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Games you really could not get any BETTER at...


I'm talking never died, hardest difficulty, could play with your hair on fire GOOD.

I'll start it with -

Thunder Force 3

I could not die in this game. Random people called me ThunderGod 3 on the street and cried tears of joy... seriously :p

What game did THAT for you?!? (or something vaguely similar...)

Also shamed ThunderForce 2 - but nobody cried tears of joy like they did when they called me ThunderGod 3.



I mean seriously. I'm so damn good at this game it's really not funny.
If Mario Kart 64 was in the olympics, I would be covered in gold medals (and women). I'm that good.

I even played god once. AND BEAT HIM.


Tekken 3. No way I could have gotten better short of going on tourneys. The local competition cowered in fear whenever they saw my face. Best run against random people playing for money when I used to live in the projects: 55-0.


I am a jack of all trades, master of none. :(

Although I have only been beaten in Bishibashi Special once in like 5 years of playing it.


Super Smash Brothers: Melee

I have won tournaments. Everyone challenges me, they all lose, always.


hyperbolically metafictive
i've gotten the full s rank in contra: ss. which is to say i've beaten the game while killing everything and never taking a hit. that absolutely can't be improved upon.

edit: but then it's an easily perfectable game...i'm sure there are thousands and thousands of people who've done the same thing.

i'd say the game i'm best at -- or was best at -- is r type delta. i used to be able to 1cc the game on bydo difficulty. that can be improved upon considerably -- there are players who can beat the game without ever collecting the force pod -- but i was pretty alarmingly good at it. spent so much time playing it i lost a girlfriend and nearly failed all my classes, but that's the price you pay.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Wario Ware Inc.

~336 on THRILLING elevator (or whatever the red elevator level was called). I should resurrect the Wario Ware Inc high scores thread again with the announcement of the new GBA game


Doing MK fatalities. Fighting I'm decent, but when someone puts a piece of paper in front of me to do a fatality, I rarely miss it, even if I've never seen it before. I just got the timing down.
The original Mario Party. I've put hundreds of hours into it and still continue to, and when I lose it's generally because all 3 of the other players have ganged up on me. The best is when they try to gang up, all 3 of them stealing my stars with Boo and whatnot throughout the entire game, and I still end up winning! I even wrote a pretty huge FAQ for it back in the day, which I never thought I'd be able to do for any game.

I also don't think I could be any better at Minna no/Hot Shots/Mario Golf. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm as good as is humanly possible, but I've been at about the same quite high skill level for a good several years now and haven't seen my ability increase at all in the last few games.


needs to show more effort.
I dun think there is ever a point where you can't be better. Even in mariokart, with enough practice, one could shave at least .001 seconds off their time.

I can look back at games I mastered... worms 2 online tourney's and the like, and I still always see room for improvement.

Even the old nintendo game anticipation, where I could know the answer purely by looking at the dots or the first line drawn, I imagine I could have been better if I played more.

We merely reach points of goodness where we no longer care about being better.


I beat Dark Castle and Beyond Dark Castle without dying on the Advanced difficulty. That was pretty hard, but I was about 12 years old, so I had a lot of time to practice.



Banstick Emeritus
<=== This game, Matmania. Also known as Exciting Hour. I cannot be defeated by the CPU at ANY time.

True story: at the tender age of 13, I walked into a convenience store where this arcade game was set up. Across the street was the local movie theater. I placed my quarter into the slot as movie patrons entered to watch....and was still playing on the same quarter 2 and a half hours later as they exited.


bishoptl said:
<=== This game, Matmania. Also known as Exciting Hour. I cannot be defeated by the CPU at ANY time.

True story: at the tender age of 13, I walked into a convenience store where this arcade game was set up. Across the street was the local movie theater. I placed my quarter into the slot as movie patrons entered to watch....and was still playing on the same quarter 2 and a half hours later as they exited.

Come on it's Exciting Hour. Once you figure Koko Savage, it barely gets any harder.

evil ways

Mostly fighting games, 2 in particular, Marvel vs Capcom, where I averaged at 25-30(highest record was 37) wins in a row against other players with Strider & Venom, and Tekken Tag. I started to get a liking for a Jun & Yoshimitsu team, and had a brief reign of terror with them at my local arcade.

