books might ruin the no-book thread.

Chris R

I'm almost done with AFFC, so now I'm wondering. Why isn't there a full spoilers show thread for more open discussion? I can't imagine those of us who are in the middle of reading the books make up that big a segment of GoT viewers on GAF. Figure the no books, or all books crowd would have us beat by a considerable amount.
We mostly post in the free for all thread while we're not lurking here or in the no spoiler thread.


I think a battle between the Night's Watch and the Others is crucially important and worth every penny.
It's the only important battle of the season. I don't see why about 5-10 minutes of it couldn't be done considering there's no Blackwater style battle episode in this season. Unless I'm wrong about that and there IS a big battle this season. In that case though, still it should have been the NW vs Others.
I think something like this could've worked.

The black screen stays and you hear the screech of the Other again from last season and then 5 seconds of silence. Labored breathing starts faint and becomes louder with background swords clanging. As it gets louder the screen fades into picture and Sam is running into a tent and starts rummaging as the screen slowly fades back to black. The sound fades as well. The sound comes back with the battle clangs faint at first and the sounds of ravens wings fluttering as the picture fades back in to reveal Sam trying to get messages onto the birds and it fades back to black and silence once more. Screams and audible death throes are heard with the screen still black. Another screech from the Other with battle clangs. Wait 5 seconds and begin where we did in the premiere with Sam looking at his feet and Mormont berating him. Even leave the Ghost scene in where he saves him if you want.

Barely any money spent and we understand the ravens comment perfectly.
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