I could say there were at least 2 to 3 other people who also played at my local arcade which could give me a tough match and beat me. Real kickass, Lei, Julia, Michelle and Nina players.


hyperbolically metafictive
well, that makes it sound like i played it even more than i actually did. what really happened was that i got addicted to it during finals week, and played it twelve hours a day instead of writing any of my papers or making any attempt to resolve the blowup i'd just had with my girlfriend. it was sort of a vicious cycle...the more r type i played the more fucked my life was, the more fucked my life was the less i wanted to deal with it, and the less i wanted to deal with it the more r type i played. thankfully my professors let me finish my papers over winter break. my girlfriend wasn't so lenient. but she was kind of crazy anyway, so maybe that was for the best.

i had a roommate freshman year who actually did fail out of school because he did nothing but play ultima online. which didn't even look like any fun. :/


drohne said:
well, that makes it sound like i played it even more than i actually did. what really happened was that i got addicted to it during finals week, and played it twelve hours a day instead of writing any of my papers or making any attempt to resolve the blowup i'd just had with my girlfriend. it was sort of a vicious cycle...the more r type i played the more fucked my life was, the more fucked my life was the less i wanted to deal with it, and the less i wanted to deal with it the more r type i played. thankfully my professors let me finish my papers over winter break. my girlfriend wasn't so lenient. but she was kind of crazy anyway, so maybe that was for the best.

It's okay man, I lost a girlfriend under similar circumstances to Super Smash Brothers Melee. Ah, good times.


Mario Golf. Any of the games. I write FAQs for them.

I'm also great at a lot of other games, but no one can touch my Mario Golf ability.


I'm also real good at No Mercy (record pin in 28 seconds, beat THAT!) but I know for a fact my friend is better. Swear he'll reverse anything and everything you throw at him.


Perfect Dark, Mario Kart 64

I used to be the best at GoldenEye too, but I haven't played it in so long my skills have died down. Also I used to be really good at SSBM, but I was recently killed in a tournament (as Roy) by a level 9 computer.


Count of Concision
SF2-SSF2:T back in the day. During the Champion Ed.--Turbo days, I was a demon, and would regularly travel to other states and dominate all comers. I devastated NYC's Chinatown, which was, back then, where all the premier SF2 players congregated. There and Broadway Arcade. My Ryu and Guile were unstoppable. I'd stay on the machine all day wherever I was.

I was so good that I used to be able to do a shoryuken (only in SF2 and CE) with Ryu just as a double-jointed character (i.e., Guile, Blanka, Dhalsim etc.) was descending from their jumping attack on me, using the first invincible frame of the dragon punch (which doesn't do damage, but is still invulnerable) to allow their attack to pass through me, and the two hits from the shoryuken would then connect before they were able to defend once they got on the ground (this window of opportunity is around 1/10 of a second, I'd wager). I was that good. :p I was also the first player around that I knew of to "discover" the triple fierce (Ken) in CE, and Guile's standing-fierce-into-shield kick combo. The triple fierce I discovered easily, because I had been doing cross-up neck kicks with Ryu/Ken into fierce punch and then the shoryuken (which usually stunned/killed them-- SF2 damage was way unbalanced) in regular SF2 already. But anyway, I sound like a geek now. ;)

Strider for Genesis: beat the game on normal difficulty in literally 5 1/2 minutes (timed) without getting hit.

Sonic 1: I was a god at this, but particularly the first stage: I could get 225 rings in 1:23, which is, I believe, the fastest possible time in which one can get all the rings in the stage. I had this down to a science, and would make the same exact jumps and movements every time through.

Thunderforce 3: beaten without dying

Gaiares: beaten without dying (no F-force weapon, either- I think that was the name)

Sadly, my days as a semi-ninja gamer have long since faded. Now I'm just terrible at games, for lack of practice. :p


Goldeneye, MKDD, Rogue Leader, and Advance Wars 1+2. I suppose I could add Madden '04 in there as well, since I destroy all my friends in it, but that's mostly cause I'm a cheap bastard that uses Vick's running skills to his full potential. :)


Count of Concision
Oh yeah:

This goes along with my SF2 post above, but I beat SF2:T for the SNES with Ryu on the highest difficulty, on the 10-star speed setting, while facing upside down in relation to the screen and also with the controller upside down in my hands. Without getting hit-- all perfects. L33T. p433R. :p

Ranger X

Super Mario Karts
Turbo Outrun (arcade)
Cruisin' USA (arcade)
Grand Turismo 2
Super Mario Bros 3
Doom (ps1 version the best, PC version right after)
Dukes of Hazzard (PS2)
PGR2 ( not enough pratice yet but i kill level 25+ being a newbie at level 4-5 )
TOCA Pro Race Driver 2 (same situation, i'm TEH noob)


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Lathentar said:
That means you can get better.

Just because there's people better than me in the world at super monkey ball 2 doesn't mean I can get better. 9th in the world was my personal best. It was my peak. Doesn't mean it has to be anyone else's physical peak.


I am unbeatable (or at least was when I still played them regularly) at far too many games to name. Just a few highlights:

Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. I'm the world record holder. A time of 1:06:45 on extreme. I could technically do a couple minutes better, but no one is even close to me, so I moved on.

Street Fighter II and Turbo. I never lost once in the arcade, and could score perfect on anyone at will. I'm even more deadly on the SNES version. My brother could do this to anyone as well, but as good as he was I would constantly perfect his ass too. I would have loved to face you back in the day, Loki.

Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. Anyone who thinks you can't be precise in a FPS without a mouse and keyboard should have to play me in these games. Show yourself to me for even one frame of animation and you'll be dead just as quick from a headshot. I could take on a full roster of dark sims all by myself and completely trash them.

Halo. I can play through single player on legendary without dying once, and am obviously a one man army in multiplayer.

Columns on Genesis. I almost forgot this one. I could play this game forever using only my left hand on the d-pad. The score would max out at 99,999,999 or whatever and I wasn't breaking a sweat with my one-handedness. After a ridiculous marathon spanning at least 20 hours I realized that I could literally do it forever.


bishoptl said:
<=== This game, Matmania. Also known as Exciting Hour. I cannot be defeated by the CPU at ANY time.

True story: at the tender age of 13, I walked into a convenience store where this arcade game was set up. Across the street was the local movie theater. I placed my quarter into the slot as movie patrons entered to watch....and was still playing on the same quarter 2 and a half hours later as they exited.

Hee hee, I'm pretty good at that one myself, just not godly. I hate dominating an entire match, then losing most of my life in one of those fucking unstoppable combos that goes on for 2 mins.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
There was a time when I was probably worlds best at Panel de Pon games, I'm a little rusty now but it doesn't matter anyway. Because I found at high levels it can end up being luck-based, both of you have a near infinite stack and you're just turning the blocks on your head into ammo against each other. Whenever the game decides it doesn't even want to give you 3 blocks to put in a row you're screwed.

I've been good at other games, but nothing like how I got with Panel de Pon. If I wanted to master something these days I'd probably make it something cool like VF4.


EA Sports NHL 94, 96, 2001, 2002, 2003

Absolutely sick. Many have challenged... none have conquered.

Buddy of mine tells me how awesome he is and all of his friends say... yah man I've never seen anyone this good at a game... yadda yadda...

I beat him 7-0 and 7-1... 5 min periods.

I had 26 goals in 94... but I dun remember the amount of time.

Unfortunately, I have not yet played online because I never bought a 2004 game... and prolly won't a 2005 either. My days could be numbered.

(Friend of mine is ridiculous in Fifa... holy shit)


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Kohan: Ahriman's Gift. Dominated for hundreds of games. Really, though, I always could've been better. Across all 500 or so matches I played, I still devised new strategies and learned new techniques up until the end. Amazingly deep game.

User 406

Ha, bish, I can top that! :D

Gauntlet. In my heyday I simply couldn't lose. Some weekends I would go to the convenience store at 9AM or so and put in a quarter and start playing the Warrior. Over the course of the day, some people would join in, get killed, and leave. Occasionally I'd let my Warrior stand in a corner with his ridiculously high amount of health slowly ticking down while I perused the store for something to eat or used the bathroom. Sometime around 5PM, I'd start deliberately running into ghosts and death until I finally managed to get killed, then entered my initials. Of course, the high score list was nothing but me. ;)

Eight hours. One quarter. And I could have kept going. I did this several times.

In college, there was a Gauntlet machine in the student union rathskeller, so whenever I had to wait for my girlfriend to get out of orgo lab or her acapella singing practice, I'd pop in a quarter to kill time.
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